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Releases: TencentCloud/TIMSDK

6.6.3002 @2022.08.18 - Enhanced Edition - 增强版

22 Aug 07:51
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  • Supported labeling a member of an audio-video group.
  • Supported removing a member from an audio-video group.
  • Fixed the occasional crash of the topic update callback for Android.
  • Fixed incorrect enumerated values in notifications of group joining option changes.
  • Fixed the issue where no callback for onTopicInfoChanged was received after custom topic fields were set.
  • Optimized the issue for Android where the network IP was requested repeatedly.

TUIKit and demo

  • Supported marking conversations as unread/read, hiding conversations, and folding group conversations.
  • Replaced TUICalling with TUICallKit.
  • TUICallKit supported displaying the audio or video call in a floating window.
  • Supported enabling or disabling group grid profile photos as needed.
  • TUIChat supported customizing background images.
  • Optimized the TUIOfflinePush component for Android to support calling back the app when users click received messages in the notification bar and to support packaging into native plugins for uni-app.
  • The TUIKit for Android supported a three-tier community mode: community - group - topic.
  • Supported showing emoji in the input box for iOS.
  • Supported showing default profile photos by group type.
  • Supported showing security tips all the time in the Demo.
  • Fixed the compatibility and compliance issues arising from using the WebView in the TUICore theme component.
  • Fixed the issue where repeated messages displayed occasionally when users clicked messages pushed offline to enter the chat interface.


  • 支持直播群标记群成员
  • 支持直播群踢人
  • 修复 Android 话题更新回调偶现的崩溃问题
  • 修复加群选项变更的通知枚举值不正确的问题
  • 修复话题设置自定义字段之后没有收到 onTopicInfoChanged 监听回调的问题
  • 优化 Android 多次获取网络 ip 的问题

TUIKit & Demo

  • 支持标记会话未读/已读、隐藏会话、折叠免打扰的群会话
  • TUICallKit 替换旧版 TUICalling
  • TUICallKit 音视频通话支持悬浮窗
  • 支持动态开关群九宫格头像
  • TUIChat 支持自定义背景图片
  • 优化 Android TUIOfflinePush 组件支持通知栏点击事件回调应用,支持uniapp 原生插件打包
  • Android 端 TUIKit 支持"社群-分组-话题"三级结构的社群模式
  • iOS 输入框可以支持显示表情
  • 支持不同群类型对应不同默认头像
  • Demo 增加常驻安全提示
  • 修复 TUICore 换肤组件中使用 WebView 导致的兼容性和合规性问题
  • 修复点击离线推送进入聊天界面概率性出现重复消息的问题

6.5.2816 @2022.07.29 - Enhanced Version - 增强版

22 Aug 07:50
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  • Optimizing the route selection strategy for the Indian station
  • Optimize rich media message upload/download progress callback
  • Optimized the compliance problem of Android terminal obtaining device process information
  • Fix the problem of continuous creation of topics crash
  • Fix the problem of occasional crash in Windows package
  • Fix Android v7a architecture pull down black friends, add black friends again crash problem


  • 优化印度站选路策略
  • 优化富媒体消息上传/下载进度回调
  • 优化 Android 端获取设备进程信息的合规问题
  • 修复连续创建话题 crash 的问题
  • 修复 Windows 发包偶现 crash 的问题
  • 修复 Android v7a 架构下拉黑好友,再次添加被拉黑好友 crash 的问题

6.5.2803 @ 2022.07.15 - Enhanced Edition - 增强版

22 Aug 07:49
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  • Added the support for marking conversations.
  • Added the support for grouping conversations.
  • Added the support for customizing chat fields.
  • Added the advanced API for pulling conversation list.
  • Supported receiving broadcast messages of audio-video groups.
  • Supported sending notifications of changes to group joining options.
  • Added the support for syncing the changes to group message receiving options across terminals.
  • Optimized the routing logic for persistent connections and added the support for rotation policy.
  • Scheduled to support for Tencent Cloud Japan.
  • Upgraded the authorization ID for HTTPDNS routing requests.
  • Added the support for HTTPDNS routing at Tencent Cloud International.
  • Optimized the start sequence of long polling requests in audio-video groups.
  • Fixed the issue where lastMessage is missing in topic profile under certain conditions.
  • Optimized the logic of pinning a chat to the top.
  • Optimized the statistics collection logic of end-to-end message time.
  • Fixed the issue where duplicate messages occasionally appeared in historical messages due to the resending of failed messages.
  • Fixed the issue where garbled characters were displayed when emojis were sent on earlier mobile phones.
  • Fixed the issue where the faceURL was empty in the message returned by onRecvMessageModified.
  • Fixed the issue where the group invitation signaling sent when the invitee was offline couldn't be received after login.

TUIKit and demo

  • Supported displaying the "Typing..." status in one-to-one chat.
  • Supported displaying the online status of friends in chats and contacts.
  • No longer displayed the "Recall" option 2 minutes after a message was sent.
  • Made custom messages intercompatible across terminals.
  • Fixed the issue where chats were not rearranged in certain scenarios on Android.
  • Removed the TPNS channel from the offline push component.


  • 新增会话标记支持
  • 新增会话分组支持
  • 新增会话自定义字段支持
  • 新增拉取会话高级接口
  • 支持接收直播群广播消息
  • 支持加群选项变更的通知下发
  • 支持群消息接收选项变更的多端同步
  • 优化长连接选路逻辑,支持策略轮转
  • 预埋日本站支持
  • 升级 HttpDNS 选路请求的授权 ID
  • 国际站支持 HttpDNS 选路方式
  • 优化直播群长轮询请求的起始 Sequence
  • 优化话题资料中 lastMessage 在某些条件下的缺失问题
  • 优化会话置顶顺序逻辑
  • 优化消息端到端时间的统计逻辑
  • 修复重发失败的消息导致历史消息里偶现重复消息的问题
  • 修复在低版本手机上发送 emoj 表情显示乱码的问题
  • 修复 onRecvMessageModified 返回的消息中 faceURL 为空的问题
  • 修复登录后偶现收不到离线期间的群邀请信令的问题

TUIKit & Demo

  • C2C 单聊支持“正在输入中......”
  • 会话和通讯录增加好友在线状态功能
  • 发送的消息超过2分钟后,不再显示“撤回”选项
  • 多端自定义消息互通兼容
  • Android 解决特定场景下会话不重排的问题
  • 离线推送组件移除 TPNS 通道

6.3.2619 @2022.06.29 - Enhanced Version - 增强版

22 Aug 07:49
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  • Fixed the occasional crash when getting the topic list
  • Fixed the abnormal problem of getting the conversation list after deleting a topic


  • 修复获取话题列表偶现的崩溃问题
  • 修复删除话题后,获取会话列表异常问题

6.3.2609 @2022.06.16 - Enhanced Version - 增强版

22 Aug 07:48
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  • Added the online status and custom status.
  • Supported pulling the member list (up to 1,000 persons) of an audio-video group.
  • Supported @ALL messages for a topic.
  • Added the friend adding time in the profile of a friend.
  • Fixed the issue where cross-platform SQL execution errors occurred.
  • Added community topic APIs for the cross-platform SDK.
  • Fixed the issue where the unread count was occasionally incorrect when messages of a specified topic was pulled after login.
  • Fixed the issue where the call result of the API for getting the list of groups a user has joined was occasionally null when the network was unavailable.
  • Fixed the issue where the call result of the API for getting the group owner userID of a group a user has joined was occasionally null.
  • Fixed the issue where the role in the member profile obtained by the new group owner was not upgraded after a group was transferred.
  • Fixed the issue where search result error occurred when several senders were provided as parameters for the message search API.
  • Fixed the issue where the name and profile photo of a sender were inconsistent after message search.
  • Fixed the issue where modifying cloudCustomData as null did not apply.
  • Fixed the issue for iOS where the returned value of elemType was 0 after cloudCustomData of audio messages was modified.
  • Fixed the issue for iOS where the read receipts of one-to-one messages were occasionally not called back.
  • Optimized .so loading for Android

TUIKit and demo

  • Supported stickers in chat messages.
  • Supported quoting a chat message.
  • Supported replying to a chat message.
  • Supported read receipts for one-to-one messages.
  • Unified the time display format of conversation lists.
  • Supported version upgrade check for the demo app.
  • Upgraded the brand logo for the demo app.


  • 新增在线状态及自定义状态
  • 直播群支持拉取群成员列表,最大支持1000人
  • 话题支持 at all 消息
  • 补充好友资料中添加好友的时间
  • 修复跨平台版本 sql 执行错误问题
  • 跨平台 SDK 增加社群话题相关接口
  • 修复登录后拉取指定话题偶现的未读数不对的问题
  • 修复没有网络时,获取加入的群组接口调用结果偶现为空的问题
  • 修复获取加入的群组中群主 userID 为空的问题
  • 修复转让群主后,新群主获取成员资料中的角色没更新问题
  • 修复搜索消息接口参数填多个发送者时的搜索结果异常问题
  • 修复搜索消息后,发送者昵称和头像不一致问题
  • 修复修改 cloudCustomData 为空字符串不生效问题
  • iOS 修复更改语音消息 cloudCustomData 后获取到的 elemType 为 0 的问题
  • iOS 修复 C2C 消息已读回执偶现不回调问题
  • Android 优化 so 加载速度

TUIKit & Demo

  • 聊天消息支持表情回应
  • 聊天消息支持引用
  • 聊天消息支持回复
  • 单聊消息支持已读回执
  • 会话列表时间统一格式化显示
  • Demo App 支持版本升级检测
  • Demo App 品牌 logo 升级

6.2.2363 @2022.04.29 - Enhanced Version - 增强版

22 Aug 07:47
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  • Added the community topic feature.
  • Added the message edit API.
  • Added support for one-to-one message read receipts.
  • Optimized the network quality of the International Site.
  • Fixed the issue where a read message was displayed as unread after the app was uninstalled and reinstalled.
  • Fixed the issue where when the profile of a non-friend user was obtained, the values of custom fields cannot be updated after they were changed to null.
  • Fixed the issue where the lastMsg of a one-to-one conversation was inconsistent with the lastMsg in the message history when both sides sent a message simultaneously.
  • Fixed the issue where after the group owner of a public group approved a group joining request, the callback received by the applicant was incorrect.
  • Fixed the issue where the nameCard of a message sent by a user was null when the user checked this message.
  • Fixed the issue in some cases where the conversation list was not sorted after messages were sent.

TUIKit and demo

  • Added the offline push component and simplified the integration process.
  • Supported read receipts for group messages.
  • Supported the dark theme for iOS.
  • Fixed the issue for Android where the app crashed when an excessively large image was sent and previewed.
  • Fixed the issue for Android where after a video message was sent, the duration displayed in the message was inconsistent with the actual duration of the video.
  • Fixed the issue for Android where a user cannot continue to handle friend requests after the user handled a friend request.


  • 新增社群话题功能(iOS 文档Android 文档
  • 新增消息编辑接口(iOS 文档Android 文档
  • 支持 C2C 消息已读回执(iOS 文档Android 文档
  • 优化国际站的联网质量
  • 修复消息已读后,卸载重装再拉取该消息,已读状态为未读的问题
  • 修复获取非好友用户资料,其自定义字段值修改为空字符串后一直不更新的问题
  • 修复 C2C 会话双方同时发消息时偶现的会话 lastMsg 与历史消息的 lastMsg 不一致的问题
  • 修复 Public 群组群主审批通过入群申请后,申请方收到的回调错误问题
  • 修复查看自己发送的群消息中 nameCard 为空的问题
  • 修复某些条件下发送消息,会话列表不会重新排序的问题

TUIKit & Demo

  • 新增离线推送组件,简化接入流程
  • 支持群消息已读回执
  • iOS 支持暗黑皮肤
  • Android 修复发送尺寸特别大的图片后,预览会崩溃问题
  • Android 修复发送视频消息后,消息展示的时间跟实际播放时间不一致的问题
  • Android 修复处理一个好友请求后,无法继续点击处理其他好友请求的问题

6.1.2166 @2022.04.02 - Enhanced Version - 增强版

22 Aug 07:45
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  • Fixed the issue where no data was returned when two or more userIDs were entered for senderUserIDList to search for local messages.
  • Fixed the issue where the SDK for Android called back only one message when a user recalled multiple messages with the RESTful API.
  • Fixed occasional crashes in quickly clearing unread messages for Windows.

TUIKit and demo

  • Released the International Edition demo.
  • Switched offline push back to vendor channels.
  • Switched the login with mobile number to the aPaaS service.
  • Fixed the failure of audio/video call sync across multiple clients.


  • 修复搜索本地消息 senderUserIDList 传入两个及以上时,搜索不到数据的问题
  • 修复 rest api 一次性撤回多条消息,Android sdk 只回调了一条的问题
  • windows 修复一键清除未读偶现崩溃问题

TUIKit & Demo

  • 发布国际版体验 Demo
  • 离线推送切回厂商通道
  • 手机号码登录切换到 aPaas
  • 修复音视频通话多端同步的问题

6.1.2155 @2022.3.18 - Enhanced Version - 增强版

22 Aug 07:44
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  • Added support for read receipts for group messages.
  • Added support for setting offline push alert sound for Android.
  • Added the API for setting network proxy for mobile SDKs.
  • Supplemented offline push APIs for the C/C++ platform.
  • Added support for automatically synchronizing signaling messages in a group after login.
  • Fixed the issue where a user cannot get complete custom fields after receiving a notification on custom field changes.
  • Fixed the notification muting status return error that occasionally occurred when the conversation list was pulled under a weak network.
  • Optimized the log printing logic.
  • Optimized error descriptions.


  • Upgraded the personal information protection law for TUIKit demo to meet compliance requirements.
  • Fixed the issue where a user cannot initiate an audio/video call by tapping the banner notification after receiving an offline push notification.
  • Fixed the issue where a user cannot initiate an audio/video call by directly opening the app after switching the app to background and receiving an offline push notification.


  • 支持群消息已读回执(iOS 文档, Android 文档
  • 安卓离线推送支持设置声音提示
  • 移动端 SDK 提供设置网络代理的接口
  • C/C++ 平台补齐离线推送接口
  • 支持登录后自动同步群内信令消息
  • 修改收到好友自定义字段变更通知后,无法获取完整自定义字段的问题
  • 修改弱网下拉取会话列表偶现消息免打扰标志返回错误的问题
  • 优化日志打印逻辑
  • 优化错误信息描述


  • 完成 TUIKit Demo 个保法改造,满足合规
  • 修复收到离线推送通知后,点击通知栏提示无法拉起音视频通话的问题
  • 修复 App 退后台后收到离线推送通知,直接启动 App 无法拉起音视频通话的问题

6.0.1992 @2022.02.09 - Enhanced Edition - 增强版

22 Aug 07:43
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  • Fixed occasional crashes when sending two consecutive messages to a deleted or nonexistent group.


  • Added the theme setting capability.
  • Added the language setting capability.
  • Added the group profile feature of group management.
  • Added the file message feature of animation upload/download.
  • Added the redirection entry "Received XX new messages" when browsing historical messages.
  • Added the redirection entry "Back to the latest position" when browsing historical messages.
  • Added the entry for one-click redirection to group @ messages.
  • Optimized the display style of the last message in the conversation list.
  • Added the selected state for text messages.
  • Optimized the A2 and D2 error descriptions.
  • iOS 15 system UI adaptation.


  • 修复向已解散或不存在的群连续发送两次消息偶现 crash 问题


  • 新增皮肤设置能力
  • 新增语言设置能力
  • 群资料卡新增群管理功能
  • 文件消息增加上传下载动画
  • 浏览历史消息时,增加“收到 X 条新消息”的小舌头跳转
  • 浏览历史消息时,增加“回到最新位置”的小舌头跳转
  • 增加一键跳转到群 @ 消息的小舌头跳转
  • 优化会话列表最后一条消息的展示样式
  • 文本消息增加选中状态
  • 优化 A2、D2错误提示描述
  • iOS15系统UI适配

6.0.1975 @2022.01.14 - Enhanced Edition - 增强版

22 Aug 07:39
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  • Released SDK version for all-platform C++ APIs.
  • Added the feature of integrating the TPNS channel for offline push.
  • Added change notification for custom fields of personal profile.
  • Fixed the issue where the returned content was occasionally empty when a user attempts to obtain friend remarks.
  • Optimized network type log printing.
  • Supplemented the message priority fields of the message object for iOS.
  • Fixed the issue where the message object returned for callback of inserting local messages was incomplete in the C interface version.
  • Switched the offline push for the open source demo of the official TUIKit to the TPNS channel.


  • 发布全平台 C++ 接口版 SDK
  • 离线推送支持接入 TPNS 通道
  • 增加个人资料自定义字段的变更通知
  • 修复获取好友备注偶现为空的问题
  • 优化网络类型日志打印
  • iOS 版本消息对象补齐消息优先级 priority 字段
  • 修复 C 接口版本插入本地消息的回调没有返回完整消息对象的问题
  • 官方 TUIKit 开源 Demo 的离线推送切换到 TPNS 通道