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GraphML-Based Exchange Format for Violation Witnesses and Correctness Witnesses


We formally represent witnesses as witness automata. Since an automaton is a graph, we decided to extend an existing exchange format (GraphML) for graphs and apply it to witness automata. GraphML is an XML-based format for exchanging graphs that was designed with extensibility in mind. (This primer gives a good introduction.)

The idea is that a violation-witness automaton guides the verifier for a finite number of steps through the program along an error path in order to find a violation of the safety property, and that a correctness-witness automaton gives invariants as hints that guide the verifier towards the proof.

Note that a violation-witness automaton might represent several possible paths. In particular, the automaton might represent several infeasible error paths and feasible error paths. Ideally, the error path is very short and contains concrete values (test case).

Data Elements

In order to represent the witness automaton in GraphML, the edges and nodes of the graph are enriched with (XML) data elements of different types. The key attribute of a data element defines its type, the child elements of the element (usually a single XML text node) represent its value.

Graph Data for Witness Automata

These annotations are used for the graph GraphML tag, i.e. for data tags that are direct children of the graph tag.

key Meaning Required
witness-format-version Valid values: 1.0. When missing, the format version 1.0 is assumed No
witness-type Valid values: correctness_witness or violation_witness
witness-type is used to specify the witness type. A correctness witness is identified by the value correctness_witness, a violation witness is identified by the value violation_witness.
sourcecodelang Valid values: Currently, only C and Java are supported.
sourcecodelang is used to specify the name of the programming language, for example C.
producer Valid values: Any
producer is used to specify the name of the tool that produced the witness automaton, for example CPAchecker 1.6.8
specification Valid values: The specification text
specification is used to provide a textual representation of the specification of the verification task. The format of this representation is user defined. In SV-COMP, the text CHECK( init(main()), LTL(G ! call(reach_error())) ) is used to represent the specification.
programfile Valid values: The program file path as passed to the verifier
programfile is used to record the URI or file-system path to the source code, e.g., loop-acceleration/multivar_true-unreach-call1_true-termination.i. This key is intended for documentation purposes; a validator is not required to be able to access the specified file location, because the source code is explicitly provided to the validator as input. Hence, the validity of the witness must not depend on the availability of the source code at the location specified by the value of this key in the execution environment of the validation.
programhash Valid values: SHA-256 hash
programhash is used to record the SHA-256 hash value of the verified program, for example, e2d5365a863c1c57fbe2870942676040efc3aea2d9bb085092800d6e256daf06.
architecture Valid values: An identifier for the assumed architecture
architecture is used to provide a textual representation of the machine architecture assumed for the verification task. This textual representation is user defined. For example, use the identifiers 32bit and 64bit to distinguish between 32-bit systems and 64-bit systems.
creationtime Valid values: Date and time of creation in ISO 8601 format.
creationtime is used to specify the date and time the witness was created in ISO 8601 format. The date must contain the year, the month, and the day, separated by dashes ('-'). The date is separated from the time using the capital letter 'T'. The time must be given in hours, minutes, and seconds, separated by colons (':'). If the timestamp is in UTC time, it ends with a 'Z'. If the timestamp is not given in UTC time, a positive ('+') or negative ('-') time offset consisting of hours and minutes separated by a colon (':') must be appended. Example: 2016-12-24T13:15:32+02:00.

Node Data for Automata States

These annotations are used for the node GraphML tags, i.e. for data tags that are direct children of the node tags. In witness automata, the GraphML nodes represent states.

key Meaning Allowed in Violation Witnesses Allowed in Correctness Witnesses
entry Valid values: false (default) or true
entry is used to mark a node as an entry node. An entry node represents the initial control state of the witness automaton. We require that exactly one initial control state is defined per document. The attr.type attribute of this key is boolean. If no default value is specified in the GraphML header, the default value is false.
Yes Yes
sink Valid values: false (default) or true
sink is used to mark a node as a sink node. A sink node represents a sink control state in the automaton. Sink states are not allowed in correctness-witness automata. The attr.type attribute of this key is boolean. If no default value is specified in the GraphML header, the default value is false.
Yes No
violation Valid values: false (default) or true
violation is used to mark a control state as a violation state, i.e., as a state that represents a specification violation. Violation control states are not allowed in the syntax for correctness witnesses, because all control states are implicitly accepting states. The attr.type attribute of this key is boolean. If no default value is specified in the GraphML header, the default value is false.
Yes No
invariant Valid values: A C expression that (1) must evaluate to the C type int (used as boolean) and (2) may consist of conjunctions or disjunctions, but not function calls.
invariant is used to specify an invariant for a control state. The value of a data element with this key must be an expression that evaluates to a value of the equivalent of a boolean type in the programming language of the verification task, e.g., for C programs a C expression that evaluates to a value of the C type int (used as boolean). The expression may consist of conjunctions or disjunctions, but not function calls. Local variables that have the same name as global variables or local variables of other functions can be qualified by using a data element with the invariant.scope key. The attr.type attribute of this key is string. All variables used in the expression must appear in the program source code. If a control state does not have a data element with this key, a consumer shall consider the state invariant to be true.
No Yes
invariant.scope Valid values: Function name
invariant.scope is used to qualify variables with ambiguous names in a state invariant by specifying a function name: The witness consumer must map the variables in the given invariant to the variables in the source code. Due to scopes in many programming languages, such as C, there may be ambiguously named variables in different scopes. The consumer first has to look for a variable with a matching name in the scope of the function with the name specified via a data element with the invariant.scope key before checking the global scope. This key always applies to the invariant as a whole, i.e., it is not possible to specify an invariant over local variables of different functions. In existing implementations, there is currently no support for different variables with the same name within different scopes of the same function. The attr.type attribute of this key is string.
No Yes

Edge Data for Automata Transitions

These annotations are used for the edge GraphML tags, i.e. for data tags that are direct children of the edge tags. In witness automata, the GraphML edges represent state transitions.

key Meaning Allowed in Violation Witnesses Allowed in Correctness Witnesses
assumption Valid values: Expression that (1) evaluates to a value of the equivalent of a Boolean type in the programming language of the verification task and (2) may consist of conjunctions or disjunctions, but not function calls
assumption is used to specify a state-space guard for a transition. The value of a data element with this key must be an expression that evaluates to a value of the equivalent of a boolean type in the programming language of the verification task, e.g. for C programs a C expression that evaluates to a value of the C type int (used as boolean). The expression may consist of conjunctions or disjunctions, but not function calls. Local variables that have the same name as global variables or local variables of other functions can be qualified by using a data element with the assumption.scope key. All variables used in the expression must appear in the program source code, except for the variable \result, which represents the return value of a function identified by the data element with the key assumption.resultfunction after a function-return operation on a CFA edge matched by this transition. If the \result variable is used, the name of the corresponding function must be provided using a data element with the assumption.resultfunction key. If a transition does not have a data element with this key, a consumer shall assume that the state-space guard of this transition is true. In correctness witnesses, for each state and each source-code guard, the disjunction of all state-space guards leaving that state via a transition matched by that source-code guard must be true, i.e., while state-space guards can be used to split the state space in correctness witnesses, they may not be used to restrict it. The attr.type attribute of this key is string.
Yes Yes
assumption.scope Valid values: Function name
assumption.scope is used to qualify variables with ambiguous names in a state-space guard by specifying a function name: The consumer first has to look for a variable with a matching name in the scope of the function with the name specified via a data element with the assumption.scope key before checking the global scope. This key always applies to the state-space guard as a whole, i.e., it is not possible to specify a state-space guard over local variables of different functions. In existing implementations, there is currently no support for different variables with the same name within different scopes of the same function. This key is not allowed in correctness witnesses. The attr.type attribute of this key is string.
Yes Yes
assumption.resultfunction Valid values: Function name
assumption.resultfunction is used to specify the function of the \result variable used in a state-space guard of the same transition, meaning that \result represents the return value of the given function. This key applies to the state-space guard as a whole, it is therefore not possible to refer to multiple function-return values within the same transition. If the \result variable is used, a data element with this key must be used in the same transition, otherwise it is superfluous. This key is not allowed in correctness witnesses. The attr.type attribute of this key is string.
Yes Yes
control Valid values: condition-true or condition-false
control is used as part of the source-code guard of a transition and restricts the set of CFA edges matched by the source-code guard to assume operations of the CFA. Valid values for data elements with this key are condition-true and condition-false, where condition-true specifies the branch where the assume condition evaluates to true, i.e., the then branch, and condition-false specifies the branch where the assume condition evaluates to false, i.e., the else branch. The attr.type attribute of this key is string.
Yes Yes
startline Valid values: Valid line number of the program
startline is used as part of the source-code guard of a transition and restricts the set of CFA edges matched by the source-code guard to operations on specific lines in the source code. Any line number of the source code is a valid value for data elements with this key. A startline refers to the line number on which an operation of a CFA edge begins. The attr.type attribute of this key is int.
Yes Yes
endline Valid values: Valid line number of the program
endline is the same as the startline key, except that it refers to the line number on which an operation of a CFA edge ends.
Yes Yes
startoffset Valid values: Offset of a specific character in the program from the program start.
startoffset is used as part of the source-code guard of a transition and restricts the set of CFA edges matched by the source-code guard to operations between specific character offsets in the source code, where the term character offset refers to the total number of characters from the beginning of a source-code file up to the beginning of some intended statement or expression. Any character offset between the beginning and end of a source-code file is a valid value for data elements with this key. While on the one hand, usage of data elements with this key allows the witness to convey very precise location information, on the other hand, this information is susceptible to even minor changes in the source code. If this is not desired, usage of data elements with this key should be omitted by the producer, or, if that is not an option, it can be removed during a post-processing step, provided that enough other source-code guards are present to make matching the witness against the source code feasible. A third option would be to recompute the offset values for the changed source code using a diff tool. The attr.type attribute of this key is int.
Yes Yes
endoffset Valid values: Offset of a specific character in the program from the program start.
endoffset is the same as the startoffset key, except that it refers to the character offset at the end of an operation.
Yes Yes
enterLoopHead Valid values: false (default) or true
enterLoopHead is used as part of the source-code guard of a transition and restricts the set of CFA edges matched by the source-code guard to operations on CFA edges where the successor is a loop head. For our format specification, any CFA node that (1) is part of a loop in the CFA, (2) has an entering CFA edge where the predecessor node is not in the loop, and (3) has a leaving CFA edge where the successor node is not in the loop, qualifies as a loop head. Note, however, that depending on the programming language of the verification task, the loop head may be ambiguous. For example, in C it is possible to use goto statements to construct arbitrarily complex loops with many CFA nodes that match the definition above. Conversely, there could also be loops without any loop head matching this definition, in which case the key may not be used. The attr.type attribute of this key is boolean and its default value is false if no other default value is specified in the GraphML header.
Yes Yes
enterFunction Valid values: Function name
enterFunction is used as part of the source-code guard of a transition and restricts the set of CFA edges matched by the source-code guard to function-call operations where the name of the called function matches the specified value. The attr.type attribute of this key is string. A witness consumer may also use this key to track a stack of function calls and use this information to qualify ambiguously named variables in state-space guards or state invariants in the absence of explicitly specified scopes via the assumption.scope or invariant.scope keys. The attr.type attribute of this key is string.
Yes Yes
returnFromFunction Valid values: Function name
returnFromFunction is the counterpart of the enterFunction key, i.e., it is used as part of the source-code guard of a transition and restricts the set of CFA edges matched by the source-code guard to function-return operations where the name of the function that is being returned from matches the specified value. Analogously to enterFunction, a witness consumer may use this key to track a stack of function calls. The attr.type attribute of this key is string.
Yes Yes

Tools may introduce their own data nodes with custom keys and values. Other tools should ignore data nodes they do not know or are unable to handle.

This witness specification is a work in progress and will be subject to modifications.

Additional Edge Data for Concurrent Programs

Validating concurrent programs is a complex task, because it is necessary to determine possible interleavings of thread operations and when a thread is started or exited. The following information should additionally be available in the witness:

key Meaning Allowed in Violation Witnesses Allowed in Correctness Witnesses
threadId threadId is used in the analysis of concurrent programs as part of the source-code guard of a transition and represents the currently active thread for the transition. The value of data elements with this key must uniquely identify an active (i.e., created but not yet destroyed) thread within each run through the automaton, meaning that if two different threads share the same identifier, they must either (a) be on different automaton runs or (b) at each step of each automaton run at most one of them may be active. If a transition has data elements where one specifies a threadId and another one uses the createThread key, the threadId refers to the thread that creates the new thread, not the created thread. The attr.type attribute of this key is string. Yes Yes
createThread createThread is used in the analysis of concurrent programs as part of the source-code guard of a transition and restricts the set of CFA edges matched by the source-code guard to operations where a new thread is created. The value of data elements with this key is an identifier for the new thread. Any string may be used as an identifier, provided that it uniquely identifies an active thread in each automaton run. The initial function of the created thread must be provided in a subsequent automaton transition using the enterFunction key, except for the main thread of the program, where the same (initial) transition may be used, because at that point, no other thread exists yet. Subsequently, a thread is assumed to be terminated once its callstack is empty again, which is achieved by using a corresponding returnFromFunction value. The attr.type attribute of this key is string. Yes Yes

CPAchecker partially supports the validation of violation witnesses for concurrent programs. This witness specification and the validator are a work in progress and will be subject to modifications.

Witnessing Program Termination

Termination is a liveness property and, in contrast to safety properties, its violation cannot be witnessed by a finite number of program execution steps. The witness format proposed so far is designed for witnessing safety properties. Due to the conceptual differences, some termination witness validators may require additional elements.

The description of the termination witness format required by CPAchecker and how to validate and construct termination witnesses with CPAchecker can be found here. Currently, only violation witnesses are supported.

Ultimate Automizer supports termination witnesses as specified by this document. No additional information is necessary. The extensions specified in the termination witness format required by CPAchecker will not lead to rejections, but are currently not used. Ultimate Automizer supports correctness and violation witnesses for termination, although there is currently no way to specify ranking functions.

Validating Violation Witnesses

Witnesses can be validated by CPAchecker or Ultimate Automizer. To validate a witness, you need to provide the specification the witness was produced with and the witness itself as an additional specification to the tool, as well as any other parameter required by the tool to check the specific type of program, if any.

In the following, we present the violation-witness validation service followed by listing examples of available witness checkers (in alphabetic order).

Validating Witnesses using a Witness Validation Service

The witness-validation service is designed to be as simple to use as possible. Therefore, you will not need to manually select the specification and architecture the witness was produced for, but may instead include this information within the witness file itself. See the XML data tags with the keys specification and architecture in the example violation witness the assumed specification and buggy program. Accepted values for the architecture are 32bit (default) and 64bit. If you would rather keep the original specification separate, you can still use the witness validators manually, as described further down. In addition to the example violation witness above, we also provide an example correctness witness corresponding to a correct program for the same specification.

Submit the witness validation job here:

Once the job finishes, a result page will appear.

This page provides data like the CPU time, also the log file, a zip file with all output files, and, in case you successfully validated a violation-witness, a link to an error-path report that makes it easy to inspect and understand the confirmed error paths.

This service can also be used via the command line using the following script from CPAchecker: scripts/

scripts/ --program source.i --witness witness.graphml

Please note that this script needs some dependencies from scripts/benchmark in order to work properly, so best use it from inside a working CPAchecker copy.

Validating a Violation Witness with CPAchecker

The following command will start CPAchecker to validate a violation witness for test.c. We assume that the violation witnesses is stored in the file witness-to-validate.graphml.

An easy way to validate violation witnesses with CPAchecker that should be able to handle most scenarios is provided by a predefined configuration:

./scripts/ -witnessValidation \
-witness witness-to-validate.graphml \
-spec PropertyUnreachCall.prp \

There may be cases where you want to use different analyses. It is therefore possible to derive a custom configuration. Because choosing an analysis yourself requires some basic knowledge of CPAchecker anyway, we assume for this section of the paragraph that you are familiar with CPAchecker's configuration mechanism.

The easiest way to obtain a new witness-validation configuration is by creating a new configuration file. As an example, we recommend looking at the configuration file for CPAchecker's default witness-validation analysis used above in config/ and the subconfigurations included from there.

Configuring a new witness-validation analysis directly on the command-line prompt is a bit more involved, because you first need to find the .spc file corresponding to the .prp specification file you want to use. For PropertyUnreachCall.prp, this would be config/specification/sv-comp-reachability.spc. The following example shows how to configure CPAchecker to use linear-arithmetic predicate analysis to consume a witness:

./scripts/ -noout -heap 10000M -predicateAnalysis-linear \
-setprop cpa.composite.aggregateBasicBlocks=false \
-setprop cfa.simplifyCfa=false \
-setprop cpa.predicate.ignoreIrrelevantVariables=false \
-setprop counterexample.export.assumptions.assumeLinearArithmetics=true \
-setprop analysis.traversal.byAutomatonVariable=__DISTANCE_TO_VIOLATION \
-setprop cpa.automaton.treatErrorsAsTargets=false \
-setprop \
-setprop parser.transformTokensToLines=false \
-skipRecursion \
-setprop specification=witness-to-validate.graphml,config/specification/sv-comp-reachability.spc \

For tasks where a 64-bit Linux machine model is assumed, you also need to add the parameter -64 to the command line.

The output of the command should look similar to the following:

Running CPAchecker with Java heap of size 10000M.
Running CPAchecker with default stack size (1024k). Specify a larger value with -stack if needed.
Using the following resource limits: CPU-time limit of 900s (ResourceLimitChecker.fromConfiguration, INFO)

CPAchecker 1.6.1-svn (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_111) started (, INFO)


line 193: Function pointer *__cil_tmp10 with type int (*)(int, int) is called,
 but no possible target functions were found. (CFunctionPointerResolver.replaceFunctionPointerCall, WARNING)

Using predicate analysis with SMTInterpol 2.1-327-g92cafef and JFactory 1.21. (PredicateCPA:PredicateCPA., INFO)

Using refinement for predicate analysis with PredicateAbstractionRefinementStrategy strategy.
 (PredicateCPA:PredicateCPARefiner., INFO)

Starting analysis ... (CPAchecker.runAlgorithm, INFO)


Automaton going to ErrorState on edge "__VERIFIER_error();"
(WitnessAutomaton:AutomatonTransferRelation.getFollowStates, INFO)


Stopping analysis ... (CPAchecker.runAlgorithm, INFO)

Verification result: FALSE. Property violation (WitnessAutomaton) found by chosen configuration.
More details about the verification run can be found in the directory "./output".

The verification result "FALSE" means that the violation witness was successfully validated, i.e., one of the paths that is described by the witness automaton leads to a violation of the specification. The result "TRUE" would mean that none of the paths described by the witness automaton lead to a violation of the specification, or in other words, that the witness was rejected. A witness is also rejected if the witness validation does not terminate normally.

Validating a Violation Witness with Ultimate Automizer

Download a release version of Ultimate Automizer from Ultimate Automizer's GitHub page or a current version from Ultimate's nightly builds.

The following command will start Ultimate Automizer to validate a violation witness for test.c. We assume that the violation witnesses is stored in the file witness.graphml.

./ \
--architecture 32bit \
--spec PropertyUnreachCall.prp \
--file test.c \
--validate witness.graphml

For tasks where a 64-bit Linux machine model is assumed, you also need to use the parameter --architecture 64bit instead of --architecture 32bit. You can use the additional parameter --full-output to get the complete log of the validation run (a complete help is shown with --help).

The output of the command should look similar to the following:

$ ./ --architecture 32bit --spec PropertyUnreachCall.prp --file test.c --validate witness.graphml
Checking for ERROR reachability
Using default analysis
Version 8c2bbc92
Calling Ultimate with: /usr/bin/java [...]
... [...]
Execution finished normally
Writing output log to file Ultimate.log
Writing human readable error path to file UltimateCounterExample.errorpath

The verification result "FALSE" means that the violation witness was successfully validated, i.e., one of the paths that is described by the witness automaton leads to a violation of the specification. The result "TRUE" would mean that none of the paths described by the witness automaton lead to a violation of the specification, in other words, the witness was rejected. A witness is also rejected if the witness validation does not terminate normally.

If you are having trouble using the witness validation, contact the Ultimate team by creating an issue on GitHub.

Writing a Violation Witness with CPAchecker

In the following example, we assume that the current directory is the CPAchecker directory, PropertyUnreachCall.prp is the specification that was used to produce the witness, witness.graphml is the witness file and test.c is the verification task. The following command shows how to use CPAchecker to verify the task and produce a witness:

scripts/ -noout -heap 10000M -predicateAnalysis \
-setprop cpa.composite.aggregateBasicBlocks=false \
-setprop cfa.simplifyCfa=false \
-setprop cfa.allowBranchSwapping=false \
-setprop cpa.predicate.ignoreIrrelevantVariables=false \
-setprop counterexample.export.assumptions.assumeLinearArithmetics=true \
-setprop counterexample.export.assumptions.includeConstantsForPointers=false \
-setprop counterexample.export.graphml=violation-witness.graphml \
-setprop counterexample.export.compressErrorWitness=false \
-spec PropertyUnreachCall.prp \

For tasks where a 64-bit Linux machine model is assumed, you also need to add the parameter -64 to the command line.

The output of the command should look similar to the following:

Running CPAchecker with Java heap of size 10000M.
Running CPAchecker with default stack size (1024k). Specify a larger value with -stack if needed.
Using the following resource limits: CPU-time limit of 900s (ResourceLimitChecker.fromConfiguration, INFO)

CPAchecker 1.6.1-svn (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_111) started (, INFO)


Using predicate analysis with SMTInterpol 2.1-327-g92cafef and JFactory 1.21. (PredicateCPA:PredicateCPA., INFO)

Using refinement for predicate analysis with PredicateAbstractionRefinementStrategy strategy. (PredicateCPA:PredicateCPARefiner., INFO)

Starting analysis ... (CPAchecker.runAlgorithm, INFO)

Error path found, starting counterexample check with CPACHECKER. (CounterexampleCheckAlgorithm.checkCounterexample, INFO)

Using the following resource limits: CPU-time limit of 900s (CounterexampleCheck:ResourceLimitChecker.fromConfiguration, INFO)

Repeated loading of Eclipse source parser (CounterexampleCheck:EclipseParsers.getClassLoader, INFO)

Error path found and confirmed by counterexample check with CPACHECKER. (CounterexampleCheckAlgorithm.checkCounterexample, INFO)

Stopping analysis ... (CPAchecker.runAlgorithm, INFO)

Verification result: FALSE. Property violation (__VERIFIER_error(); called in line 410) found by chosen configuration.
More details about the verification run can be found in the directory "./output".

Using refinement for predicate analysis with PredicateAbstractionRefinementStrategy strategy.
(PredicateCPA:PredicateCPARefiner.init, INFO)

The violation-witness automaton is written to output/witness.graphml. If the verification is applied an example program and specification from the SV-COMP'17 benchmark set, the witness should look similar to this witness.

Writing a Violation Witness with Ultimate Automizer

Similar to validating witnesses, the following command will start Ultimate Automizer to verify a task for which it will come up with a feasible counterexample:

./ \
--architecture 32bit \
--spec PropertyUnreachCall.prp \
--file test.c

You can, as before, change the architecture (--architecture 64bit), request the full Ultimate log output (--full-output), or show additional options (--help).

The violation-witness automaton is written to witness.graphml. If the verification is applied an example program and specification from the SV-COMP'17 benchmark set, the witness should look similar to this witness.

Validating Correctness Witnesses

As a running example, we use the verification task multivar_true-unreach-call1.i from the SV-COMP'17 benchmark set.

We assume that the program as well as its specification have been placed in the desired tool's directory.

Producing Correctness Witnesses with CPAchecker

To produce a witness for the example task with CPAchecker, simply execute the following commands:

scripts/ \
-correctness-witnesses-k-induction \
-spec PropertyUnreachCall.prp \

The output of CPAchecker should be similar to the following listing:

Running CPAchecker with default heap size (1200M). Specify a larger value with -heap if you have more RAM.
Running CPAchecker with default stack size (1024k). Specify a larger value with -stack if needed.
CPAchecker 1.6.1-svn 22870M (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_101) started (, INFO)

The following configuration options were specified but are not used:
(CPAchecker.printConfigurationWarnings, WARNING)

Starting analysis ... (CPAchecker.runAlgorithm, INFO)

Using predicate analysis with MathSAT5 version 5.3.12 (fd820dac73f2) (Aug  8 2016 11:12:19, gmp 5.1.3, gcc 5.3.0, 64-bit).
(Parallel analysis 1:PredicateCPA:PredicateCPA.init, INFO)

Using predicate analysis with MathSAT5 version 5.3.12 (fd820dac73f2) (Aug  8 2016 11:12:19, gmp 5.1.3, gcc 5.3.0, 64-bit).
(Parallel analysis 1:InductionStepCase:PredicateCPA:PredicateCPA.init, INFO)

config/ finished successfully.
(ParallelAlgorithm.handleFutureResults, INFO)

Analysis was terminated (Parallel analysis 1:ParallelAlgorithm.runParallelAnalysis, INFO)

Stopping analysis ... (CPAchecker.runAlgorithm, INFO)

Verification result: TRUE. No property violation found by chosen configuration.
More details about the verification run can be found in the directory "./output".
Run scripts/ to show graphical report.

You will find the correctness witness produced by CPAchecker for the example task at output/correctness-witness.graphml.

Producing Correctness Witnesses with Ultimate Automizer

The procedure for producing a correctness witness with Ultimate Automizer does not differ from producing a violation witness. To produce a witness for the example task, simply execute the following commands:

./ \
--spec PropertyUnreachCall.prp \
--file multivar_true-unreach-call1.i \
--architecture 32bit

The output of the command should look similar to the following:

$ ./ --architecture 32bit --spec PropertyUnreachCall.prp --file multivar_true-unreach-call1.i
Checking for ERROR reachability
Using default analysis
Version 8c2bbc92
Calling Ultimate with: /usr/bin/java [...]
Execution finished normally
Writing output log to file Ultimate.log

You will find the correctness witness produced by Ultimate Automizer for the example task at witness.graphml, which should look similar to this witness.

Validating Correctness Witnesses with CPAchecker

For the validation, we assume that one of the previously obtained witnesses for the example task has been named correctness-witness.graphml and placed in the desired tool directory. To validate the correctness witness with CPAchecker, simply execute the following commands:

scripts/ \
-witnessValidation \
    -witness invariantGeneration.kInduction.invariantsAutomatonFile=correctness-witness.graphml \
    -spec PropertyUnreachCall.prp \

If the witness is valid, the output of CPAchecker should end in the following lines:

Stopping analysis ... (CPAchecker.runAlgorithm, INFO)

Verification result: TRUE. No property violation found by chosen configuration.
More details about the verification run can be found in the directory "./output".

Because the CPAchecker-based validator is actually even a correctness-witness testifier, the validation will produce another (usually more abstract) correctness witness in output/correctness-witness.graphml.

Validating Correctness Witnesses with Ultimate Automizer

Again, the procedure for validating a correctness witness with Ultimate Automizer does not differ from validating a violation witness. For the validation example, we assume that one of the previously obtained witnesses for the example task has been named witness.graphml and placed in the desired tool directory. To validate the correctness witness with Ultimate Automizer, simply execute the following commands:

./ \
--spec PropertyUnreachCall.prp \
--file multivar_true-unreach-call1.i \
--architecture 32bit \
--validate witness.graphml

A successful validation will result in an output similar to the following:

$ ./ --architecture 32bit --spec PropertyUnreachCall.prp --file multivar_true-unreach-call1.i --validate witness.graphml
Checking for ERROR reachability
Using default analysis
Version 8c2bbc92
Calling Ultimate with: /usr/bin/java [...]
Execution finished normally
Writing output log to file Ultimate.log