Releases: TechforgoodCAST/beehive-giving
Releases · TechforgoodCAST/beehive-giving
Closed issues:
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `income_band' for #<Recipient:0x007fdc80b61d40>
Did you mean? income_was #375 - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `income_band' for #<Recipient:0x007fdc742a3890>
Did you mean? income_was #374 - NoMethodError: undefined method `income_band' for #<Recipient:0x007fdca75c7b88>
Did you mean? income_was #373 - Make funding duration a filter and remove from proposal #356
- fund_spec.rb:27 inconsistent #354
- Add eligibility checks for organisation income and age #332
Merged pull requests:
Fixed bugs:
- https://... to https://www... redirect #365
Closed issues:
- TypeError: can't quote Hash #363
- TypeError: can't quote Hash #362
- NoMethodError: undefined method `suitability=' for #<Proposal:0x007f14d40b46c8> #361
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass #360
- Behavioural email for tracking ToC metrics #298
- Add navbar #285
- Recipients admin panel - all view links show same organisation #275
Merged pull requests:
- Remove failing fund_spec test as default order can't be guaranteed - … #370 (drkane)
- Release v1.3.0 #368 (suninthesky)
- New styling for homepage resolves #285 #367 (suninthesky)
- Add duration filter #366 (drkane)
Fixed bugs:
- Redacted funds not showing eligibility in card #290
Closed issues:
- NameError: undefined local variable or method `suitability' for #<Proposal:0x007f1508560918> #359
- NameError: undefined local variable or method `suitability' for #<Proposal:0x007f14e865f2f8> #358
- Refactor recommendation storage and removal #185
- Add help text to funding duration question on proposal #65
Merged pull requests:
- Patch Proposal#update_legacy_suitability #364 (suninthesky)
Fixed bugs:
- ActionView::Template::Error: TrueClass does not have #dig method #314
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `persisted?' for nil:NilClass #312
- NoMethodError: undefined method `attributes=' for nil:NilClass #310
Closed issues:
- fund variables don't update in ActiveAdmin #350
- Add notice to fund cell if it doesn't accept unsolicited applications #333
- Tag matching #322
Merged pull requests:
- Tag matching pass 3 and resolve #322 #353 (suninthesky)
- Tag matching pass 3 #352 (suninthesky)
Fixed bugs:
- TypeError: no implicit conversion from nil to integer #347
- NoMethodError: undefined method `>' for nil:NilClass #346
- TypeError: no implicit conversion from nil to integer #345
Closed issues:
- Deprecate Profile #342
Merged pull requests:
- Remove profile and resolve #342 #349 (suninthesky)
- Remove profile #348 (suninthesky)
Merged pull requests:
- Tag matching second pass #344 (suninthesky)
- Transfer profiles to proposals #343 (suninthesky)
- Tag matching second pass #341 (suninthesky)
Fixed bugs:
- Mailer www. prefix #334
- ActionView::Template::Error: The line was indented 2 levels deeper than the previous line. #330
- Net::SMTPAuthenticationError: 451 Authentication failed: Could not authenticate
Closed issues:
- NoMethodError: undefined method `attributes=' for nil:NilClass #331
- Add Node and Yarn as prerequisites to README #327
- Refactor markdown method #323
- Add oxfordshire-community-foundation-ambition #251
- Add oxfordshire-community-foundation-step-change #250
- Add oxfordshire-community-foundation-delivering-impact #249
- Add oxfordshire-community-foundation-small-and-vital #248
- Add R S Macdonald Charitable Trust #247
- Add david-and-elaine-potter-foundation-civil-society #246
- Add david-and-elaine-potter-foundation-education #245
- Add the-dulverton-trust-main-grants #244
- Add the-true-colours-trust-small-grants-uk #243
- Add the-clothworkers-foundation-main-grants-programme #242
- Add the-clothworkers-foundation-small-grants-programme #241
- Add the-barrow-cadbury-trust-migration #240
- Add the-barrow-cadbury-trust-economic-justice #239
- Add the-barrow-cadbury-trust-criminal-justice #238
- Add the-wolfson-foundation-science-and-medicine #237
- Add the-wolfson-foundation-health-and-disability #236
- Add the-wolfson-foundation-education #235
- Add the-wolfson-foundation-arts-and-humanities #234
- Add the-baring-foundation-strengthening-the-voluntary-sector #228
Merged pull requests:
- Tag matching first pass #338 (suninthesky)
- Tag matching first pass #337 (suninthesky)
Fixed bugs:
- Failsafe from rollbar-gem. Net::OpenTimeout: "execution expired" in /app/vendor/ruby-2.3.3/lib/ruby/2.3.0/net/http.rb:880:in `initialize': error in process_item #321
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass #319
Closed issues:
- NoMethodError: undefined method `new' for "::Rack::Auth::Basic":String #325
- JSON::ParserError: 765: unexpected token at '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">
<title>401 Unauthorized</title>
<p>The server could not verify that you are authorized to access the URL requested. You either supp #318 - Sorting and filtering options #316
- Remove New Relic #262
Merged pull requests:
- Sorting and filtering closes #316 v1.1.0 #326 (suninthesky)
- Sorting and filtering #324 (suninthesky)
- Add markdown parsing for fund description and key criteria #320 (drkane)
Fixed bugs:
- ActionView::Template::Error: No route matches {:action=>"edit", :controller=>"recipients", :id=>nil} missing required keys: [:id] #313
- ActionView::Template::Error: TrueClass does not have #dig method #308
- NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass #306
- NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass #305
- TypeError: TrueClass does not have #dig method #303
- NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass #302
- Subscribed users still see "3 left" message for checking eligibility #221
- Hide upgrade CTA when subscribed #216
- ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError: unknown attribute 'recipient_count' for Fund. #214
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass #137
- ActionController::UrlGenerationError: No route matches {:action=>"new", :controller=>"eligibilities", :id=>nil, :proposal_id=>"6227"} missing required keys: [:id] #135
- ActionController::UnknownFormat: SignupController#user is missing a template for this request format and variant.
request.formats: ["image/gif", "image/x-xbitmap", "image/jpeg", "image/pjpeg", "application/x-shockwave-flash", "application/", #133
- JSON::ParserError: 743: unexpected token at '<html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Error Page</title>
body {
font-family: Arial, Hel #132 - URI::InvalidURIError: bad URI(is not URI?): & Community Benefits Co. No:17410R.json #116
- NameError: undefined local variable or method `recommended_funds_path' for #<FeedbackController:0x007f5fc04173b0>
Did you mean? recommended_proposal_funds_path #114 - ActionView::Template::Error: Missing partial proposals/states/_complete with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:js, :html], :variants=>[], :handlers=>[:raw, :erb, :html, :builder, :ruby, :slim, :coffee, :arb, :jbuilder, :haml]}. Searched in:
* "/app/app/views #113 - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `fund_apply_path' for #<#<Class:0x007f5fc4817c68>:0x007f5fb094f7c0>
Did you mean? funder_map_path #111 - NoMethodError: undefined method `text' for nil:NilClass #107
- NoMethodError: undefined method `text' for nil:NilClass #106
- ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound: Couldn't find Eligibility with ID=68888 for Proposal with ID=4885 #102
- Eligibility not shown for recipients with free subscription who have multiple proposals #99
- NoMethodError: undefined method `tr' for nil:NilClass
Did you mean? try #96 - Subnav incorrect on apply page #93
- Mixpanel reporting incorrect proposal.state #92
- Mixpanel tracking logging incorrectly #89
- Charity commission beta scrape on people pane returns inconsistent values #84
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass #82
- ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column does not exist
LINE 1: ...untry_id" = $1 ORDER BY "districts"."region" ASC, "districts...
: SELECT "districts #81 - Restore chosen_select assets on active_admin #73
- Scrape charity with invalid number fails #56
- Count of eligibility checks by week/month #50
- 'Recently registered charity' date scrape #46
- Postal code not scraping from charity commission #39
- PagesController#faq NoMethodError undefined method `has_proposal?' #3
- treeMultiselect being called on proposals index #2
Closed issues:
- JSON::ParserError: 765: unexpected token at '' #311
- Update org_type for existing Community Interest Company users #299
- Add eligibility check service for durations #295
- Add eligibility check service for amounts #294
- Develop user interview questions for funders #281
- Track metrics for theory of change performance #279
- Add problem statement to ToC for fund seekers and funders #278
- Reusable eligibility criteria components #276
- Approach 'cold' funders by email #274
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `strftime' for nil:NilClass #270
- TypeError: no implicit conversion from nil to integer #268
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `to_i' for []:Array
Did you mean? to_s
to_h #263 - ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `beneficiary_distribution' for #<Fund:0x007fc3d856d468> #256
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `beneficiary_distribution' for #<Fund:0x007fc3f66d92c0> #255
- When funder only has one fund, show the funder name as the main title, rather than "main fund" #254
- Low tier pricing a/b #231
- Days since last visit analysis #230
- esmee-fairbairn-foundation-children-and-young-people not saving with open_data #227
- the-indigo-trust-main-fund not saving with open_data #226
- Add beneficiary tags insight to summary list #209
- Add example of previously funded orgs insight to summary list #208
- Admin can login as user #204
- Add amount_award_sum to Fund #203
- Arrange user interviews 3-5 funders #201
- Add Cabinet Office article #200
- Event track eligibility ratio and recommended funds to ad content #199
- ActionView::Template::Error: undefined method `check_presence' for " <div class="index_as_table"></div>\n":ActiveAdmin::Views::IndexAsTable #194
- Deprecate funders platform #193
- Deprecate FunderAttribute #192
- LocationMatch notice #190
- Comic Relief article for SEO #189
- Cannot overwrite location eligibility with quiz check [#188](