Some command just like javascript, the only different is keyword and this language will translate to javascript and run as javascript. I know, this is just for fun.
Assign variable
literally foo itu "hello world"
// let foo = "hello world"
seriously foo itu 123
// const foo = 123
Reassign variable
whichis foo itu "hello world 2"
// foo = "hello world 2"
literally foo itu positive vibes
// let foo = true
literally foo itu worth it
// let foo = true
literally foo itu negative vibes
// let foo = false
spill "Hello world"
// console.log("Hello world")
spill foo
// console.log(foo)
kalo foo itu "Hello world"
spill "its hello world"
// transform to
if(foo == "Hello world"){
console.log("its hello world")
kalo foo lebih gede 3
spill "its bigger than 3"
perhaps foo itu 3
spill "foo is 3"
spill "its smaller than 3"
// transform to
if(foo > 3){
console.log("its bigger than 3")
} else if (foo == 3) {
console.log("foo is 3")
} else {
console.log("its smaller than 3")
Comparison :
: ' == ',gak
: ' != ',lebih gede
: ' > ',lebih kecil
: ' < ',lebih gede sama dengan
: ' >= ',lebih kecil sama dengan
: ' <= '
fomo i endup 10
kalo i lebih gede 3
spill "loop ke " + i
// transform to
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (i > 3){
console.log("loop ke " + i);
fomo semua foo dari bar
spill foo
// transform to
for (const foo of bar) {
// break;
// continue;
so about my_story
literally umur itu 21
spill "Umur lu " + umur
thats it sih
call my_story
so about fungsi_param_banyak a b c
spill "a: " + a
spill "b: " + b
spill "c: " + c
thats it sih
call fungsi_param_banyak 3 4 5
overthinking my_story
literally umur itu 21
spill "Umur lu " + umur
thats it sih
call my_story
so about fungsi_param_banyak a b c
spill "a: " + a
spill "b: " + b
spill "c: " + c
thats it sih
call fungsi_param_banyak 3 4 5
trust issue
spill "Something wrong"
toxic "Error message"
spill "Catch error"
spill "finish finally"
// transform to
try {
console.log("Something wrong");
throw new Error("Error message");
} catch {
console.log("Catch error");
} finally {
console.log("finish finally");