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ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA - Use tenderly, it's fragile!

While pysui-flask exposes some pysui SDK via RESTful API, the main features are MultiSignature management, transaction and signing processing, and transaction Templates.

pysui-flask uses pipenv for package dependency management and virutal environments

pysui-flask uses suibase for integration testing locally

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Change into repo folder
  3. Activate virtual environment
  4. Install packages
git clone [email protected]:Suitters/pysui-flask.git
cd pysui-flask
pipenv shell
pipenv install
flask run
  1. No private keys are required
  2. Chain data can be queried by anyone (read operations)
  3. Accounts can participate in transactions
  4. Accounts must be provisioned into pysui-flask by admin
  5. Accounts log in to create/submit transactions
  6. MultiSignature configurations must be provisioned into pysui-flask by admin
  7. Transactions submitted include sender and, optionally, sponser
  8. Sender and sponsor may be single or multisig
  9. Signing requests are queued to indivual accounts
  10. Signing may be accepted (response includes signature of transaction bytes) or denied
  11. When all signatures satisfied, submits transaction for execution
  12. Define Templates which can be reused with zero or more optional input overrides
  13. Templates can define overrides of input arguments, can also indicate an override is required
  14. Templates visibility can be 'owned' or 'shared'
  15. Template execution substitutes overridden inputs and 'submits' as a transaction

Only administrators of the pysui-flask setup can provision new accounts. Once account provisioned, user can login or logoff, change passwords, submit transactions and sign or deny signing a transaction.

Endpoint: /account/login - Post with user name and password payload, establishes session

Endpoint: /account/logoff - Post. Ends session.

Endpoint: /account/password - Post with new password payload.

When a transaction is posted for execution to pysui-flask it does not execute immediatley. Instead:

  1. The accounts for required signatures of the transaction get a queued signing request record.
  2. Accounts then fetch pending signature requests.
  3. Accounts can then either sign and approve or reject the request.
  4. Once all required signatures are returned approved, the transaction is submitted to Sui for execution.

Endpoint: /account/transaction/execute - Post serialized base64 SuiTransaction

Transactions can be submitted (requestor) by any Account. The transaction payload fields

# Serialized pysui SuiTransaction base64 string
tx_builder: str

# Flag to verify transaction against Sui ProtocolConfig constraints
verify: Optional[bool] = None

# Explicit gas budget option
gas_budget: Optional[str] = None

# Explicit gas object option (gas comes from sponsor if indicated)
gas_object: Optional[str] = None

# Accounts to notify for signing, defaults to account submitting transaction
signers: Optional[Signers] = None

At a maximum 2 Signers, in the execution payload (transaction or template), can be specified: Sender and Sponsor. Either can reference a single user Account or a MultiSig. If not provided, the requestor is considered to be the transaction sender. Signer payload

# Can be multi-sig, single active-address or None (default to requestor)
sender: Optional[Union[MultiSig, str]] = None

# Can be multi-sig, single active-address or None (default to requestor)
sponsor: Optional[Union[MultiSig, str]] = None

If either sender or sponsor are strings, it is the Sui address string of the user Account.

A MultiSig signer payload requires the MultiSig provisioned Sui address and the subset of the provisioned MultiSig members Sui addresses

# This is the active-address of the provision MultiSig
msig_account: str

# Optionally these are active_addresses for the MultiSig members who are
# required to sign. If None, all members must sign
msig_signers: Optional[list[str]] = None

Endpoint: /account/signing-requests - Get signing requests for account.

When submitted, default signer (account submitter) or those indicated in signers get a signing request queued to their account. If there is explicit signers, a request is posted to each individual signer. This may include both a sender signer and sponor signer. Either of which could be a MultiSignature (see below).

Accounts can query for any outstanding signature requests, return payload is array of 0 or more requests

# Unique request identifier
id: int

# Sui public key string of account to sign
signer_public_key: str

# Are they asked to sign as sender (1) or sponsor (2)
signing_as: int

# Base64 serialized SuiTransaction to sign
tx_bytes: str

# Status of request. May be one of:
# 1 - pending signature
# 2 - previously signed
# 3 - previously denied
status: int

Endpoint: /account/sign - Post a signed transaction or deny the signature.

Receiver signs the SuiTransaction serialized base64 tx_bytes in request and submits back

Signing payload

# Unique request identifier
request_id: int

# Accepted and signed
accepted_outcome: {

    # Sui public key string of signer
    public_key: str

    # Sui address
    active_address: str

    # Signed bytes as base64 string

    signature: str

Rejecting payload

# Unique request identifier
request_id: int

# Accepted and signed
rejected_outcome: {

    # Small description of why rejected
    cause: str


Administrators provision new Accounts and MultiSigs.

Endpoint: /admin/login - Post with admin user name and password payload, establishes session

Endpoint: /admin/logoff - Post. Ends session.

The admin uername and password are part of the pysui-flask configuration.

Endpoint: /admin/account - Post (provision) a new user Account Endpoint: /admin/accounts - Post (provision) a list of new user Account

User Accounts are required to perform transaction operations and/or participate in signing.

# Account user name string
username: str

# Account user password string, this is hashed before persisting
password: str

# The Accounts Sui public key base64 string or wallet paylod
public_key: Union[str, dict]

If you are geneating an account from a wallet then the wallet payload (dict)

# The Sui key scheme for the public key
key_scheme: str     # One of ED25519, SECP256K1, SECP256R1

# The hex string of the public key from wallet.
wallet_key: str

Endpoint: /admin/multisig - Post (provision) a new MultiSig

The members of the MultiSig payload must be existing user Accounts

# A list of members of the MultiSig
members: list[dict]

# A name to assign the MultiSig
name: str

# The signing threshold (sum of weights of members when signing)

The individual MultiSig members payload

# The members Sui address

# The weight the signature of this member contributes to the threshold (max val 255)
weight: int

User Accuonts can create and execute reusable SuiTransaction called Templates.

A Template is a serialized SuiTransaction that can shared or private and cen control which inputs may be overridden when executed.

Endpoint: /account/template - Post (create) a new Template

New Template payload

# Name of the template
template_name: str

# Version of the template
template_version: str

# Base64 serialized SuiTransaction
template_builder: str

# Owned "1" or Shared "2"
template_visibility: str

# List of overrides or string ("all", "none")
template_overrides: Union[list[dict], str]

Template override payload

# The zero based input index that can be overridden
input_index: int

# Flag indicating that input override must (True) be done in order to execute or not (False)
override_required: bool

Endpoint: /account/template/execute - Post a Template as a Transaction

# Unique Template ID
tx_template_id: int

# Input overrides. If none given, template is executed as created
input_overrides: Optional[list[dict]]

# Same as Submit Transaction for Execution
verify: Optional[bool] = None

# Same as Submit Transaction for Execution
gas_budget: Optional[str] = None

# Same as Submit Transaction for Execution
gas_object: Optional[str] = None

# Same as Submit Transaction for Execution
signers: Optional[Signers] = None

Template execution overrides. Override values must be of type defined in the templates input value type

# The zero based input index that is being overridden
# The execution will fail if the template did not indicate this input as overrideable
input_index: int

# The override value. If string it is assumed to be a 'object' and the value
# is the Sui Object ID that expands to object reference.
# Otherwise if list of bytes it is assumed to be a 'pure' value
input_value: Union[str, list]