- Misc.
- General bugfixes
- Misc.
- General bugfixes
- Misc.
- General bugfixes and performance improvements
- Update native third-party libraries
- Misc.
- General bugfixes
- Misc.
- General bugfixes
- Misc.
- General bugfixes
- Misc.
- General bugfixes
- Misc.
- General bugfixes
- MapView:
- Map engine CPU consumption improvement in the idle state
- Misc.
- General bugfixes
- MapView:
- GetNearest API improvement to avoid ANR
- Misc.
- General bugfixes
- MapView:
- Expose AutoZoom on/off API
- Fix AutoZoom controller did not handle ramps properly
- Inject LifecycleOwner to TnMapView
- Misc.
- Correct log print in BrokerServerHelper
- General bugfixes
- MapView:
- Fix: Map element could not update to corresponding language
- Override UserGraphic construct to avoid bitmap copy
- Support front passenger screen
- Misc.
- Support native log level setting by topic
- Traffic display improvement
- General bugfixes
- DriveSession:
- Update phoneme language information in TTS output
- Misc.
- General bugfixes
- MapView:
- CVP icon could not be shown at the first time without GPS
- DriveSession:
- Add Shield icons for MEA region
- Misc.
- New region RN ( ISC) support
- Support jni log level setting
- Expose the api of setting log of ADAS
- General bugfixes and performance improvements
- DriveSession:
- Disable shield icon to be rendered by default
- Add sorted signpost names in maneuverInfo
- Support Toll booth audio prompt switch
- Misc.
- General bugfixes and performance improvements
- MapView:
- Support map element POI on map clickable
- Notify the current render mode when tilt gesture ends
- DriveSession:
- Add HighVigilanceArea alert type
- Destination distance threshold adjustment
- Misc.
- General bugfixes
- MapView:
- Expose interface to set cluster style independently
- Make the CVP a tappable annotation
- DriveSession:
- Add API to disable/enable navigation status to be prompted by audio
- Support different verbosity level in audio guidance
- Direction:
- Add road type/road subtype in route response model
- Support config the numbers of onboard route when network disconnected
- Misc.
- General bugfixes
- DriveSession:
- Send available satellite count into Position Engine
- Exposing shield icon from navigation maneuver info
- Direction:
- Add controlled access information in route response
- Misc.
- Provide a method to disconnect all the cloud service
- General bugfixes
- MapView:
- Expose api to check mapview is FinishedLoading
- Direction:
- Add a timeoutForOldEmbeddedDataVersion configuration parameter in the HybridClientConfig
- Misc.
- General bugfixes
- MapView:
- Expose api to enable/disable free flow traffic
- DriveSession:
- Provide traffic light signal in alert service
- Misc.
- Add map version update listener
- General bugfixes
- DriveSession:
- Lane guidance for passing cross in AGV
- Send satellite number into Position Engine
- Misc.
- General bugfixes
- MapView:
- Expose real reach API's in Android layer
- Expose API for tappable map data POI's in java layer
- Direction:
- Real reach polygon feature
- DriveSession:
- DriveSession can be initialized with services disable
- Misc.
- Provide a set of APIs to disable/enable all cloud services dynamically
- General bugfixes
- MapView:
- Auto Zoom - Animation speed improvement
- DriveSession:
- DriveSessionException formatting
- Misc.
- Provide a set of APIs to disable/enable all cloud services when initialization
- Support Android11+ storage permission requesting
- General bugfixes
- MapView:
- Rewrite the AutoZoom which introduced the json file to control revolved status
- Use physical dpi (xdpi/ydpi) instead of logical dpi (densityDpi)
- DriveSession:
- Support exposing more error events from better route feature
- Misc.
- Atlas configuration independence
- General bugfixes
- MapView:
- Change the type of traffic incident to V2
- Optimize the order of touched annotations
- Implement route characteristic 'out of range'
- Support cluster map view
- Support getting eating route tail point
- Misc.
- Support ANZ region
- General bugfixes
- MapView:
- Support clear POI cache data
- Support flat terrain
- DriveSession:
- Add time attribute to location in PositionEventListener's callback
- Support avoid step and incident
- Misc.
- Change the default log level from INFO to WARNING
- Support the client to set the Region when initializing the SDK
- General bugfixes
- MapView:
- Optimize the map engine's display quality of route
- DriveSession:
- Support MMFeedbackInfo
- Expose getTimedRestrictionEdges and saveTime field when route is updated by DRG
- Expose better route fail reason
- Return an empty streetName if there's no road name
- Misc.
- Keep TaLog's config when SDK init
- General bugfixes and performance improvements
- MapView:
- Optimize the MapView initialize time
- Optimize the CPU usage by GL Thread
- NorthUp FollowVehicleMode support keeping north up after rotating
- Support Free-Drive AutoZoom
- Support displaying and hiding annotations under annotation layer
- Support limit Max & Min zoom level
- Direction:
- Replace use_traffic_info of RoutePreferences with avoid_traffic_congestion
- DriveSession:
- Support adjusting saved time percentage dynamically
- Misc.
- General bugfixes and CPU performance improvements
- MapView:
- Support enable/disable AutoZoom in both HeadingUp and NorthUp FollowVehicleMode
- Remove enhanced FollowVehicleMode
- Optimize annotation's setIconX and setIconY method
- Support grouping annotation
- Optimize AutoZoom with new API
- Support to set FPS
- Map style updates
- Direction:
- Support waypoint optimize task
- DriveSession:
- Provide better route context info in better route notification / candidate
- Provide nearby and along route Urgent/X-Urgent event along route notification
- Support DR feedback
- Misc.
- Support URLs setting
- General bugfixes
- MapView:
- Support show POI on map
- Support u-turn arrow style
- Support double-tap zoom in at the touch position
- Support annotation update with new texture,except congestion bubble and route annotation
- Direction:
- Provide travel points along the route, including origin, waypoints and final destination.
- Improve routing performance for EU region
- DriveSession:
- Support update AudioLocale
- Provide along route traffic incident
- Enable feature where am I
- Misc.
- General bugfixes
- MapView:
- Map style updates
- Forbid the up and move event to trigger the route
- Support two new traffic incident filters:traffic-incident-urgency-level and traffic-incident-blocking
- Direction:
- Provide hybrid client configuration for timeout threshold of waiting cloud routing
- [EV] Support Eco Curve setting
- Support optional android location to construct GeoLocation
- Support real reach feature in direction side.
- DriveSession:
- Refactor AudioType in the AudioInstruction
- Enrich ManeuverInfo
- Expose way to specify "Info", "1st", "2nd" & "3rd" guidance
- Traffic bar improvement
- Misc.
- General bugfixes
- MapView:
- Use default map style
- Support both default screen and off screen snapshot
- Direction:
- Upgrade V2 route response and models
- Misc.
- Start broker service
- Support getting map data version and SDK version
- General bugfixes
- MapView:
- Map style updates
- Update no culling annotation style
- ADILine support end point
- AutoZoom only supported in FollowVehicleMode.Enhanced
- Support 2D/3D render mode
- Support Sub-View
- DriveSession:
- Support prefetching data after starting navigation
- Direction:
- Support hybrid routing mode which will choose suitable onboard / cloud service intellectually
- Misc.
- General bugfixes and CPU performance improvements
- MapView:
- Support query follow vehicle mode
- Improve usability of annotation api
- Support create annotation with either heavy or light congestion bubble
- DriveSession:
- Support jump road feature
- Prompt deviation audio only once when in a continuous deviation phase
- Prompt rerouting audio when a new route is produced through deviation
- Misc.
- Support set unit for METRIC or IMPERIAL
- General bugfixes and performance improvements
- MapView:
- Add OnTouch support for map elements
- AutoZoom improvements for free drive and active navigation
- Add font size configuration support
- Traffic on route Support
- Map style updates
- DriveSession:
- Phoneme support for audio guidance
- Request along route traffic info
- Support prompting cloud congestion traffic in audio
- Direction:
- Onboard routing support improvements
- Misc.
- General bugfixes and performance improvements
- MapView:
- Annotation API to set and get ExtraInfo
- Use night mode as default color theme
- MapViewListener support, provide onMapFrameUpdate callback
- LayoutController support, client can set Vertical&Horizontal offset for the layout
- Support worldToViewPort & viewportToWorld conversion
- DriveSession:
- JunctionView improvements
- Guidance of multiple alerts
- SpeedLimit
- Running red light
- Congestion
- Direction:
- Add api to obtain route's UUID
- Add RoadCalibrator for jump button support
- System improvements:
- Init & dispose SDK instance from worker thread instead of main thread
- Misc.
- Add build version for Javadoc
- General bugfixes and performance improvements
- MapView:
- Additional user interaction improvements
- Viewport offset support
- TSS loading support
- Route eating Support
- DriveSession:
- Custom location provider support
- Dynamic ReRouting support
- Direction:
- Update response data model to support additional attributes
- System improvements:
- Cloud environment setup
- Java 1.7 compatible support
- Streaming mode
- Misc.
- General bugfixes and performance improvements
- MapView:
- Vehicle controller support
- Route controller and annotation controller improvements
- DriveSession:
- Rich navigation event support
- Alert support
- Direction:
- Update response data model to support additional attributes
- Misc.
- General bugfixes and performance improvements
- MapView:
- Bug fixes
- DriveSession:
- EU Region support
- AudioGuidance support
- TraveledDistance and TraveledTime support
- Map:
- Bug fixes
- Documentation:
- Javadoc for SDK components
- MapView:
- Camera controller support
- Camera bearing angle
- Central position of camera
- Different follow vehicle mode support
- Free mode support
- Zoom level control
- Route controller support
- Annotation controller support
- DriveSession:
- Adas event listener support
- Documentation:
- Javadoc for SDK components