diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0948c425..43e07103 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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-## service-seed-without-router
-Play, Akka seed project without router implementation.
+# Sunbird-notification-service
-Use this for creating a play-based service that leverages all internal actors. By default, runs http on port 9000.
+This is the repository for notification service micro-service. It provides the APIs for notification service functionality of Sunbird.
-### Note
-1.In this Application , throw only org.sunbird.BaseException
+The code in this repository is licensed under MIT License unless otherwise noted. Please see the [LICENSE](https://github.com/Sunbird-Lern/sunbird-notification-service/blob/master/LICENSE) file for details.
+This readme file describes how to install and start groups-service in your development environment.
+## Sunbird-notification-service development environment setup:
+This readme file contains the instruction to set up and run the Sunbird-notification-service in your development environment.
-### Build
+### System Requirements
-1. Execute clean install `mvn clean install`
+### Prerequisites
+- Java 11
+- Latest Docker
+- Latest Maven (Only For Mac m1 users use 3.8.8 Maven version)
-### Run
-1. For debug mode,
- `cd notification-service/service`
- `mvn play2:dist`
- `mvn play2:run`
+### Prepare folders for database data and logs
-2. For run mode,
- `cd notification-service/service`
- `mvn play2:dist`
- `mvn play2:start`
+To prepare folders for database data and logs, run the following command:
-### Verify running status
+mkdir -p ~/sunbird-dbs/cassandra ~/sunbird-dbs/es
+export sunbird_dbs_path=~/sunbird-dbs
-Hit the following Health check curl command
+To verify the creation of folders, run:
-`curl -X GET \
- http://localhost:9000/health \
- -H 'Postman-Token: 6a5e0eb0-910a-42d1-9077-c46f6f85397d' \
- -H 'cache-control: no-cache'`
+echo $sunbird_dbs_path
-And, a successful response must be like this:
+### Cassandra database setup in Docker
-`{"id":"api.200ok","ver":"v1","ts":"2019-01-17 16:53:26:286+0530","params":{"resmsgid":null,"msgid":"8e27cbf5-e299-43b0-bca7-8347f7ejk5abcf","err":null,"status":"success","errmsg":null},"responseCode":"OK","result":{"response":{"response":"SUCCESS","errors":[]}}}`
+1. To get the Cassandra image, use the following command:
+docker pull cassandra:3.11.6
+For Mac M1 users follow the bellow command:
+docker pull --platform=linux/amd64 cassandra:3.11.6
+For the network, you can either use an existing network or create a new one by executing the following command:
+docker network create sunbird_db_network
+2. To create the Cassandra instance, run the following command:
+docker run -p 9042:9042 --name sunbird_cassandra \
+ -v $sunbird_dbs_path/cassandra/data:/var/lib/cassandra \
+ -v $sunbird_dbs_path/cassandra/logs:/opt/cassandra/logs \
+ -v $sunbird_dbs_path/cassandra/backups:/mnt/backups \
+ --network sunbird_db_network -d cassandra:3.11.6
+For Mac M1 users follow the below command:
+docker run --platform=linux/amd64 -p 9042:9042 --name sunbird_cassandra \
+ -v $sunbird_dbs_path/cassandra/data:/var/lib/cassandra \
+ -v $sunbird_dbs_path/cassandra/logs:/opt/cassandra/logs \
+ -v $sunbird_dbs_path/cassandra/backups:/mnt/backups \
+ --network sunbird_db_network -d cassandra:3.11.6
+3. To verify the setup, run the following command, which will show the status of Cassandra as up and running:
+docker ps -a | grep cassandra
+## To create/load keyspaces and tables to Cassandra
+Click the link [sunbird-utils-cassandra-setup](https://github.com/Sunbird-Lern/sunbird-utils/tree/release-5.3.0#readme)
+and follow the steps for creating/loading the Cassandra keyspaces and tables to your development environment.
+Note: It is mandatory to follow the instructions provided in the link.
+4. To verify the creation of keyspaces and tables, connect to the Cassandra Docker container using SSH and run the following command:
+docker exec -it sunbird_cassandra /bin/bash
+## Sunbird-notification-service Setup
+To set up the notification service, follow the steps below:
+1. Clone the latest branch of the notification service using the following command:
+git clone https://github.com/Sunbird-Lern/sunbird-notification-service
+2. Set up the necessary environment variables by running the following script in the path `/sunbird-notification-service`:
+3. Build the application using the following maven command in the path `/sunbird-notification-service`:
+mvn clean install -DskipTests
+Make sure the build is successful before proceeding to the next step. If the build is not successful,
+fix any configuration issues and rebuild the application.
+4. Run the netty server using the following maven command in the path `/sunbird-notification-service/service`:
+mvn play2:run
+5. Verify the database connections by running the following command:
+curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:9000/health’
+If all connections are established successfully, the health status will be shown as 'true', otherwise it will be 'false'.
+Currently, the sunbird-notification-service service is dependent on User org service for getting user and organisation information.
+We are planning to implement a mock service soon for these dependencies.
+To make the notification service completely working, some pre-required configuration setup is mandatory.
+Follow the steps given in the link [pre-required configuration setup](https://github.com/Sunbird-Lern/sunbird-notification-service/blob/release-5.4.0/notificationsetup.md) to complete the setup.
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diff --git a/notificationsetup.md b/notificationsetup.md
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+This setup file contains the instruction to set up the required configuration for sunbird-notification service in the development environment
+Follow the steps given in the link [SMS template setup](https://project-sunbird.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/UM/pages/3316809958/How+to+Set+up+SMS+Template) to do the sms template setup.
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diff --git a/scripts/notification-service-config.sh b/scripts/notification-service-config.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d811f3a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/notification-service-config.sh
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+export sunbird_us_system_setting_url=/api/data/v1/system/settings/list
+export sunbird_us_org_read_url=/v1/org/read
+export sunbird_msg_91_baseurl=http://api.msg91.com/
+export sunbird_msg_91_get_url=api/sendhttp.php?
+export sunbird_msg_91_post_url=api/v2/sendsms
+export sunbird_fcm_url=https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send
+export sunbird_mail_server_from_email=support@open-sunbird.org
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