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672 lines (545 loc) · 29.4 KB

File metadata and controls

672 lines (545 loc) · 29.4 KB


PyPI version

Giveme5W1H is an open source, state of the art system that extracts phrases answering the journalistic 5W1H questions describing a news article's main event, i.e., who did what, when, where, why, and how? You can access the system through a simple RESTful API from any programming language or use it as a Python 3 library.

The figure below shows an excerpt of a news article with highlighted 5W1H phrases.

Getting started

Giveme5W1H requires Python 3.6 or later.


We are currently working to create a PyPI package so that you can install Giveme5W1H easily using PIP. Until then, simply follow the installation instructions below (tested on Linux and MacOS).

Get Giveme5W1H

git clone # or if you've setup SSH: git clone [email protected]:fhamborg/Giveme5W1H.git
cd Giveme5W1H

And install its dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Stanford CoreNLP Server

Giveme5W1H requires the Stanford Core Server to perform text preprocessing. Giveme5W1H has been tested with the 2017-06-09 build. Other builds may work as well, but no support will be given.

Get the Stanford Core Server

mkdir runtime-resources && cd runtime-resources
wget && unzip && rm
wget && mv stanford-english-corenlp-2017-06-09-models.jar stanford-corenlp-full-2017-06-09/
cd ..

Test if the Stanford Core Server setup was successful

python3 -m examples.startup.environment

This should print after a couple of seconds [main] INFO CoreNLP - StanfordCoreNLPServer listening at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9000. If it does not, press Ctrl+C to abort the execution of the script, and have a look at the stacktrace shown.

Extract 5W1H Phrases

You can access Giveme5W1H's functionality via a RESTful API, or as a module from within your own Python 3.6+ code.


Environment is now running. Start parsing news_please files

python3 -m examples.extracting.parse_documents

or start the rest api.

python3 -m examples.extracting.server

Its recommended to use a proper IDE(e.g. PyCharm) if you want to use Enhancer, otherwise you have to add the projects to your environment


There is a pip package just run

pip install giveme5w1h

you can start afterwards the server with giveme5w1h.

expects a CoreNLP server running under: http://localhost:9090/

webserver is also bound to your external IP http://localhost:9099/!


Configurations are optional.

CoreNLP Host

You can use not local installed CoreNLP-Server. Simply parse the the preprocessor another url in case you run it on another machine:

from extractor.preprocessors.preprocessor_core_nlp import Preprocessor
preprocessor = Preprocessor('')


  • For file based data - every input is transferred to the output
    • For instance, annotated is already a part of the provided example files
  • Each Question has their extracted candidates under extracted,
  • Each Candidate, has parts, score and text property and their sentence index.
  • Each parts is structured as (payload, Postoken)
  • Each payload has at least nlpToken which is the "basic" information.
  • Each enhancer is saving his information under their own name in the payload

See the example below for details:

 "who": {
      "annotated": [
          "text": "Several people"
          "text": "dozens injured"
      "label": "who",
      "extracted": [
          "parts": [
                "nlpToken": {
                  "index": 8,
                  "word": "Croydon",
                  "originalText": "Croydon",
                  "lemma": "Croydon",
                  "characterOffsetBegin": 3148,
                  "characterOffsetEnd": 3155,
                  "pos": "NNP",
                  "ner": "LOCATION",
                  "speaker": "PER0",
                  "before": " ",
                  "after": " "
                "aida": [
                    "mention": {
                      "allEntities": [
                          "kbIdentifier": "YAGO:Croydon",
                          "disambiguationScore": "0.23577"
                      "offset": 3148,
                      "name": "Croydon",
                      "length": 7,
                      "bestEntity": {
                        "kbIdentifier": "YAGO:Croydon",
                        "disambiguationScore": "0.23577"
                    "bestEntityMetadata": {
                      "knowledgebase": "YAGO",
                      "depictionurl": "",
                      "depictionthumbnailurl": "",
                      "importance": 0.0007512499244432548,
                      "entityId": "Croydon",
                      "type": [
                      "readableRepr": "Croydon",
                      "url": ""
          "score": 1.0,
          "text": "Croydon MPS ( @MPSCroydon ) November 9 , 201 \" There",
          "nlpIndexSentence": 21:

see for all settings and description

Use the configuration Singleton to make adjustments

from extractor.configuration import Configuration as Config
Config.get()['candidate']['nlpIndexSentence'] = False


Giveme5W can read and write only in a json format example. You find ready to used examples here

dID is used for matching input and output, not the filename!

There is a easy to use handler to work with files, these are all options::

 documents = (
        # initiate the file handler with the input directory
            # add giveme5w extractor  (it would only copying files without...)

            # Optional: set a output directory

            # Optional: set a path to cache and load preprocessed documents (CoreNLP & Enhancer results)

            # Optional: limit the documents read from the input directory (handy for development)

            # Optional: resume ability, skip input file if its already in output

            # load and saves all document runtime objects for further programming

            ## setup is done: executing it

            # get the processed documents, this can only be done because preload_and_cache_documents was called

Check the examples under and for more details


CoreNLP and Enhancer have a long execution time, therefore it is possible to cache the result at the filesystem to speed up multiple executions. Delete all files in "/cache", if you want to precess them again, see examples in 'examples/extracting' for more details.

if you add or remove enhancer, you must delete all files in the cache directory (if cache is enabled (set_preprocessed_path))


Its also possible to use giveme5W as rest service, there is also a very simple html ui.

$ python extractor/examples/extracting/

Check the code for more details, it is well documented

  • GET AND POST requests are supported
    • Keep in mind that GET has a limited request length and special character encoding can be tricky
  • Input Field
    • title (mandatory)
    • description
    • text
    • date (must be readable by parsedatetime)
  • Output


/examples/misc/ is running the extractor with different weights from 0-10. The best candidate is compared with the best annotation to get a score. The calculated score, document id and the used weights are saved per question under ./results.

Because of the combined_scorer, each document is evaluated in each step. This can lead to entries with the same weights, but with different scores.

Startup - Scripts -> Giveme5W-runtime-resources

Giveme5W can start up everything for you. Check examples/startup scripts. This is optional, especially without enhancer All libraries must be located in the same directory 'runtime-resources' located inside Giveme5W .

  • Folder Structure
    • Giveme5W (Master)
      • runtime-resources
        • aida-3.0.4
        • heideltime-standalone
        • stanford-corenlp-full-2016-10-31
        • treeTagger
    • Giveme5W_NewsCluster_enhancer (Master)

You can change this directory with:

Config.get()['Giveme5W-runtime-resources'] = './runtime-resources'

Unfortunately there is a bug in PyCharm at the time of writing: if you are viewing multiple project at once, you have to add an additional /../ to the path

How to cite

If you are using Giveme5W1H, please cite our paper (ResearchGate):

author    = {Hamborg, Felix and Breitinger, Corinna and Schubotz, Moritz and Lachnit, Soeren and Gipp, Bela},
title     = {Extraction of Main Event Descriptors from News Articles by Answering the Journalistic Five W and One H Questions},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
year      = {2018},
month     = {Jun.},
location  = {Fort Worth, USA},
url       = {},
doi       = {10.1145/3197026.3203899}

Giveme5W1H is based on the 5W extraction system Giveme5W (ResearchGate, Mendeley), which can be cited as follows:

  author    = {Hamborg, Felix and Lachnit, Soeren and Schubotz, Moritz and Hepp, Thomas and Gipp, Bela},
  title     = {Giveme5W: Main Event Retrieval from News Articles by Extraction of the Five Journalistic W Questions},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the iConference 2018},
  year      = {2018},
  month     = {March},
  location  = {Sheffield, UK},
  url       = {},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-78105-1_39}

You can find more information on this and other news projects on our website.

Contribution and support

Do you want to contribute? Great, we are always happy for any support on this project! Just send a pull request. By contributing to this project, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the project's license (see below). If you have questions or issues while working on the code, e.g., when implementing a new feature that you would like to have added to Giveme5W1H, open an issue on GitHub and we'll be happy to help you. Please note that we usually do not have enough resources to implement features requested by users - instead we recommend to implement them yourself, and send a pull request.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use Giveme5W1H except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is included in the project, see the file LICENSE.txt.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

The Giveme5W1H logo is courtesy of Mario Hamborg.

Copyright 2018 The Giveme5W1H team

Download the server and models. Then, extract the server zip file, and move the models.jar into the server folder, like so:

mv stanford-english-corenlp-2017-06-09-models.jar stanford-corenlp-full-2017-06-09/
  • download the server itself from here
    • at the time of writing this was the latest version
  • download also the english language package on the same page
    • at the time of writing this was the newest version
  • extract the server zip,
  • extract the language zip, copy it inside the server directory
  • copy it into Giveme5W-runtime-resources next to your repository folder

Start coreNLP by yourself (Windows, Linux, OSX)

 java -mx4g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000 -timeout 15000

or (this is optional, there is no need to use the startup scripts; this is only for a simple startup while developing etc.; Linux, OSX)

python3 -m examples.startup.environment

see also Startup - Scripts -> Giveme5W-runtime-resources

For more information on the Stanford CoreNLP Server, please refer to their extensive documentation.


Environment is now running. Start parsing news_please files

python3 -m examples.extracting.parse_documents

or start the rest api.

python3 -m examples.extracting.server

Its recommended to use a proper IDE(e.g. PyCharm) if you want to use Enhancer, otherwise you have to add the projects to your environment


There is a pip package just run

pip install giveme5w1h

you can start afterwards the server with giveme5w1h.

expects a CoreNLP server running under: http://localhost:9090/

webserver is also bound to your external IP http://localhost:9099/!


Configurations are optional.

CoreNLP Host

You can use not local installed CoreNLP-Server. Simply parse the the preprocessor another url in case you run it on another machine:

from extractor.preprocessors.preprocessor_core_nlp import Preprocessor
preprocessor = Preprocessor('')


  • For file based data - every input is transferred to the output
    • For instance, annotated is already a part of the provided example files
  • Each Question has their extracted candidates under extracted,
  • Each Candidate, has parts, score and text property and their sentence index.
  • Each parts is structured as (payload, Postoken)
  • Each payload has at least nlpToken which is the "basic" information.
  • Each enhancer is saving his information under their own name in the payload

See the example below for details:

 "who": {
      "annotated": [
          "text": "Several people"
          "text": "dozens injured"
      "label": "who",
      "extracted": [
          "parts": [
                "nlpToken": {
                  "index": 8,
                  "word": "Croydon",
                  "originalText": "Croydon",
                  "lemma": "Croydon",
                  "characterOffsetBegin": 3148,
                  "characterOffsetEnd": 3155,
                  "pos": "NNP",
                  "ner": "LOCATION",
                  "speaker": "PER0",
                  "before": " ",
                  "after": " "
                "aida": [
                    "mention": {
                      "allEntities": [
                          "kbIdentifier": "YAGO:Croydon",
                          "disambiguationScore": "0.23577"
                      "offset": 3148,
                      "name": "Croydon",
                      "length": 7,
                      "bestEntity": {
                        "kbIdentifier": "YAGO:Croydon",
                        "disambiguationScore": "0.23577"
                    "bestEntityMetadata": {
                      "knowledgebase": "YAGO",
                      "depictionurl": "",
                      "depictionthumbnailurl": "",
                      "importance": 0.0007512499244432548,
                      "entityId": "Croydon",
                      "type": [
                      "readableRepr": "Croydon",
                      "url": ""
          "score": 1.0,
          "text": "Croydon MPS ( @MPSCroydon ) November 9 , 201 \" There",
          "nlpIndexSentence": 21:

see for all settings and description

Use the configuration Singleton to make adjustments

from extractor.configuration import Configuration as Config
Config.get()['candidate']['nlpIndexSentence'] = False


Giveme5W can read and write only in a json format example. You find ready to used examples here

dID is used for matching input and output, not the filename!

There is a easy to use handler to work with files, these are all options::

 documents = (
        # initiate the file handler with the input directory
            # add giveme5w extractor  (it would only copying files without...)

            # Optional: set a output directory

            # Optional: set a path to cache and load preprocessed documents (CoreNLP & Enhancer results)

            # Optional: limit the documents read from the input directory (handy for development)

            # Optional: resume ability, skip input file if its already in output

            # load and saves all document runtime objects for further programming

            ## setup is done: executing it

            # get the processed documents, this can only be done because preload_and_cache_documents was called

Check the examples under and for more details


CoreNLP and Enhancer have a long execution time, therefore it is possible to cache the result at the filesystem to speed up multiple executions. Delete all files in "/cache", if you want to precess them again, see examples in 'examples/extracting' for more details.

if you add or remove enhancer, you must delete all files in the cache directory (if cache is enabled (set_preprocessed_path))


Its also possible to use giveme5W as rest service, there is also a very simple html ui.

$ python extractor/examples/extracting/

Check the code for more details, it is well documented

  • GET AND POST requests are supported
    • Keep in mind that GET has a limited request length and special character encoding can be tricky
  • Input Field
    • title (mandatory)
    • description
    • text
    • date (must be readable by parsedatetime)
  • Output


/examples/misc/ is running the extractor with different weights from 0-10. The best candidate is compared with the best annotation to get a score. The calculated score, document id and the used weights are saved per question under ./results.

Because of the combined_scorer, each document is evaluated in each step. This can lead to entries with the same weights, but with different scores.

Startup - Scripts -> Giveme5W-runtime-resources

Giveme5W can start up everything for you. Check examples/startup scripts. This is optional, especially without enhancer All libraries must be located in the same directory 'runtime-resources' located inside Giveme5W .

  • Folder Structure
    • Giveme5W (Master)
      • runtime-resources
        • aida-3.0.4
        • heideltime-standalone
        • stanford-corenlp-full-2016-10-31
        • treeTagger
    • Giveme5W_NewsCluster_enhancer (Master)

You can change this directory with:

Config.get()['Giveme5W-runtime-resources'] = './runtime-resources'

Unfortunately there is a bug in PyCharm at the time of writing: if you are viewing multiple project at once, you have to add an additional /../ to the path

How to cite

If you are using Giveme5W1H, please cite our paper (ResearchGate):

author    = {Hamborg, Felix and Breitinger, Corinna and Schubotz, Moritz and Lachnit, Soeren and Gipp, Bela},
title     = {Extraction of Main Event Descriptors from News Articles by Answering the Journalistic Five W and One H Questions},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
year      = {2018},
month     = {Jun.},
location  = {Fort Worth, USA},
url       = {},
doi       = {10.1145/3197026.3203899}

Giveme5W1H is based on the 5W extraction system Giveme5W (ResearchGate, Mendeley), which can be cited as follows:

  author    = {Hamborg, Felix and Lachnit, Soeren and Schubotz, Moritz and Hepp, Thomas and Gipp, Bela},
  title     = {Giveme5W: Main Event Retrieval from News Articles by Extraction of the Five Journalistic W Questions},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the iConference 2018},
  year      = {2018},
  month     = {March},
  location  = {Sheffield, UK},
  url       = {},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-78105-1_39}

You can find more information on this and other news projects on our website.

Contribution and support

Do you want to contribute? Great, we are always happy for any support on this project! Just send a pull request. By contributing to this project, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the project's license (see below). If you have questions or issues while working on the code, e.g., when implementing a new feature that you would like to have added to Giveme5W1H, open an issue on GitHub and we'll be happy to help you. Please note that we usually do not have enough resources to implement features requested by users - instead we recommend to implement them yourself, and send a pull request.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use Giveme5W1H except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is included in the project, see the file LICENSE.txt.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

The Giveme5W1H logo is courtesy of Mario Hamborg.

Copyright 2018 The Giveme5W1H team