- keycloak https://github.com/aerogearcatalog/keycloak-apb
- 3scale https://github.com/aerogearcatalog/3scale-apb
- sync https://github.com/aerogearcatalog/fh-sync-server-apb
- digger (mobile ci cd) https://github.com/aerogearcatalog/aerogear-digger-apb
Run the following command in each of the above repos:
make apb_release VERSION=<version> ORIGIN=<remote-origin>
This creates a VERSION
tag in github, and afterwards a build on Dockerhub is triggered to release the image from this VERSION
For MCP tag as above and run the following commands
make image TAG=$(TAG)
docker push docker.io/aerogear/mobile-core:$(TAG)
Next update the main template in artifacts/openshift/template.json
change the IMAGE_TAG parameter
to match the the TAG you have just created.
# builds the 3 different apbs for mcp (android, cordova, iOS) copying over the main template
make apbs TAG=$(TAG)
The above adds automated commits to your local branch, afterwards go and look for the latest commit, and create a tag and push it to github:
git rev-parse HEAD
## use that commit hash when creating the tag
git tag -a $(TAG) HASH -m "signing tag"
git push origin $(TAG)