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Scrash LUA examples

A set of LUA directives with JavaScript helpers that are useful to scrape dynamic pages with extensive AJAX calls.

JavaScript utilities

In order to gain more control on scraped pages and to not repeat common tasks in LUA scripts, we need some JavaScript utilities. They should be loaded as soon as possible, for example by splash:autoload in order to properly monkey-patch some of standard browser utilities. There are following utils in this package:

window.__waitForAjax(action, callback, timeoutBefore, timeoutAfter)

Runs action, captures immediate AJAX requests, waits for their completion and runs callback. It takes following arguments:

  • action - a function or list of functions (in this case they will be called sequentially) that will be run as soon as AJAX calls are monkey-patched and request intercepting mechanism is ran.
  • callback - function that is called when AJAX completes. It takes one boolean argument: true if ajax was intercepted and false if not.
  • timeoutBefore - indicates how many miliseconds we will wait for AJAX call to be initiated. This is helpful when debounce of setInterval are implemented in some libraries and AJAX requests are not starting immidiately. If no requests are intercepted in given period, a callback(false) is called.
  • timeoutAfter - indicates how many milliseconds we will wait after request is finished. It could resolve issues with eg. AngularJS when content is not rendering immidiately and it can take about 50ms to see the changes. The callback is not ran until timeoutAfter passes.


window.__waitForAjax(function() {
}, function(ajaxIntercepted) {
	if(ajaxIntercepted) {
        console.log('AJAX intercepted!');

If $('a').click(); produces an AJAX request within timeoutBefore time, callback will be called after it finishes + timeoutAfter milliseconds. If no requests are captured, ajaxIntercepted will be set to false


Finds all DOM nodes that have event listener of given type attached. It takes following arguments:

  • eventName - single event name eg. click or mouseover, or space separated event list eg. click mouseover keypress

It returns list of DOM nodes that have given listener type attached to them.


$('a').click(function() {

var anchors = window.__findListeners('click');
// anchors list should contain <a> nodes previously bound by .click()

Example LUA directives

The package contains directives that are meant to deal with sites that implement various dynamic content loading techniques.


It runs click event on given element and waits for AJAX request to complete


It scrolls page to bottom page_count times. Each time it waits for intercepted AJAX request to complete.


It finds all elements that have attached mouseover event and trigger event on those elements and all their descendands (that's because possible event delegation). For each element it checks if any AJAX request was intercepted. If any, it waits for its completion and continue with another element.

Directive can be modified, so it can find also elements that have attached other event listeners such as click or keypress (please see below)


Similar to mouseover.lua, but focused on click event. It clicks all dynamically loaded tabs and waits for each to load.

An external anchor is introduced here. It is also clicked, but splash:lock_navigation() prevents to change url of current site, so link is ignored.


Unit tests consist of test module based on unittest and mock server based on flask. The server emulates all dynamic content techniques needed by lua directives, so tests are running locally.

Running tests

The easiest way to run tests is to start them via Docker, eg.

$ docker build -t scrash-lua-examples . && docker run -t scrash-lua-examples

They can also be ran without docker to simplify development, but you have to install Splash instance by your own (tutorial). If you have Splash installed, please run these commands in separate terminals:

Run splash (if you didn't run it before):

$ python -m splash.server

Run mock server:

$ python -m tests.server

Run tests:

$ nosetests tests

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