Id |
string |
[optional] [default to null] |
Active |
bool |
[optional] [default to null] |
AgentVersion |
string |
[optional] [default to null] |
AllowMultiFactorAuthentication |
bool |
[optional] [default to null] |
AllowPublicKeyAuthentication |
bool |
[optional] [default to null] |
AllowSshPasswordAuthentication |
bool |
[optional] [default to null] |
AllowSshRootLogin |
bool |
[optional] [default to null] |
AmazonInstanceID |
string |
[optional] [default to null] |
Arch |
string |
[optional] [default to null] |
ConnectionHistory |
[]interface{} |
[optional] [default to null] |
Created |
string |
[optional] [default to null] |
DisplayName |
string |
[optional] [default to null] |
Fde |
*Fde |
[optional] [default to null] |
Hostname |
string |
[optional] [default to null] |
LastContact |
string |
[optional] [default to null] |
ModifySSHDConfig |
bool |
[optional] [default to null] |
NetworkInterfaces |
[]SystemNetworkInterfaces |
[optional] [default to null] |
Organization |
string |
[optional] [default to null] |
Os |
string |
[optional] [default to null] |
RemoteIP |
string |
[optional] [default to null] |
SshRootEnabled |
bool |
[optional] [default to null] |
SshdParams |
[]SystemSshdParams |
[optional] [default to null] |
SystemInsights |
*SystemSystemInsights |
[optional] [default to null] |
SystemTimezone |
int32 |
[optional] [default to null] |
Tags |
[]string |
[optional] [default to null] |
TemplateName |
string |
[optional] [default to null] |
Version |
string |
[optional] [default to null] |