- Fixed bug with animal drops.
- Fixed pineapple drop bug.
- Fixed quests.
- Fixed a server side crash.
- Fixed server pack.
- Fixed quests.
- Fixed a bug where the knife from GT did not work on the Hevea. #268
- Lots of internal changes that shouldn't affect the game.
- Fixed crash when leaving the server.
- Fixed crash on the server.
- Removed TFC Medicinal mod, deadly disease will no longer haunt you.
- Removed a decent amount of mods. Which are no longer required or their functionality is in another mod.
- Part of the CT scripts have been moved to our TerraFirmaGreg-Core mod.
- Disabled point-to-point storage tunnel from nae2 mod. #261
- Added recipe for inverted_toggle_bus ae2. #245
- Fixed a bug where some trees do not have seedlings. #177
- Added a preliminary fix when the game crashes when leaving the server.
- Removed different types of clay added by TFCFlorae. Only one is left. The corresponding items and blocks will be removed.
- Fixed missing texture bug.
- Fixed crash error in server pack due to bansoukou.
- TFC and almost all addons were dined in TerraFirmaGreg-Core, all their functions will gradually be rewritten and implement TerraFirmaGreg-Core. So far, EasyBreedingTFC, TFC-Florae-Fixes, TFC-TowerHeat, TFCAlloyCalc, TFC-Alcohols have been completely merged. If addons include blocks, items or substances, they are automatically converted to new ones.
- Fixed AE recipe, core formation, now you get 1 core instead of 2.
- Fixed a bug when you could put anything in the alloy calculator, now you can only put what has metal units.
- Fixed a bug in the translation of forms with saws.
- Added the Modernity texture pack by default.
- Eliminated dependency and crash when spring arrives.
- Serverpack fix. Removed CustomSkinLoader.
- Added ILAORE texture-packs.
- Fixed NBT reading error.
- Make a backup before updating, there were quite a few changes that I don't remember anymore.
- Removed GTFO mod due to some compatibility issues with tfc.
- Fixed a bug with dust piles forming on the surface.
- 100500 changes that were mostly noticeable with mods.
- Removed the ender pouch recipe.
- Fixed the shape extruder file recipe.
- Fixed the diamond ore dictionary issue.
- Fixed the pure flux crystal recipe in the autoclave.
- Fixed an error in the quests.
- Fixed the issue with ore chunks dropping.
- Now it's not possible to put a Vessel into another Vessel.
- !mixinbooter -> 9.1
- !Red-Core-MC -> 0.6-Dev-2
- Supermartijn642corelib -> 1.1.17
- ae2-uel -> 0.56.3
- bogosorter -> 1.4.7
- EnderStorage -> 2.5.0
- Gregtechfoodoption ->
- Movingelevators -> 1.4.6
- XaerosWorldMap -> 1.37.8
- BetterQuestPopup
- Keydescfix
- ModifierKeyFix
- WrapFix
- Hot or Not and TFC Ambiental moved to TerraFirmaGreg Core.
- Fixed a bug with the appearance of ore piles on the surface.
- Achievements disabled.
- Fixed chunk rendering bug.
- Configanytime -> 2.0
- Mixinbooter -> 9.0
- Fluid Craft for AE2 -> 2.5.6-r
- CommonCapabilities
- CyclopsCore
- FantasticLib
- NoAdvancements
- BetterFoliage
- Hot or Not
- TFC Ambiental
- TreeChop
- Fixed crash when breaking objects that emit light.
- XaerosWorldMap -> 1.37.7
- Xaeros_Minimap -> 23.9.7
- Alfheim -> 1.1.1
- Support for the extended version has been completed, it will no longer receive updates in this release. Unfortunately, I have not found a normal way to convert objects - from the extended version to the standard one. But you can also just launch your expanded world in the normal version of the build, there should be no damage to the world.
- Moved from version 1.20: main menu design and window loading.
- Modpack significantly reduced: 105.88 MB -> 12.3 MB (CurseForge Archive).
- AE2 Network Visualizer has been replaced with an alternative in AE2 Stuff Unofficial.
- ExtraCPUs removed and replaced with extended processors from NAE2.
- AEAAdditions have been removed and almost all functionality has been replaced by NAE2.
- Changed OC Disk Drive recipe.
- Added recipe for Ultimate Encoder.
- This version includes major removals, updates, and new features, as well as minor fixes and optimizations of recipes.
- There were many small changes that I have already forgotten about.
- Fluid Craft for AE2 -> 2.5.5-r
- Betterp2p -> 1.3.2
- Supermartijn642corelib -> 1.1.16a
- ae2-uel -> 0.56.2
- Alfheim -> 1.2
- bogosorter -> 1.4.6
- CraftPresence -> 2.3.0
- CraftTweaker2 ->
- GalacticResearch -> 1.0.9
- GregicalityMultiblocks -> 1.2.7
- gregtech -> 2.8.6
- groovyscript -> 0.7.3
- modularui -> 2.4.2
- nae2 -> 1.6.1
- RoughlyEnoughIDs -> 2.0.7
- TerraFirmaGreg-Core -> 2.0.21
- UniversalTweaks -> 1.9.0
- vintagefix -> 0.4.0
- visualores -> 0.2.4
- EnhancedVisuals
- PlayerRevive
- AE2 Stuff Unofficial
- ExtendedAE
- AmbientEnvironment
- bdlib
- BetterLineBreak
- BetterThirdPerson
- Cherishedworlds
- Controlling
- CosmeticArmorReworked
- Enhanced_annihilation_planes
- EnhancedVisuals
- Ksyxis
- MyServerIsCompatible
- Placementpreview
- RealFirstPerson2
- Sound-Physics
- Xaeros Minimap
- XaerosWorldMap
- DynamicLights
- Betterpingdisplay
- TXloader
- AE2 Network Visualiser
- FTBBackups
- Extracpus
- AEadditions
- Coroutil
- Devtech
- DoubleSlabs
- GrandEconomy
- Journeymap
- Inworldcrafting
- Keywizard
- LittleTiles
- LootTweaker
- Oxygen
- QuarkRotN
- SoundFilters
- Weather2Remastered
- Xtones
- NotEnoughEnergistics
- SmoothFont
- Прочность у всех инструментов увеличена в 7 раз.
- Red-Core 0.5.1 -> 0.6-Dev-1
- TerraFirmaGreg 2.0.18 -> 2.0.19
- Alfheim 1.1-Dev-2 -> 1.1
- nae 1.5.3 -> 1.5.4
- littletiles 1.5.82 -> 1.5.84
- CraftPresence 2.2.4 -> 2.2.5
- farsight
- From the archive cf deleted resource packages and shader packages, they remain in mmc and on git.
- Downgraded version of CustomSkinLoader.
- Extended autobuild fix.
- Removed Alfheim from the server-pack.
- Retrogen disabled.
- CustomSkinLoader_ForgeLegacy 14.18.1 -> 14.15.2
- multithreadingandtweaks
- The resource loader has been changed. Now, the folder with all the applications required for the modpack has been moved from resources -> config\txloader\load.
- Fixed the use of rain.
- Fixed a bug with displaying CraftPresence.
- Fixed #153: Recipe for plank sticks in the cutting machine.
- Fixed #195: Meat is cooked in reverse order.
- Fixed #186: The MultiMC package zip archive does not run when imported into MMC.
- Fixed #194: The recipe for forging wrought iron on an anvil has the last two steps blocking creation.
- Fixed #189: Batteries are not drained.
- Fixed #192: The Weather Siren Quest is not translated into English.
- Fixed #202: Adding an improved SMD resistor to the craft.
- Fixed #207: The low voltage input bus requires a standard chest.
- Fixed #212: Flint tool clamping error.
- Fixed #214: Easily fix crash reports!
- Fixed #215: Extruder recipe errors when starting a world.
- !mixinbooter 8.4 -> 8.9
- _supermartijn642corelib 1.1.12a -> 1.1.15
- appliedenergistics2-extended_life 0.55.21 -> 0.55.27
- betterp2p-extended_life -> betterp2p_plusplus-extended_life
- bogosorter 1.2.9 -> 1.4.5
- censoredasm 5.14 -> 5.18
- CraftPresence 2.2.1 -> 2.2.4
- CraftTweaker2 ->
- CreativeCore 1.10.70 -> 1.10.71
- CustomSkinLoader 14.15.2 -> 14.18.1
- ExtraPlanets 0.7.6 -> 0.7.7
- Fluid Craft for AE2 2.4.28-r - 2.4.33-r
- Galacticraft 4.0.5 -> 4.0.6
- GalacticResearch 1.0.6 -> 1.0.7
- gregtech 2.7.3-beta -> 2.7.4-beta
- gregtechfoodoption -> 1.10.1
- groovyscript 0.6.1 -> 0.6.4
- HadEnoughItems 4.25.0 -> 4.25.1
- LittleTiles 1.5.80 -> 1.5.82
- modularui 2.1.0 -> 2.3.1
- movingelevators 1.4.3 -> 1.4.4
- nae2 1.3.0 -> 1.5.3
- Sledgehammer 2.0.23 -> 2.0.25
- supermartijn642configlib 1.1.7 -> 1.1.8
- vintagefix 0.2.12 - 0.3.3
- movingelevators 1.4.4 -> 1.4.5
- theoneprobe -> TheOneProbe-CE
- ResourceLoader -> txloader
- Hesperus -> Alfheim
- Clumps -> Fixeroo
- Red-Core
- visualores
- Valkyrie
- Downgraded GC version to fix freezing.
- Fixed missing dependencies
- Fix of the appearance of dust particles on the surface
- Multi-threading and tweaks
-TFG Core
- Correction of different versions of mods on the extended version.
- HammerLib
- Thaumicenergistics-extended_life
- Downgraded version of CustomSkinLoader
- Removed visualores mod, cached too long in old worlds.
- Custom Skin Loader
- visualores
- Fixed drop of chank of ore.
- Fixed discord status display when you play modpack.
- Conducted optimizations.
- Fixed links in the menu for Discord and GitHub.
- UniversalTweaks
- TFC TooHotAroundHere
- TFG-Core
- TFC TowerHeat
- SuperMartijn642's Config Lib
- SuperMartijn642's Core Lib
- QuarkRotN
- Placebo
- OpenComputers
- ModularUI
- LittleTiles
- JEI-Utilities
- HadEnoughItems
- GroovyScript
- GalacticResearch
- Galacticraft
- GregicalityMultiblocks
- Gregtech
- Fluid Craft for AE2
- FancyMenu
- Censoredasm
- Bogosorter
- Devtech
- MouseTweaks
- Mixinbooter
- Athenaeum
- CraftTweaker2
- CraftPresence
- Appliedenergistics2
- GregTech Food Option
- NotEnoughEnergistics
- Neeve's AE2: Extended Life Additions
- Visualores
- Vintagefix
- DoubleSlabs
- Betterp2p plusplus
- configanytime
- Randompatches
- Foamfix
- betterp2p
- Disabled "Force New Location" and "Auto Switch Tools" options
- The Stargate mod has been removed, while it makes no sense to use it in a modpack, without the GT GCYS addon, if anyone wants to use it, you can put it, the scripts remain.
- Replaced mod for planetary exploration.
- Disabled automatic download of Optifine in the version of CurseForge, on weak PCs it can increase the number of FPS.
- Many small optimizations.
- Craft Presence
- CustomSkinLoader_ForgeLegacy(downgrade)
- Konkrete
- TFG mod
- Fluid Craft for AE2
- AE2
- Censoredasm
- GreekityMultiblocks
- Gregtech
- HadEnoughItems
- Little Tiles
- Modularui
- Moving elevators
- OpenComputers
- Supermartijn642corelib
- Universal Tweaks
- Weather2Remastered
- CraftTweaker2
- Galactic Research
- OptionsEnforcer
- Entity Culling
- RenderLib
- AsmodeusCore
- default options
- Mod director
- PlanetProgression
- Now all those who still play on the old versions of the assembly, 2.x.x and 3.x.x, starting from this version, can safely upgrade, the worlds will automatically convert to the new format without losing progress, but you will not be able to go back.
- Minor corrections in the description of quests.
- Added a quest for a primitive bed, which will help beginners.
- Correction of the main menu, now there will be no double logos at the first start.
- Fixed firmalife door recipe in assembler.
- Some mods have been removed as their functionality is now in UniversalTweaks.
- Fixed a bug with flights to planets on servers.
- Fixed textures in TFG-Resourcepacks.
- Something else that we did but forgot.
- CraftPresence
- Fluid Craft for AE2
- Appliedenergistics2
- Carryon
- CraftTweaker2
- CustomSkinLoader_ForgeLegacy
- ExtraPlanets
- GregTech Food Option
- Groovyscript
- HadEnoughItems
- Bogosorter
- Fancymenu
- Mixinbooter
- Modularui
- RenderLib
- RoughlyEnoughIDs
- Sledgehammer
- UniversalTweaks
- MovingElevators
- LegendaryTooltips
- GregicalityMultiblocks
- GregTech
- Supermartijn642corelib
- TFGmod
- File Director
- FantasticLib
- NoAdvancements
- Preventghost
- Tips
- Toast Control
- ModDirector
- Added PreventGhost mod that prevents (but completely) the creation of ghost blocks. When out of sync.
- Fixed Yeast recipe.
- AppliedEnergistics2
- HadEnoughItems
- Bogosorter
- CraftTweaker2
- ModularUI
- PreventGhost
- Disabled high tier machines that got into the modpack by mistake.
- Fixed script errors in the Extended version, due to the use of old GT tools.
- Fixed a bug with obtaining salt from a bucket of salt.
- Almost all CT scripts have been moved to groovy.
- Fixed a stick recipe bug where the saw would disappear when used.
- In mmc package, by default added java arguments for optimization.
- Fixed work of geological hammer.
- Fixed crown crafting recipes.
- Fixed a bug when using gt tools, when they simply disappeared after one craft.
- Fixed crafting of volcanic agents.
- Changed the quest in the primitive era to latex.
- TFG mod
- Craft Presence
- Groovyscript
- HadEnoughItems
- Particleculling
- Thaumic Augmentation (extended)
- Added missing OC recipes.
- Fixed script name error that caused errors in TFC.
- Fixed sterile clean room requirement in many recipes.
- A lot of scripts have been transferred from ZenScript to GroovyScript, it is recommended to install the modpack from scratch, after saving the world, map and everything you need.
- Fixed forging and casting crafting for chisel and propick tool heads.
- Added missing OS recipes.
- Fixed a bug with obtaining colored steel ingots in the steam hammer.
- Fixed T1 rocket engine recipe not working.
- Fixed not working recipe for obtaining salt from a bucket of salt.
- The armor quest now accepts armor from all materials.
- Fixed another portion of AE2 recipes not working.
- TFG mod
- Fluid Craft for AE2
- Appliedenergistics2
- Entity Culling
- Gregtech
- Particle Culling
- RenderLib
- Supermartijn642corelib
- A lot of scripts have been transferred from ZenScript to GroovyScript, it is recommended to install the modpack from scratch, after saving the world, map and everything you need.
- Fixed a bug with tools when they could not be used in TFK mechanics at the slightest break.
- Recipe transfer JEI prefers to use an existing item in the ME network.
- Added split mode button to allow items and liquid to be inserted on the same side or not.
- In AE, fixed a customized UI element not being displayed if the amount is greater than 128.
- New cell models.
- Fixed many bugs with AE2 recipes, OS.
- Fixed missing electrical tool recipes.
- Fixed bug opening GT center monitor interface.
- Fixed inability to process some of the plates in GT machines.
- Corrections in the quest for the greenhouse.
- Correction in the quest for sugar cane.
- Remove quests that are not used.
- The quest for the "endless water" improvement has been moved to another branch.
- Fixed display of electric tool.
- The name of the resource pack will now be the same, so that when updating it does not switch it every time you update.
- Fixed rights error when using FTB utilities.
- Improved TFCFlorae textures moved from resource pack to modpack.
- Disabled "back/home" commands.
- Minimum and maximum rtp distance increased to 10000 and 50000 respectively.
- Added some missing TFCFlorae textures.
- All OC recipes moved to scripts and completely rewritten.
- Fixed sky bug with Astral Sorcery again.
- Enabled use of Lua54 for OC.
- TFG mod
- Fluid Craft for AE2
- Appliedenergistics2
- EnderStorage
- Entity Culling
- GreekityMultiblocks
- Gregtech
- GregTech Food Option
- RenderLib
- Universal Tweaks
- Fixed quest for stone tools.
- Fixed recipe for wooden tongs.
- Fixed Extruder Shape recipes.
- Removed TFC-Farming mod, since GT tools are not supported, we will fix this later, or it will already be part of the TFK fork.
- Quern now gives you 1 Dust instead of 2.
- Grindstone now gives you 2 Dust instead of 3.
- TFC Farming
- Returned Inventory Bogo Sorter as there are no alternatives for sorting boxes from GregTech.
- Fixed a crash when using tongs with hot items.
- While the Star Forge and Sawmill multiblocks are removed, due to a bug that occurs only on the server, it will be added again in the future, but through TFG-Mod, if you already have these multiblocks, only controllers will disappear.
- Fixed not being able to use a hammer in an anvil.
- Fixed recipes for the saw.
- Added missing recipes for extruder molds.
- Added some missing tfcflorae textures.
- Fixed yellow light when using night vision.
- Universal Tweaks
- Hot or Not
- Inventory Bogo Sorter
- Multiblock Tweaker
- Attention
- Upgrading to this version will remove all GregTech tools and wireless terminals from AE2WTLib addons.
- Also a big change, all the costume textures that were used earlier, as well as music and something else, are now placed in a separate resource pack, by default it is already in your resourcepacks folder, you can turn it on or off as you wish.
- Moved crafttweaker Utility\JEI\AppliedEnergistics2 scripts to groovy.
- Moved crafttweaker Utility\JEI\JEI-Other scripts to groovy.
- Removed AE2WTLib scripts on AE wireless terminals,
- Added recipes for new AE2 wireless terminals.
- Removed and hidden the fluidcrafter block recipe from aeadditions, use the alternative block from the ae2fc mod, the functionality is much wider there.
- Added liquid faucet recipe from ae2fc
- Changed OreDicionary of seeds ore:listAllSeeds -> ore:allSeeds
- Fixed crafting leather in the mixer, now the output of the skin is the same as in the barrel.
- Adjusted quests, due to changes in GregTech, you will need to re-do quests related to tools, as well as AE2 wireless terminals.
- Another attempt to fix the duplication of planets on the star map.
- Fixed player getting stuck in subspace when flying to another planet, again.
- Added crafts for crushing charged and flux crystals into dust.
- Fixed a game crash when a tool/item is not completely broken.
- Fixed game crash when switching sort mode in AE2 terminal.
- Added crafting for ProjectRed multi-channel cable.
- Removed Simple Login for the public server package, if you need it for authorization, set it manually.
- The Inventory Bogo Sorter mod has been removed, while there are many problems with it, it will be replaced by the sorting function from the Quark mod.
- Added mod Quark most of the features included, later their list will be adjusted as needed.
- AE2 Fluid Crafting Rework
- AE2 Unofficial Extended Life
- TFG Mod
- Craft Presence
- Craft Tweaker
- Custom Skin Loader
- Galacticraft
- GreekityMultiblocks
- Gregtech
- GregTech Food Option
- GroovyScript
- Just Stargate Mod (Aunis: Resurrection)
- Little Tiles
- Multiblock Tweaker
- RoughlyEnoughIDs
- Supermartijn642corelib
- Universal Tweaks
- AutoRegLib
- Quark
- Inventory Bogo Sorter
- Mechtech
- Htmltech
- AE2WTLib
- Wireless Interface Terminal
- Wireless Fluid Terminal
- WirelessCraftingTerminal
- WirelessPatternTerminal
- FastWorkbench
- Minor fixes in discord status display.
- Correction of the recipe for buckwheat cakes.
- Added recipes for baking cakes in GT ovens.
- Correction of melting of cassiterite dust, reducing the output of liquid tin from cassiterite dust by half (rounding down).
- Added recipe for Cladding in alloy smelter.
- Added copper plate recycling recipes.
- Correction of the conflict between copper coin and armor recipes in the forming press.
- Correction of the quest for a steel harpoon.
- Correction of the quest for the quiver.
- Changed recipes for parts of the greenhouse.
- Added thread and spindle recipes.
- Added missing drying recipes + microwave drying.
- Added microwave baking recipes.
- Fixed eucalyptus barrel recipes and removed 5 euca stick recipe. boards.
- Fixed lumber dupe.
- Fixed stick dupe.
- Minor changes to JSG recipes after updating the mod.
- Added recipe for xtones lamp.
- Changed vanilla lamp recipe in assembler.
- Removed New Year decoration.
- Optimization of RAM usage.
- Correction of the opening error of the 7th Era.
- AE2 Fluid Crafting Rework
- AE2 Unofficial Extended Life
- ArchitectureCraft - TridentMC Version
- Craft Presence
- Craft Tweaker
- FancyMenu[Forge]
- Inventory Bogo Sorter
- JEI Utilities
- Just Stargate Mod (Aunis: Resurrection)
- Legendary Tooltips [Forge]
- Little Tiles
- Moving Elevators
- SuperMartijn642's Core Lib
- kirilsgekiss
- Replaced the mod with an RPC discord.
- Removed optimization mods, as they were impleminted in UniversalTweaks.
- Fixed a bug when duplicating experience after death.
- Fixes some extreme cases where sources of fire damage did not force mobs to drop cooked items.
- Allows skeletons to shoot flaming arrows when they burn (70% chance).
- If entities have fire resistance, they go out immediately when start burning.
- Allows fire to spread from object to object (30% chance).
- Easy breeding: Makes it easy to breed animals by throwing food on the ground.
- Finite water: Prevents the creation of endless water sources outside of ocean and river biomes.
- Husk & Stray Spawning: Allows husks and vagrants to spawn underground like normal zombies and skeletons.
- Load Sounds: Plays sounds when loading a game or a world.
- No Potion Shift: Disables inventory shifting when potion effects are active.
- No Redstone Lighting: Disables the illumination of active redstone, repeaters and comparators to improve performance.
- No Saddled Wandering: Stops wandering horses when they are saddled.
- Player speed: Customizable player flight and walking speed.
- "Smooth Scrolling": Adds smooth scrolling to each game list.
- "Super-hot torch": allows you to light objects once by hitting them with a torch.
- Swing Through Grass: Allows you to hit objects through the grass, not break it.
- Uncap FPS: Removes the hard-coded limit of 30 frames per second on screens such as the main menu.
- Added the following recipes (and their respective use): (Thanks to MDetonados)
- Assembler: Circuit (23) + any Ore Dictionary Grain = Vanilla Wheat -- used for Thaumonomicon research;
- Assembler: Circuit (23) + any 8 Ore Dictionary Cobblestone = Vanilla Furnace -- Used for the Essentia Smelter recipe;
- Assembler: Circuit (23) + Pumpkin = Vanilla Pumpkin -- Used for creating a Snow Golem, that needs to be scanned for Thaumonomicon research;
- Assembler: Circuit (23) + any Ore Dictionary Dirt = Vanilla Dirt -- used for Thaumonomicon research;
- Extruder: Thaumium Ingot + Tool Mold (Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, Hoe and Sword) = Tool Head -- used for the five special Thaumcraft Tools.
- UniversalTweaks
- Supermartijn642corelib
- Moving Elevators
- CraftPresence
- Discordrpc
- NaNPolice
- ClientTweaks
- Smooth-scrolling-everywhere
- Small Christmas decoration in GT (o^▽^o)
- Fixing a script error for a couple of items to drop out.
- By default, the TFC Florae Lite resource pack is enabled, it will allow you to use less RAM.
- Added Clumps mod, which combines experience balls into one, due to which, if there are a large number, the client / server may freeze, there is also a known error with doubling experience, the problem is localized, transferred to the mod developer, we are waiting for a fix.
- Appliedenergistics2-extended_life
- Fancy menu
- Gregtech
- Clumps
- Christmas decoration (o^▽^o)
- Some optimization mods have been removed and have been replaced by one, UniversalTweaks, which includes the same fixes.
- The electric greenhouse has been completely replaced with an analogue of GTFO, the greenhouse controller that was before will disappear in your world, the land in the new greenhouse can be used differently, and not just the one that is shown in JEI.
- Added quests for fertilizer.
- The modpack relevance line is now taken by the parser from the json Git tag.
- Updated Darkness mod, earlier there was a drop in fps when looking at the sky, this is fixed.
- Reduced the number of mobs per player, this should improve performance, if you see that there are few mobs, report, 140 -> 30, per player.
- Removed RealBench, no longer needed as the engineering station was fixed in the GT update.
- Removed for now ModularPowersuits and Numina, will be added possibly with GCYS.
- Removed Gregification, there is an initialization error with the new version of GT.
- Changed Tooltips, for items, now it shows different skins for items, depending on the tier and rarity, more items will be involved in the next updates.
- Included vanilla weather rules for Weather2, barrels now refill in the rain.
- Removed the recipe for parsing bricks from refractory clay, back into clay, thus fixing the dupe.
- TFGmod
- Fluid Craft for AE2
- Appliedenergistics2-extended_life
- Loliasm
- Darkness
- fancy menu
- GregTech Food Option
- HadEnoughItems
- Konkrete
- Little Tiles
- RoughlyEnoughIDs
- Entity Culling
- LegendaryTooltips
- RenderLib
- Universal Tweaks
- AI improvements
- ColoredTooltips
- FastFurnace
- Modular Powersuits
- Numina
- RealBench
- Rocksalt
- Surge
- Fixed a bug due to which recepts for tools did not work.
- Minor temperature overlay adjustments.
- The craft of the engineering workbench has been returned, so the dupes in it have been fixed.
- Fixed recipes with clay.
- Changed the chance of regeneration of stones and sticks.
- Fixed a crash when opening the liquid template terminal.
- Fixed bug with displaying saltpeter tooltip for fertilizer.
- Appliedenergistics2
- Fluid Craft for AE2
- TFCFarming
- Little Tiles
- TFGmod
- Added more service information and RAM consumption to the loading screen.
- Sheep spawn increased by 30%.
- Nutrient source
Nis now GT Saltpeter instead of TFC. - Fixed a bug that caused some crop drops to not register.
- Adds and fixes many missing or poorly defined recipes for the Firmalife planter.
- Fixed placement of rice in water
- Fixed a lot of not working recipes.
- Minor quest fixes.
- The chance of storms and cyclones spawning has been increased.
- Capsule dupe fixed.
- A lot of balancing in the temperature system.
- Disabled inhabitants on planets.
- Added recipe for flat versions of blocky AE interfaces.
- Fixed the quest for the singularity when accepting the engineering processor instead of the singularity itself.
- Fixed the recipe for soaked planks not spending the creosote capsule.
- Changed recipe for AE processors.
- Miners now dig chunks of ore instead of blocks.
- Weather2 replaced with Weather2 Remastered, supported fork, with optimizations and bug fixes.
- Floraefixes
- GroovyScript
- Gregification
- Weather 2 Remastered
- Appliedenergistics2
- fancy menu
- TFGmod
- Gregtech
- GregTech Food Option
- Greekity Multiblocks
- Multiblocktweaker
- BogoSorter
- Galacticraft
- TFCFarming
- Fluid Craft for AE2
- Mixinbooter
- CraftTweaker2
- HadEnoughItems
- Little Tiles
- TFC-Ambiental
- JEI Utilities
- Weather2
- In the crafting of anti-radiation plates, the double plates of lead were replaced with double plates of tungsten, due to the gt bug.
- Removed SecureEnderStorage, was causing strange behavior on the server.
- Fixed sound when running as if you have 4 legs.
- Now everyone who found it can open corpses.
- Fixed recipe for wooden tongs, it was crafted with zero durability.
- Appliedenergistics2
- Fancy menu
- TFGmod
- SecureEnderStorage
- Fixed crafting of liquid and item cells at 64k.
- Added Building Gadgets and scripts for it.
- Optimization and refactor in scripts.
- Added preliminary recipes for missiles and their components from T7 to T11. Fully implemented will be after the release of GCYS.
- Fixed stargate crystal recipe.
- Added quests for different threads, which can be useful for those who do not know about their existence.
- Completely completed and rewritten Space Age quests.
- Added craft for moon buggy.
- Added craft for Mars and Venus rovers.
- Fixed recipe for wire drawing bench and tongs.
- Changed quests for planets, now you need to visit the planet in person, and not just touch the pebbles from there.
- Fixed names for some planets not displaying correctly.
- Added quests for cheesemakers, in the primitive era.
- Added quest for Sweet Torch and Light Dust Torch.
- Added crafting for spacesuit gravity boots and jetpack bibs.
- Added crafts for the thermal lining tier 5 ExtraPlanets.
- Changed crafting for all ExtraPlanets thermal pads.
- Added crafting for ExtraPlanets equipment sets, they are required to quickly put on the right equipment.
- Added recipe for cutting knife AE2, you need it to rename interfaces in the world, you can also rename them in vanilla anvil. This knife is no longer capable of anything.
- Crafting a flux block now requires 9 crystals instead of 4.
- Sunflower oil is now made in the extractor instead of the compressor.
- Added and changed solar panel recipes from Basic to Ultimate.
- Added and changed fuel loader recipes from Basic to Ultimate.
- Added and changed oxygen compressor recipes from Basic to Ultimate.
- Added and changed recipes for oxygen decompressor from basic to ultimate.
- Added recipe for base decontaminator block.
- Added recipe for Chromatic Applicator Block.
- Replaced mod EnderStorage, fork, with support.
- Thanks to the TreeChop mod, the tree cutting mechanics have been changed.
- Fixed a bug where when flying into space and back, the player becomes unkillable.
- Grass spawn chance reduced from 0.08 to 0.002.
- Added crafting of Galacticraft magnetic workbench.
- Changed the textures of the WaterFlasks mod.
- Changed the texture of the light dust torch and the Galacticraft parachute box, which now looks more high-tech.
- Added and changed the crafting of all Galacticraft oxygen tanks.
- Added craft for Galacticraft sensor glasses, which will help to detect ore at close range, about 5-7 blocks, monsters, as well as gaps in the sealing of the space base.
- Added crafting for a geothermal generator that can be used to generate power on Venus.
- Added craft for the astronomical miner, you can have them, maximum 2 per player.
- Now the northern sowing will appear in the sky.
- Fixed gui texture of the fire pot.
- Fixed rendering of chests from Florae, thanks to BayerHeroine.
- Changed the texture of all the stones that lay on the ground, as well as the texture of the bricks.
- Fixed display of liquid in barrels.
- Removed duplicate recipe for tongs that only accepted regular string.
- Fixed a bug with displaying the modpack version when switching the language, with non-standard fonts.
- Installed SmoothFont, which will allow you to customize the font for yourself.
- Things do not drop out of the workbench when it is closed, only when it is broken, and the craft is also visible on the workbench itself.
- Now available in HEI:
- History View: The ingredient you have viewed for a recipe will be displayed in the bottom right corner.
- Recording Recipes: When you add recipe output to the HEI tab, the current recipe will be written, and opening a recipe through the HEI tab will open the recorded recipe.
- Recipe Preview: Hold down the Ctrl key to display the recipe preview in the recipe tab.
- Recipe Transfer: You can press ctrl + w to easily transfer a recipe from the recipe bookmark.
- Bookmark Picker: Allows the player to use the middle mouse button to select a bookmark and place it in a different position.
- Added ender bag recipe.
- Ender chests, tanks, bags are now connected only within the same dimension, but now have a large capacity 3x9 -> 6x9.
- Diamond "lock" on ender items now prevents other players from changing the color of your chest and prevents other players from copying colors into an ender bag.
- Now something similar to the mechanics of nutrients in the soil, with some changes, which was present in 1.7.10 TFC. Each plant has a favorite N, P or K nutrient, you can check this by pressing Shift while viewing the respective tooltip. Once the player reaches Adept level in agriculture, pressing shift while holding a hoe and looking at a block will show the nutrient value of that particular block.
- Mechanics and details:
- Each crop consumes all of its favorite nutrients from the soil to grow from 0% to maturity.
- Farmland will passively receive about 3.14% of each nutrient each month of TFC. This means that it takes 32 in-game months to go from 0% to 100%.
- If, for example, a crop is planted that uses nutrient N, then that patch of soil will not regenerate nutrient N.
- This allows for a strategy of dividing the land into 3 (or more) parts and rotating crops based on their favorite nutrient each season in temperate regions.
- In TFC, each crop takes ~4 months to mature.
- If, for example, a crop is planted that uses nutrient N, then that patch of soil will not regenerate nutrient N.
- A mature crop will still use nutrients, so make sure you collect them.
- A dead crop left on a piece of land will cause passive nutrient growth to drop by 20%.
- Fertilizers are present for each nutrient, which, when used, increase their specific nutritional value by 50%.
- Item called "Fertilizer" in TFC is now fertilizer for nutrient K, saltpeter is nutrient N, "Fertilizer (P) for nutrient P.
- Type "fertilizer" into HEI, you can check all three of them.
- Mechanics and details:
- Changed the texture of smoke and steam. Now it's like in 1.18
- Fixed barrel gui texture.
- Added energy levels for opening and maintaining gates, by planets.
- Now at the first spawn, a window will appear that allows the player to choose the climate in which he wants to appear when entering the world.
- Enabled compatibility between ProjectRed and OC.
- Replaced the mod on the graves, yes, again, only now your corpse will appear when you die and will contain all the items that you had in your inventory. You can access items by right-clicking a corpse. When you get all the items, the corpse will disappear. After 1 hour, the corpse will turn into a skeleton, indicating that it has existed longer. This will not change the functionality of the corpse.
- Chance of dropping gems when digging a stone changed from 0.008 -> 0.003875
- The number of heat sources acting on the player has changed 4 -> 10
- Parrot spawn is enabled.
- Frequency of generation of underground creepers changed 1.7 -> 5.0
- Hanging plant frequency changed 1.7 -> 1.0
- Frequency of generation of underground hanging vines changed 1.5 -> 1.0
- List of animals that drop rennet now
- sheep
- cow
- deer
- goat
- zebu
- gazelle
- wildebeest
- muskox
- yak
- Fixed a crash when leaving the server while exploring in the telescope.
- Added crafting for ExtraPlanets modules, you can open the manager by pressing the H button (configurable), while wearing a space suit.
- Added crafting for ME Terminal fluid interface configuration and ME Terminal configuration interfaces.
- Fixed a bug where seeds from ae2 did not grow in the autoclave.
- The northern lights will now appear in the sky.
- Added crafting for diaphragms and stargate shield.
- Changed the crafting of transport rings and components for it.
- Added and changed the crafting of all three stargates.
- To earn coins, you can now convert not only gregtech coins, but also wood, with the /convert command.
- Building Gadgets
- NaNPolice
- Ender Storage continuation
- TreeChop
- JEI-Utilities
- SecureEnderStorage
- RealBench
- SmoothFont
- tfcfarming
- TFC-TooHotAroundHere
- Corpse
- Fluid Craft for AE2
- Appliedenergistics2
- GregTech Food Option
- Aunis: Resurrection
- Konkrete
- LittleTiles
- PlanetProgression
- TFG-mod
- FastWorkbench
- Fancymenu
- CustomSkinLoader
- CraftTweaker2
- PotionCore
- Oxygen-merchants
- EnderStorage
- Simple-tomb
- Build type is now divided simply by TerraFirmaGreg: New Horizons, and prefixed with Huge
- Fixed crash with Hot or Not.
- Stargates are now medium in size.
- Fixed crafting of the space suit where the same schemes were used.
- Horizontal travel for transport rings is now 25 -> 56.
- Hot or Not
Now the primitive pump produces fresh water, not salty.
Some code from TFGMod associated with TFCAmbiental has been moved to TFCAmbiental itself due to a fork
Now copper items are generated using TFGMod.
Huge TFGMod optimization of UnmoldRecipe recipes, same done with TFCFlorae recipes.
Changed the system for generating items using TFGMod.
Changed the system for generating tools using TFGMod.
Now you immediately get a wrought iron ingot from GTCEu from the bloom (now you do not need to reforge the ingots 3 times).
Generation of recipes x2 ingot + hammer = plate, disabled using TFGMod.
Replaced mod on graves, on a fork of the same, but without any magical things that had to be turned off, just a grave and a key.
Now OptiFine is loaded automatically before the game starts loading.
The patched version of Chisel is no longer needed, you may need to remove the patched version after the update.
Fixed a bug where some types of LT doors would not open.
Fixed duplicate recipes when the same herb was used for the same TFC-Medicinal extract.
Now for crafting xtones zoea, any stone bricks are used.
All items created by ContentTweaker have been moved to TFG-mod.
Fixed T6 alloy recipe for missiles.
Removed duplicate missile stabilizer recipe.
Slightly lowered clouds, up to height 255, wind speed made lower.
Teleport to the grave is now only possible within a radius of 64 blocks. Without the use of edge pearls.
Almost all resource files have been moved to TFG-mod, this made loading with Curseforge faster.
Many TFC texture changes, they were carried over from version 1.18.
Changed quests, in connection with the transfer of items from ContentTweaker to TFG-mod.
Changed AE cell recipes due to moving items from ContentTweaker to TFG-mod.
Changed recipes for landing modules, heavy-duty plates, rocket parts, in connection with the transfer of items from ContentTweaker to TFG-mod.
Changed the extruder shape recipes for the scythe head and knife head, due to the transfer of items from ContentTweaker to TFG-mod.
Changed salt drying recipe due to moving items from ContentTweaker to TFG-mod.
The items below will disappear due to being moved from ContentTweaker to TFG-mod. Bucket with salt Extruder Shape (Spit) Extruder Shape (Knife) Landers 1-3 level Rocket Corps tiers 1-6 Strong alloys 1-6 levels Rocket computers levels 1-6 Blank scheme for missiles Fluid body
Added loading seconds indicator to the loading screen.
The board for projectred is made from any stone.
Stargate mixes now take 5s instead of 50s.
Changed the crafting of AE paint balls, now they are made by analogy with wires.
Cell crafting using 4 components from the previous tier is now 2x faster and uses 2 CPUs instead of 4.
Added craft box TFCFlorae, also added to quests.
In the vessel, now you can put only food, and items that can be melted there.
Correction of the Little Backpack recipe.
The moon is now explored by default.
Removed TFCPaths, worked crookedly.
Increased chance to regenerate stones and sticks on the ground, there was a problem with this.
Hidden ores, in different rocks, left one by one.
Fixed recipe for air extraction on Jupiter.
Added craft turret GC.
Added to the list of replacement drops when breaking from vanilla items.
Added crafting for symbolic Aunis crystals.
Added crafting for the portable device of the ancient Aunis.
Added craft for growing white Aunis crystal.
Added crafting for a heat-resistant substrate from level 1-4.
Added/changed crafting for heat resistant fabric from level 1-4.
Removed duplicate parachute recipe.
Removed duplicate recipes for GC loaders and unloaders.
- Applied Energistics 2
- fancy menu
- Foamfix
- GregTech Food Option
- Bogosorter
- Little Tiles
- TFGmod
- OpenComputers
- Simple tomb
- Mod director
- StuffASockInIt
TFC Paths
Recipe for protected ProjectRed lamps now uses GC mesh.
The crafting of Little Exporter uses the GC mesh.
Entry-level fluid cells now use their own case.
Changed the color of AE2 cells to quickly distinguish them between subject and liquid.
Added Flux and Graphite recipe to crusher.
Fixed OptiFine download button.
Reduced the chance of trails appearing, disabled the ability to break crops. "Grass -> Dirt" = 30.0 -> 5.0 "Dirt -> Path" = 10.0 -> 7.0 "Path -> Gravel"= 2.0 -> 0.0
Enabled the generation of meteorites on the moon, again.
When you die on the planet, you are reborn there, so now if you sleep in the creochamber, you will be reborn in it.
Added a recipe for a regular fluid body and its disassembly.
Fixed a bug in the recipes of liquid components for cells, high level.
Increased Sequoia Sapling drop rate 15 -> 35.
Added recipes for missiles and its components T4-T6.
Added weight and size for most GT items and missiles.
Craft mixes for Stargate, requires 350M to start a fusion reactor.
Added a material tree for dense ice that can be found on asteroids.
Added craft block UV voltage controller.
Included loading chunks, ME controller.
Increased the chance of tornadoes and cyclones spawning: C0_Cyclone= 15 -> 20 C1_Cyclone= 7 -> 14 C2_Cyclone= 4 -> 8 C3_Cyclone= 3 -> 6 C4_Cyclone= 2 -> 4 C5_Cyclone= 1 -> 3
F0_Tornado= 6 -> 15 F1_Tornado= 5 -> 10 F2_Tornado= 4 -> 8 F3_Tornado= 3 -> 6 F4_Tornado= 2 -> 4 F5_Tornado= 1 -> 2
Reduced grass growth rate, 0.2 -> 0.08
Changing sorting mod.
- Charset Crafting
- CraftTweaker2
- MouseTweaks
- OpenComputers
- Bogosorter
- Better FPS
- Workbench Plus
- QuickStore
- Korgelin
- HammerCore
- InventoryTweaks
- Replaced mod for bags (due to a bug when things were lost in it). If you have items in your bags, please take them out, as they will disappear after the update.
- Large dust from GTCEu can now be processed into TFC metal.
- Now rods from GTCEu can be processed into TFC metal.
- For large dust, dirty, medium, small, pieces, the values of the number of metal units have been changed. All their values are increased by 60-90%.
- Fixed crafting terminal ME recipe.
- Fixed a bug when it was impossible to craft a knife in the inventory.
- Completely rewritten quests for the primitive era (All descriptions changed to be not rofly, but instructive).
- Completely removed recipes for sharpening items from TFC-Things, as this mechanic does not work with GTCEu tools.
- Creosote can now be poured into an iron bucket.
- It is now possible to make crafted planks through a bucket of iron creosote.
- Changed the recipes at the bases of the primitive pump, now they use the processed boards as they should.
- Completely changed Steam Age quests to be instructive and convenient.
- Since our modpack is getting more logical, now you can make LV car body from regular steel instead of red or blue steel, this limitation was removed due to the change in the policy of buckets and the adequacy of red and blue steel in TFC (I'll tell you a secret that it is useless).
- Changed Baubles and AE2WTLib mods to supported forks.
- Added fanny pack upgrade recipes as an alternative to vanilla anvil upgrades using experience.
- Fixed duplicate recipe from Saturn's red sand.
- Fixed duplicate recipe from Deimos dust.
- Fixed craft barrels through assembler, now it is optimized.
- Removed all recipes for ore chunks from CT and implemented it now in TFGMod. (Mega optimization).
- Fixed block recipe from Weather2 that used a laser. It now uses a shield generator.
- Changed all the recipes of the TravelersBackpacks mod.
- Fixed duplicate sugar recipe.
- Fixed duplicate dense ice recipe.
- Multiple fixes for GTFO recipes.
- Since Florae is no longer being developed on 1.12, all useless items are hidden in HEI, those left with a [WIP] texture will get a texture later.
- AE2 meteorites can now be found on the moon.
- Fixed liquid cell recipes 256k - 4096k.
- Reduced chances of cyclones and tornadoes spawning.
- In gas stations, explosions are enabled by default so that GT cars explode, and I also think you need to take care of lighting your base.
- Adjusted the capabilities of littletiles "maxEditBlocks": 10 -> 128 "maxPlaceBlocks": 10 -> 128 "minimumTransparency": 255 -> 50
- Reduced Portable Cell capacity 200000 -> 20000
- Disabled EnableAutocraftinSubstitutes, previously solves the problem of items in my network with ingredients that contain tfc metals.
- Changed power consumption AE PowerUnit= EU -> GTEU, gives better compatibility, consumption occurs in GTEU 1k1, especially noticeable in large networks.
- Removed duplicate recipes from Lapis, Diamond, Emerald.
- Minor loading screen changes.
- Fixed yellowness in the night vision effect.
- Added re-craft of the AE2FC pattern, in an empty one.
- Removal of OreDict from vanilla tree.
- Reduction in the number of temperature modifiers, in the direction not of their quantity, but of quality, so that 10 torches do not fry your ass.
- Reduced the modifier of the temperature area in order to bring the initial temperature closer to the F3 (Region) temperature.
- Many AE2 recipes have been rewritten, a lot of fixes and improvements, and some of the recipes now need a clean room.
- AE2 charged and flux crystals have been added to the material tree, as well as liquids for them, they are also used in recipes.
- In recipes where only GT dye was used, vanilla is also suitable, if this does not conflict with the recipe.
- Sequoia saplings now have a 15% chance to drop their saplings.
- Fixed a bug due to which some players walked and ran slowly.
- Added JustEnoughCalculation, you can call the calculator by pressing the key.
- Fixed generation on some planets due to EP migration with GS.
- GTCEu - Correction of all previously not working recipes that you wrote about in the discord.
- fancy menu
- Konkrete
- Galacticraft
- Appliedenergistics2
- Sledgehammer
- TFG mod
- Travelers&Backpacks
- Baubles-LTS
- Darkness
- Spatialservermod
- Cherished worlds
- Baubles - replaced by a fork
- AE2WTLib - replaced by a fork
- TFCcompat - removed in normal version as ImprovedBackpacks is no longer used
- Debark - removed due to the fact that when cutting gt with an ax, the block that you cut did not fall out
- Parry - does not work with TFC shields
- HardcoreDarkness
- Firmalife oven no longer produces heat when turned off. In the on state, the amount of heat is reduced.
- Added support for Cellars Addon, now going into the refrigerator (basement) you will be cooled, if it's cold there of course.
- Plants suitable for making medicines have been added, including now medicines can also be made from algae and carals.
- Changed the mechanics of preparing extracts for medicines, since the old method did not work on servers.
- Deadly disease time reduced from 24 -> to 8 minutes.
- Minor balancing for tornadoes, reduced chance of spawning destructive tornadoes.
- Disabled chunk loading by AE2 controller, load chunks with FTBUtilities.
- New quests and adjustments to old ones.
- Temperature balancing: *Burning Temperature = 40.0 -> 47.0 * Cold Temperature = 0.0 -> 3.0 *Freezing Temperature = 5.0 -> -5.0 * Hot Temperature = 27.0 -> 40.0
- Increased crucible capacity to 4608.
- Added medicine recipes for electric eras.
- Added part of Russian translation for TFC Florae. Thanks to Nemo48, SerinatR.
- Added Russian translation for littletiles.
- Added description for AE2 quests. Thanks to Nemo48 for the help.
- Disabled the GT engineering workbench recipe as there are a lot of bugs, dups and crashes, once these deficiencies are fixed, it will be returned.
- With snowshoes, hiking boots, a crown and a backpack, you no longer drown.
- Added a recipe for forging and minting some coins.
- Increased rocket fuel consumption.
- Increased HP for GC bosses.
- Fixed a bug with GT armor, now it sets and keeps your temperature at 20 degrees.
- The number of heat and cold modifiers you have increased from 3 -> 10
- Fixed display of the texture of the object, the nose of the rocket.
- Added portable item storage craft, AEadditions.
- Removed duplicate Quartz block recipe.
- Changed the crafting of GC parachutes and their coloring.
- Hidden unused catalyst and TFCMedinal medicine.
- Changed crafting of Pole, Telemetry Unit, Valve, Rescue Box, Thruster, Tin Canister, Fluid Capsule, Communications Antenna, Hub, View Screen, Lightbar, Tanks, Added Recipe to all Vacuum Glasses, Cargo Loader/Unloader, GC.
- Fixed knife mold GT recipe.
- Added rubber sheet recipe to GT car.
- Added ordicts for GC parachutes.
- Added ordicts for GT crates.
- Removed duplicate orders from non-GT materials.
- Fixed crafting of vulcanizing agent, now it uses graphite powder.
- Fixed recipe for converting AE interfaces to their flat versions.
- Fixed a bug with cleaning the AE template.
- Loliasms
- TFCAmbiental
- CustomSkinLoader
- Tombstone
- Phosphorus
- TFG mod
- Fluid Craft for AE2
- REID - A mod that increases the id limit of minecraft blocks, is made much cleaner and has support from developers, which will allow it to be used with other mods in the future, fix strange generation and strange crashes associated with the absence of some classes in the game, also increase fps and reduce CPU load. THIS MOD WILL DESTROY YOUR OLD WORLDS IN 95% OF THE CASES. IF YOU WANT TO CONTINUE PLAYING THE OLD WORLDS PLEASE REMOVE THIS MOD AND INSTALL BACK NEID.
- Now furnaces, forges, etc. from TFC-Tech give off heat, and the refrigerator can even cool you down. Also, a FirmaLife stove will help you in winter. And the highlight of the program is the coils from GTCEu at the blast furnace and not only will burn you if you stand nearby, protect yourself by wearing leather, nano, or quantum armor.
- Fixed juice recipes for making wine, also added recipes to GTCEu machines.
- Hidden bows from Florae.
- Fixed some inconsistencies in GTFO and Florae (applies to wines, juices and other garbage).
- Changed recipes for Fluid level maintainer, Large ingredient buffer, Dual interface from AE2FC mod.
- Hidden patterns from ExtraCells.
- Hidden unnecessary recipes from Aunis.
- Changed recipes for all Chisel chisels.
- Fixed a bug with crafting leather for backpacks.
- Fixed recipe for ProjectRed inverter lamps.
- Fixed description for some quests.
- Added Russian translation for custom materials.
- Fixed translation of duplicate name for wrought iron, to Iron Oxide (III).
- Enabled cloud optimization in Weather2.
- Enabled OC integration with Appliedenergistics2 and GalacticCraft.
- Removed nuclear bomb recipe from ExtraPlanets.
- GalaxySpace was removed in favor of ExtraPlanets, the planet Phobos changed, if you had something there, it's better to transfer it before updating.
- Slightly increased plant growth rate.
- Optimization of the configs of the Weather2 mod has been carried out.
- Changed design of ToolTips and TheOneProbe tips.
- Changed the color of the dust, which are obtained from the stones of other planets.
- Changed the texture of the overlay when you freeze or overheat.
- You no longer take cold or heat damage, but depending on the cold or heat, your hunger or thirst quickly decreases, and you take damage from this. The normal temperature is 17 degrees, stay close to this value.
- Added quests to familiarize yourself with the TFCMedinal mod.
- Heavy metal armor pulls you down when swimming, when wearing leather armor and GT armor, this does not happen, also you can enchant any armor for Depth Strider and Respiration or get Water Breathing or levitation to not drown as well.
- Fixed quests due to removal of ExtraCells2 and GalaxySpace mods.
- Changed tombstone model.
- Added Russian translation for tfcmedicinal.
- Fixed model of tongs to look correct in hands.
- Added quests for tfcmedicinal.
- Moved part of the description for quests from the TFC book.
- Disabled auto-closing gates.
- Reworked the crafting of lighting panels, storage monitor, transformation monitor, plane of destruction ID, level emitter, ore dictionary storage tires, ae2 storage tires.
- Fixed crash on Magma server with FastWorkbench mod.
- GT Coins can be converted to virtual currency (/convert) to buy goodies in the game store.
- AE2Additions - mod, the same as ExtraCells2, but with many fixes and optimizations, before updating it is better to disassemble or remove items from the mod, this applies to high-level cells and some terminals.
- TFCMedical
- When you die, your health will be at 20% and your hunger at half. Nutrient Blend - Drops your nutritional values by up to half across the board.
- When you die, your nutrition stats will not be half but close to 0.
- After you respawn, you will be afflicted with a disease, a fatal disease that will prevent you from mining, building, or fighting for an entire day of TFC. Deadly disease antidote - cures a deadly disease when consumed.
- The dust in the mines puts a strain on your lungs, making it difficult to move and mine.
- Raw meat, as well as cooked meat that is not wood-fired (on an iron grate), can give you parasites that deplete your energy and hunger. Stomach Strength Concoction - Protects you from meat parasites, hunger and nausea from aged drinks.
- Rejuvenating Blend - Heals you completely in a minute.
- Decoction of acute vision - allows you to see in the dark.
- Health Boost Concoction - Increases health by 40% for a limited time.
- Cooling panacea (TFC Ambiental) - temporarily cools you by 10 degrees.
- Warming panacea (TFC Ambiental) - warms you up to 10 degrees for a while.
- Aunis: Resurrection is a revised version of the regular Aunis that is still in development today.
- JourneyMap
- ColoredTooltips
- GalacticComputers
- Oxygen-Players-list
- Oxygen-cp
- Grandeconomy
- Hot Or Not
- Fluid Craft for AE2
- Appliedenergistics2
- AsmodeusCore
- CraftTweaker2
- fancy menu
- Konkrete
- Mixinbooter
- ModularUI
- Moving Elevators
- TFC TowerHeat - fixed server crash when installing a mod.
- TFCAmbiental - replaced by a fork from TFG.
- loliasm
- CustomSkinLoader
- NotEnoughIDs
- ExtraCells2
- Xaeros Minimap
- Xaeros World Map
- GalaxySpace
- Fixed a crash after right-clicking on the ground with a shovel in hand.
- Fixed a crash after opening recipes with an iron flare in HEI.
- Fixed many GTFO recipes again.
- Fixed bugs with HotOrNot, there were a lot of them, not to list them all, but now they are all fixed (sort of).
- Fixed recipe for wooden tongs, now they can be made in a 2x2 grid.
- Reinforced Adobe Bricks recipe changed to use TFC bricks.
- Changed the recipe for the controller of the electric greenhouse.
- Fixed the recipe for the elevator controller, as well as the remote control panel for the elevator.
- Changed ExtraCPUs recipes.
- Fixed crafting recipes Crafting Storage, now they are all made in the packer.
- Disabled the effect of weightlessness HotorNot, when taking containers with gases in your hand.
- Fixed a bug when it was not possible to get through the gate to another planet, still on completion, also included auto-closing after 900 seconds, in the absence of a player, this can be stopped if you use a beamer and transport something through the wormhole.
- Disabled sharpening for GT items.
- Hidden all buckets, except for their usual variants without liquid.
- Vanilla bucket is given 144mb of metal.
- Bags from Florae are disabled, as the author of the mod is not a very good person.
- TFG mod
- HotNot
- fancy menu
- HadEnoughItems
- Moving elevators
- supermartijn642configlib
- supermartijn642corelib
- GregTech Food Option
- Extra CPUs
- The version of GregTech Food Option has been rolled back, as it causes crashes on servers, the developer has been informed, we are waiting for a fix.
- Fixed a bug where the gouishka could stay open when casting metal into molds or the like, now it closes, at least it should.
- Now the strength consumption of tongs does not depend on the number of hot items in the inventory.
- Fixed a bug where cutting wood for latex could be done with a pickaxe, but not with a knife (WTF).\
- Included back Imission textures in GT.
- Vanilla recipes for Weather2 are hidden.
- Fixed CU recipe in OpenComputers.
- Added recipe for hydraulic lifters from Galacticraft.
- Added recipes for crystal glyphs for stargates.
- Added a recipe for a beam transmitter and crystals for it, from Aunis.
- Added deconstruction recipes for Advanced Storage Housing and Fluid Housing from AE2 and ExtraCells.
- TFG mod
- HotNot
- Gregtech
- GregTech Food Option
- Fixed bug when using geologist. hammer, minecraft crashed or kicked you from the server.
- Fixed dupe in refrigerator.
- Disabled Imission textures in GT to fix a bug with machines that run on multiple ticks. (Will be fixed by the GT developers in the next update).
- Fixed blue steel bucket crafting recipe.
- Returned InventoryTweaks, since Bogosorter does not work with tfk chests, it was reported to the developers, as soon as they fix it, we will return it.
- Turned on the temperature display, above the health bar.
- Xaeros Minimap
- Xaeros World Map
- TFG mod
- InventoryTweaks
- Bogosorter
- Nether Portal Fix
Changes- Added TFC-Ambientnal (with fixes, for example: TFC temperature system will only work on Earth, on other planets, GC temperature system).
- Renamed wrought iron to hematite to avoid confusion + the developers themselves will change it to this name in the future.
- Fixed a bug where Quantum Armor tried to feed you but failed and destroyed all your food.
- Added custom HotOrNot mod with liquid dupe fix and support for tongs from TFGMod.
- Added tongs to TFGMod to hold things/liquids that are too light/hot/cold, logically there are more of them and they also have more strength.
- Optimized everything possible to the maximum in TFGMod.
- Now wood from GC/EP/GS can be cut in GTCEu machines.
- Added recipes for crushing blocks, steps, semi-blocks, into the corresponding type of stone.
- Fixed recipes using flour from GTCEu.
- Hidden and removed all Nether items.
- Changed the Nether Star recipe to use Mars air in its recipe.
- Reduced crafting time for most vanilla items in assembler.
- Fixed compass recipe.
- Now all GTCEu ores have their own block (Fixes when only andesite ores were displayed in the prospectus).
- Hidden in HEI nether and end ores.
- Fixed recipe for Yeast Wooden Bucket to Yeast Dust.
- Fixed a bug with recipes when it was impossible to create tongs from copper, red/black/blue steel.
- Fixed Winch recipe.
- The wire drawing table now uses TFGMod Forceps in the recipe.
- Added crushing recipes for raw/cobblestone/smooth steps/semi-blocks/blocks to their dust variant from GTCEu. (Closing #177)
- Now the blast furnace can pour metal not only into a conventional crucible, but also into an electric crucible from TFC-Tech.
- Now all screws, bolts, gears, etc. from TFCTech are not used, their counterparts from GregTech are used.
- Replaced the InventoryTweaks mod with an inventory sorter, from GT developers, many times more sorting functionality, and works in all inventories.
- GregicProbe has been replaced by TOPExtras since the former is no longer supported by GT.
- In GregTech5u, cars outside explode in rainy weather. Now this nice feature is finally implemented in GTCEu! You don't hope you built your base outdoors thinking it wouldn't explode, did you?
- Fixed drop from stones of pieces of salt, glass and other debris, now only adequate pieces of valuable crystals fall.
- Now, after death, your scale of health, food, water, will be reduced to 25% so that geniuses die less and engage in breeding animals and growing food.
- A lot of barrel recipes have been moved to the GTCEu mixer.
- Almost every GCYM multiblock now requires a block that sets their maximum voltage.
- Added weather, storms and tornadoes. You can see rain and more nasty storms coming from afar. Sandstorms! They appear in the desert. The recipes for items from the mod have also been changed.
- Added wood recipes from EP/GS to GregTech vehicles.
- Added modified recipes for all space stations.
- Fixed conflicting Stargate recipes.
- Adjusted the energy cost of opening and maintaining the Stargate.
- Fixed a bug when at night, when opening the inventory, the background is completely black.
- Обновлен TFGMod.
- CraftingTweaks
- Fancymenu
- ChunkAnimator
- GregTech
- TFC-Ambientnal.
- Modularui
- Bogosorter
- TOPExtras
- Weather2
- CoroUtil
- FastWorkbench
- FastFurnace
- HorOrNot versions from some developer.
- InventoryTweaks
- GregicProbe
- GalacticraftTweaker
- It seems that all GTFO recipes have been rewritten, but I'm not sure.
- Fixed conflicting recipe for gravel.
- Fixed recipe for fermented spider eye.
- Added nutritional units for rabbit soup, beetroot soup, mushroom soup.
- Added generation of ores on all planets and satellites, except for gas giants.
- Added some recipes for food items from FirmaLife in GT cars.
- Disabled hell, once and for all.
- Added rock dust for all planets and added their processing.
- Added processing for any liquids that are on the planets GS / EP.
- Fixed EP nuclear bomb recipe.
- Removed the recipe for very dense ice in the workbench from the EP.
- Optimized planetary dust recycling recipes.
- Added names for earth veins.
- Removed endovskie and infernal ores.
- Reduced chance of spawning at the Berrilius vein.
- Increased chance of spawning at the vein of Cassiterite.
- Increased the spawn rate at the Black Granite vein.
- Increased spawn chance at the Red Granite vein.
- Reduced chance of spawning at a vein of Cassiterite sand.
- Increased the chance of spawning at Miki's vein.
- Increased the spawn chance at the Molybdenum vein, but reduced the density of the vein.
- Reduced the chance of spawning at the vein of Monazite, also reduced its density.
- Greatly reduced the spawn chance of Naquadah vein, reduced the size of the vein, reduced the density, now can only spawn in Metamorphic breed.
- Other not very important corrections of cores (density and size).
- Fixed Lemon Extract recipe.
- Fixed recipe for Cassia Fence/Fence Gate and Cinnamon Fence.
- Added new Dry Ice material.
- Added metal units for double platinum plate.
- Added generation of liquid veins on some planets (which are logically possible).
- Optimized code related to puddles.
- Optimized scripts.
- Fixed incorrect grill interface.
- The wall and door recipe from CellarsAddon now accepts any clay.
- Now the primitive pump pumps not vanilla water, but salty water.
- The cauldron is now even more cauldron, now you can pour any liquid into it and clean dirty dust from GTCEu.
- Removed Little Storage Block recipe.
- Added HotOrNotTFC, now items are too hot, can not be worn with bare hands, quests have also been added, for items from the mod.
- Armor will now pull you down! Be careful swimming in rivers, oceans and beaches! Use charms, potions, or trinkets to keep you afloat!
- Now it will be possible to sand logs, to do this, hold down shift + right-click with an ax in your hands, the same can be done by putting a log and an ax in the crafting cell.
- Fixed the translation key for the star forge.
- Disabled the ability to put backpacks in the belt.
- Disabled inventory HUD by default.
- Disabled teleport in the GT terminal, it can no longer be used.
- Reduced the weight of images for the loading screen.
- Adjusted 3D model icons for HEI.
- Completely removed RFTools and RFTools Control [Unofficial Maintance], a decision was made to abandon it in favor of OpenComputers.
- Added OpenComputers and rewritten crafts for it.
- Return of MovingElevators.
- On Kepler22b, the generation of candies, lollipops and diamond blocks is disabled.
- Xaeros World Map
- TFG mod
- Supermartijn642configlib
- Supermartijn642corelib
- Moving elevators
- Hesperus
- Performant
- OpenComputers
- HotOrNotTFC
- FpsReducer
- Debark
- dan's CraftingTweaks
- Charset-Crafting
- RFTools
- RFTools Control [Unofficial Maintance]
- mcjtylib
- CraftingTweaks
- Phospor
- Correction of metal units in double plates
- Fixed Whetstone Base Recipe
- Added recipe for iron hatches in GT machines
- Fixed prop recipe
- New corrected GTFO recipes
Changes- AEAdditions changed back to ExtraCells, when loading the old world, on the server, causes a crash, reported to the developer
- Removed texture pack TFC Lite, saved RAM, but slowed down the launch of the game (you can optionally install)
- Fixed a bug in AE2 recipes
- Pam's HarvestCraft has been replaced with the elaborate GregTech Food Option.
- Rewritten GregTech Food Option recipes (not all because there are too many of them, there is no need to report errors in the recipes of this mod, we already know about them).
- Little Tiles recipes have been rewritten.
- Fixed display error in TheOneProbe when hovering over items.
- Now recipes that used wrought iron or bare iron are merged, it makes sense that only those that can logically be interchangeable are made in both the workbench and GT machines.
- Disabled drop from mobs from the TombStone mod (in HEI some items of this mod are still displayed, for some reason HEI cannot hide them, so this cannot be fixed yet).
- Fixed display in HEI that 100mb of metal could be poured into the form of TFC or its addon, now 144 is displayed there.
- Fixed a bug where it was impossible to scrape the ring and gear parts for primitive gear crafting.
- TFC spear headband now has 144mb as intended.
- Fixed some metal values for TFC-Tech items.
- Fixed the metal value of the metal grate.
- Removed diamond and gold horse armor.
- Completely rewritten script Vanilla.zs.
- Hidden and removed HammerCore mod items.
- Hidden and removed items from the ForgeMicroblocksCBE mod.
- Fixed missing image when loading the game.
- Ore pieces now have 36 metal instead of 25.
- Complicated compass recipe.
- Disabled item color display in HEI.
- Changed bucket system. Previously, you could not make a bucket from ordinary iron, but why? That's what the TFC developers wanted. But we have our own modpack and our own recipes, from now on you can make a bucket that can carry any liquid except lava, for lava you still need a blue steel bucket that will not melt from lava.
- Fixed installation of a spout for latex on the Rubber Fig tree.
- Fixed all recipes related to wood (including fixing the recipe for chests made of planks and lumber), and added more recipes for TFC wooden items in assembler.
- All ores can now be processed into Dust, Horse Grindstone and Quern.
- Fixed funnel texture
- Changed the font.
- Adjustments to the Russian translation of GregTech.
- Fixed incredibly stupid recipes for wooden items from FirmaLife.
- All boat recipes have been complicated to look realistic.
- Added all types of wood for sawing in ChopperBlock from HorsePower.
- Fixed annoying non-crash error messages
- Increased the search distance for the item and liquid on the button from HEI
- Fixed ICE texture when activated.
- Now coking coal cannot be used in the TFC forge, but only in the TFC blast furnace, it also has an increased temperature to which it can heat the metal (1510).
- Crafting Aunis transport rings has become cheaper, commensurate with the benefits.
- You can craft PowerSuite armor, modules will be available in the next update.
- Craft ender tank and backpack has become more expensive.
- Correction of the description of quests.
- Russian language GTFO(part).
- Disabled ore generation in RFtools.
- Fluid Craft for AE2
- Xaero's Minimap
- Xaeros World Map
- Fancy menu
- TFG mod
- LoliASM
- HadEnoughItems
- RF Tools
- RFTools Control [Unofficial Maintance]
- mcjtylib
- GregTech Food Option
- Little Tiles
- AEAdditions
- DefaultOptions
- Chisel And Bits
- Unlimited Chiselworks (Reason: does not have TFC support).
- Unlimited Chiselworkstfc (Reason: although it adds partial support for TFC, but not full, so a little later we will present our own mod that will work with TFC, TFC-Florae and other addons).
- Supermartijn642configlib
- Supermartijn642corelib
- Movingelevators (Reason: there is an alternative in RFTools)
- ExtraCells (Reason: the mod has been replaced with Additions, the same fork, but updated, if you have cells above 64K (ExtraCells), I recommend pulling all of them before updating)
- Custom Skin Loader(up to Stable)
- Pam's HarvestCraft (The addon developer abandoned the mod, and we don't need dead weight).
- TFC + Pam's HarvestCraft addon.
- Correction of the bucket recipe with salt.
- Remelting of pieces of iron has been fixed.
- Correction of the white screen at the first start and entry into the world.
- The Phosphor version has been downgraded.
- Localization fixes.
- Quest fixes.
- Config correction
- Custom Skin Loader
- Hesperus
- Performant
- Fixed quests
- Added an Optifine installation button to the menu
- Fixed Gemstone File recipes
- Fixed recipes for double ingots
- Fixed iron bloom recipes
- TFG-mod
- Supermartijn642configlib
- Temporarily disabled Powersuite Armor crafting
- Fixed a bug with displaying blocks in the world and the world itself
- TFG-mod
- Removed Oxygen-players-list
- Changed ME Drive model.
- Changed gui ae2wtlib .
- Changed the texture of the Tool belt.
- Changed Better p2p texture.
- Implemented sharpening GT items.
- Fixed liquid in firmalife, tfctech, tfcthings forms.
- Fixed tfcthings config.
- Optimization of the crafttweaker code by disabling recipes in TFC itself using our mod.
- Dust iron again has 144mb of metal.
- Iron spit now has 144mb of iron in itself and in its copies (up to 4 pieces), crafting is the same, in 144mb processed.
- Complicated and fixed the Infinity Water Cover recipe.
- Fixed the description of the Forge Hammer quest (Getting lower output for plates is the norm, as this is the only way to automate the production of plates to LV).
- Fixed work of double plates in the anvil.
- Fixed possible crash due to AstralSorcery.
- Added a new multi-block, the Star Forge.
- Rewrote Aunis mod recipes (stargate), and Modular Powersuits (to be completed)
- Applied optimization of TFCFlorae models
- Changed the texture of pieces of ores
- Changed TFC door models
- Changed the textures of some logs and chests to fix a display bug
- Changed liquid terminal recipe
- Improved LuV quest line (thanks to TheGalax)
- Fixed sound for TFC armor
- Greenhouse recipes are slightly more expensive
- The description of the Forge Hammer quest has been corrected (Getting a lower output for plates is the norm, because this is the only way to automate the production of plates up to LV).
- Fixed the operation of double plates in the anvil.
- Fixed possible crash due to AstralSorcery.
- Added a new multiblock, Star Forge.
- Recipes of the Aunis (Stargate) mod and ModularPowersuits (will be rewritten)
- Optimization of TFCFlorae models has been applied.
- The texture of ore pieces has been changed.
- TFC door models have been changed.
- Changed the textures of some logs and chests to eliminate the display bug.
- The liquid terminal recipe has been changed.
- The LuV quest line has been finalized (thanks to TheGalax).
- Fixed sound for TFC armor.
- Recipes in the greenhouse have become slightly more expensive.
- Now all TFC addons now have a 144mb metal system.
- The recipe generation system for oreChunk has been rewritten and optimized.
- Removed the recipe for washing coal and diamonds.
- Implemented a system of dropping pieces of crystals (diamonds, emeralds), well, as in the usual TFK, only now there are no options.
- Coal in the form of Chunk can now be used as fuel in TFC.
- Some ExtraPlanets changes.
- Improved the menu on Huge (now shows that it is impossible to connect to the server of.server) and Lite.
- Added airs for planets that have them, as well as recipes for recycling and creation.
- Now the TFC-Tech liquid jug can be made from TFC-Florae jugs.
- Fixed the recipe for saw headbands (Thanks FDAapproved).
- Fixed a duplicate of diamonds from the enchant table (Thanks to FDAapproved).
- There are a lot of significant optimizations of TFG-Mod.
- Fixed salt recipe when drying (Thanks to FDAapproved).
- All TombStone items are hidden (Thanks to FDAapproved).
- Added descriptions of some more items that cannot be recycled in GT machines (Thanks to FDAapproved).
- Fixed tool belt recipes (Thanks to FDAapproved).
- Fixed bow recipe (Thanks to FDAapproved).
- Fixed seed oil recipes (Thanks to FDAapproved).
- Fixed recipe for inverted lamps from ProjectRed (Thanks AtelierAmber).
- Fixed dimension names in the GT config.
- Maybe something else that we forgot.
- Corail Tombstone
- AE2 Unofficial Extended Life
- GregTech CE: Unofficial
- Betterp2p-extended_life
- Xaeros Minimap
- Xaeros World Map
- Sledgehammer
- Phosphorus
- Portality
- Performant
- Aunis
- Modular Powersuits
- Numina
- Downgraded version of TFC Compatible
- Downgraded version of Rocksalt
- Graphite powder is now visible in HEI.
- Ores, when dug up, drop pieces of ore that can be smelted into TFC metal, as well as processed in GT machines.
- Now you need 144mb for a TFC ingot, as in GT, in connection with this, the amount of metal in the plates and others has been changed in accordance with this.
- Removed the broken recipe (Double Ingot -> Plate), now this recipe is replaced with (Ingot -> Plate) to match GT and eradicate billions of dups, bugs and inconsistencies.
- loading screen and new main menu + new textures and more.
- Localization for everything that is in TFG-Mod.
- A lot of changes related to tools, the list is very long, but in general, all recipes for tools have been fixed and the casting of some of them has been screwed more correctly, as happened with knives (by the way, they now have their own headbands).
- GT scythe now works correctly with TFC grass and foliage.
- Added craft solar panels, for all shooting ranges
- Reworked part of space age quests
- Reworked part of AE2 quests
- Changed crafts for the Fluid Crafting mod
- Changed craft Dense Energy Cell and Energy Cell from ae2
- Changed the crafting of the advanced and fluid storage hull from Extra Cells 2
- Fixed some translation errors
- Added craft for Nether Star
- Mods updated:
- Appliedenergistics2
- loliasm
- HadEnoughItems
- Xaeros_Minimap
- XaerosWorldMap
- Gregtech
- Removed mods:
- Volumetricflask
- CustomMainMenu
- CustomBackgrounds
- mods:
- concrete
- fancy menu
- tfctowerheat
- Updated AE2EL.
- Recipes for ores in the horse threshing machine have been returned.
- Fixed ore processing.
- Fixed graphite dust recipe from TFC.
- Removed Steve's Carts (in the last update).
- Removed RebornCore (in the last update).
- Removed JEI-Utilities (in the last update).
- Updated textures of all planets in Galaxy Map.
- Updated textures from GT.
Added Oxygen: PlayerLists
Added FindMe.
Updated MovingElevators.
Fixes for BetterFoliage and also for shaders (thanks to BayerHeroine).
Fixed all dups of TFC metal by lowering the amount of metal when smelted into liquid.
Fixed wood shape recipe from GT.
Moved some recipes to other files.
Fixed concrete crafting in TFC barrel.
Now you can get latex from even more trees.
Fixed coal drop from GT ore.
Added many, many translations for mods (thanks to ABBADON).
Now the GT miner does not generate vanilla cobblestone at the place where he dug the ore, but generates basalt cobblestone from TFC.
Added black and red granite from GT to -ore- generation.
Added ore generation files in Hell and End.
Removed basalt and marble from GT (blocks).
95% refactoring of all scripts and moving the removal from JEI to a separate file.
Updated LoliASM.
Disabled beautiful sky and clouds from AsmodeusCore to support shaders.
Reduced loot from urns from Florae.
TFG*Mod files moved to client folder again.
Fixed a bug with the sky from TFG-Mod.
Updated GTCEu.
Updated Gregality Multiblocks.
Galacticraft merged into one mod.
Other fixes we forgot about.
Fixed recipe for gear pieces that wasted a whole chisel.
Removed hiding for some items from TFC-Tech.
Hidden and removed useless recipes in the drafting machine from TFC-Tech.
Changed fireclay recipe (thanks to BayerHeroine).
And something else that we forgot.
Fixed AstralSorcery config.
Fixed recipe with crystal and workbench from AstralSorcery (presumably).
- ImmersiveRailroading was removed due to the lags and unloaded chunks that appeared because of it, as well as the colossal use of RAM (That's who knew that this piece of you know what is so not optimized).
- Added Steve's Carts 2 and rewritten recipes for it.
- Mouse Tweaks has been replaced with the Mouse Tweaks
- Urns with loot from Florae are included back and now drop excellent materials.
- A bunch of localization in Russian from Xikaro.
- Fixed metal dupe.
- Fixed multiple ore generation files on planets.
- The file with the names of the planets and their measurements has been completely sorted out.
- BetterP2P has been returned.
- Updated HEI.
- Updated LoliASM.
- Updated XaeroMinimap.
- Removed duplicate recipes between TFC in the anvil.
- Added the latest ProjectRed recipes.
- Fixed a bug when it was impossible to put containers in the cellar.
- Fixed all recipes using tools.
- Fixed the recipe for magnetizing steel and other sticks, due to the issuance of TFC metal units to them (GTCEu bug).
- GT shovels can now create paths in TFC grass.
- Removed TFC shovels.
- GT hoes can now farm in TFC land.
- Removed TFC hoes.
- Returned CustomLoadingScreen, updated to 1.5.7, returned scripts, corrected the name of the logo file.
- Removed recipes for crafting into a block from chisel.
- Added localization to TFC Wrought Iron Ingot that it is unfinished.
- Fixed the display of recipes in JEI related to the forms from TFC, which were displayed slightly incorrectly.
- Updated LoliASM.
- Recipes for the ProjectRed mod.
- Fixed crash when chopping a tree from Florae with a GTCEu axe.
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to put the instrument in the cabinet from the cellars and get a neutron instrument at the output.
- Removed some textures from TFG-Mod to reduce RAM usage.
- Updated LoliASM.
- Removed JEI.
- mods:
- GregicProbe.
- Puddles.
- Nether Portal Fix.
- Htmltech.
- ImmersiveRailroading.
- Updated mods:
- loliasm.
- Xaeros Minimap.
- Xaeros World Map.
- custom skin loader.
- ae2-extended life.
- gregtech.
- devtech.
- mechtech.
- multiblocktweaker.
- GregalityMultiblocks.
- Sledgehammer.
- Removed mods:
- Betterp2p.
- Oxygen-daily-rewards.
- Quests:
- Correction of quests of the first era, taking into account the addition of new types of clay.
- Added a description for Steam age to describe how the machines work.
- Completed work on MV, HV, EV.
- Changed quests for liquids, they may have to be re-fulfilled.
- Fixes:
- Fixed all recipes between TFC and GT, we are talking about the remaining recipes that were shelved, but it's time to fix them.
- Removed a huge number of unused and not possible recipes from mods (but, which is logical not all, write about them in the discord channel).
- Now TFG uses its own mod, not the patched TFC.
- The mod has all the same features that were added to the TFC
- Fixed a bug when it was possible to put items on V in someone else's private.
- Added Puddles.
- Fixed puddles from the Puddles mod appearing when the current average temperature is < -2.
- Now you can drink from puddles, according to a more adequate algorithm.
- Fixed a bug when it was possible to put non-food in the refrigerator and get an item with crooked nbt tags.
- Included 3 more clay versions in TFC-Florae. They have also been rewritten to produce a GT ingot as output.
- In Hell, instead of regular gravel, now basalt gravel.
- Hell is turned on, now you can go there and, let's say, get something.
- Achievement button replaced with quest button.
- Disabled OreDict bus
- Fixed a bug when coal did not drop from StoneType coal, but an ore block fell.
- Added texture gradient for some ores
- Fixed GT knife recipes
- Fixed a bug when boards of a different type were learned from a tree in a sawmill
- Added OreDict for loom
- Removed OreDict from TFC saws
- Fixed sealed cable recipes from GC
- Added translation for gcym, gregtech since it has not yet entered the official mod
- Added three-dimensional models for rails
- Carried out a revision in mod configs
- Fixed OreDict in all recipes where all types of processors and batteries were used.
- Fixed many bugs in TFC-Tech recipes
- Fixed OreDict for TFC and TFC-Tech
- Moved Arrays.zs to Arrays/Arrays.zs
- Removed TFC-Tech long rods and fixed names in Arrays.zs
- Correction of vanilla recipes, or rather the removal of a large number of unused recipes.
- Removed some recipes from TFC.
- Fixed all RockBreaker recipes.
- Fixed GT upgrade textures.
- Changed the textures of the planets on the GC map.
- And a lot more, which of course we forgot, since the update was being prepared for a month.
- Localized the dupe problem, it was fixed by disabling a couple of functions of the loliasm mod.
- Fixed an issue where it was impossible to make a cut on a tree so that latex would ooze out of it with a knife. Also fixed the execution of this action with a pickaxe (generally strange how this could happen).
- Fixed a bug due to which the command for generating trees from TFC was not registered.
- Added metal units for fine and medium dusts for materials that have GT machine refining but don't have metal units, as if they start having them, their GT refining will break. Therefore, such a loophole will help in the initial stages of the game, before GT is fixed.
- Added painting and crafting recipes for horizontal glass panels in GT machines.
- Corrections of quests and textures, localization.
- All resources (translations and textures) have been moved to our mod.
- Fixed Fluix Dust recipe.
Corrected liquid and ordinary veins on the Moon:
- Stone-ore veins:
- Fixed a bug (again) when ore spawned above the surface.
- Liquid veins:
- A liquid vein with Helium-3 has been added to the Moon, judging by a bunch of documentation from NASA, there is a lot of Helium-3 there.
- A liquid vein with fresh water has been added to the Moon (that is, from ice), it is indicated in some documents, I also did it in the modpack.
- Stone-ore veins:
Adjusted liquid and conventional veins on Mars:
- Stone-ore veins:
- Fixed a bug (again) when ore spawned above the surface.
- Liquid veins:
- A vein of medium oil has been added to Mars.
- I lived on Mars with fresh water in a not bad quantity, but less than oil.
- Stone-ore veins:
Corrected liquid and conventional veins on Venus:
- Stone-ore veins:
- Fixed a bug (again) when ore spawned above the surface.
- Liquid veins:
- A vein with Lava has been added to Venus.
- A vein with Carbon was added to Venus.
- A vein with Oxygen was added to Venus.
- Stone-ore veins:
Adjusted liquid and conventional veins on Mercury:
- Stone-ore veins:
- Fixed a bug (again) when ore spawned above the surface.
- Liquid veins:
- A vein with Oxygen was added to Mercury.
- A vein with Sodium was added to Mercury.
- A vein with Hydrogen was added to Mercury.
- A Helium vein was added to Mercury.
- Stone-ore veins:
Optimized GT greenhouse recipes.
Fixed a bug that could potentially kill the world.
Optimized the selection of items by the Charset mod.
Removed Oxygen configs from the client as unnecessary.
Configs have been cleared of unused configs.
Updated CellarsAddon.
Updated HadEnoughItems.
Updated AE2EL.
Removed Easy Breading TFC.
Added ToolBelt.
Added AENetVis-Tool.
Added BetterP2P.
Added Catwalks.
Added VolumetricFlasks..
Recipes have been rewritten for the added mods.
All AE2 recipes have been rewritten.
More stylization of the script code.
Added and redesigned a large pack of quests.
Added nether star dust recipe.
Fixed cursed GUI texture in anvil.
Added new textures for AE2WTLib.
Added a fertilizer recipe from TFC.
In addition to a custom greenhouse, a sawmill has been added, allowing you to get billions of wood.
Fixed knife recipes. Now from the casting blade from TFC. You can make an adequate knife from GT.
Added ThaumicJEI (the craft of the traveler's boots was, just not displayed).
Added vanilla block recipes (for the first time, for Thaumcraft, since most likely you will have to rewrite the mod code in order for everything to work with TFC).
Fixed a bug when the gutter could not be put on Rubber Fig.
Fixed a lot of crafting related to thaumium ingots, plates and the like.
- Added a feature -> GT ores take the texture of the stone in which they were generated, now it looks beautiful.
- Added ores to the Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury.
- Fixed heights of ore generation on Moon.
- Fixed crafting of blue and red steel in GT cars.
- Inventory Tweaks configs are configured,
- Better Foliage and TFC compatibility is fixed.
- Dynamic Surrounds configs are configured.
- Lots of fixes in quests.
- The mode of a small amount of RAM for JEI is enabled. because of this, there is no indexing of items, which reduces the use of RAM and increases the speed of starting the build.
- Fixed the crafting of footpaths with a wire from GC.
- Added a greenhouse similar to GT with recipes for TFC (to replace Forestry farms).
- Minor fixes in the Arrays script.
- Removed Forestry and its add-ons (Why? Because 85% of the content from the mod does not work with TFC, we send the mod for recycling and in the future we will return it with adequate mechanics, but for now we are removing it).
- Added a recipe for hot water in the heater.
- Added a fertilizer recipe in the packer.
- The moon/Sun is now round.
- Added part of the connecting textures for multiblocks.
- The Drying Rack has been removed, and some of its recipes have been transferred to the Drying Mat from FirmaLife.
- And a lot more, but I forgot, and Xikaro forgot too.
- Recipes have been created for rockets in the assembly line.
- Created/rewritten recipes for rocket components in assembler.
- The space age in quests has been moved after-iv shooting range.
- Fixed a bug when it was possible to craft a tfc hammer from copper.
- Added ore veins to -> Asteroids, Mars, Moon, Venus, Mercury.
- Fixed recipes for liquid terminal and AE2 chest.
- Changed the crafting of the book and hook, now any threads are used there.
- Fixed/changed crafting
- Steam Export/Import Bus
- Liquid terminal and AE2 chest.
- Flaxy pearls
- Annihilation Core/Formation Core
- ME Fluid Formation Plane/ME Fluid Annihilation Plane
- Quantum Ring
- Quantum Bridge Camera
- Parts of the portal from the mod Portality
- Added and adjusted translation from 2nd to 4th eras
- Added textures for ore
- Fixed a bug with transfers to tfc days -> hours
- Changed FTB/GT/AE2 textures
- Added a new texture for the anvil gui
- Fixed CurseForge mod duplicate bug.
- Fixed crafting blocks from some materials, mainly those that are duplicated between TFC and GT.
- Fixed some recipe errors in AE2 related to the non-existence of some items in the crafting grid due to a missing ore dictionary.
- Fixed a bug when TFC axe could not cut down the whole tree at once.
- Added crafting to primitive bricks.
- Fixed a bug when the foliage was not lush in TFC trees.
- Modified the TFC GUI to match the GT hammer in the slot.
- Added recipes for fresh and hot water, as well as their coloring.
- Removed recipes for charcoal in the stove, from the foresty tree.
- TFC has been updated to the latest
- Updated Devtech.
- Fixed bugs in tool-related quests.
- The recipe for silicon tools from GT is disabled again.
- Tombstone has been updated.
- Updated AE2.
- Updated XaeroMinimap/Worldmap.
- Updated Craft Tweaker.
Fixed energy consumption/duration when crafting brick blocks in assembler.
Added a bunch of recipes to cutting_saw -> Logs to lumber (with a huge bonus to the exit of the tree).
Added a bunch of recipes in assembler related to crafting different items from wood. For example, boards in steps/doors/buttons, etc.
Renamed the OreDictionaryArrays script -> Arrays.
Fixed the number of metal units in double plates that were written in the TFC script.
Garbage and any commented-out code has been removed.
Disabled the Puddles mod for a while (you can still use it by enabling it in mods).
Disabled recipes for TFC swords, now they are replaced with GT swords (including forging).
Disabled recipes for TFC picks, now they are replaced with GT picks (including forging).
Disabled recipes for TFC axes, now they are replaced with GT axes (including forging).
Strange concrete and cement recipes are disabled.
Fixed the recipe for cement in a barrel.
Added recipes for TFC items (stone, I have already written about wooden ones above) in GT cars, there are too many recipes, you can look in JEI (for example: steps, brick blocks).
Since friendship actually won in the survey on the weight of items, I made changes by half, now only Heavy and Very Heavy have a limit on the number in the stack, while others have a default limit of 64.
Fixed crushing of vanilla meat into meat dust, now tfc meat is used there.
Fixed crash when chopping a TFC tree with an axe.
Made a recipe for Ground Soybeans through millstones.
Multiple recipe fixes using vanilla items.
Other changes I forgot about.
Fixed elevator screen recipe.
Added Ambient Sounds mod.
Added Sound Filters mod.
DynamicSurr settings have been reset...
Fixed a bug in quests with liquids when a quest was counted without the right liquid.
Fixed the Astral Sorcery curve script.
- Fixed iron dust processing in TFC blast furnace.
- Fixed forging of plates, double plates.
- Fixed some problems with ore dictionaries.
- Fixed crash due to incorrect mod
- Fixed and lightened elevator crafting.
- Recipes have been added to Forge Hammer, for ingots made of high-carbon steels of all kinds, as well as for ingots of forged iron and cast iron to make less use of the TFC anvil. Available after receiving the steam hammer.
- Updated GT.
- Updated AE2TE.
- Updated GregicalityMultiblocks.
- Updated bansoukou.
- Updated CustomSkinLoader.
- Added the BetterChat mod.
- Fixed conditions for forging an ingot of forged iron from an unfinished ingot.
- Fixed and facilitated the crafting of the architectural workbench, now an iron blade is used for the place of the diamond blade.
- Lasso now has crafting now not only from jute, but also from leather, the recipe in assembler has also been updated.
- Fixed sticky resin recipe again.
- Fixed recipes related to sugar cane and sugar.
- Fixed recipes for hammers from TFCThings.
- The tag recipe has been finalized, now it can be made with any threads.
- Fixed the recipe for factory blocks from chisel.
- Fixed crash when connecting induction crucible from TFCTech to a power source from GT.
- Added a crafting recipe in assembler for TFC stone brick
- Added recipe for Quartz Fiber from AE2
- Added some changes to the textures of quests and GT
- The inventory sorter mod has been replaced with InvTweaks, since items disappeared when sorting in the inventory of GT cars.
- Now ingots, gears, plates can be stacked on the ground, in the likeness of TFC ingots, which can be stacked in heaps in the world.
- Fixed the recipe for bread with honey from Forestry.
- Finally hidden unnecessary blocks from Forestry, by the type of trees and other stuff that you will never need.
- Removed the code related to the processing of rocks from other planets. A more adequate (COOL) implementation of this will be in R3.1
- Fixed bread crafting, now you can use liquid from a wooden bucket when crafting dough.
- To fix all the dupes, the double ingot/plate/anvil and some other items now have 100/100/700 units of metal respectively.
- Some welding recipes can now be performed in alloy_smelter to get even further away from TFC forging.
- And other changes that I certainly forgot about.
- Fixed many recipes in the build related to changing the id of GT items. Now they use unique names that are static.
- Added fishing -> added a fishing rod recipe + fixed the loss of vanilla fish, you can catch the TFC
- AE2 has been replaced by AE2 from Prototype Troussers, finally!
- Fixed a strange loot in astral sorcery dungeon.
- Important information: If the modpack does not start, delete the TerraFirmaCraft-MC1.12.2- don't delete it in the name of which there is TFG-144) file in the mods folder, or TerraFirmaCraft-MC1.12.2- Because the CURSEFORGE does not know how to delete a file with a different name when changing the main mod. It is important. If nothing works for you anyway, delete the modpack completely and download it again.
- Release 3.0.6 on Huge (not stable, report bugs) and Normal versions.
- Fixed recipe with climate station 5 lvl.
- Fixed incorrect forging level of some materials.
- Removed the mod for voice chat, tk on 1.12.2, apparently people did not know how to make mods.
- Replaced the mod for graves so that they do not break when blocks collapse.
- Updated Xaeros Minimap/WorldMap, particuleculling mods.
- Updated and added new quests, as well as some localization to them.
- Fixed stone-types for lead spawn.
- Other changes I forgot about-_-.
- Fixed low FPS bug Fixed high RAM consumption
- fix crash with Cellar addon changed DiscordRP status
- There are too many changes to describe them here. Therefore, you can read them in the channel in my discord channel releases-ru
- Farm blocks from Forestry are now crafted in Carpenter.
- Updated Xaeros Minimap / WorldMap.
- Updated SneedASM.
- Updated SledgeHammer,
- Updated ParticleCulling,
- Updated GregTech.
- Updated Greyness.
- Updated CraftTweaker,
- Updated Athenaeum.
- Fixed a recipe with a clay plate / vessel, when, when crafting, she / he was not picked up / picked up.
- Meteoric iron can now be recycled into something useful.
- Fixed a bug when two doors dropped out of CellarsAddon when breaking a door.
- Emeralds have been unified.
- The salt is unified.
- The saltpeter has been unified.
- Fixed packer and unpucker recipe related to diamonds and their unification.
- Updated HorsePower mod (fixed bugs with recipes).
- Unification diamonds. TFC diamonds are now used everywhere.
- Removed the deletion of recipes for Frost and Temperature resistant hulls, since in the new
- Fixed various scripting issues to make everything work properly with Gregicality 0.23.
- Updated Gregicality (List of changes here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc*mods/gregicality/files/3449401)
- Updated other mods.
- Removed bee recipes from PamsHarvestCraft.
- Fixed one of the AstralSorcery recipes.
- Fixed a bug when structures from AstralSorcery appeared crooked, on the same block, etc.
- Removed TFC-Paths mod, as not everyone liked it.
- Other fixes I forgot about.
- Added Forestry quests.
- Added Gendustry quests.
- Fixed Forestry recipes(which you can see on Git).
- The possibility of obtaining vanilla bread has been removed.
- You can now evaporate only 1 piece of salt, not 3.
- The system for obtaining dist has been changed. water, it is made easier and more understandable to the user.
- XaerosWorldMap was returned.
- Fixed getting a sheaf of hay and coloring it into vanilla wheat.
- Changed the crafting of bread with honey(Forestry), and also added the nutritional value of tfc for it.
- Added a recipe for many things from GS.
- Removed useless items from GS.
- Updated GC recipes.
- GC food (canned food) now has the correct nutritional values.
- And OTHER fixes :D.
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/xaeros-world-map/files/3405513
- Removed XaerosWorldMap, because of it, it was impossible to download the modpack. As soon as the author of the mod fixes it, I will add it back. In the meantime, you can download the mod from here and put it in the Mods folder.
- The Normal and Huge versions were already released with this fix.
- Correction of a million recipes related to Forestry.
- The progression with Forestry is complicated(because it was possible to get high-end materials from bees too quickly).
- Optimization and logical layout of scripts.
- All arrays for deleting items are now private and are not accessible from other scripts.
- Added mod ModTweaker, allowed tweaking Forestry machines.
- The carpenter from Forestry has been returned, now some recipes are made in it.
- A fairly large number of items from Forestry are hidden.
- Now you can use Beeswax from Forestry in FirmaLife recipes.
- The main menu has been changed, not completely yet, but it will be finalized in the future.
- Other fixes that you can look at on the git.
- Fixed the crafting of the grill.
- Fixed crafting of iron bars.
- Fixed the crafting of the iron hatch.
- Fixed the vanilla oven replacement curve.
- Removed useless code related to the painting of cement, which can not be obtained in a vanilla way.
- TFC tools have been returned(Until GT developers add support).
- Created quests hinting at getting the first latex.
- Created quests hinting at the original receipt of coal.
- Created quests hinting at getting glass.
- The salt can now be dried. Just not in the Drying Rack, but in the Leaf Mat.
- GT tools have been replaced with TFC in quests.
- The name of the minecraft window has been changed.
- Work has begun on changing the main menu(The view is not finished, it will still change in the future).
- Probably broke something else :D
- There is now a changed status in the discord.
- Replaced in most Iron recipes with WroughtIron.
- The recipe for drying salt has been removed(it does not work due to the curve of the Drying Rack mod).
- Configs were cleaned from duplicates and other garbage.
- Fixed the recipe for Coke Oven.
- Fixed the zero digging speed of the copper pickaxe.
- Updated CraftTweaker.
- Removed InGameInfoXML(useless, after updating XaeroMinimap).
- Other fixes that I forgot about, you can see them on the git.
- Changed the crafting of GC and GS cylinders.
- Changed the crafting of the diamond sharpening tool.
- Fixed and added some quests.
- Changed the craft of the spacesuit.
- Removed old iron hammer recipes from default iron.
- Multiple quest fixes.
- The AE2 quest line has been completely redesigned.
- Fixed crafting of forged hammer from GT
- A small fix of items from GS(Not necessary ones are hidden).
- Fix tools, now GT tools are in greater priority.
- It is now impossible to wash the ore in ordinary minecraft water, only in salt or fresh.
- Now you can wash diamond ore, but with a very small output, only for the first stages of the game.
- Fixed the name of the quest line with the periodic table.
- Fixed the crafting of cheese from FirmaLife.
- Fixed the interface recipe from AE2.
- Lignite coal is now dropped when digging up lignite coal GT. But when digging with a hammer, dust still falls.
- Bituminous coal from TFC is now dropped when digging up ordinary GT coal. But when digging with a hammer, dust still falls.
- Fixed most of the recipes of Wrought Iron.
- Fixed FirmaLife recipes.
- Fixed Cheese from FirmaLife.
- Fixed paper crafting.
- Fixing the strength of tools from GT(Not completely, we are waiting for the fix of GT tools from the developers, GregTechCE/GregTech#1706).
- Correction of the AE2 recipe for charged quartz.
- Other fixes that I forgot about.
- Added smooth scrolling of lists.
- Added InGameInfoXML.
- Added Elevators.
- Fix crusible craft.
- Fix bronze craft, SHIT AGAIN.
- TFC update(Many bugfixes and optimization improvements).
- Improved quartz_vein (now appears in the Sedimentary stone type).
- Improvement of yellow_garnet(increased the chance of spawn by 3 times more).
- Deleted oregen on the planets(Will be added in the next update).
- Other changes.
- Forestry improvements.
- Gendustry improvements.
- BiggerPacketsPls(Fix server NBT error)
- other tweaks
- Fixes for some quests in the GC branch.
- Quest fixes in the Primitive branch.
- Fixed bronze crafting.
- Fixes of GC recipes.
- fix all old bugs(recipes and etc)
- all bugs with worldgen fixed, install from curseforge launcher.
- COMPLETE deleting of WarpDrive. To be honest, I thought the mod would be quite interesting and, as the authors of the mod say, compatible with GC, but as we have already understood, all this does not really converge with reality. Therefore, it is better to build on a clean GC than with crutches from WarpDrive.
- Fixed a lot of GC recipes.
- Added AEAdditions (Extracells2fork).
- Rewritten AEAdditions recipes.
- Added recipes for EnderIO ME Conduits.
- Fixed some recipes from Thaumcraft.
- The entire line of GC quests has been redesigned.
- Fixed warpdrive logging(+fps)
- Fixed ExtraPlanets Space Suit crafting
- Updated mods
- Deleted GregTech Energistics
- Rebuilded quests
- Some tweaks
- Fixed remelting of iron dust into iron ingot(again).
- Fixed the recipes of the parser associated with the oven(can not be fixed, I looked in the documentation for access to the parser, but it is not there. Therefore, I will add a recipe that makes a stove block from the stove).
- Fix of invar cases.
- SneedASM is enabled again for the Normal
- Ore-related optimizations.
- Fixed Bronze Quest(HUGE ver)
- Fixed some Thaumcraft recipes at the initial stage.
- Fixed the crafting of the greenhouse pot.
- Fixed the durability of GT items.
- Returned tools from the TFC until the GTX support is delivered.
- Minor fixes that I forgot about.
- Fixed a bug on remelting iron in a steam furnace.
- Updated FantasticLib.
- Updated ExtraPlanets.
- Updated MJRLegendsLib.
- CorailTombStone removed(Because it adds a bunch of garbage, even though the modpack only needs graves).
- Added GraveStoneMod.
- Fixed water localization for RU language.
- SneedASM returned.
- Fixed crash with SneedASM. (Thanks to Rongmario). ew
- Removed repetitions of items, such as red steel swords from GT and TFC, now only one is left.
- Now there are two options for creating a pickaxe or, for example, a shovel. Either you forge and suffer, or you spend 2*3 times more resources, but you do not forge, but you suffer.
- Cleaned the JEI from various garbage.
- According to numerous misunderstandings, now you can also make iron objects from TFC from GT forged iron (i.e.*Iron Ingot (TFC) **> Iron Tools, Wrapped Iron (GregTech) **> Iron Tools).
- Fixed the blue / Red steel pickaxe quest.
- Removed the crooked leather armor recipe.
- Fixed oil crafting from Forestry seeds.
- Ordinary water is renamed Processing water.
- Various fixes for Forestry recipes.
- Updated 11 mods (sort of).
- Fixed lv casing crafting.
- Fixed red and blue steel dust crafting.
- Now the tetrahedral dust has copper units again. -_-
- Updated mods.
- Added EnderStorage.
- Added ParticleCulling with a special config. (+Optimization)
- Added MemoryCleaner. (+Optimization, -Modpack loading time, - RAM)
- Added SneedASM. (+Optimization, -Modpack loading time, - RAM)
- Changed the recommended parameters for starting the main on the TFG Wiki.
- Optimized scripts. (Thanks for the tip: S1dechko).
- Potentially fixed ladder crafting? Damn, it did not break, install the assembly adequately.
- Returned taumkraft quests for the Huge
- Potentially fixed the bronze quest.
- Potentially fixed all crafting related to some bug that people had(A crooked recipe for blast furnaces and barrels).
- Updated mod
- Fixed SeedOil
- Fixed paper quest
- Fixed GT and TFC scripts for GT.15 update.
- Fixed honey pile crafting.
- Some tweaks
- Updated GT, Gregicality, Xaero, and etc.
- Added EnderIO
- Added Blur
- Updated modtweaker
- Updated tombstone
- Updated waterflasks
- Updated warpdrive
- Updated MTLib
- EnderIO crafts fixed
- Pig iron -> Steel recipe moved back to ForgeHammer.
- Pig iron plate recipe removed.
- Warp Drive dungeon loot settings finished.
- TFC iron localisation changes.
- Harvestcraft recipes changed to use GT knives.
- Lava and sun boiler quests merged with the coal one.
- Scripts refactored.
- Planet moons now have materials.
- Fixes for Astral Sorcery recipes.
- Some fixes in GC.zs.
- TFCtech fixes moved to a separate file.
- Files can now be forged.
- Some other changes I forgot (read about them on git).
[2.6.2] - Released 10.05.2021 - The modpack will from now on be separated into two versions, one with thaumcraft, one without it. The versions with thaumcraft will be called release. Versions with thaumcraft will be called beta
- Approximately 32% faster launch.
- Warp Drive configs optimized.
- Updated GCM.
- Updated BetterFoliage.
- Updated GregTech.
- Updated Gregicality.
- Updated FirmaLife.
- Bloom -> Iron ingot recipe removed from Forge Hammer.
- Pig iron -> Steel recipe transferred to the Compressor.
- TFC iron localisation changed.
- You can now forge a copper hammer on a stone anvil.
- Star metal ore recipe changed to use less time and starlight.
- Removed WorldEdit.
- Removed Morpheus.
- Improved oregen for planets.
- Warp Drive is now compatible with GC and GT internals.
- Quest localisation fixes
- Warp Drive quests in the GC tree.
- Constructing a space station with GC is now impossible. Use Warp Drive.
- Oregen for ores from TherFound disabled for GC planets.
- GT helium is used instead of GC.
- Last quests in the space era changed.
- FE energy converters for GTEU added again.
- Rockets above tier 4 disabled. Use Warp Drive.
- GT tanks can now be disassembled in an arc furnace.
- GC internals removed. Warp Drive replaces these.
- Recipes related to life support removed from GC. As above.
- GC crafting recipes now use an uncharged energy crystal.
- GC wires hidden in JEI. Use Thermal Dynamics.
- GC landing pad crafting recipe fixed.
- Updated CraftTweaker.
- Updated XaerosMinimap/Worldmap.
- Updated Gregicality(Lots of new content and fixes).
- Hidden about 70 useless blocks and items in JEI.
- Fixed planet display in discord.
- Chunkloaders from WarpDrive are back.
YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PLAY IN OLD WORLDS AFTER UPDATING. JustEnoughIds broke biomes for Warp Drive so it was replaced with NotEnoughIds.
- Added Warp Drive.
- Added CC:Tweaked.
- Recipes changed for CC:Tweaked.
- Recipes changed for Warp Drive.
- Removed JustEnoughIds.
- Added NotEnoughIds.
- Added GCM. (GregTech addon)
- Added MechTech. (GregTech addon).
- Added gtce-inventorypipes. (GregTech addon).
- Assorted crafting recipe fixes.
- Removed Logistics Pipes.
- Added Thermal Dynamic/Foundation/RedstoneFlux.
- Recipes changed for Thermal Dynamic.
- Hidden unused items from Thermal Dynamic/Foundation.
- Updated CraftTweaker.
- Pressure plate recipe from BlockCraftery fixed.
- Updated GregTech.
- Updated FirmaLife.
- Nether mob spawn fixed.
- Updated ThaumicAdditions.
- Inventory tweaks removed because if screws with gregtech items.
- TFC Ambiental removed.
- It is now possible to craft copper knives and some other stuff.
- ModernLights crafting recipes fixed.
- Saw, knife and hammer quests fixed.
- Logistics Pipes update checking disabled.
- FirmaLife updated.
- XaerosMinimap/WorldMap updated.
- FirmaLife Updated.
- Some scripts optimization.
- Bronze quest fixed.
- AE era forming press quest fixed.
- GregTech updated.
- Crafttweaker updated.
- TerraFirmaCraft updated.
- Some settings for SledgeHammer changed.
- You can now clean rock salt and normal salt by throwing it in water.
- The rock quest fixed.
- Pams Compat updated.
- Dynamic trees updated.
- FirmaLife updated.
- The recipe that uses the pot of ash fixed. (Thanks to Damodigy)
- Piston recipe fixed. (Thanks to zbr2001z)
- Copper hammer recipe changed. It can now be cast in a TFC mold.
- Copper saw recipe fixed.
- Added mod Logistics Pipes(Thanks Irgendwer).
- Fix quest with certus quartz.
- FirmaLife Updated.
- Fixed slow loading minecraft. (Thanks stupid devs Crafttweaker).
- Oregen for EP planets.
- Stone reworked on EP planets.
- Osmium vein added.
- Magnesium vein added.
- Amethyst vein added.
- Uranite vein added
- Uranium vein addded
- Opal vein added.
- Yellow garnet vein added.
- Redstone vein updated.
- Manganese vein updated.
- Salt vein updated.
- Naquadah vein updated.
- Olivine vein updated.
- Some more height and stone type changes for ore veins.
- Basically, all ores present in the game can now generate.
- Copper hammer crafting tier fixed.
- Copper hammer harvesting tier and speed fixed.
- Aquamarine smelting fixed.
- Translation for old materials fixed.
- Some mods updated.
- GregTech updated.
- CraftTweaker updated.
- XaerosMinimap/WorldMap updated.
- Some quest translations fixed.
- Fixed tree leaves name.
- Quest translation done.
- Wrought iron item names changed.
- Some mods updated.
- The One Probe panel appearance changed.
- Vanilla water recipe changed. You now need distilled water for boilers. The recipe can be found in JEI.
- Silver dust smelting fixed. (Thanks to andrew86510).
- Crafttweaker updated.
- Firmalife updated.
- Magnetite vein readded to the overworld.
- Tungsten vein readded.
- Platinum vein readded.
- All ore veins removed from End.
- Some oregen settings tweaked.
- Proper translation added for TFC quests.
- Updated Cellars addon.
- Lapis lazuli block craft fixed.
- Some quests removed.
- A few new ones added.
- Conditions for some quests changed.
- Quests optimised by using item list instead of item filter.