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This is Kartoza's GeoNode Rancher charts

GeoNode is a web-based application and platform for developing geospatial information systems (GIS) and for deploying spatial data infrastructures (SDI).

How to Use

For helm:

helm install release-name kartoza/geonode


This chart bootstrap a GeoNode installation. GeoNode is a web application/platform with PostgreSQL/PostGIS database backend and GeoServer mapping backend.

Most GeoNode installation are shipped with all of these three components. This helm charts also allows you to reroute the components. For example, if you have existing PostGIS or GeoServer, you can use external service and only install GeoNode web app.

What it can do

The default install uses SPCGeoNode image, which is a geonode docker image specifically used for docker-compose.yml.

It is tested to work with SPCGeoNode images. However you can supply your own image, and configure it with Kubernetes. The charts act as a support for vanilla installations and can be extended.

It is designed to be as decoupled as possible. You can use external GeoServer or PostGIS, which means it doesn't generated by this charts. However that means you must supply the necessary details, like the service address or credentials.


Parameter Description
image.registry Docker image registry
image.repository Docker image repository
image.tag Docker image tag
image.pullPolicy Docker image pull policy
global.existingSecret [tpl string] Provide these secret name if you already make a secret config beforehand
global.sharedSecretName This is used to store credentials of GeoNode and also credentials used to access GeoServer and PostGIS
global.geonodeSiteName The Site Name used by GeoNode in it's Django configuration. For example geonode.test
global.geonodeSiteURL The Site URL used by GeoNode to refer to itself publicly. Needs to be the same with your ingress or cluster policy
global.debug The debug flag for GeoNode. Set it to true, to enable Django DEBUG mode
global.adminUser Admin Username
global.adminPassword.value Fill this in to give Admin password. Otherwise, it will generate random secret everytime the helm release are updated. The secret name to retrieve GeoNode admin password
global.adminPassword.valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key The key in the secret to retrieve GeoNode admin password
global.adminEmail Admin email to use
global.djangoSecretKey.value Django secret key, usually just a random string. Leave it be to autogenerate. The secret name to retrieve Django secret
global.djangoSecretKey.valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key The key in the secret to retrieve Django secret
global.databaseUsername The Database Username to for PostgreSQL connection by Django Models
global.databasePassword.value Database password. You must provide it if you use external database. The secret name to retrieve Database password
global.databasePassword.valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key The key in the secret to retrieve Database password
global.databaseName The database name as datastore for Django/GeoNode models
global.databaseHost The database host location to connect as Django/GeoNode models datastore
global.databasePort The database port to connect as Django/GeoNode models datastore
global.djangoSettingsModule The Django settings module to use. You can provide different settings module via configmap and set it here so GeoNode can use this.
global.staticRoot The location in the pods to store Django staticfiles
global.mediaRoot The location in the pods to store Django media
global.geoserverURL The location of GeoServer. Must end with slash. Must be filled if using external GeoServer.
global.geoserverAdminUser The GeoServer Admin User
global.geoserverAdminPassword.value Fill this in to give GeoServer Admin password. Otherwise, it will generate random secret everytime the helm release are updated. The secret name to retrieve GeoServer admin password
global.geoserverAdminPassword.valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key The key in the secret to retrieve GeoServer admin password
global.geodatabaseUsername The Database Username to connect as GeoServer Spatial Datastore
global.geodatabaseName The database name as spatial datastore for GeoServer
global.geodatabaseHost The database host location to connect as GeoServer spatial datastore
global.geodatabasePort The database port to connect as GeoServer spatial datastore
global.celeryAsync.enabled Toggle this to true to enable GeoNode async processing using Celery
global.celeryAsync.brokerUser Broker user credential for the message queue backend to be used by celeryAsync. It needs to be set if celeryAsync is enabled
global.celeryAsync.brokerPassword Broker password credentials for the message queue backend to be used by celery Async. It needs to be set if celeryAsync is enabled
global.celeryAsync.externalBroker.enabled If this toggled to true, then you need to supple the external broker URI. For example, the Rabbitmq broker connection URI
global.celeryAsync.externalBroker.brokerURL The Broker URL/URI connection to the external message queue backend
global.celeryAsync.commandSpec.celery.enabled Enable celery worker deployment
global.celeryAsync.commandSpec.celerybeat.enabled Enable celery beat deployment
global.celeryAsync.commandSpec.celerycam.enabled Enable celerycam deployment
extraPodEnv [tpl string] Provide extra environment that will be passed into pods. Useful for non default image.
extraSecret [tpl string] Provide extra secret that will be included in the pods. Useful for non default image.
extraConfigMap: [tpl string] Provide extra config map that will be included in the pods. Useful for non default image.
extraVolumeMounts [tpl string] Provide extra volume mounts declaration that will be included in the pods. Useful if you want to mount extra things.
extraVolume [tpl string] Configuration pair with extraVolumeMounts. Declare which volume to mount in the pods.
persistence.mediaDir.enabled For mediaDir volume. Default to true. If set, it will make a volume claim.
persistence.mediaDir.existingClaim For mediaDir volume. Default to false. If set, it will use an existing claim name provided.
persistence.mediaDir.mountPath For mediaDir volume. The path where the volume will be in the pods. Make sure that it corresponds to your mediaRoot key
persistence.mediaDir.subPath For mediaDir volume. The path inside the the volume to mount to. Useful if you want to reuse the same volume but mount the subpath for different services.
persistence.mediaDir.size For mediaDir volume. Size of the volume
persistence.mediaDir.accessModes For mediaDir volume. K8s Access mode of the volume.
persistence.staticDir.enabled For staticDir volume. Default to true. If set, it will make a volume claim.
persistence.staticDir.existingClaim For staticDir volume. Default to false. If set, it will use an existing claim name provided.
persistence.staticDir.mountPath For staticDir volume. The path where the volume will be in the pods. Make sure that it corresponds to your staticRoot key
persistence.staticDir.subPath For staticDir volume. The path inside the the volume to mount to. Useful if you want to reuse the same volume but mount the subpath for different services.
persistence.staticDir.size For staticDir volume. Size of the volume
persistence.staticDir.accessModes For staticDir volume. K8s Access mode of the volume.
service.type The type of kubernetes service to be created. Leave it be for Headless service
service.loadBalancerIP Only used if you use LoadBalancer service.type
service.externalIPs External IPs to use for the service
service.port External port to use/expose
ingress.enabled Switch to true to enable ingress resource The host name/site name the ingress will serve
ingress.tls.enabled Set it to true to enable HTTPS
ingress.tls.secretName Providing this will activate HTTPS ingress based on the provided certificate

In addition to the GeoNode parameters above, you can configure parameter of GeoServer and PostGIS if it is created using subcharts.

Simply use postgis.<parameter name> of the PostGIS chart and geoserver.<parameter name> of the GeoServer chart. To disable the subchart, define postgis.enabled: false and geoserver.enabled: false respectively.

If you use external service, then you must fill this parameter:

For PostGIS

Parameter Description The hostname
postgis.external.port The port
postgis.external.user The user to connect The secret name to retrieve the password to connect
postgis.external.password.valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key The key of the secret to retrieve the password to connect

For GeoServer

Parameter Description
geoserver.external.url The URL of GeoServer, must end with slash.
geoserver.external.admin_user The user to connect The secret name to retrieve the password to connect
geoserver.external.admin_password.valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key The key of the secret to retrieve the password to connect

For RabbitMQ

This only applicable if you use global.celeryAsync.enabled=true but choose global.celeryAsync.externalBroker.enabled=true

Parameter Description
global.celeryAsync.externalBroker.brokerURL The Broker URL/URI connection to the external message queue backend

In the case if you want to use internal broker of this chart, set global.celeryAsync.externalBroker.enabled=false.

This chart currently uses rabbitmq chart from Bitnami for the broker. Refer to for more configuration options.

In the most minimum configration, these needs to be defined:

Parameter Description
rabbitmq.enabled Set to true if you want to generate this chart
rabbitmq.auth.username Rabbitmq default user
rabbitmq.auth.password Rabbitmq default password
rabbitmq.auth.erlangCookie Rabbitmq default erlang cookie. You must generate random alphanumeric string because this is supposed to be a secure private key
global.celeryAsync.brokerUser By default it will use rabbitmq credentials unless you define a different one
global.celeryAsync.brokerPassword By default it will use rabbitmq credentials unless you define a different one