- DISCORD_PUBLIC_KEY: The public key for your Discord application to verify interactions.
- DISCORD_ALLOWED_GUILDS: A comma-separated list of Discord guild IDs that commands will be accepted in.
- PATREON_CLIENT_ID: The client ID string for your Patreon app.
- PATREON_CLIENT_SECRET: The client secret string for your Patreon app.
- PATREON_CAMPAIGN_ID: The ID of the Patreon campaign to use for fetching pledges.
- SERVER_ADDR: The address to bind the web server for HTTP interactions to (e.g. `:8080).
- SENTRY_DSN: Optional, used for error reporting.
- PRODUCTION_MODE: Currently only used to determine the log format.
- TIERS: A comma-separated list of Patreon tier IDs and names, in the format
, and so on.