These are the Lua API functions available in UE4SS, on top of the standard libraries that Lua comes with by defualt.
For version: 3.0.0.
Current status: incomplete.
This is an overall list of API definitions available in UE4SS. For more readable information, see the individual API definition pages in the collapsible sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3.
Warning: This API list is not updated as often as the individual API definition pages. It may be out of date.
- The definitions appear as: FieldName | FieldValueType
- Fields that only have numeric field names have '#' as their name in this definition for clarity
- All fields are required unless otherwise specified
# | string (Microsoft Virtual Key-Code)
ObjectProperty | internal_value
ObjectPtrProperty | internal_value
Int8Property | internal_value
Int16Property | internal_value
IntProperty | internal_value
Int64Property | internal_value
NameProperty | internal_value
FloatProperty | internal_value
StrProperty | internal_value
ByteProperty | internal_value
UInt16Property | internal_value
UIntProperty | internal_value
UInt64Property | internal_value
BoolProperty | internal_value
ArrayProperty | internal_value
MapProperty | internal_value
StructProperty | internal_value
ClassProperty | internal_value
WeakObjectProperty | internal_value
EnumProperty | internal_value
TextProperty | internal_value
Property | string (Name of the property to use as relative start instead of base)
RelativeOffset | integer (Offset from relative start to this property)
Type | table (PropertyTypes)
Name | string (Name to use with the __index metamethod)
Type | table (PropertyTypes)
BelongsToClass | string (Full class name without type that this property belongs to)
OffsetInternal | integer or table (if table: OffsetInternalInfo, otherwise: offset from base to this property)
ArrayProperty | table (Optional, ArrayPropertyInfo)
- A table of object flags that can be or'd together by using |.
RF_NoFlags | 0x00000000
RF_Public | 0x00000001
RF_Standalone | 0x00000002
RF_MarkAsNative | 0x00000004
RF_Transactional | 0x00000008
RF_ClassDefaultObject | 0x00000010
RF_ArchetypeObject | 0x00000020
RF_Transient | 0x00000040
RF_MarkAsRootSet | 0x00000080
RF_TagGarbageTemp | 0x00000100
RF_NeedInitialization | 0x00000200
RF_NeedLoad | 0x00000400
RF_KeepForCooker | 0x00000800
RF_NeedPostLoad | 0x00001000
RF_NeedPostLoadSubobjects | 0x00002000
RF_NewerVersionExists | 0x00004000
RF_BeginDestroyed | 0x00008000
RF_FinishDestroyed | 0x00010000
RF_BeingRegenerated | 0x00020000
RF_DefaultSubObject | 0x00040000
RF_WasLoaded | 0x00080000
RF_TextExportTransient | 0x00100000
RF_LoadCompleted | 0x00200000
RF_InheritableComponentTemplate | 0x00400000
RF_DuplicateTransient | 0x00800000
RF_StrongRefOnFrame | 0x01000000
RF_NonPIEDuplicateTransient | 0x01000000
RF_Dynamic | 0x02000000
RF_WillBeLoaded | 0x04000000
RF_HasExternalPackage | 0x08000000
RF_AllFlags | 0x0FFFFFFF
- A table of internal object flags that can be or'd together by using |.
ReachableInCluster | 0x00800000
ClusterRoot | 0x01000000
Native | 0x02000000
Async | 0x04000000
AsyncLoading | 0x08000000
Unreachable | 0x10000000
PendingKill | 0x20000000
RootSet | 0x40000000
GarbageCollectionKeepFlags | 0x0E000000
AllFlags | 0x7F800000
print(string Message)
- Does not have the capability to format. Use 'string.format' if you require formatting.
StaticFindObject(string ObjectName) -> { UObject | AActor | nil }
StaticFindObject(UClass Class=nil, UObject InOuter=nil, string ObjectName, bool ExactClass=false)
- Maps to
FindFirstOf(string ShortClassName) -> { UObject | AActor | nil }
- Find the first non-default instance of the supplied class name
- Param 'ShortClassName': Should only contains the class name itself without path info
FindAllOf(string ShortClassName) -> table -> { UObject | AActor } | nil
- Find all non-default instances of the supplied class name
- Param 'ShortClassName': Should only contains the class name itself without path info
RegisterKeyBind(integer Key, function Callback)
RegisterKeyBind(integer Key, table ModifierKeys, function callback)
- Registers a callback for a key-bind
- Callbacks can only be triggered while the game or debug console is on focus
IsKeyBindRegistered(integer Key)
IsKeyBindRegistered(integer Key, table ModifierKeys)
- Checks if, at the time of the invocation, the supplied keys have been registered
RegisterHook(string UFunctionName, function Callback) -> integer, integer
- Registers a callback for a UFunction
- Callbacks are triggered when a UFunction is executed
- The callback params are: UObject self, UFunctionParams...
- Returns two ids, both of which must be passed to 'UnregisterHook' if you want to unregister the hook.
UnregisterHook(string UFunctionName, integer PreId, integer PostId)
- Unregisters a hook.
ExecuteInGameThread(function Callback)
- Execute code inside the game thread using ProcessEvent.
- Will execute as soon as the game has time to execute.
FName(string Name) -> FName
FName(integer ComparisonIndex) -> FName
- Returns the FName for this string/ComparisonIndex or the FName for "None" if the name doesn't exist
FText(string Text) -> FText
- Returns the FText representation of this string
StaticConstructObject(UClass Class,
UObject Outer,
FName Name, #Optional
EObjectFlags Flags, #Optional
EInternalObjectFlags InternalSetFlags, #Optional
bool CopyTransientsFromClassDefaults, #Optional
bool AssumeTemplateIsArchetype, #Optional
UObject Template, #Optional
FObjectInstancingGraph InstanceGraph, #Optional
UPackage ExternalPackage, #Optional
void SubobjectOverrides #Optional) -> UObject
- Attempts to construct a UObject of the passed UClass
- (>=4.26) Maps to
- (<4.25) Maps to
RegisterCustomProperty(table CustomPropertyInfo)
- Registers a custom property to be used automatically with 'UObject.__index'
ForEachUObject(function Callback)
- Execute the callback function for each UObject in GUObjectArray
- The callback params are: UObject object, integer ChunkIndex, integer ObjectIndex
NotifyOnNewObject(string UClassName, function Callback)
- Executes the provided Lua function whenever an instance of the provided class is constructed.
- Inheritance is taken into account, so if you provide "/Script/Engine.Actor" as the class then it will execute your
- Lua function when any object is constructed that's either an AActor or is derived from AActor.
RegisterCustomEvent(string EventName, function Callback)
- Registers a callback that will get called when a BP function/event is called with the name 'EventName'.
RegisterLoadMapPreHook(function Callback)
- Registers a callback that will get called before UEngine::LoadMap is called.
- The callback params are: UEngine Engine, struct FWorldContext& WorldContext, FURL URL, class UPendingNetGame* PendingGame, FString& Error
- Params (except strings & bools & FOutputDevice) must be retrieved via 'Param:Get()' and set via 'Param:Set()'.
RegisterLoadMapPostHook(function Callback)
- Registers a callback that will get called after UEngine::LoadMap is called.
- The callback params are: UEngine Enigne, struct FWorldContext& WorldContext, FURL URL, class UPendingNetGame* PendingGame, FString& Error
- Params (except strings & bools & FOutputDevice) must be retrieved via 'Param:Get()' and set via 'Param:Set()'.
RegisterInitGameStatePreHook(function Callback)
- Registers a callback that will get called before AGameModeBase::InitGameState is called.
- The callback params are: AGameModeBase Context
- Params (except strings & bools & FOutputDevice) must be retrieved via 'Param:Get()' and set via 'Param:Set()'.
RegisterInitGameStatePostHook(function Callback)
- Registers a callback that will get called after AGameModeBase::InitGameState is called.
- The callback params are: AGameModeBase Context
- Params (except strings & bools & FOutputDevice) must be retrieved via 'Param:Get()' and set via 'Param:Set()'.
RegisterBeginPlayPreHook(function Callback)
- Registers a callback that will get called before AActor::BeginPlay is called.
- The callback params are: AActor Context
- Params (except strings & bools & FOutputDevice) must be retrieved via 'Param:Get()' and set via 'Param:Set()'.
RegisterBeginPlayPostHook(function Callback)
- Registers a callback that will get called after AActor::BeginPlay is called.
- The callback params are: AActor Context
- Params (except strings & bools & FOutputDevice) must be retrieved via 'Param:Get()' and set via 'Param:Set()'.
RegisterProcessConsoleExecPreHook(function Callback)
- Registers a callback that will get called before UObject::ProcessConsoleExec is called.
- The callback params are: UObject Context, string Cmd, table CommandParts, FOutputDevice Ar, UObject Executor
- Params (except strings & bools & FOutputDevice) must be retrieved via 'Param:Get()' and set via 'Param:Set()'.
- If the callback returns nothing (or nil), the original return value of ProcessConsoleExec will be used.
- If the callback returns true or false, the supplied value will override the original return value of ProcessConsoleExec.
RegisterProcessConsoleExecPostHook(function Callback)
- Registers a callback that will get called after UObject::ProcessConsoleExec is called.
- The callback params are: UObject Context, string Cmd, table CommandParts, FOutputDevice Ar, UObject Executor
- Params (except strings & bools & FOutputDevice) must be retrieved via 'Param:Get()' and set via 'Param:Set()'.
- If the callback returns nothing (or nil), the original return value of ProcessConsoleExec will be used.
- If the callback returns true or false, the supplied value will override the original return value of ProcessConsoleExec.
RegisterCallFunctionByNameWithArgumentsPreHook(function Callback)
- Registers a callback that will be called before UObject::CallFunctionByNameWithArguments is called.
- The callback params are: UObject Context, string Str, FOutputDevice Ar, UObject Executor, bool bForceCallWithNonExec
- Params (except strings & bools & FOutputDevice) must be retrieved via 'Param:Get()' and set via 'Param:Set()'.
- If the callback returns nothing (or nil), the original return value of CallFunctionByNameWithArguments will be used.
- If the callback returns true or false, the supplied value will override the original return value of CallFunctionByNameWithArguments.
RegisterCallFunctionByNameWithArgumentsPostHook(function Callback)
- Registers a callback that will be called after UObject::CallFunctionByNameWithArguments is called.
- The callback params are: UObject Context, string Str, FOutputDevice Ar, UObject Executor, bool bForceCallWithNonExec
- Params (except strings & bools & FOutputDevice) must be retrieved via 'Param:Get()' and set via 'Param:Set()'.
- If the callback returns nothing (or nil), the original return value of CallFunctionByNameWithArguments will be used.
- If the callback returns true or false, the supplied value will override the original return value of CallFunctionByNameWithArguments.
RegisterULocalPlayerExecPreHook(function Callback)
- Registers a callback that will be called before ULocalPlayer::Exec is called.
- The callback params are: ULocalPlayer Context, UWorld InWorld, string Cmd, FOutputDevice Ar
- Params (except strings & bools & FOutputDevice) must be retrieved via 'Param:Get()' and set via 'Param:Set()'.
- The callback can have two return values.
- If the first return value is nothing (or nil), the original return value of Exec will be used.
- If the first return value is true or false, the supplied value will override the original return value of Exec.
- The second return value controls whether the original Exec will execute.
- If the second return value is nil or true, the orginal Exec will execute.
- If the second return value is false, the original Exec will not execute.
RegisterULocalPlayerExecPostHook(function Callback)
- Registers a callback that will be called after ULocalPlayer::Exec is called.
- The callback params are: ULocalPlayer Context, UWorld InWorld, string Cmd, FOutputDevice Ar
- Params (except strings & bools & FOutputDevice) must be retrieved via 'Param:Get()' and set via 'Param:Set()'.
- The callback can have two return values.
- If the first return value is nothing (or nil), the original return value of Exec will be used.
- If the first return value is true or false, the supplied value will override the original return value of Exec.
- The second return value controls whether the original Exec will execute.
- If the second return value is nil or true, the orginal Exec will execute.
- If the second return value is false, the original Exec will not execute.
RegisterConsoleCommandHandler(string CommandName, function Callback)
- Registers a callback for a custom console commands.
- The callback only runs in the context of UGameViewportClient.
- The callback params are: string Cmd, table CommandParts, FOutputDevice Ar
- Params (except strings & bools & FOutputDevice) must be retrieved via 'Param:Get()' and set via 'Param:Set()'.
- The callback must return either true or false.
- If the callback returns true, no further handlers will be called for this command.
RegisterConsoleCommandGlobalHandler(string CommandName, function Callback)
- Registers a callback for a custom console command.
- Unlike 'RegisterConsoleCommandHandler', this global variant runs the callback for all contexts.
- The callback params are: string Cmd, table CommandParts, FOutputDevice Ar
- Params (except strings & bools & FOutputDevice) must be retrieved via 'Param:Get()' and set via 'Param:Set()'.
- The callback must return either true or false.
- If the callback returns true, no further handlers will be called for this command.
ExecuteAsync(function Callback)
- Asynchronously executes the specified function
ExecuteWithDelay(integer DelayInMilliseconds, function Callback)
- Asynchronously executes the specified function after the specified delay
RegisterConsoleCommandHandler(string CommandName, function Callback)
- Executes the provided Lua function whenever the CommandName is entered into the UE console.
- The parameters for the callback are the full command (string),
- and the parameters (table, containing the full command split by spaces), and FOutputDevice.
- In the callback, return true to prevent other handlers from handling the command, or false to allow other handlers.
LoadAsset(string AssetPathAndName)
- Loads an asset by name.
- Must only be called from within the game thread.
- For example, from within a UFunction hook or RegisterConsoleCommandHandler callback.
FindObject(string|FName|nil ClassName, string|FName|nil ObjectShortName, EObjectFlags RequiredFlags, EObjectFlags BannedFlags) -> UObject derivative
- Finds an object by either class name or short object name.
- ClassName or ObjectShortName can be nil, but not both.
- Returns a UObject of a derivative of UObject.
FindObject(UClass InClass, UObject InOuter, string Name, bool ExactClass)
- Finds an object. Works the same way as the function by the same name in the UE source.
FindObjects(integer NumObjectsToFind, string|FName|nil ClassName, string|FName|nil ObjectShortName, EObjectFlags RequiredFlags, EObjectFlags BannedFlags, bool bExactClass) -> table -> { UObject derivative }
- Finds the first specified number of objects by class name or short object name.
- To find all objects that match your criteria, set NumObjectsToFind to 0 or nil.
- Returns a table of UObject derivatives
LoopAsync(integer DelayInMilliseconds, function Callback)
- Starts a loop that sleeps for the supplied number of milliseconds and stops when the callback returns true.
IterateGameDirectories() -> table
- Returns a table of all game directories.
- An example of an absolute path to Win64: Q:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Deep Rock Galactic\FSD\Binaries\Win64
- To get to the same directory, do: IterateGameDirectories().Game.Binaries.Win64
- Note that the game name is replaced by 'Game' to keep things generic.
- You can use '.__name' and '.__absolute_path' to retrieve values.
- You can use '.__files' to retrieve a table containing all files in this directory.
- You also use '.__name' and '.__absolute_path' for files.
- The first of two base objects that all other objects inherits from
- Contains a pointer to a C/C++ object that's typically owned by the game
IsValid() -> bool
- Returns whether this object is valid or not
- The second of two base objects that all other objects inherits from
- Contains an inlined object which is fully owned by Lua
GetMajor() -> integer
GetMinor() -> integer
IsEqual(number MajorVersion, number MinorVersion) -> bool
IsAtLeast(number MajorVersion, number MinorVersion) -> bool
IsAtMost(number MajorVersion, number MinorVersion) -> bool
IsBelow(number MajorVersion, number MinorVersion) -> bool
IsAbove(number MajorVersion, number MinorVersion) -> bool
- Class for interacting with UE4SS metadata
GetVersion() -> 3x integer
- Returns major, minor and hotfix version numbers
- To detect version 1.0 or below, check if "UE4SS" or "UE4SS.GetVersion" is nil
Inheritance: RemoteObject
- Class for interacting with the local mod object
SetSharedVariable(string VariableName, any Value)
- Sets a variable that can be accessed by any mod.
- The second parameter (Value) can only be one of the following types: nil, string, number, bool, UObject(+derivatives), lightuserdata.
- These variables do not get reset when hot-reloading.
GetSharedVariable(string VariableName) -> any
- Gets a variable that could've been set from another mod.
- The return value can only be one of the following types: nil, string, number, bool, UObject(+derivatives), lightuserdata.
type() -> string
- Returns "ModRef"
Inheritance: RemoteObject
- This is the base class that most other Unreal Engine game objects inherit from
__index(string MemberVariableName) -> auto
- Attempts to return either a member variable or a callable UFunction
- Can return any type, you can use the 'type()' function on the returned value to figure out what Lua class it's using (if non-trivial type)
__newindex(string MemberVariableName, auto NewValue)
- Attempts to set the value of a member variable
GetFullName() -> string
- Returns the full name & path info for a UObject & its derivatives
GetFName() -> FName
- Returns the FName of this object by copy
- All FNames returned by '__index' are returned by reference
GetAddress() -> integer
- Returns the memory address of this object
GetClass() -> UClass
- Returns the class of this object, this is equivalent to 'UObject->ClassPrivate' in Unreal
GetOuter() -> UObject
- Returns the Outer of this object
IsAnyClass() -> bool
- Returns true if this UObject is a UClass or a derivative of UClass
Reflection() -> UObjectReflection
- Returns a reflection object
GetPropertyValue(string MemberVariableName) -> auto
- Identical to __index
SetPropertyValue(string MemberVariableName auto NewValue)
- Identical to __newindex
IsClass() -> bool
- Returns whether this object is a UClass or UClass derivative
GetWorld() -> UWorld
- Returns the UWorld that this UObject is contained within.
CallFunction(UFunction function, auto Params...)
- Calls the supplied UFunction on this UObject.
IsA(UClass Class) -> bool
IsA(string FullClassName) -> bool
- Returns whether this object is of the specified class.
HasAllFlags(EObjectFlags FlagsToCheck)
- Returns whether the object has all of the specified flags.
HasAnyFlags(EObjectFlags FlagsToCheck)
- Returns whether the object has any of the specified flags.
HasAnyInternalFlags(EInternalObjectFlags InternalFlagsToCheck)
- Return whether the object has any of the specified internal flags.
ProcessConsoleExec(string Cmd, nil Reserved, UObject Executor)
- Calls UObject::ProcessConsoleExec with the supplied params.
type() -> string
- Returns the type of this object as known by UE4SS
- This does not return the type as known by Unreal
Inheritance: UObject
GetSuperStruct() -> UClass
- Returns the SuperStruct of this struct (can be invalid).
ForEachFunction(function Callback)
- Iterates every UFunction that belongs to this struct.
- The callback has one param: UFunction Function.
- Return true in the callback to stop iterating.
ForEachProperty(function Callback)
- Iterates every Property that belongs to this struct.
- The callback has one param: Property Property.
- Return true in the callback to stop iterating.
Inheritance: UClass
GetCDO() -> UClass
- Returns the ClassDefaultObject of a UClass.
IsChildOf(UClass Class) -> bool
- Returns whether or not the class is a child of another class.
Inheritance: UObject
GetWorld() -> UObject | nil
- Returns the UWorld that this actor belongs to
GetLevel() -> UObject | nil
- Returns the ULevel that this actor belongs to
Inheritance: LocalObject
ToString() -> string
- Returns the string for this FName
GetComparisonIndex() -> integer
- Returns the ComparisonIndex for this FName (index into global names array)
Inheritance: RemoteObject
__index(integer ArrayIndex)
- Attempts to retrieve the value at the specified offset in the array
- Can return any type, you can use the 'type()' function on the returned value to figure out what Lua class it's using (if non-trivial type)
__newindex(integer ArrayIndex, auto NewValue)
- Attempts to set the value at the specified offset in the array
GetArrayAddress() -> integer
- Returns the address in memory where the TArray struct is located
GetArrayNum() -> integer
- Returns the number of current elements in the array
GetArrayMax() -> integer
- Returns the maximum number of elements allowed in this array (aka capacity)
GetArrayDataAddress -> integer
- Returns the address in memory where the data for this array is stored
ForEach(function Callback)
- Iterates the entire TArray and calls the callback function for each element in the array
- The callback params are: integer index, RemoteUnrealParam | LocalUnrealParam elem
- Use 'elem:get()' and 'elem:set()' to access/mutate an array element
Inheritance: RemoteObject
GetNameByValue(integer Value) -> FName
- Returns the FName that corresponds to the specified value.
ForEachName(LuaFunction Callback) -> FName
- Iterates every FName/Value combination that belongs to this enum.
- The callback has two params: FName Name, integer Value.
- Return true in the callback to stop iterating.
RemoteUnrealParam | LocalUnrealParam
Inheritance: RemoteObject | LocalObject
- This is a dynamic wrapper for any and all types & classes
- Whether the Remote or Local variant is used depends on the requirements of the data but the usage is identical with either param types
get() -> auto
- Returns the underlying value for this param
set(auto NewValue)
- Sets the underlying value for this param
type() -> string
- Returns "RemoteUnrealParam" or "LocalUnrealParam"
Inheritance: LocalObject
__index(string StructMemberVarName) -> auto
- Attempts to return the value for the supplied variable
- Can return any type, you can use the 'type()' function on the returned value to figure out what Lua class it's using (if non-trivial type)
__newindex(string StructMemberVarName, auto NewValue)
- Attempts to set the value for the supplied variable
GetBaseAddress() -> integer
- Returns the address in memory where the UObject that this UScriptStruct belongs to is located
GetStructAddress() -> integer
- Returns the address in memory where this UScriptStruct is located
GetPropertyAddress() -> integer
- Returns the address in memory where the corresponding U/FProperty is located
IsValid() -> bool
- Returns whether the struct is valid
IsMappedToObject() -> bool
- Returns whether the base object is valid
IsMappedToProperty() -> bool
- Returns whether the property is valid
type() -> string
- Returns "UScriptStruct"
Inheritance: UObject
- Attempts to call the UFunction
GetFunctionFlags() -> integer
- Returns the flags for the UFunction.
SetFunctionFlags(integer Flags)
Sets the flags for the UFuction.
Inheritance: RemoteObject
- A TArray of characters
- Returns a string that Lua can understand
- Clears the string by setting the number of elements in the TArray to 0
Inheritance: LocalObject
- Returns the FName of this class by copy.
Inheritance: RemoteObject
GetFullName() -> string
- Returns the full name & path for this property.
GetFName() -> FName
- Returns the FName of this property by copy.
- All FNames returned by '__index' are returned by reference.
IsA(PropertyTypes PropertyType) -> bool
- Returns true if the property is of type PropertyType.
GetClass() -> PropertyClass
ContainerPtrToValuePtr(UObjectDerivative Container, integer ArrayIndex) -> LightUserdata
- Equivalent to FProperty::ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8> in UE.
ImportText(string Buffer, LightUserdata Data, integer PortFlags, UObject OwnerObject)
- Equivalent to FProperty::ImportText in UE, except without the 'ErrorText' param.
Inheritance: Property
GetPropertyClass() -> UClass
- Returns the class that this property holds.
Inheritance: Property
GetByteMask() -> integer
GetByteOffset() -> integer
GetFieldMask() -> integer
GetFieldSize() -> integer
Inheritance: Property
GetStruct() -> UScriptStruct
- Returns the UScriptStruct that's mapped to this property.
Inheritance: Property
GetInner() -> Property
- Returns the inner property of the array.
GetProperty(string PropertyName) -> Property
- Returns a property meta-data object
Inheritance: RemoteObject
Log(string Message)
- Logs a message to the output device (i.e: the in-game console)
Inheritance: LocalObject
Get() -> UObjectDerivative
- Returns the pointed to UObject or UObject derivative (can be invalid, so call UObject:IsValid after calling Get).