diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9551744..57811a3 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -53,9 +53,11 @@ In your project base directory run
Then edit `config/app.php` and add the service provider within the `providers` array.
- 'providers' => array(
- ...
+ 'providers' => [
+ //...
+ //...
+ ],
There is no need to add the Facade, the package will bind it to the IoC for you.
@@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ Basically all you have to do to add and asset, no matter if it's CSS or JS or a
Add more than one asset at once
- Assets::add(array('another/file.js', 'one/more.css'));
+ Assets::add(['another/file.js', 'one/more.css']);
Add an asset from a local package
@@ -130,7 +132,7 @@ A collection is a named set of assets, that is, a set of JavaScript and CSS file
To register a collection on run time for later use:
- Assets::registerCollection($collectionName, array('some', 'awesome', 'assets'));
+ Assets::registerCollection($collectionName, ['some', 'awesome', 'assets']);
To preconfigure collections using the config file:
@@ -219,7 +221,7 @@ Finally, if you happen to use NGINX with the [gzip_static](http://nginx.org/en/d
For a **full list of all the available config options** please read the provided [`API.md`](https://github.com/Stolz/Assets/blob/master/API.md) file.
-- `'autoload' => array(),`
+- `'autoload' => [],`
Here you may set which assets (CSS files, JavaScript files or collections) should be loaded by default.
- `'css_dir' => 'css',`
@@ -234,7 +236,7 @@ For a **full list of all the available config options** please read the provided
It is possible to **change any config options on the fly** by passing an array of settings to the `config()` method. Useful if some assets use a different base directory or if you want to pipeline some assets and skip others from the pipeline. i.e:
echo Assets::reset()->add('do-not-pipeline-this.js')->js(),
- Assets::reset()->add('please-pipeline-this.js')->config(array('pipeline' => true))->js();
+ Assets::reset()->add('please-pipeline-this.js')->config(['pipeline' => true])->js();
### Multitenancy
@@ -287,13 +289,13 @@ You can use the library without using static methods. The signature of all metho
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Set config options
- $config = array(
- 'collections' => array(...),
- 'autoload' => array(...),
+ $config = [
+ 'collections' => [...],
+ 'autoload' => [...],
'pipeline' => true,
'public_dir' => '/absolute/path/to/your/webroot/public/dir'
- );
+ ];
// Instantiate the library
$assets = new \Stolz\Assets\Manager($config);
@@ -375,8 +377,12 @@ i.e: Assuming the next scenario:
Then to load the assets you should run:
- Assets::add(['foo.css', 'bar.js', 'somevendor/somepackage:lorem.css', 'anothervendor/anotherpackage:ipsum.js']);
+ Assets::add([
+ 'foo.css',
+ 'bar.js',
+ 'somevendor/somepackage:lorem.css',
+ 'anothervendor/anotherpackage:ipsum.js'
+ ]);
### Why assets work for the main page but not for subpages?
@@ -401,7 +407,7 @@ Yes you can but there is no need. You better use the [multitenancy feature](#mul
Yes you can. There is a `config()` public method to change settings on the fly. This allows you to use same instance of the library with different settings. i.e:
echo Assets::add('jquery-cdn')->js();
- echo Assets::reset()->add(array('custom.js', 'main.js'))->config(array('pipeline' => true))->js();
+ echo Assets::reset()->add(['custom.js', 'main.js'])->config(['pipeline' => true])->js();
If you want the different settings to be permanent, then use the [multitenancy feature](#multitenancy).
diff --git a/phpcodesniffer.xml b/phpcodesniffer.xml
index 22a719f..a7c6912 100644
--- a/phpcodesniffer.xml
+++ b/phpcodesniffer.xml
@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
+ /src/Laravel/
diff --git a/src/Laravel/FlushPipelineCommand.php b/src/Laravel/FlushPipelineCommand.php
index 502ad23..3f48357 100644
--- a/src/Laravel/FlushPipelineCommand.php
+++ b/src/Laravel/FlushPipelineCommand.php
@@ -28,30 +28,64 @@ class FlushPipelineCommand extends Command
public function fire()
- // Determine the config namespace sepatator
- $glue = (file_exists(app_path('config/packages/stolz/assets/config.php'))) ? '::' : '.';
- // Get directory paths
- $pipeDir = Config::get("assets{$glue}pipeline_dir", 'min');
- $cssDir = public_path(Config::get("assets{$glue}css_dir", 'css') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pipeDir);
- $jsDir = public_path(Config::get("assets{$glue}js_dir", 'js') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pipeDir);
+ // Get directories to purge
+ if( ! $directories = $this->getPipelineDirectories())
+ return $this->error('The provided group does not exist');
// Ask for confirmation
if( ! $this->option('force'))
- $this->info(sprintf('All content of %s and %s will be deleted.', $cssDir, $jsDir));
+ $this->info('All content of the following directories will be deleted:');
+ foreach($directories as $dir)
+ $this->comment($dir);
if( ! $this->confirm('Do you wish to continue? [yes|no]'))
- // Purge assets
- $purgeCss = $this->purgeDir($cssDir);
- $purgeJs = $this->purgeDir($jsDir);
+ // Purge directories
+ $this->comment('Flushing pipeline directories...');
+ foreach($directories as $dir)
+ {
+ $this->output->write("$dir ");
+ if($this->purgeDir($dir))
+ $this->info('Ok');
+ else
+ $this->error('Error');
+ }
+ $this->comment('Done!');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the pipeline directories of the groups.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function getPipelineDirectories()
+ {
+ // Parse configured groups
+ $config = config('assets', []);
+ $groups = (isset($config['default'])) ? $config : ['default' => $config];
+ if( ! is_null($group = $this->option('group')))
+ $groups = array_only($groups, $group);
+ // Parse pipeline directories of each group
+ $directories = [];
+ foreach($groups as $group => $config)
+ {
+ $pipelineDir = (isset($config['pipeline_dir'])) ? $config['pipeline_dir'] : 'min';
+ $cssDir = (isset($config['css_dir'])) ? $config['css_dir'] : 'css';
+ $directories[] = public_path($cssDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pipelineDir);
- if( ! $purgeCss or ! $purgeJs)
- return $this->error('Something went wrong');
- $this->info('Done!');
+ $jsDir = (isset($config['js_dir'])) ? $config['js_dir'] : 'js';
+ $directories[] = public_path($jsDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pipelineDir);
+ }
+ return array_unique($directories);
@@ -80,6 +114,7 @@ protected function purgeDir($directory)
protected function getOptions()
return [
+ ['group', 'g', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Only flush the provided group'],
['force', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not prompt for confirmation'],
diff --git a/src/Laravel/config.php b/src/Laravel/config.php
index cee4447..4c6aec1 100644
--- a/src/Laravel/config.php
+++ b/src/Laravel/config.php
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
-return array(
+return [
// Configuration for the default group. Feel free to add more groups.
// Each group can have different settings.
- 'default' => array(
+ 'default' => [
* Regex to match against a filename/url to determine if it is an asset.
@@ -167,5 +167,5 @@
//'autoload' => array('jquery-cdn'),
- ), // End of default group
+ ], // End of default group