Yep. It's walls. Simple as can be. Make walls disappear ingame and reappear afterwards.
Unzip the module files (files tab, "PA Files v*..") into the /pvparena/files folder and install them via
/pa install [modname]
, activate per arena via/pa [arenaname] !tm [modname]
You need to create regions that define the walls. Just hit the walls you might have prepared anyways, top left, bottom right.
If you have a standard "The Walls" setup, you will need 2 regions, one for the X axis and one for the Z axis.
Do NOT(!) call any region in a way that it contains the word "wall", because that is what determins the filling.
Name them as you wish. "wallX", "wall2", regions with that name will be found and used.
- wallseconds - the seconds that the walls will stay. Default: 300, so 5 minutes!
- wallmaterial - the material the wall is made of. Default: SAND
/pa [arena] wallseconds 1000
- set the walls timer to 1000 seconds (short: !ww)/pa [arena] wallmaterial STONE
- set the walls material to smoothstone (short: !wm)
Do NOT(!) call any region in a way that it contains the word "wall", because that is what determins the filling.