- Empty value are not saved on OSM Server
- All changeset are now marked as created by OSM Contributor
- OAuth support / Sign-in with Google
- Vector tiles & switched to Mapbox-gl
- OpenStreetMap Data Type parser (detect what kind of data is present: boolean, date, opening hours...)
- Data type Widgets
- OpenSource Preset Marketplace h2geo-presets
- User eXperience improvements
- Offline mode
- POI Duplicator
- Added an expert mode allowing the user to manage it's Poi Types and edit the pois without restraints
- Added an augmented reality display of the map and the pois and notes
- Update of poi types and icons
- Fixed an issue during authentication
- Improving autocompletion on tags
- In the save interface, you can now see and revert the changes you made to a Poi
- It's now possible to select which modifications to send to OpenStreetMap
- Spanish translation
- Portuguese (Brazil) translation
- Download of Pois allowed at zoom level greater than 18
- It is now impossible to add or comment a note without being connected to OpenStreetMap
- Bugfixes
- PoiTypes loaded from H2geo json file
- New UI to select PoiTypes
- Adding keywords to ease the Poitype search
- Using possible values from H2geo file to ease the edition
- Translation of Poitypes
- Bugfixes
- Removed manual management of PoiTypes
- Removed automatic save of Pois modifications
- Download of Pois and Notes is now manual
- Changed markers' icons
- Add the possibility to switch to Bing Aerial vue
- Better drawing of vector tiles and ways edition
- Performance enhancements
- Disabled vector map.
- In template flavor, include the map tiles in the app as mbtiles files
- Display current zoom in the top-left corner of the map
- Minor Bugfixes
- OSM suggestionsDto while adding a new PoiType
- Performance enhancements
- Refactor, code cleaning
- Bugfixes
- Three flavours: store, template, poi_storage
- Support on/off POI tag type
- French translation
- Javadoc
- Refactor, preparation for OpenSourcing
- Manual management of PoiTypes
- Implemented second right drawer for filters
- Updated Copyrights
- Bugfixes
- OpenSource RELEASE
- Fixed POI Deletion Bug
- Minor Bugfixes
- Floating menu if only few POI Types are present
- Implemented Ways edit support
- Improvements of the vector render engine
- Manual Sync is more detailed
- Bugfixes
- Changesets can now be pushed together manually
- Notes and comments are now supported
- Implemented Filters for notes (Open/Closed)
- Improvements of the vector render engine
- Drawer layout improvements
- New Splashscreen
- About page
- Bugfixes
- Bugfixes
- Now supporting POI deletion
- Implemented POI Type filters
- Implemented level differentiators
- Bugfixes
- Now supporting unlimited amount of amenities
- New amenities icons
- MapView
- Lightweight Vector Render engine for zoom level > 19
- Display amenities as POIs on a map
- Create new POI
- Edit POI tags
- Edit POI position
- Autocompletion
- Material Design