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Breaking Changes and Migrations Guide

Here are the list of breaking changes when upgrading between instapack major (or minor) versions.


  • port2 option is no longer being used and is obsoleted.

  • JS build: Exclude /node_modules/ path from TypeScript, Vue, HTML and CSS loaders.

    • Explanation: Secure, Contain and Protect projects against bundling UNCOMPILED (non-JS) libraries source code!

    • Example 1: Imagine someone wrote a .vue library in CoffeeScript + Less CSS, shipped it to npm, and expects consumers to compile the thing themselves. instapack will fail to compile that library despite supporting .vue file.

    • Example 2: Imagine someone wrote a .ts library, shipped it to npm, and expects only TypeScript users to import it as-is. He'd be right, except COMPILE ERROR! That library only can be compiled with a specific version of TypeScript 2 and failed to be compiled with the latest TypeScript 3 used by instapack for some reason.

    • Example 3: Imagine someone shipped an unbundled JS library which automatically applies CSS when run. However, that library source code imports plain CSS files AND depends on YOUR specific webpack configuration to do the job... (Not independently unlike CSS-in-JS)


  • Sass language compiler service has been swapped to the primary Dart implementation!

    • Aligned CSS @import syntax to the official specification: certain import queries (for example, paths ending with .css) will be treated as ordinary CSS import.
  • Removed clean command and concat build tools.

    • Legacy angularjs project template is now shipped with a simple concat tool (concat.cmd), which can be adopted by projects requiring similar approach for side-loading IIFE JS.
  • Disable source map flag --xdebug or -x has been replaced with --nodebug or -b

  • Automatic resolution for .html modules is now disabled, for improved source code clarity. (You will need to explicitly write the extension when importing the file!)


  • Importing .vue.html module is deprecated in favor of .vue Single-File Components (which supports Hot Reload Development Mode) and will be removed in future versions!



  • Flag for disabling source map was changed from -u (uncharted) to -x (xdebug).

  • Sass can no longer @import _partial.scss files from node_modules implicitly. (Behavior re-implemented in instapack 6.5.0)


  • Node API now requires project folder path (root) as constructor parameter.

5 to 6.0.0

Modules imported from node_modules will now be split automatically to [jsOut].dll.js, for example: ipack.dll.js

HTML template compilation mode in package.json (string vs vue) has been removed in favor of special extension .vue.html to:

  • Allow a project to have both stringified HTML and pre-compiled Vue.js HTML.

  • Simplify instapack, to make it more beginner-friendly by reducing the number of obscure options and templates...

In light of the final version of AngularJS 1.7 LTS, it is recommended for newer projects to use Vue.js / React / Inferno instead.

  • Therefore, angular-material template has been removed and angular-bootstrap template has been renamed to angularjs

  • jQuery has been re-added into angularjs template to improve compatibility with legacy browsers, especially with Bootstrap 3.

Unfortunately, the enterprise world is not ready for JavaScript running natively in ES2015 and beyond...

The no-longer-maintained UglifyES has been dropped in exchange for the hopefully-more-stable UglifyJS 3. This change imposes stricter build requirements:

  • Only es5 build target (set in tsconfig.json) is currently supported. Setting ES2015+ as build target WILL cause build error!

  • Attempting to import a non-TypeScript ES2015+ module will fail the build! This downgrade guards the project against ninja browser incompatibilities.

4 to 5

  • Our supported Node.js runtime is now the latest version 8 LTS.

  • We have a new recommended tsconfig.json. Type: ipack new tsconfig in your project root folder (where the package.json and tsconfig.json is located) to upgrade!

    • It uses a standardized ES2015 module code generation instead of CommonJS

    • It allows Synthetic Default Imports syntax for importing non-ES modules just like a default-exported ES modules!

  • We've changed the CSS input file entry point from site.scss to index.scss. Please rename the said file!

  • We've changed the default JS and CSS output file names to ipack.js (from bundle.js) and ipack.css (from site.css).

    • Make sure to update your <script src="..."> and <link href="..." /> references in the HTML files!

    • If that action is prohibitive, simply use the new jsOut and cssOut options to emit output file names identical to instapack 4:

  "instapack": {
    "jsOut": "bundle.js",
    "cssOut": "site.css",