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Zephyr Sync


Zephyr Sync is a tool, that allows your project to perform synchronization of automated test results to Zephyr - a JIRA addon for Test Management. The advanced configuration of the tool supports multiple report types to work with, as well as some restrictions to be applied during the sync.

Usage example


All changes should be done inside pom.xml.

Using zephyr-sync-maven-plugin (recommended)

The configuration is very simple and should be done in pom.xml The maven-surefire-plugin must be configured to ignore test failures otherwise this plugin will never get hit. By default the plugin will (note that this example is given for junit, other reports like cucumber are configured in the similar way):


Using maven-exec-plugin (deprecated)

First of all - declare dependency to zephyr-sync-core:


Also configure a Maven plugin that will trigger synchronization to JIRA:


This example shows only minimal set of mandatory attributes. For complete list of attributes refer to sections below.

Command Line Interface

java -jar zephyr-sync-cli-${zephyr-sync.version}-all-in-one.jar --username=zjirauser --password=123456 --reportType=junit --projectKey=ABC --releaseVersion="Release 2.1" --jiraUrl= --reportPath=build/surefire-reports/

Using Gradle (using CLI)

task zephyrSync {
         javaexec {
            main = "Runner"
            classpath = sourceSets.main.output + sourceSets.test.output
            args = ["--username=zjiruauser", "--password=123456", "--reportType=junit", "--projectKey=ABC",
                    "--releaseVersion=Release 2.1", "--jiraUrl=", "--reportPath=build/surefire-reports/"]

Generating an OAuth Token

Please go to for instructions on how to generate an OAuth token in Jira.

Configuration properties

This is the list of possible configuration items:

Property Meaning Is mandatory? Default value Example
username User name used to connect to JIRA no Required if oauthToken is not passed. zjirauser
password Password for the user to connect to JIRA no Required if oauthToken is not passed. password
oauthToken The generated token for OAuth no Required for OAuth authentication
oauthSecret The client secret generated with OAuth token no Required for OAuth authentication
oauthPrivateKey The private key for OAuth authentication no Required for OAuth authentication
httpTimeout The timeout for http connections no 60000
reportType Type of report that will be synchronized to Zephyr yes One of cucumber, allure, junit or nunit
projectKey Key of project in JIRA yes XYZ
jiraUrl URL of JIRA yes https://jira.associatesys.local
jiraRestEndpoint JIRA RESTful API endpoint no /rest/
jiraAccessTokenEndpoint JIRA Access Token Endpoint no /plugins/servlet/oauth/access-token
reportPath Path on the file system where reports are stored. Can be a file or a folder. yes For junit: ${}/surefire-reports/
testCycle Zephyr test cycle where the results will be linked to no Unkown TEST CYCLE 1
applicationName Used to prefix git branch when using git branch for cycle. no
releaseVersion FixVersion of a project to link Test results to no CAP 21.01
fileRegex Regex for files names in reportPath foldere no TEST.*\.xml TEST.*\.xml
orderedSteps If set to true, numerical prefix for test steps will be put (hierarchical) no false
forceStoryLink If set to true, sync will be failed in case at least one test doesn't have @Stories=ABC-XXX annotation no true
generateTestCaseUniqueId Name of JIRA attribute that is used to store unique ID of test case (will be used for test case tracking, updates and linking) no false
severityAttribute Name of JIRA attribute that stores 'Severity' attribute no
autoCreateTestCycle Should new test cycle be created automatically no true
assignee Specify an Assignee no
linkType Link type between Test issue and related story (used in combination with @Stories annotation) no Reference
linkDirection Link direction between Test issue and related story no inward One of inward or outward
useGitBranchForCycle Automatically detect current GIT branch and use that for the Test Cycle no true
updateIssue Update any test issues that have already been created no false
descriptionRegex Regex to use to capture Test Issue description from system log. (only currently works with test type junit). Add descriptions in your Junit tests by printing them out using System.out.println. e.g. System.out.println("[description]I'm a unit test description[/description]"); no \[description\](.+?)\[\/description\]
descriptionRegexMatchGroup Which group in the regex match to use when looking for the description in the log. (only currently works with test type junit) no 1
failBuildOnTestFailure Fail the build if any unit tests fail. (Note: Maven Surefire plugin fails the build after test failure. To let the build continue and hit this plugin, enable testFailureIgnore in Maven Surefire) no true
consolidateParameterizedTests Consolidate parameterized unit tests into one Jira Test issue. no true