- Remove logging of unknown fields.
- Fix issue with
require net/http
#331. Thanks Borzik.
- Use
library to fetch webhook ceritifcate. Thanks Kramer.
- Add
field on Invoice's BillingInfo and ShippingInfo types #322 and #326. - Fix issue with capitalization for encType in Links attribute #314.
- Fix issue with wrong method declared for
#270 and #306. - Fix issue with invalid JSON handling. #302.
- Fix issue with missing
type #298. - Fix issue with
for nested hashes #257. - Update code to find PayPal approval redirect URL using relationship identifier instead of by method.
- Update Payments Experience API for latest schema #242.
- Update Webhooks for latest schema #238.
- Flatten error hashes #240.
- Use SecureRandom instead of uuidtools #237.
- Update Invoicing Templates for latest schema #235.
- Update OpenID Connect signin URL #225.
- Use String.force_encoding to force conversion to UTF-8 #220.
- Fix WebProfile GET/retrieve to return a WebProfile instance #219.
- Added (optional) exception raising on API errors #216.
- Use UTF-8 as the character set when generating CRC32 checksum when validating webhook events #215.
- Added Payment convenience methods #212.
- Enabled third party invoicing for all invoicing API operations #209.
- Log error responses in live mode #192.
- Fixed patch_requests by Array in update method of CreditCard #193.
- Update on Invoicing API changes #189.
- Fix issue where uninitialized constant PayPal::SDK::Core::API::Merchant occurs for merchant-sdk-ruby issue #184.
- Fix test category #178.
- Delete code irrelevant to REST APIs #179.
- Fix OpenSSL::X509::StoreError: system lib error for webhook validation #170.
- Fix incorrect warning message when using DEBUG logging on live #182.
- Fix Webhook common name verification.
- Fix CreditCard.update().
- Payment API support.
- Updated TLS warning message.
- Fix payment.update() #163.
- Include openssl version in user-agent header.
- Add TLS v1.2 support.
- Added failover for capturing debug ID.
- Enabled verbose payload logging #146.
- Removed
field in agreement_transaction per API change. - Removed
field in invoice per API change. - Added
field to Transaction per API change. - Added secure logging to avoid logging confidential data (e.g., credit card number).
- Fixed webprofile.create().
- Fixed webprofile.get_list().
- Updated webprofile test cases.
- Added CreditCard list() support.
- Added request/response body debugging statements.
- Fixed future payment support, moved sample code, and added docs #137.
- Added Webhook validation.
- Fixed NameError due to underscore in variable name.
- Fixed Vault endpoints.
- Paypal-Debug-Id printed for any exception.
- Webhook management API support added.
- Updated payment data models.
- Packaged paypal cert in gem.
- Added Payouts support.
- Improved sample page layout.
- Merged sdk-core-ruby with paypal-ruby-sdk.
- Added subscription (billing plan and agreement) support.
- Separated out extended data types (future payment).
- Added payment-experience (web profiles) support.
- Added test execution guide.
- Added order/auth/capture support.
- Grouped tests in 2 categories: unit tests, integration(functional) tests.
- Disabled some tests that involve manual steps (e.g., log in to PayPal website).
- Changed Correlation ID header for future payment.
- Added data model for Order/Auth/Capture.
- Added Order support.
- Added Auth support.
- Added future payment support.
- Added support for Invoice APIs.
- Added support for Auth and Capture APIs.
- Update core version to 0.2.3 for OpenID Connect.
- Initial Release.