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Simple simulated data set and example

Leo Frach 2023-12-21


The following script provides an example on how to run Gsens, a genetically informed sensitivity analysis, in R. Please cite the following papers where the concept was first proposed and then implemented:

  1. Pingault, J.-B., O’Reilly, P. F., Schoeler, T., Ploubidis, G. B., Rijsdijk, F., & Dudbridge, F. (2018). Using genetic data to strengthen causal inference in observational research. Nature Reviews Genetics, 19(9), 566–580.

  2. Pingault, J. B., Rijsdijk, F., Schoeler, T., Choi, S. W., Selzam, S., Krapohl, E., … & Dudbridge, F. (2021). Genetic sensitivity analysis: Adjusting for genetic confounding in epidemiological associations. PLoS genetics, 17(6), e1009590.

  3. Frach, L., Rijsdijk, F., Dudbridge, F., & Pingault, J. B. (2022, November). Adjusting for Genetic Confounding Using Polygenic Scores Within Structural Equation Models. In BEHAVIOR GENETICS (Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 359-359).


We strongly recommend using the updated gsensY() function, since it has been optimised, e.g., by including raw data as input.
As for all lavaan models, we recommend against using a correlation matrix as input but rather a covariance matrix if only summary data is available.
Lastly, we recommend standardising the polygenic score before regressing out potential batch effects (e.g., genotyping array, genetic PCs).
All phenotypic variables should not be standardised. However, if you want to get standardised estimates, the additional lavaan argument std.all = TRUE can be passed on to gsensY(), or output can be customized using the parameterEstimates() function with the argument standardized = TRUE on the output of the gsensY() function.


Run ?gsensY() in your command line to read the function and argument description.

Simulate population model with two exposures, one outcome and one genetic factor

Load packages for simulation


Simulation parameters for the population model

n = 1e4 # sample size
b1 = 0.10 # effect of X1 on outcome
b2 = 0.05 # effect of X2 on outcome
a1 = 0.10 # effect of PGS_outcome on X1
a2 = 0.08 # effect of PGS_outcome on X2
c = 0.6 # effect of PGS_outcome on outcome
pme = 0.80 # measurement error of G   

h <- a1*b1 + a2*b2 + c # h^2 = heritability 

Create the population model

# Simulate an underlying model, where the polygenic score (G) is a noisy measure of the true genetic factor (GF), which comes with measurement error (pme)

population.modelGF = str_glue('  # use library stringr to pass the estimates to the model
             #paths and loading
             Y ~ {b1}*X1 + {b2}*X2 + {c}*GF  
             X1 ~ {a1}*GF 
             X2 ~ {a2}*GF
             GF =~ sqrt(1-{pme})*G  

# Simulate data accordingly
myData <- sim_standardized(population.modelGF, n = n,
                           latent = TRUE,
                           errors = TRUE)


## [1] 10000     9
## # A tibble: 6 × 9
##        Y     X1     X2      G     GF    e_Y   e_X1   e_X2     e_G
##    <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 -0.304 -0.216  1.56   0.121  0.129 -0.438 -0.229  1.55   0.0631
## 2  1.05   0.414 -1.30  -0.814 -0.446  1.34   0.459 -1.26  -0.614 
## 3  0.671  0.302  0.355 -0.150 -0.556  0.957  0.358  0.399  0.0990
## 4  1.06   0.448 -2.00   0.416 -0.473  1.40   0.495 -1.96   0.627 
## 5 -1.29  -0.279 -1.07  -0.931 -0.625 -0.834 -0.217 -1.02  -0.652 
## 6 -0.457  0.959  0.253 -0.457  1.25  -1.32   0.834  0.153 -1.02
# Create covariance matrix
(cov1 = cov(myData)) #check all variances and covariances
##                Y           X1           X2             G            GF
## Y     1.00280986  0.143847452  0.097657243  0.2610850728  0.6081840000
## X1    0.14384745  0.990252901  0.004381535  0.0349070363  0.0844595533
## X2    0.09765724  0.004381535  0.994164814  0.0436810085  0.0717134770
## G     0.26108507  0.034907036  0.043681008  0.9832349333  0.4249479805
## GF    0.60818400  0.084459553  0.071713477  0.4249479805  0.9951226518
## e_Y   0.61863185 -0.006072647  0.004482762  0.0004415305 -0.0009212203
## e_X1  0.08302905  0.981806946 -0.002789812 -0.0075877618 -0.0150527119
## e_X2  0.04900252 -0.002375229  0.988427736  0.0096851700 -0.0078963351
## e_G  -0.01090308 -0.002864424  0.011609767  0.7931924191 -0.0200843986
##                e_Y          e_X1         e_X2           e_G
## Y     0.6186318545  0.0830290519  0.049002523 -0.0109030805
## X1   -0.0060726469  0.9818069457 -0.002375229 -0.0028644242
## X2    0.0044827621 -0.0027898125  0.988427736  0.0116097666
## G     0.0004415305 -0.0075877618  0.009685170  0.7931924191
## GF   -0.0009212203 -0.0150527119 -0.007896335 -0.0200843986
## e_Y   0.6195677132 -0.0059805249  0.004556460  0.0008535127
## e_X1 -0.0059805249  0.9833122169 -0.001585596 -0.0008559844
## e_X2  0.0045564598 -0.0015855955  0.989059443  0.0132165184
## e_G   0.0008535127 -0.0008559844  0.013216518  0.8021744352

Create/load gsensY() function from gsens.R

# Install and load package

Run Gsens

# Using raw data
gsensY(myData, h2 = h^2, exposures = c("X1", "X2"), pgs = "G", outcome = "Y") # this should correspond to the population model
## Using raw data as input.

##                            est    se     z   pvalue ci.lower ci.upper
## Adjusted Bx1y            0.095 0.015 6.383 1.74e-10    0.066    0.124
## Adjusted Bx2y            0.036 0.015 2.349 1.88e-02    0.006    0.065
## Mediation m1             0.008 0.001 5.256 1.47e-07    0.005    0.011
## Mediation m2             0.004 0.001 3.432 5.99e-04    0.002    0.006
## Total mediation          0.011 0.002 6.197 5.75e-10    0.008    0.015
## Genetic confounding Bx1y 0.050 0.014 3.602 3.16e-04    0.023    0.077
## Genetic confounding Bx2y 0.063 0.014 4.417 1.00e-05    0.035    0.091
## Genetic overlap x1y      0.050 0.014 3.575 3.50e-04    0.023    0.078
## Genetic overlap x2y      0.063 0.014 4.428 9.51e-06    0.035    0.091
# Using covariance matrix + sample size
gsensY(cov1, sample.nobs = n, h2 = h^2, exposures = c("X1", "X2"), pgs = "G", outcome = "Y")
## Using covariance matrix as input.

##                            est    se     z   pvalue ci.lower ci.upper
## Adjusted Bx1y            0.095 0.015 6.383 1.74e-10    0.066    0.124
## Adjusted Bx2y            0.036 0.015 2.349 1.88e-02    0.006    0.065
## Mediation m1             0.008 0.001 5.256 1.47e-07    0.005    0.011
## Mediation m2             0.004 0.001 3.432 5.99e-04    0.002    0.006
## Total mediation          0.011 0.002 6.197 5.75e-10    0.008    0.015
## Genetic confounding Bx1y 0.050 0.014 3.602 3.16e-04    0.023    0.077
## Genetic confounding Bx2y 0.063 0.014 4.417 1.00e-05    0.035    0.091
## Genetic overlap x1y      0.050 0.014 3.575 3.50e-04    0.023    0.078
## Genetic overlap x2y      0.063 0.014 4.428 9.51e-06    0.035    0.091