Name | Type | Description | Notes |
state | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\AeEmployeeState | [optional] | |
stateDate | \DateTime | [readonly] | [optional] |
ukWorker | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\AeUKWorker | [optional] | |
daysToDeferAssessment | int | The number of days, if any, to defer assessment of this employee. You're allowed to defer assessment of new employees by up to 3 months. | [optional] |
postponementDate | \DateTime | [readonly] If a value is present, then employee wont be enrolled on an AE Pension until after this date. This is automatically set to a date if the employee is deemed to be an EligibleJobHolder, but the employer has set a Postponement period and this value is currently null This is automatically set to null if it already has a value and the employee is deemed NOT to be an EligibleJobHolder - ie, they previously qualified but now do not. | [optional] |
deferByMonthsNotDays | bool | If set to true then the value in DaysToDeferAssessment will be treated as a number of months, not a number of days | [optional] |
exempt | bool | [optional] | |
aeExclusionCode | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\AeExclusionCode | [optional] | |
aePostponementLetterSent | bool | [optional] | |
lastAssessment | \SynergiTech\Staffology\Model\AeAssessment | [optional] |