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Chatterleaf 🌿

Basic Details

Team Name: Ohmies

Team Members

  • Team Lead: Aiswarya Chandrasekharan - Toc H Institute of Science and Technology
  • Member 2: Bhavana V Nair - Toc H Institute of Science and Technology
  • Member 3: Hansel Sabu - Toc H Institute of Science and Technology

Project Description

This is an IoT based agricultural automation project which focus on plant monitoring system. It measures the temperature and humidity of the atmosphere providing real time values which helps the plant moms/dads to know about the situations which their plant goes through. It can be extended to agricultural sector as well. But the primary aim is to understand the various moods of plant based on the moisture level of the soil. Thus the plant moms/dads will know what their child goes through. Since plant cannot be watered the same everyday , it requires to be watered when it needs . Thus the plant watering is automated so that the plant is happy.

The Problem (that doesn't exist)

Justice for the Unspoken.

The Solution (that nobody asked for)

Giving the unspoken "the voice"

Technical Details

Technologies/Components Used

For Software:

  • Embedded C
  • Arduino IDE
  • WiFi,Esp 32, Temperature and Moisture
  • Blynk

For Hardware:

  • Esp 32,Temperature and humidity sensor, moisture sensor, pump,Motor Driver, Battery, Breadboard,Wires
  • Esp 32 DevKitV1,DHT11, L298N Driver, 9V Battery


For Software: #define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID "TMPL3gTw2LNyQ" #define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME "agriculture using esp32" #define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN "IUktBWJeBqTkAaGR-D-p5yhEYejA0kzJ" #include <WiFi.h> #include <BlynkSimpleEsp32.h> #include <DHT.h>

// WiFi credentials char ssid[] = "SSID"; char pass[] = "Password";

// Blynk authentication token char auth[] = "IUktBWJeBqTkAaGR-D-p5yhEYejA0kzJ";

// DHT sensor configuration #define DHT_PIN 4 // GPIO pin connected to DHT sensor #define DHT_TYPE DHT11 #define SOIL_MOISTURE_PIN 32 #define PUMP_PIN 14 DHT dht(DHT_PIN, DHT_TYPE);

void setup() { Serial.begin(9600);

// Connect to WiFi WiFi.begin(ssid, pass); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(250); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println("\nConnected to WiFi");

// Initialize Blynk Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass); // Initialize DHT sensor dht.begin();

// Set motor pins and pump pin as outputs pinMode(PUMP_PIN, OUTPUT); }

void loop() {;;

// Read temperature, humidity, and soil moisture float temperature = dht.readTemperature(); float humidity = dht.readHumidity(); float soil_moisture = analogRead(SOIL_MOISTURE_PIN);

// Display data on Blynk app Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, temperature); Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, humidity); Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, soil_moisture);

// Check soil moisture level and turn on pump if below threshold if (soil_moisture >4000) { Blynk.logEvent("agriculture_using_esp32"); // Adjust threshold value as needed digitalWrite(PUMP_PIN, HIGH); // Turn on the pump delay(2000); // Pump runs for 2 seconds digitalWrite(PUMP_PIN, LOW); // Turn off the pump } else {

digitalWrite(PUMP_PIN, LOW); // Turn off the pump
// Rotate the motor based on Blynk input;




Screenshots (Add at least 3)


Schematic & Circuit

Build Photos

Project Demo


Team Contributions

  • Aiswarya Chandrasekharan : Blynk Set up
  • Bhavana V Nair : Circuit Connection
  • Hansel Sabu : Documentation & Debugging

Made with ❤️ at TinkerHub Useless Projects

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