Collection of scripts I've written to decrypt implant configurations, obfuscated payloads, or decrypt the .NET RAT of Sidewinder
Decrypt the .NET RAT:
python3 filename.tmp
What does it do:
- Deobfuscate the function calls into plaintext strings
- Deobfuscation functions are actually in Deobfuscator.js (manual rewrite was added hours of automation)
- Dump the 1A.js file
- Copy the
variable and the functions being called (usually named,keeee
)- Modify the function name in Deobfuscator.js (currently, it's set to "JXNHptZI")
- Identify the function which is the second XOR decryptor (usually calls the B64 decoder and XOR decryptor from inside of it)
- Execute the main python script
Deobfuscate the function calls in the stage-I HTA file using:
python3 {filename}.js {XOR_DECODING_FUNCTION_NAME}
python3 1a.js JXNHptZI
- Modifies the original malware file (no copies; better make it yourself)
- Creates two files in the same folder; ObfuscatedCalls.txt and DeobfuscatedCalls.txt
- Node (on the system)
- Do add it to your PATH for seamless execution
- All files should be in the same folder as the script
- No support for dynamic path generation
There's no error-checking of any kind; neither have I used any dependency here. So, any errors should be resolved by manual debugging.
Do feel free to open up issues if you're facing difficulty.