My solution to the Rock-Paper-Scissors API Test Challenge from Chaos-Camp using Rest Assured with Java
From the original RockPaperScissorsChallenge README:
Introduction: You've been provided with a Rock-Paper-Scissors API. Your task is to write a series of tests against this API to ensure its correctness. Along with the basic tests, you also need to test if the computer's weapon choices are indeed random.
API Endpoints:
POST /api/play
:- Request payload:
{ "choice": "ROCK" | "PAPER" | "SCISSOR" }
- Response payload:
{ "your_weapon": "ROCK" | "PAPER" | "SCISSOR", "computer_weapon": "ROCK" | "PAPER" | "SCISSOR", "winner": "YOU_WIN" | "DRAW" | "COMPUTER_WINS" }
- Request payload:
Test Requirements:
Basic Tests:
- Test if the API is up and running.
- Test if the API returns a 400 error for an invalid weapon choice.
- Test if the API returns a valid response for each valid weapon choice.
Game Logic Tests:
- Test if the game logic is correct:
- When you play ROCK and the computer plays SCISSOR, you should win.
- When you play ROCK and the computer plays PAPER, the computer should win.
- When you play ROCK and the computer plays ROCK, it should be a draw.
- ... and so on for other weapon choices.
- Test if the game logic is correct:
Randomness Test:
- Run the play endpoint multiple times (e.g., 1000 times) and record the computer's choice each time.
- Calculate the percentage for each weapon choice (ROCK, PAPER, SCISSOR).
- Test if the distribution of each weapon choice is approximately equal. (You can use a tolerance level. For instance, if each choice's distribution is within 30%-40%, then it can be considered random.)
- For the basic and game logic tests, you might want to use assertions to ensure that the returned values match the expected values.
- For the randomness test, keep a count of each of the computer's choices and then calculate the distribution percentage.
Expected Deliverables:
- A test script containing all the tests.
- A report detailing:
- The outcome of each test (PASS/FAIL).
- For the randomness test, a distribution percentage of each weapon choice and an analysis/comment about the randomness based on the results.
Evaluation Criteria:
- Correctness: All tests should be correct and meaningful.
- Coverage: Tests should cover all the mentioned scenarios.
- Code Quality: Test scripts should be well-organized, readable, and maintainable.
- Analysis: The randomness test analysis should be well-reasoned.