1. Deploy a new contract that has a Struct of your choosing inside of it (must be different than Profile
2. Create a dictionary or array that contains the Struct you defined.
3. Create a function to add to that array/dictionary.
pub contract carSpecs {
pub var autos: {String: Auto}
pub struct Auto {
pub let make: String
pub let model: String
pub let exteriorColor: String
pub let interiorColor: String
init(_make: String, _model: String, _exteriorColor: String, _interiorColor: String) {
self.make = _make
self.model = _model
self.exteriorColor = _exteriorColor
self.interiorColor = _interiorColor
pub fun addAuto(make: String, model: String, exteriorColor: String, interiorColor: String) {
let newAuto = Auto(_make:make, _model: model, _exteriorColor: exteriorColor, _interiorColor: interiorColor)
self.autos[make] = newAuto
init () {
self.autos = {}
4. Add a transaction to call that function in step 3.
import carSpecs from 0x01
transaction(make: String, model: String, exteriorColor: String, interiorColor: String) {
prepare(signer: AuthAccount) {}
execute {
carSpecs.addAuto(make: make, model: model, exteriorColor: exteriorColor, interiorColor: interiorColor)
log("Get that money, hunny.")
5. Add a script to read the Struct you defined.
import carSpecs from 0x01
pub fun main(make:String): carSpecs.Auto {
return carSpecs.autos [make]!