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Information Retrieval Lab at Tsinghua University (THUIR) focuses on the research of Information Retrieval including but not limited to the theories, algorithms, and applications of intelligent search and recommendation systems. We aim to study and resolve the information mismatch between user's needs and information resources to provide the most reliable and valuable information to each individual.
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{% capture text %} Led by Prof. Shaoping Ma, THUIR was founded in 1990s with a focus on the research of Information Retrieval. It is one of the earliest and most influential IR research labs in China. THUIR has published hundreds of papers in top-tier IR conferences/journals, and is ranked first in The Web & Information Retrieval in the global academic ranking of computer science research institutes, i.e., CSRankings.
THUIR实验室于20世纪90年代创建,在马少平教授的带领下从事信息检索相关研究工作,是国内开展相关研究最早、最具影响力的科研单位之一。自创立至今,实验室取得了一系列有世界影响力的原创成果,累计发表论文数百篇,全球计算机学术排行榜CSRankings 网络与信息检索方向第一名,已成为世界领先的信息检索研究机构。 {% include link.html link="publications" text="See what we've published 论文发表" icon="fas fa-arrow-right" flip=true %} {:.center} {% endcapture %}
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Currently, THUIR has four PIs and nearly thirty graduate students in the lab. In the past 30 years, more than 30 Ph.D. and 50 M.S. have graduated from THUIR, many of which have already served as leaders or faculty in industry and academia.
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{% include feature.html image="images/team.jpeg" link="people" title="Our Team 研究团队" flip=true text=text %}
{% capture text %} THUIR and its collaborators has opensourced a couple of tools and large-scale datasets, including but not limited to ReChorus, ULTRA, Sogou-SRR, ZhihuRec, and many more.
{% include link.html link="opensource" text="Browse opensource data and tools 公开数据集与工具包" icon="fas fa-arrow-right" flip=true %} {:.center} {% endcapture %}
{% include feature.html image="images/opensource.jpg" link="opensource" title="Our Resources 开源数据与工具" text=text %}
{% capture text %} THUIR is actively recruiting new Ph.D. and M.S. candidates every year. The opening is about 3-5 for Ph.D. candidates and 1 for M.S. candidates. We are also actively recruiting PostDoc every year, about 1 per year. Please find more information in the link below.
{% include link.html link="opportunities" text="Join Us 招生招聘" icon="fas fa-arrow-right" flip=true %} {:.center} {% endcapture %}
{% include feature.html image="images/opportunities.jpg" link="opportunities" title="Opportunities 广招英才" flip=true text=text %}