This library provides a TCP-Interface for the transmission of 3d mesh-data between Julia and Unity. The Unity part of this interface cleary could be used with any other programming language, like Matlab or the-like, without much effort.
You need Unity to be installed with the UnityTCP project running, which is free for non-profit use. I got Version 2017.4.1f1 (9231f953d9d3) Personal installed on a MacBook with macOS 10.13.3.
Please run:
In numeric simulation we operate mostly on mesh-data, so we need easy-to-use but efficient tools for visualization for fast development cycles. The "de-facto-standard" MATLAB covers this with its patch-routine. Here, Unity is used for visualization, which is a great and actively developed platform. Once you've got your data imported into Unity, you can take advantage of a huge community and tons of add-ons for high-quality custom plots. Furthermore Unity runs on various platforms, so, with little effort, you could use your tablet or even mobile phone for displaying the output.
This package is in a very early development stage but to my knowledge it should work.
- Unity: Start Unity and load the Unity Project Unity_TCPInterface.
- Unity: Load Scene1
- Unity: Press Play
- Julia:
import Unity: UnityMesh, UnityText
using ColorTypes, GeometryTypes
#define vertices
verts = [Point3f0(0,0,0),Point3f0(1,0,0),Point3f0(1,1,0),Point3f0(0,1,0)]
#define indices for surface mesh
surf_inds = Int32[0,2,1,0,3,2]
#define indices for line mesh
line_inds = Int32[0,1,1,2,2,3,3,0]
#define indices for vertex mesh
vert_inds = Int32[0,1,2,3]
#define colors
colors = rand(RGBA{Float32},length(verts))
#colors = [RGBA{Float32}(1,1,1,.001) for vert in verts]
#define optons
options = ["surface_shader = flat"]
transparent = ["surface_shader = transparent"]
point_size = ["point_size = 0.05"]
#define text
unity_text = UnityText("Hello World!", Point3f0(1.5,2,0), Point3f0(0.1,0.1,.15), Point3f0(1,1,1))
#create meshes
surface_mesh = UnityMesh("Mesh 1", verts, Int32[], Int32[], surf_inds, colors, options, UnityText[unity_text])
line_mesh = UnityMesh("Mesh 2", map(x->Point3f0(x[1]+3,x[2],x[3]),verts), Int32[], line_inds, Int32[], colors, String[])
point_mesh = UnityMesh("Mesh 3", map(x->Point3f0(x[1],x[2]+3,x[3]),verts), vert_inds, Int32[], Int32[], colors, point_size)
mesh = UnityMesh("Mesh 4", map(x->Point3f0(x[1]+3,x[2]+3,x[3]),verts), vert_inds, line_inds, surf_inds, colors, vcat(point_size,transparent))
#send meshes to unity
socket = connect(8052)
write(socket, surface_mesh)
write(socket, line_mesh)
write(socket, point_mesh)
write(socket, mesh)
You should see something like this:
wireframe | flat |
![]() |
![]() |
smooth | transparent |
![]() |
![]() |
- face colors (could be already done by duplicating the vertices for each connected face)
- auto setup of tcp connection
- simple gui for ip address etc.
- partial transmission of meshes (e.g. only update the vertices or colors)
- colorbar (partly done)
- coordinate axes
- nicer transparency shader
- nicer shader for line mesh
- nicer shader and primitive for point mesh
- point size