Description: Em Care is a digital solution that initially aims to improve health outcomes for mothers and children in emergency settings. It will provide decision-support to frontline health workers in emergencies, preserving the fidelity of, and increasing access to WHO clinical guidelines.
- This module contains the code for Em Care android application.
- Technology stack: Kotlin, Android Studio, Room Database, Retrofit.
- Android FHIR : Engine, Data Capture & Workflow
- Download latest local build by going to the (Actions) page & clicking on the latest successful build.
- In the build page, go to the Artifacts section and download the maven-repository and extract it in any folder.
1. Open the "emcare-android" folder in Android Studio.
2. Go to the "./build.gradle" file and on line 30
3. Update the url string in url "file:///home/parth/Downloads/maven-repository" with the path to the unzipped maven-repository.
4. Run Gradle Sync.
5. Build the project.
6. Run the project.
- Android-Fhir Project :
- Android-Fhir Forked Repository (EmCare Specific tweaks) :
- SMART- EmCare :