The Arithmetic Game is a fast-paced speed drill where you are given two minutes to
- solve as many
- arithmetic problems as you can.
Zetamac is a fast-paced math speed drill where you are given two minutes to
+ solve as many arithmetic problems as you can.
<% const CONFIG={ Addition: { symbol: "+" , range: [2, 100] }, Subtraction: {
- symbol: "-" , range: [2, 100], additionalOptions: [{ name: "allow negative" ,
- id: "allowNegative" , checked: false, }, { name: "same as Addition" ,
+ symbol: "-" , range: [2, 100], additionalOptions: [{ name: "Allow negative answers" ,
+ id: "allowNegative" , checked: false, }, { name: "Same range as addition" ,
id: "sameAsAddition" , checked: true, }] }, Multiplication: { symbol: "×" ,
range: [2, 100] }, Division: { symbol: "÷" , range: [2, 100], additionalOptions:
- [{ name: "same as Multiplication" , id: "sameAsMultiplication" , checked: true,
+ [{ name: "Same range as multiplication" , id: "sameAsMultiplication" , checked: true,
}] } }; %>
<% ["Addition", "Subtraction" , "Multiplication" , "Division" ].forEach((op)=> {
@@ -261,4 +260,4 @@
-<%- include("../partials/footer") -%>
\ No newline at end of file
+<%- include("../partials/footer") -%>