diff --git a/BUILDING.md b/BUILDING.md index 69da078dd3be8..96d8ac66f8742 100644 --- a/BUILDING.md +++ b/BUILDING.md @@ -415,6 +415,7 @@ List of supported parameters (passed as `-DPARAMETER=VALUE`): | USE_PLUGIN_LENSDISTORTIONESTIMATOR | bool | ON | Enable building the Lens Distortion Estimator plugin | USE_PLUGIN_METEORSHOWERS | bool | ON | Enable building the Meteor Showers plugin | USE_PLUGIN_MISSINGSTARS | bool | ON | Enable building the Missing Stars plugin +| USE_PLUGIN_MOSAICCAMERA | bool | OFF | Enable building the Mosaic Camera plugin | USE_PLUGIN_NAVSTARS | bool | ON | Enable building the Navigational Stars plugin | USE_PLUGIN_NOVAE | bool | ON | Enable building the Bright Novae plugin | USE_PLUGIN_OBSERVABILITY | bool | ON | Enable building the Observability Analysis plugin diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index eafddc19f73ff..51240e2a7f840 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ IF(${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} MATCHES "Debug") APPEND_COVERAGE_COMPILER_FLAGS() MESSAGE(STATUS "Found lcov ${LCOV_PATH} (enable coverage support)") SETUP_TARGET_FOR_COVERAGE_LCOV( - NAME coverage - EXECUTABLE ctest -j ${PROCESSOR_COUNT} + NAME coverage + EXECUTABLE ctest -j ${PROCESSOR_COUNT} DEPENDENCIES buildTests ) ENDIF() @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ ELSE() EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} describe --tags --abbrev=0 WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} TIMEOUT 30 OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_TAGS OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ERROR_VARIABLE GIT_ERROR) IF(GIT_REVISION) # Let's use short hash in all cases - STRING(SUBSTRING ${GIT_REVISION} 0 7 REVISION) + STRING(SUBSTRING ${GIT_REVISION} 0 7 REVISION) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DGIT_REVISION="${REVISION}") ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DGIT_BRANCH="${GIT_BRANCH}") ENDIF() @@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ IF("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "Clang") ENDIF() # FreeBSD-specific compiler flags -# resolve bug for FreeBSD/amd64 and NVIDIA proprietary drivers +# resolve bug for FreeBSD/amd64 and NVIDIA proprietary drivers IF(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "FreeBSD") # Use -pthread compilation option to properly link to threading library SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -pthread -Wno-unused-local-typedefs") @@ -540,6 +540,7 @@ ADD_PLUGIN(Calendars 1) ADD_PLUGIN(Exoplanets 1) ADD_PLUGIN(EquationOfTime 1) ADD_PLUGIN(MeteorShowers 1) +ADD_PLUGIN(MosaicCamera 1) ADD_PLUGIN(NavStars 1) ADD_PLUGIN(Novae 1) ADD_PLUGIN(Observability 1) @@ -713,7 +714,7 @@ IF(ENABLE_SHOWMYSKY) MESSAGE(STATUS "Will build ShowMySky library") INCLUDE(GNUInstallDirs) IF(APPLE) - INSTALL(TARGETS ShowMySky LIBRARY DESTINATION Frameworks) + INSTALL(TARGETS ShowMySky LIBRARY DESTINATION Frameworks) ELSE() INSTALL(TARGETS ShowMySky LIBRARY DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} @@ -733,7 +734,7 @@ IF(ENABLE_SHOWMYSKY) GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(ShowMySky_LIBRARY ShowMySky::ShowMySky LOCATION) IF(EXISTS ${ShowMySky_LIBRARY}) - MESSAGE(STATUS "Found ShowMySky library: ${ShowMySky_LIBRARY}") + MESSAGE(STATUS "Found ShowMySky library: ${ShowMySky_LIBRARY}") ELSE() MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could NOT found ShowMySky library") ENDIF() @@ -852,7 +853,7 @@ IF(UNIX AND NOT WIN32) IF(APPLE) SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Stellarium.app/Contents") ELSE() - ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DINSTALL_DATADIR="${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${SDATALOC}") + ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DINSTALL_DATADIR="${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${SDATALOC}") # Used in generating the documentation (doc/stellarium.pod.cmake): SET(INSTALL_DATADIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${SDATALOC}") ENDIF() diff --git a/guide/pictures/MosaicCamera.png b/guide/pictures/MosaicCamera.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..98217f9c6ebaa Binary files /dev/null and b/guide/pictures/MosaicCamera.png differ diff --git a/guide/plg_atTheTelescope.tex b/guide/plg_atTheTelescope.tex index 2bfa15f16f6c7..bde7e323b9573 100644 --- a/guide/plg_atTheTelescope.tex +++ b/guide/plg_atTheTelescope.tex @@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ \chapter{Stellarium at the Telescope} can be used for planning the best times to observe your favorite objects. +The Mosaic Camera plugin (section~\ref{sec:plugins:Mosaic}) can be used to +show the orientations of more complicated camera mosaics. + \section{Oculars Plugin} \sectionauthor*{Timothy Reaves, with additions by Alexander Wolf} \label{sec:plugins:Oculars} @@ -1153,7 +1156,187 @@ \subsection*{Author} \label{sec:plugins:Observability:author} This plugin has been contributed by Ivan Marti-Vidal (Onsala Space Observatory)\footnote{\url{mailto:i.martividal@gmail.com}} with some advice by Alexander Wolf and Georg Zotti. +\newpage +\section{Mosaic Camera Plugin} +\sectionauthor*{Josh Meyers\footnote{\url{mailto:jmeyers314@gmail.com}}} +\label{sec:plugins:MosaicCamera} + +\begin{figure}[t]\centering +\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{MosaicCamera.png} +\caption{The Mosaic Camera plugin in action. Overlays of LSSTCam(left), DECam (center), and HyperSuprimeCam (right) are shown, as well as the configuration dialog for the plugin (top right).} +\label{fig:plugins:MosaicCamera} +\end{figure} + +\subsection{Introduction} +\label{sec:plugins:MosaicCamera:intro} +This plugin overlays an outline of one or more mosaic cameras, i.e., cameras with multiple sensors, onto the Stellarium celestial sphere. +With this functionality, one may compare the fields of view of different cameras, including potentially one's own astrophotography setup. +Combined with the scripting and remote control features of Stellarium, various visualizations are possible, including real-time tracking of the observations of telescopes, playback of past observations, or public outreach demonstrations of the capabilities of various instruments. + +\subsection{Usage} +\label{sec:plugins:MosaicCamera:usage} + +From the ``Cameras'' tab of the Mosaic Camera configuration window, you can select from the available cameras, setting their RA, Dec, rotation, and visibility as desired. + +\subsection{Cameras} +\label{sec:plugins:MosaicCamera:cameras} +Multiple cameras can be individually configured and displayed. + +\subsubsection{Default Cameras} +\label{sec:plugins:MosaicCamera:cameras:default} +A few cameras come pre-packaged with Stellarium. These are: + +\paragraph{LSSTCam} + +The largest (as of 2025) digital camera ever assembled at 3.2 gigapixels. +Now mounted on the Simonyi Survey Telescope at the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, this camera will be used to execute the Legacy Survey of Space and Time, creating a 10-year multicolor `movie' of the southern sky. + +Note that the individual CCDs within this camera's overlay are color-coded by their functionality: +Two shades of blue indicate the main science sensors. +(LSSTCam features a hybrid focal plane. +Light blue corresponds to sensors made by Imaging Technology Laboratory, while dark blue corresponds to sensors made by Imaging Teledyne e2v.) +The white sensors in the middle show the field-of-view of the Rubin Commissioning Camera, a smaller camera used to commission the telescope mount and mirrors before the main LSSTCam camera was ready. +The red sensors in the corners are wavefront sensors, used to monitor and correct the telescope's optical alignment in real time. +The green sensors are the guider sensors, used to inform the telescope's tracking system. +See more at \url{https://noirlab.edu/public/programs/vera-c-rubin-observatory/}. + +\paragraph{HyperSuprimeCam (HSC)} + +A 900 megapixel camera mounted on the Subaru telescope at the Mauna Kea Observatory. +See more at \url{https://www.naoj.org/Projects/HSC/}. + +\paragraph{Dark Energy Camera (DECam)} + +A 570 megapixel camera mounted on the Blanco telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory. +See more at \url{https://www.darkenergysurvey.org/the-des-project/instrument/}. + +\paragraph{MegaPrime} + +A 378 megapixel camera mounted on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope at Mauna Kea Observatory. +See more at \url{https://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/Instruments/Imaging/MegaPrime/}. + +\paragraph{LATISS} + +The LSST Atmospheric Transmission Imager and Slitless Spectrograph. A 16 megapixel camera mounted on the Rubin Observatory Auxiliary telescope. +See more at \url{https://noirlab.edu/public/programs/vera-c-rubin-observatory/rubin-auxtel/}. + +\subsubsection{Adding a Camera} +\label{sec:plugins:MosaicCamera:cameras:add} +When the Mosaic Camera plugin is first enabled, it checks for the existence of a directory \file{/modules/MosaicCamera/}. +If this directory does not exist, it will be created and populated with JSON files for each of the default cameras, and one JSON file \file{camera\_order.json} which specifies the order in which the cameras are displayed. + +To add a new camera, create a new JSON file inside this directory, and add a reference to it in the \file{camera\_order.json} file. + +Camera sensors are specified via their corners, which are assumed to form spherical polygons. +The corners should be specified as \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnomonic_projection}{gnomonic projections} from the sphere to a tangent plane in radians. +Multiple groups of sensors can compose the same camera. +For example, LSSTCam has separate sensor groups for wavefront sensors, guider sensors, and each of two types of science sensors. + +\newpage + +Each camera is defined via a JSON file with the structure: + +\begin{jsonfile}[\scriptsize] +[ + { + "name": "name-of-group-1", + "corners": [ + [ + [corner1_x, corner1_y], + [corner2_x, corner2_y], + ... + ], # sensor 1 + [ + ... + ], # sensor 2 + ... + ] + "color": { + "value": [R, G, B, alpha] + } + }, + { + "name": "name-of-group-2", + ... + }, + ... +] +\end{jsonfile} + +See the default camera JSON files for examples. + +If you ever need to reset the plugin to its default state, simply delete the \file{/modules/MosaicCamera/} directory. + +\subsection{Control} +\label{sec:plugins:MosaicCamera:control} + +There are several ways to control the Mosaic Camera plugin. + +\subsubsection{Mosaic Camera Settings Dialog} +\label{sec:plugins:MosaicCamera:control:dialog} + +The Mosaic Camera settings dialog can be opened by right-clicking the MosaicCamera icon, or by selecting "configure" from the Plugins tab of the main Stellarium Configuration window. +This dialog allows you to configure the cameras, as well as the visibility of the overlays. + +\subsubsection{Keyboard Shortcuts} +\label{sec:plugins:MosaicCamera:control:keyboard} + +Keyboard shortcuts (see section~\ref{sec:gui:help:hotkeys}) can be configured to perform the following actions: + +\begin{itemize} +\item Cycle the active camera forward or backward +\item Increase or decrease the rotation angle of the current camera by 5 degrees. +\item Set the pointing of the current camera to the current Stellarium view. +\item Toggle the visibility of Mosaic Camera overlays. +\item Toggle the Mosaic Camera settings dialog. +\end{itemize} + +\subsubsection{Stellarium Scripting} +\label{sec:plugins:MosaicCamera:control:scripting} + +The Mosaic Camera plugin can be controlled via Stellarium's scripting interface. +In the following example, we set the LSSTCam overlay to be centered at RA=3.0, Dec=4.0 (in J2000 degrees), with a rotation of 1.0 degrees. + +\begin{script} + MosaicCamera.setCurrentCamera("LSSTCam") + MosaicCamera.setCurrentRA(3.0) + MosaicCamera.setCurrentDec(4.0) + MosaicCamera.setCurrentRotation(1.0) +\end{script} + +an equivalent script is: + +\begin{script} + MosaicCamera.setRA("LSSTCam", 3.0) + MosaicCamera.setDec("LSSTCam", 4.0) + MosaicCamera.setRotation("LSSTCam", 1.0) +\end{script} + +or even: + +\begin{script} + MosaicCamera.setPosition("LSSTCam", 3.0, 4.0, 1.0) +\end{script} + +\subsubsection{Stellarium Remote Control} +\label{sec:plugins:MosaicCamera:control:remote} + +The Mosaic Camera plugin is also accessible via Stellarium's remote control interface (see ~\ref{sec:plugin:RemoteControl}). +Here's a short python script equivalent to the above example: + +\begin{script} + import requests + port = 8090 # Default Stellarium port + url = f"http://localhost:{port}/api/stelproperty/set" + for name, val in [ + ["MosaicCamera.currentCamera", "LSSTCam"], + ["MosaicCamera.ra", 3.0], + ["MosaicCamera.dec", 4.0], + ["MosaicCamera.rotation", 1.0] + ]: + requests.post(url, data={"id": name, "value": val}) +\end{script} %%% Local Variables: diff --git a/plugins/MosaicCamera/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/MosaicCamera/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..774ffd4889f96 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/MosaicCamera/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# This is the cmake config file for the MosaicCamera +SET(MOSAICCAMERA_VERSION "0.0.0") +ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DBUILD_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN=0) +ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DMOSAICCAMERA_PLUGIN_VERSION="${MOSAICCAMERA_VERSION}") +ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DMOSAICCAMERA_PLUGIN_LICENSE="GNU GPLv2 or later") + +ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( src ) + +IF(APPLE) + SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX $ENV{HOME}/Library/Application\ Support/Stellarium) +ElSE(APPLE) + SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX $ENV{HOME}/.stellarium) +ENDIF(APPLE) +INSTALL(FILES DESTINATION "modules/MosaicCamera") diff --git a/plugins/MosaicCamera/COPYING b/plugins/MosaicCamera/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b35f35c99338e --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/MosaicCamera/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA + + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/plugins/MosaicCamera/ChangeLog b/plugins/MosaicCamera/ChangeLog new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..d340171e83176 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/MosaicCamera/ChangeLog @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +0.0.0 [2024-12-10] +Created basic plugin diff --git a/plugins/MosaicCamera/README b/plugins/MosaicCamera/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..25c0ab8d94bfa --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/MosaicCamera/README @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +Mosaic Camera Overlay Stellarium plugin +======================================= + +Overlays mosaic camera sensor outlines on the Stellarium celestial sphere. + +Available Cameras +================= + +Built-in cameras include: + LSSTCam : https://www.lsst.org/about/camera + HSC : https://www.naoj.org/Projects/HSC/ + DECam : https://www.darkenergysurvey.org/the-des-project/instrument/the-camera/ + MegaPrime : https://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/Instruments/Imaging/Megacam/ + Latiss : https://noirlab.edu/public/programs/vera-c-rubin-observatory/rubin-auxtel/ + +Camera sensors are specified via their corners, which are assumed to form spherical +polygons. The corners should be specified as gnomonic projections from the sphere to a +tangent plane in radians. Multiple groups of sensors can compose the same camera. For +example, LSSTCam has separate sensor groups for wavefront sensors, guider sensors, and +each of two types of science sensors. + +Each camera is defined via a JSON file with the structure: + +[ + { + "name": "name-of-group-1", + "corners": [ + [ + [corner1_x, corner1_y], + [corner2_x, corner2_y], + ... + ], # sensor 1 + [ + ... + ], # sensor 2 + ... + ] + "color": { + "value": [R, G, B, alpha] + } + }, + { + "name": "name-of-group-2", + ... + }, + ... +] + +Cameras are loaded according to the order in + +camera_order.json + +which has the structure: +{ + "order": [ + "LSSTCam", + "DECam", + ... + ] +} diff --git a/plugins/MosaicCamera/resources/DECam.json b/plugins/MosaicCamera/resources/DECam.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..255dee340c383 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/MosaicCamera/resources/DECam.json @@ -0,0 +1,1132 @@ +[ + { + "name": "DECam", + "corners": [ + [ + [ + -0.017069925922537352, + -0.00802416980991785 + ], + [ + -0.014469213765415045, + -0.008029473985751129 + ], + [ + -0.014474307765819648, + -0.002808586545205558 + ], + [ + -0.017076104243274944, + -0.002806435609813904 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.01707722176700091, + -0.0026101962377681944 + ], + [ + -0.014475408675990576, + -0.0026165593785254042 + ], + [ + -0.014465868981811294, + 0.0026076971264091964 + ], + [ + -0.01706769403610855, + 0.002610907520699585 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.017078756085290622, + 0.002809040597256251 + ], + [ + -0.014476964949449972, + 0.0028107375475397234 + ], + [ + -0.014470958836016963, + 0.008031620987960971 + ], + [ + -0.017071666276497265, + 0.008026769977131257 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.01420603608177172, + -0.010733913640726137 + ], + [ + -0.011601570952261758, + -0.010739400514733098 + ], + [ + -0.011608424396274407, + -0.0055198616159784775 + ], + [ + -0.014214514528452384, + -0.005516954476749757 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.014217001315250697, + -0.005321978599919836 + ], + [ + -0.011610875550442264, + -0.005323467787717644 + ], + [ + -0.011615557551714187, + -9.71881804866207e-05 + ], + [ + -0.014222222589140092, + -9.828007162604375e-05 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.014225105296683431, + 0.00010100126049729438 + ], + [ + -0.011618444555227992, + 9.991072528469036e-05 + ], + [ + -0.011613759541486602, + 0.005326186073480247 + ], + [ + -0.014219880467078136, + 0.005324694951546095 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.014216211461222565, + 0.005515592806843047 + ], + [ + -0.011610123561579712, + 0.0055184996330620815 + ], + [ + -0.011603270267557439, + 0.010738039560296057 + ], + [ + -0.014207733436360233, + 0.010732552659416575 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.011332066926672433, + -0.013440919829088304 + ], + [ + -0.0087250706868009, + -0.01344471840593698 + ], + [ + -0.008735040071823711, + -0.008228830719156551 + ], + [ + -0.011344199901971254, + -0.008227039796079052 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.011356570355937302, + -0.008032681890366704 + ], + [ + -0.008747361452537952, + -0.00803668039547951 + ], + [ + -0.008749163281228572, + -0.002810701096491275 + ], + [ + -0.011359456635800045, + -0.0028087097365897414 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.011357464534068058, + -0.002613640091320498 + ], + [ + -0.008747148844248851, + -0.002614369949202535 + ], + [ + -0.00874769564395779, + 0.0026149839660705174 + ], + [ + -0.011358010879372486, + 0.0026137064659426832 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.01136241189622714, + 0.0028098488429855375 + ], + [ + -0.00875212309505936, + 0.0028095595046489824 + ], + [ + -0.00874576435917004, + 0.008035542531297648 + ], + [ + -0.011354972214087234, + 0.008033822698818966 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.011349831549557167, + 0.008229852270145341 + ], + [ + -0.008740678900931467, + 0.008231782763898587 + ], + [ + -0.008730976019431147, + 0.013447658986870167 + ], + [ + -0.011337964290905715, + 0.013443719909912933 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.008464350216644526, + -0.016145529418765677 + ], + [ + -0.005856054760815647, + -0.01615014014225779 + ], + [ + -0.005861762915471394, + -0.010940239813878243 + ], + [ + -0.008472765821516785, + -0.010937060612152747 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.00848225836757441, + -0.01075109464218464 + ], + [ + -0.0058711864606607825, + -0.01075358912506131 + ], + [ + -0.0058757515655556555, + -0.005530227497825609 + ], + [ + -0.008488448939724443, + -0.005529167385343278 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.008494937005567308, + -0.005329963160721848 + ], + [ + -0.005882203568103801, + -0.0053309242722057865 + ], + [ + -0.005884426801933686, + -0.00010081426645758394 + ], + [ + -0.008497701858787548, + -0.0001012886272885236 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.008489863173472396, + 9.949321479811421e-05 + ], + [ + -0.005876581622057993, + 9.988569974220467e-05 + ], + [ + -0.005876093933857706, + 0.005329999056624118 + ], + [ + -0.008488833186224145, + 0.005328172852181885 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.008496618014590946, + 0.00552763485098608 + ], + [ + -0.005883928296217734, + 0.005527327657771514 + ], + [ + -0.0058766240468861265, + 0.010750692354708132 + ], + [ + -0.008487690244659481, + 0.010749562117370997 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.00847615047732733, + 0.010944355459067565 + ], + [ + -0.0058651529192014894, + 0.010948221052344036 + ], + [ + -0.005860803881049938, + 0.016158092819522404 + ], + [ + -0.008469091709947632, + 0.01615279630768134 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.005606441525912318, + -0.01614685722177861 + ], + [ + -0.0029962614100205436, + -0.016148790375124913 + ], + [ + -0.003000826653972277, + -0.010937905992825304 + ], + [ + -0.005613712757716111, + -0.010936834496731437 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.005611151127032428, + -0.010754028937907343 + ], + [ + -0.002998187309631563, + -0.010755843354451953 + ], + [ + -0.0029999610501922447, + -0.0055315086704072 + ], + [ + -0.005614550865448475, + -0.005530553935101383 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.005623214075519028, + -0.005333493100198155 + ], + [ + -0.0030085877302301377, + -0.0053340521297589065 + ], + [ + -0.003009850952543414, + -0.0001029681807028283 + ], + [ + -0.005625019665656003, + -0.0001032707888796871 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0056306401969223145, + 0.00010225097960727887 + ], + [ + -0.003015474436258009, + 0.00010126333368043452 + ], + [ + -0.0030128411215198485, + 0.005332347025535017 + ], + [ + -0.0056274652382194154, + 0.005332471764519986 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0056242759112805196, + 0.005537200713193021 + ], + [ + -0.003009692753903647, + 0.005537109135503321 + ], + [ + -0.0030058133917405822, + 0.01076143173839664 + ], + [ + -0.005618770019874431, + 0.01076066059554528 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.005614894489808352, + 0.010946514532127794 + ], + [ + -0.003002013029829553, + 0.010947588126121857 + ], + [ + -0.002997444331254814, + 0.016158442095706375 + ], + [ + -0.005607617866402468, + 0.016156506605487047 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0027311366997702117, + -0.01885109249385044 + ], + [ + -0.00012182960108020937, + -0.018851806191509116 + ], + [ + -0.00012261970088821135, + -0.013649867725003336 + ], + [ + -0.00273517591268946, + -0.013649440256451071 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0027429876156685423, + -0.01345833652062195 + ], + [ + -0.00013033334260658798, + -0.013458939374744655 + ], + [ + -0.00013071527229043531, + -0.00824015754076824 + ], + [ + -0.0027455364302177193, + -0.008239841980004964 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0027421747373435608, + -0.008044642518259124 + ], + [ + -0.0001272923149752832, + -0.008045539062827236 + ], + [ + -0.00012643188490793822, + -0.002816641267403313 + ], + [ + -0.002742398374390036, + -0.0028160306632266613 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0027455861085041817, + -0.0026085938184507457 + ], + [ + -0.0001295987891482667, + -0.0026078693841726387 + ], + [ + -0.0001313337943457474, + 0.002624404841785021 + ], + [ + -0.0027473193600513124, + 0.0026233933761490766 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.002741206022801365, + 0.0028187554543877085 + ], + [ + -0.00012523963056594568, + 0.002819366079323172 + ], + [ + -0.00012610052833288181, + 0.008048260497923355 + ], + [ + -0.0027409823097867447, + 0.008047364170677206 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.002741606001178693, + 0.008249275853454318 + ], + [ + -0.00012678716278942157, + 0.008249773074099248 + ], + [ + -0.00012677321100455782, + 0.013468531005723827 + ], + [ + -0.002739423221334174, + 0.013467747542000265 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0027423094861331976, + 0.013653164682564252 + ], + [ + -0.00012975655460703147, + 0.013654960357770276 + ], + [ + -0.00013169014156698896, + 0.01885687922330102 + ], + [ + -0.0027409927770660706, + 0.01885479902309686 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.0001292099193352243, + -0.018854462617410007 + ], + [ + 0.002738513076918485, + -0.018854513594121273 + ], + [ + 0.002744112355089398, + -0.013652875341110557 + ], + [ + 0.0001315596444658706, + -0.01365253457551653 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.00012907238650815186, + -0.013460600877048607 + ], + [ + 0.0027417257346654014, + -0.01346040788781135 + ], + [ + 0.0027450953206996326, + -0.00824191808536512 + ], + [ + 0.00013027480414002946, + -0.008241823270275703 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.00013342123712537242, + -0.008049280917161167 + ], + [ + 0.0027483015004227435, + -0.008048382285272965 + ], + [ + 0.0027485284645270857, + -0.0028197763741162215 + ], + [ + 0.00013256338603151693, + -0.0028203878424347055 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.00013196576563466857, + -0.002617738472983851 + ], + [ + 0.002747951957079483, + -0.0026174577597974525 + ], + [ + 0.002747678347943795, + 0.0026145294363031 + ], + [ + 0.00013169182055271296, + 0.0026145360274162743 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.00014007248424370995, + 0.002808119891570864 + ], + [ + 0.002756036373271489, + 0.002810247417619303 + ], + [ + 0.0027503322939467353, + 0.00803886345456445 + ], + [ + 0.00013545043964364323, + 0.008037026311252258 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.0001290708416437662, + 0.00823630190856406 + ], + [ + 0.002743893386683451, + 0.008236215037816323 + ], + [ + 0.002740890749650482, + 0.013454719151163372 + ], + [ + 0.00012823429174803366, + 0.013455093319421458 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.00012846600070387382, + 0.013651532573404155 + ], + [ + 0.0027410208464048887, + 0.013650147019430953 + ], + [ + 0.0027388867296980405, + 0.018851793810851277 + ], + [ + 0.0001295814446074645, + 0.0188534645713905 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.003001054474316226, + -0.01615803639849363 + ], + [ + 0.005611228163835596, + -0.016154873203433694 + ], + [ + 0.005616045916264801, + -0.010944879699297043 + ], + [ + 0.0030031636945228772, + -0.01094718307481294 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.003005775972555307, + -0.010759204237591326 + ], + [ + 0.005618734879230727, + -0.010757112929675568 + ], + [ + 0.005621593220813016, + -0.005533647250413922 + ], + [ + 0.003007007490205537, + -0.005534877756485453 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.003006573162112068, + -0.005332875148733326 + ], + [ + 0.005621201119212194, + -0.005331267381331864 + ], + [ + 0.00562090631344116, + -0.00010104300182058437 + ], + [ + 0.0030057356371109467, + -0.00010179017873263996 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.003011408288457114, + 0.00010295592459752407 + ], + [ + 0.005626576158867418, + 0.00010362374416626963 + ], + [ + 0.005624040151937766, + 0.005333845347070915 + ], + [ + 0.00300941444257523, + 0.005334039554572589 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.003007763378141783, + 0.005531096233465388 + ], + [ + 0.0056223489416950085, + 0.005530961104271463 + ], + [ + 0.0056173028515714785, + 0.0107544332163794 + ], + [ + 0.0030043427445722074, + 0.010755430441648142 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.0030027625061652074, + 0.010942798041676522 + ], + [ + 0.005615645911509356, + 0.010941451733505653 + ], + [ + 0.0056089172138768665, + 0.016151458646548572 + ], + [ + 0.0029987409282001406, + 0.01615366648734188 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.005864182636946844, + -0.016156553755118482 + ], + [ + 0.00847246915290013, + -0.016150937937707936 + ], + [ + 0.008478892512052515, + -0.01094249461235564 + ], + [ + 0.005867896256601548, + -0.010946679561328217 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.005872202384801487, + -0.010762252625603187 + ], + [ + 0.008483270823465535, + -0.010759072499773408 + ], + [ + 0.00848809981029109, + -0.005537161716798529 + ], + [ + 0.005875403488311464, + -0.005538908255845008 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.005876970990551305, + -0.005329926383859219 + ], + [ + 0.008489708317711774, + -0.005329605153682612 + ], + [ + 0.00849374838406276, + -0.00010092738577464068 + ], + [ + 0.0058804702742176, + -9.981379682039247e-05 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.005886746862117095, + 9.011805816282848e-05 + ], + [ + 0.008500019677534453, + 9.155375244774979e-05 + ], + [ + 0.008495346263508816, + 0.005320233370950138 + ], + [ + 0.005882611975712284, + 0.005320233815219714 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.005876524534167896, + 0.005527969278273912 + ], + [ + 0.008489221669842053, + 0.00552700083823655 + ], + [ + 0.008482849814884279, + 0.010748931845664455 + ], + [ + 0.0058717776044689375, + 0.010751334905324308 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.005865617355337426, + 0.010942895831499022 + ], + [ + 0.008476615348313319, + 0.010940169473471428 + ], + [ + 0.008467283655573392, + 0.016148627893705744 + ], + [ + 0.005858993190546579, + 0.016152787398300627 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.008731389412893321, + -0.013445489165070174 + ], + [ + 0.011338379409097248, + -0.013441141768615909 + ], + [ + 0.011349425567422947, + -0.00822726885282853 + ], + [ + 0.008740271038941545, + -0.008229608346435997 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.00873933110241853, + -0.008038113491726315 + ], + [ + 0.011348547323399428, + -0.008035346888430637 + ], + [ + 0.011353891242372198, + -0.002811369634980156 + ], + [ + 0.00874359205424508, + -0.0028121294311623333 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.008743318260774692, + -0.002610240560294041 + ], + [ + 0.011353638728996699, + -0.0026096038961393097 + ], + [ + 0.01135436369684336, + 0.0026177458848611833 + ], + [ + 0.008744044638583281, + 0.0026191158307946106 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.008750348099680453, + 0.0028114689901068478 + ], + [ + 0.011360639596467702, + 0.0028106631086036045 + ], + [ + 0.011355384511310941, + 0.008034635258436524 + ], + [ + 0.008746175915497627, + 0.00803744926859788 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.008738885993739365, + 0.008230301938403918 + ], + [ + 0.011348042487915048, + 0.008227598200576893 + ], + [ + 0.011337724763341201, + 0.013441470050702358 + ], + [ + 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+ ], + [ + 0.010373228984782467, + 0.014300278656531301 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.014255736057833323, + 0.010203585262996875 + ], + [ + 0.014256569620013483, + 0.0062322794822355235 + ], + [ + 0.010374765823008924, + 0.0062328117353223364 + ], + [ + 0.01037416134816802, + 0.010204458764888024 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.01015775488371211, + 0.01839487290337595 + ], + [ + 0.010158945477297968, + 0.014425372899280503 + ], + [ + 0.0062768553411847935, + 0.01442619757620982 + ], + [ + 0.006276121427892352, + 0.018395929530573393 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.010158978215624798, + 0.014300335088673717 + ], + [ + 0.010159867858537498, + 0.010329570719589712 + ], + [ + 0.006277423915951641, + 0.010330159053409062 + ], + [ + 0.006276875521843277, + 0.014301152509832323 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.010159891174608984, + 0.010204498886170692 + ], + [ + 0.010160483068807747, + 0.006232836182421245 + ], + [ + 0.006277803141585748, + 0.006233190296766815 + ], + [ + 0.006277438288396498, + 0.010205080041525774 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.01835139522539771, + 0.006082226567808942 + ], + [ + 0.01835193177960031, + 0.0021108551531774647 + ], + [ + 0.014471239158501572, + 0.002111096136705617 + ], + [ + 0.014470818032167652, + 0.0060829217661185885 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.01835194022378369, + 0.0019857755364457654 + ], + [ + 0.01835194022378369, + -0.0019857755364457654 + ], + [ + 0.014471245786086306, + -0.001986002236139165 + ], + [ + 0.014471245786086306, + 0.001986002236139165 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.01835193177960031, + -0.0021108551531774647 + ], + [ + 0.01835139522539771, + -0.006082226567808942 + ], + [ + 0.014470818032167652, + -0.006082921766118588 + ], + [ + 0.014471239158501572, + -0.002111096136705617 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.014256593073741726, + 0.006082955268098344 + ], + [ + 0.014257007872092066, + 0.0021111077497989682 + ], + [ + 0.010375083628618163, + 0.002111287816367708 + ], + [ + 0.010374782830894679, + 0.006083474733427027 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.014257014400087666, + 0.0019860131608882836 + ], + [ + 0.014257014400087666, + -0.0019860131608882836 + ], + [ + 0.010375088362489994, + -0.0019861825543446916 + ], + [ + 0.010375088362489994, + 0.0019861825543446916 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.014257007872092066, + -0.0021111077497989682 + ], + [ + 0.014256593073741726, + -0.006082955268098343 + ], + [ + 0.010374782830894679, + -0.006083474733427027 + ], + [ + 0.010375083628618163, + -0.002111287816367708 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.010160499722713452, + 0.006083498593164215 + ], + [ + 0.010160794259994917, + 0.002111296087048672 + ], + [ + 0.006277994964096426, + 0.0021114158870443253 + ], + [ + 0.0062778134072951275, + 0.006083844199592513 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.010160798895341201, + 0.0019861903347961037 + ], + [ + 0.010160798895341201, + -0.0019861903347961037 + ], + [ + 0.006277997821383259, + -0.001986303033862647 + ], + [ + 0.006277997821383259, + 0.001986303033862647 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.010160794259994917, + -0.002111296087048672 + ], + [ + 0.010160499722713452, + -0.006083498593164215 + ], + [ + 0.0062778134072951275, + -0.006083844199592512 + ], + [ + 0.006277994964096426, + -0.0021114158870443253 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.018351364887380126, + -0.006231532843619808 + ], + [ + 0.01835028665880692, + -0.0102023599361032 + ], + [ + 0.014469947942337653, + -0.010203528928313286 + ], + [ + 0.014470794220642742, + -0.006232245155536482 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.01835024418533624, + -0.010327405350145384 + ], + [ + 0.01834862360101588, + -0.014297326616356645 + ], + [ + 0.014468642626776771, + -0.014298970814159609 + ], + [ + 0.014469914605645683, + -0.010328588781031819 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.018348563965375937, + -0.014422337724567967 + ], + [ + 0.01834639524087756, + -0.018390984144617217 + ], + [ + 0.014466893578866316, + -0.018393109419810403 + ], + [ + 0.014468595819035656, + -0.014423996515432119 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.014256569620013483, + -0.006232279482235525 + ], + [ + 0.014255736057833323, + -0.010203585262996875 + ], + [ + 0.01037416134816802, + -0.010204458764888026 + ], + [ + 0.010374765823008924, + -0.006232811735322338 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.014255703222047668, + -0.010328645811539368 + ], + [ + 0.014254450355028656, + -0.014299050050058678 + ], + [ + 0.01037322898478247, + -0.014300278656531305 + ], + [ + 0.010374137536520717, + -0.01032953010273123 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.014254404250569156, + -0.0144240764546128 + ], + [ + 0.014252727585516257, + -0.018393211840565908 + ], + [ + 0.010371979652495306, + -0.01839479995763633 + ], + [ + 0.010373195550631677, + -0.014425315966231771 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.010160483068807747, + -0.006232836182421247 + ], + [ + 0.010159891174608984, + -0.010204498886170692 + ], + [ + 0.006277438288396498, + -0.010205080041525776 + ], + [ + 0.006277803141585747, + -0.0062331902967668155 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.010159867858537498, + -0.010329570719589714 + ], + [ + 0.010158978215624798, + -0.01430033508867372 + ], + [ + 0.006276875521843276, + -0.014301152509832325 + ], + [ + 0.00627742391595164, + -0.010330159053409064 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.010158945477297968, + -0.014425372899280507 + ], + [ + 0.01015775488371211, + -0.018394872903375957 + ], + [ + 0.006276121427892352, + -0.018395929530573396 + ], + [ + 0.006276855341184793, + -0.01442619757620982 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.01834630324429571, + -0.0185401670710437 + ], + [ + 0.018343575355022016, + -0.02250715118453407 + ], + [ + 0.014464680187159708, + -0.022509768008202775 + ], + [ + 0.014466821369616143, + -0.018542310013847617 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.018343480591644513, + -0.022632057842028992 + ], + [ + 0.018340187157559123, + -0.026597002013033385 + ], + [ + 0.014462020637791272, + -0.0266001167637938 + ], + [ + 0.014464605804237852, + -0.02263468972328368 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.018340074410604857, + -0.02672183822165426 + ], + [ + 0.01833620386284607, + -0.030684344320173487 + ], + [ + 0.014458893864271287, + -0.030687967926225586 + ], + [ + 0.014461932136181225, + -0.026724968338770333 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.014252656461128542, + -0.018542413286083914 + ], + [ + 0.014250547446155577, + -0.022509894119308326 + ], + [ + 0.010370398612233475, + -0.022511849595428866 + ], + [ + 0.010371928073488725, + -0.01854401460661982 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.014250474180658505, + -0.022634816560110016 + ], + [ + 0.014247927848186109, + -0.026600266873691495 + ], + [ + 0.010368498834261481, + -0.026602594503908134 + ], + [ + 0.010370345479436448, + -0.022636783289942043 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.014247840675967266, + -0.02672511918930413 + ], + [ + 0.014244848039605362, + -0.030688142562809186 + ], + [ + 0.010366265246585266, + -0.030690850547307455 + ], + [ + 0.010368435614681508, + -0.026727458304923533 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.010157704378118132, + -0.018544088158849437 + ], + [ + 0.010156206745839209, + -0.02251193941573198 + ], + [ + 0.006275167103373632, + -0.022513240482256426 + ], + [ + 0.006276090294741015, + -0.018545153571375157 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.010156154718742394, + -0.022636873627190267 + ], + [ + 0.010154346501492911, + -0.026602701419583603 + ], + [ + 0.006274020368984192, + -0.026604250129442005 + ], + [ + 0.0062751350318891045, + -0.022638182182090898 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.010154284597452403, + -0.02672756574820511 + ], + [ + 0.010152159391313921, + -0.030690974935676803 + ], + [ + 0.006272672117393783, + -0.030692776761040205 + ], + [ + 0.00627398220836615, + -0.026729122101052574 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.006037619549417504, + 0.018395978113232424 + ], + [ + 0.00603832549707651, + 0.014426235493818407 + ], + [ + 0.0021557057048326275, + 0.014426645870802968 + ], + [ + 0.002155453971955117, + 0.01839650391808566 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.006038344908749775, + 0.01430119009382394 + ], + [ + 0.006038872406166657, + 0.010330186104141196 + ], + [ + 0.0021559007254518506, + 0.010330478869776479 + ], + [ + 0.0021557126267949113, + 0.014301596860086078 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.0060388862309433715, + 0.010205106762199627 + ], + [ + 0.006039237181201076, + 0.006233206578381133 + ], + [ + 0.0021560307990007425, + 0.006233382791353023 + ], + [ + 0.0021559056551756824, + 0.010205395955651689 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.0019411706044281688, + 0.018396518420487337 + ], + [ + 0.0019413973041215685, + 0.01442665718951877 + ], + [ + -0.0019413973041215685, + 0.01442665718951877 + ], + [ + -0.0019411706044281688, + 0.018396518420487337 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.0019414035377396204, + 0.014301608079212748 + ], + [ + 0.0019415729311960284, + 0.010330486944605442 + ], + [ + -0.0019415729311960284, + 0.010330486944605442 + ], + [ + -0.0019414035377396204, + 0.014301608079212748 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.0019415773706903084, + 0.010205403931955102 + ], + [ + 0.0019416900697568516, + 0.00623338765151213 + ], + [ + -0.0019416900697568516, + 0.00623338765151213 + ], + [ + -0.0019415773706903084, + 0.010205403931955102 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.002155453971955117, + 0.01839650391808566 + ], + [ + -0.0021557057048326275, + 0.014426645870802968 + ], + [ + -0.00603832549707651, + 0.014426235493818407 + ], + [ + -0.006037619549417504, + 0.018395978113232424 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0021557126267949113, + 0.014301596860086078 + ], + [ + -0.0021559007254518506, + 0.010330478869776479 + ], + [ + -0.006038872406166657, + 0.010330186104141196 + ], + [ + -0.006038344908749775, + 0.01430119009382394 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0021559056551756824, + 0.010205395955651689 + ], + [ + -0.0021560307990007425, + 0.006233382791353023 + ], + [ + -0.006039237181201076, + 0.006233206578381133 + ], + [ + -0.0060388862309433715, + 0.010205106762199627 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.006039247055728695, + 0.006083860090025068 + ], + [ + 0.0060394216941745, + 0.0021114213952493793 + ], + [ + 0.002156096593543867, + 0.00211148100951192 + ], + [ + 0.0021560343201107073, + 0.006084032069300254 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.006039424442582142, + 0.0019863082155786456 + ], + [ + 0.006039424442582142, + -0.0019863082155786456 + ], + [ + 0.002156097573583869, + -0.0019863642963111844 + ], + [ + 0.002156097573583869, + 0.0019863642963111844 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.0060394216941745, + -0.0021114213952493793 + ], + [ + 0.006039247055728695, + -0.006083860090025068 + ], + [ + 0.0021560343201107073, + -0.006084032069300254 + ], + [ + 0.002156096593543867, + -0.00211148100951192 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.001941693240714674, + 0.006084036812688888 + ], + [ + 0.001941749321447213, + 0.0021114826537415496 + ], + [ + -0.001941749321447213, + 0.0021114826537415496 + ], + [ + -0.001941693240714674, + 0.006084036812688888 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.0019417502040283943, + 0.0019863658430819935 + ], + [ + 0.0019417502040283943, + -0.0019863658430819935 + ], + [ + -0.0019417502040283943, + -0.0019863658430819935 + ], + [ + -0.0019417502040283943, + 0.0019863658430819935 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.001941749321447213, + -0.0021114826537415496 + ], + [ + 0.001941693240714674, + -0.006084036812688887 + ], + [ + -0.001941693240714674, + -0.006084036812688887 + ], + [ + -0.001941749321447213, + -0.0021114826537415496 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0021560343201107073, + 0.006084032069300254 + ], + [ + -0.002156096593543867, + 0.00211148100951192 + ], + [ + -0.0060394216941745, + 0.0021114213952493793 + ], + [ + -0.006039247055728695, + 0.006083860090025068 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.002156097573583869, + 0.0019863642963111844 + ], + [ + -0.002156097573583869, + -0.0019863642963111844 + ], + [ + -0.006039424442582142, + -0.0019863082155786456 + ], + [ + -0.006039424442582142, + 0.0019863082155786456 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.002156096593543867, + -0.00211148100951192 + ], + [ + -0.0021560343201107073, + -0.006084032069300254 + ], + [ + -0.006039247055728695, + -0.006083860090025068 + ], + [ + -0.0060394216941745, + -0.0021114213952493793 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.006039237181201076, + -0.0062332065783811345 + ], + [ + 0.006038886230943371, + -0.010205106762199628 + ], + [ + 0.0021559056551756824, + -0.01020539595565169 + ], + [ + 0.0021560307990007425, + -0.006233382791353025 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.006038872406166657, + -0.010330186104141197 + ], + [ + 0.006038344908749775, + -0.014301190093823942 + ], + [ + 0.0021557126267949113, + -0.014301596860086082 + ], + [ + 0.0021559007254518506, + -0.01033047886977648 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.006038325497076511, + -0.014426235493818412 + ], + [ + 0.006037619549417504, + -0.018395978113232427 + ], + [ + 0.0021554539719551165, + -0.018396503918085665 + ], + [ + 0.0021557057048326275, + -0.014426645870802971 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.0019416900697568516, + -0.0062333876515121315 + ], + [ + 0.0019415773706903084, + -0.010205403931955103 + ], + [ + -0.0019415773706903084, + -0.010205403931955103 + ], + [ + -0.0019416900697568516, + -0.0062333876515121315 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.0019415729311960282, + -0.010330486944605442 + ], + [ + 0.0019414035377396206, + -0.014301608079212751 + ], + [ + -0.0019414035377396206, + -0.014301608079212751 + ], + [ + -0.0019415729311960282, + -0.010330486944605442 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.0019413973041215685, + -0.014426657189518771 + ], + [ + 0.0019411706044281688, + -0.01839651842048734 + ], + [ + -0.0019411706044281688, + -0.01839651842048734 + ], + [ + -0.0019413973041215685, + -0.014426657189518771 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0021560307990007425, + -0.006233382791353025 + ], + [ + -0.0021559056551756824, + -0.01020539595565169 + ], + [ + -0.006038886230943371, + -0.010205106762199628 + ], + [ + -0.006039237181201076, + -0.0062332065783811345 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0021559007254518506, + -0.01033047886977648 + ], + [ + -0.0021557126267949113, + -0.014301596860086082 + ], + [ + -0.006038344908749775, + -0.014301190093823942 + ], + [ + -0.006038872406166657, + -0.010330186104141197 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0021557057048326275, + -0.014426645870802971 + ], + [ + -0.0021554539719551165, + -0.018396503918085665 + ], + [ + -0.006037619549417504, + -0.018395978113232427 + ], + [ + -0.006038325497076511, + -0.014426235493818412 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.006037589602581689, + -0.018545202557986182 + ], + [ + 0.006036701588751924, + -0.022513300304413994 + ], + [ + 0.0021551266356864573, + -0.02251394775553154 + ], + [ + 0.0021554432932259413, + -0.018545732734832468 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.006036670739318462, + -0.022638242348573107 + ], + [ + 0.006035598549106462, + -0.026604321338666158 + ], + [ + 0.0021547332990697627, + -0.02660509203457798 + ], + [ + 0.0021551156350259754, + -0.02263889352637273 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.006035561842532645, + -0.02672919366171876 + ], + [ + 0.006034301669772514, + -0.030692859609234752 + ], + [ + 0.0021542708365451546, + -0.030693756277955318 + ], + [ + 0.0021547202096954825, + -0.026729968161391053 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.0019411609876278618, + -0.01854574735782124 + ], + [ + 0.0019408758195560653, + -0.02251396561316209 + ], + [ + -0.0019408758195560653, + -0.02251396561316209 + ], + [ + -0.0019411609876278618, + -0.01854574735782124 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.001940865912836536, + -0.0226389114867926 + ], + [ + 0.0019405215975557696, + -0.02660511329156382 + ], + [ + -0.0019405215975557696, + -0.02660511329156382 + ], + [ + -0.001940865912836536, + -0.0226389114867926 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.001940509809828239, + -0.026729989523293377 + ], + [ + 0.001940105123644249, + -0.030693781009582564 + ], + [ + -0.001940105123644249, + -0.030693781009582564 + ], + [ + -0.001940509809828239, + -0.026729989523293377 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0021554432932259413, + -0.018545732734832468 + ], + [ + -0.0021551266356864573, + -0.02251394775553154 + ], + [ + -0.006036701588751924, + -0.022513300304413994 + ], + [ + -0.006037589602581689, + -0.018545202557986182 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0021551156350259754, + -0.02263889352637273 + ], + [ + -0.0021547332990697627, + -0.02660509203457798 + ], + [ + -0.006035598549106462, + -0.026604321338666158 + ], + [ + -0.006036670739318462, + -0.022638242348573107 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0021547202096954825, + -0.026729968161391053 + ], + [ + -0.0021542708365451546, + -0.030693756277955318 + ], + [ + -0.006034301669772514, + -0.030692859609234752 + ], + [ + -0.006035561842532645, + -0.02672919366171876 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.006272672117393783, + 0.03069277676104021 + ], + [ + -0.006273982208366151, + 0.02672912210105258 + ], + [ + -0.010154284597452405, + 0.026727565748205118 + ], + [ + -0.010152159391313923, + 0.03069097493567681 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.006274020368984192, + 0.026604250129442005 + ], + [ + -0.0062751350318891045, + 0.022638182182090898 + ], + [ + -0.010156154718742394, + 0.022636873627190267 + ], + [ + -0.010154346501492911, + 0.026602701419583603 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.006275167103373631, + 0.022513240482256423 + ], + [ + -0.006276090294741015, + 0.018545153571375154 + ], + [ + -0.010157704378118132, + 0.018544088158849434 + ], + [ + -0.010156206745839209, + 0.022511939415731978 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.010366265246585269, + 0.030690850547307462 + ], + [ + -0.01036843561468151, + 0.026727458304923537 + ], + [ + -0.014247840675967268, + 0.026725119189304133 + ], + [ + -0.014244848039605365, + 0.030688142562809193 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.010368498834261483, + 0.026602594503908134 + ], + [ + -0.01037034547943645, + 0.022636783289942043 + ], + [ + -0.014250474180658508, + 0.022634816560110016 + ], + [ + -0.01424792784818611, + 0.026600266873691495 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.010370398612233475, + 0.022511849595428863 + ], + [ + -0.010371928073488726, + 0.018544014606619818 + ], + [ + -0.014252656461128548, + 0.01854241328608391 + ], + [ + -0.01425054744615558, + 0.022509894119308323 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.014458893864271289, + 0.030687967926225593 + ], + [ + -0.014461932136181226, + 0.026724968338770333 + ], + [ + -0.01834007441060486, + 0.026721838221654266 + ], + [ + -0.018336203862846075, + 0.030684344320173494 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.014462020637791274, + 0.0266001167637938 + ], + [ + -0.014464605804237855, + 0.02263468972328368 + ], + [ + -0.018343480591644517, + 0.022632057842028992 + ], + [ + -0.018340187157559126, + 0.02659700201303339 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.014464680187159712, + 0.02250976800820277 + ], + [ + -0.014466821369616144, + 0.018542310013847617 + ], + [ + -0.01834630324429571, + 0.0185401670710437 + ], + [ + -0.01834357535502202, + 0.022507151184534068 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.006276121427892352, + 0.018395929530573393 + ], + [ + -0.0062768553411847935, + 0.01442619757620982 + ], + [ + -0.010158945477297968, + 0.014425372899280503 + ], + [ + -0.01015775488371211, + 0.01839487290337595 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.006276875521843277, + 0.014301152509832323 + ], + [ + -0.006277423915951641, + 0.010330159053409062 + ], + [ + -0.010159867858537498, + 0.010329570719589712 + ], + [ + -0.010158978215624798, + 0.014300335088673717 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.006277438288396498, + 0.010205080041525774 + ], + [ + -0.006277803141585748, + 0.006233190296766815 + ], + [ + -0.010160483068807747, + 0.006232836182421245 + ], + [ + -0.010159891174608984, + 0.010204498886170692 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.010371979652495308, + 0.018394799957636328 + ], + [ + -0.010373195550631679, + 0.01442531596623177 + ], + [ + -0.014254404250569161, + 0.014424076454612798 + ], + [ + -0.014252727585516258, + 0.018393211840565905 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.01037322898478247, + 0.014300278656531303 + ], + [ + -0.010374137536520719, + 0.010329530102731228 + ], + [ + -0.014255703222047672, + 0.010328645811539368 + ], + [ + -0.014254450355028661, + 0.014299050050058677 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.010374161348168022, + 0.010204458764888024 + ], + [ + -0.010374765823008924, + 0.0062328117353223364 + ], + [ + -0.014256569620013487, + 0.006232279482235524 + ], + [ + -0.014255736057833325, + 0.010203585262996875 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.014466893578866317, + 0.018393109419810403 + ], + [ + -0.014468595819035658, + 0.014423996515432115 + ], + [ + -0.01834856396537594, + 0.014422337724567963 + ], + [ + -0.018346395240877562, + 0.018390984144617213 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.014468642626776773, + 0.014298970814159607 + ], + [ + -0.014469914605645685, + 0.010328588781031817 + ], + [ + -0.018350244185336245, + 0.010327405350145383 + ], + [ + -0.01834862360101588, + 0.014297326616356644 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.014469947942337658, + 0.010203528928313284 + ], + [ + -0.014470794220642746, + 0.006232245155536481 + ], + [ + -0.01835136488738013, + 0.006231532843619807 + ], + [ + -0.018350286658806923, + 0.010202359936103198 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0062778134072951275, + 0.006083844199592513 + ], + [ + -0.006277994964096426, + 0.0021114158870443253 + ], + [ + -0.010160794259994917, + 0.002111296087048672 + ], + [ + -0.010160499722713452, + 0.006083498593164215 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.006277997821383259, + 0.001986303033862647 + ], + [ + -0.006277997821383259, + -0.001986303033862647 + ], + [ + -0.010160798895341201, + -0.0019861903347961037 + ], + [ + -0.010160798895341201, + 0.0019861903347961037 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.006277994964096426, + -0.0021114158870443253 + ], + [ + -0.0062778134072951275, + -0.006083844199592512 + ], + [ + -0.010160499722713452, + -0.006083498593164215 + ], + [ + -0.010160794259994917, + -0.002111296087048672 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.010374782830894682, + 0.006083474733427028 + ], + [ + -0.010375083628618165, + 0.002111287816367708 + ], + [ + -0.014257007872092067, + 0.002111107749798968 + ], + [ + -0.01425659307374173, + 0.006082955268098345 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.010375088362489994, + 0.001986182554344691 + ], + [ + -0.010375088362489994, + -0.001986182554344691 + ], + [ + -0.014257014400087668, + -0.0019860131608882836 + ], + [ + -0.014257014400087668, + 0.0019860131608882836 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.010375083628618165, + -0.002111287816367708 + ], + [ + -0.010374782830894682, + -0.006083474733427027 + ], + [ + -0.01425659307374173, + -0.006082955268098344 + ], + [ + -0.014257007872092067, + -0.002111107749798968 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.014470818032167656, + 0.0060829217661185885 + ], + [ + -0.014471239158501575, + 0.0021110961367056176 + ], + [ + -0.01835193177960031, + 0.0021108551531774647 + ], + [ + -0.01835139522539771, + 0.006082226567808943 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.01447124578608631, + 0.001986002236139165 + ], + [ + -0.01447124578608631, + -0.001986002236139165 + ], + [ + -0.01835194022378369, + -0.0019857755364457654 + ], + [ + -0.01835194022378369, + 0.0019857755364457654 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.014471239158501575, + -0.0021110961367056176 + ], + [ + -0.014470818032167656, + -0.006082921766118588 + ], + [ + -0.01835139522539771, + -0.006082226567808942 + ], + [ + -0.01835193177960031, + -0.0021108551531774647 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.006277803141585747, + -0.0062331902967668155 + ], + [ + -0.006277438288396498, + -0.010205080041525776 + ], + [ + -0.010159891174608984, + -0.010204498886170692 + ], + [ + -0.010160483068807747, + -0.006232836182421247 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.00627742391595164, + -0.010330159053409064 + ], + [ + -0.006276875521843276, + -0.014301152509832325 + ], + [ + -0.010158978215624798, + -0.01430033508867372 + ], + [ + -0.010159867858537498, + -0.010329570719589714 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.006276855341184793, + -0.01442619757620982 + ], + [ + -0.006276121427892352, + -0.018395929530573396 + ], + [ + -0.01015775488371211, + -0.018394872903375957 + ], + [ + -0.010158945477297968, + -0.014425372899280507 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.010374765823008924, + -0.006232811735322337 + ], + [ + -0.010374161348168024, + -0.010204458764888027 + ], + [ + -0.014255736057833326, + -0.010203585262996879 + ], + [ + -0.014256569620013487, + -0.006232279482235525 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.010374137536520719, + -0.01032953010273123 + ], + [ + -0.01037322898478247, + -0.014300278656531305 + ], + [ + -0.014254450355028661, + -0.014299050050058678 + ], + [ + -0.014255703222047672, + -0.010328645811539368 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.010373195550631679, + -0.014425315966231773 + ], + [ + -0.010371979652495308, + -0.01839479995763633 + ], + [ + -0.014252727585516258, + -0.018393211840565908 + ], + [ + -0.014254404250569157, + -0.0144240764546128 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.014470794220642746, + -0.006232245155536483 + ], + [ + -0.014469947942337658, + -0.010203528928313286 + ], + [ + -0.018350286658806923, + -0.0102023599361032 + ], + [ + -0.01835136488738013, + -0.006231532843619808 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.014469914605645685, + -0.010328588781031819 + ], + [ + -0.014468642626776773, + -0.014298970814159609 + ], + [ + -0.01834862360101588, + -0.014297326616356645 + ], + [ + -0.018350244185336245, + -0.010327405350145384 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.01446859581903566, + -0.014423996515432117 + ], + [ + -0.014466893578866316, + -0.018393109419810403 + ], + [ + -0.018346395240877562, + -0.018390984144617217 + ], + [ + -0.01834856396537594, + -0.014422337724567967 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.006276090294741015, + -0.018545153571375157 + ], + [ + -0.006275167103373632, + -0.022513240482256426 + ], + [ + -0.010156206745839209, + -0.02251193941573198 + ], + [ + -0.010157704378118132, + -0.018544088158849437 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0062751350318891045, + -0.022638182182090898 + ], + [ + -0.006274020368984192, + -0.026604250129442005 + ], + [ + -0.010154346501492911, + -0.026602701419583603 + ], + [ + -0.010156154718742394, + 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0.026769225259651374, + 0.01837392490311697 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.030642655794343027, + 0.014278783862683653 + ], + [ + 0.030645405646122927, + 0.010334321482827452 + ], + [ + 0.026774902797654005, + 0.010336434458009844 + ], + [ + 0.026772519317574853, + 0.014281713501161973 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.03064549163316248, + 0.010186093974824638 + ], + [ + 0.030647321386790313, + 0.00624071174764212 + ], + [ + 0.026776563260757096, + 0.0062419846303944015 + ], + [ + 0.026774977327347852, + 0.010188176415879269 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.02655148798272046, + 0.018374121934540542 + ], + [ + 0.02655465014479912, + 0.014430084327435455 + ], + [ + 0.022682159197689677, + 0.014432603326934718 + ], + [ + 0.022679476626531546, + 0.018377344378115945 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.026554753887388066, + 0.014281865918705084 + ], + [ + 0.02655711699275384, + 0.010336544386253045 + ], + [ + 0.02268425185319307, + 0.010338342208209228 + ], + [ + 0.022682247204727283, + 0.014284358662282209 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.026557190885292296, + 0.010188284755526902 + ], + [ + 0.026558763259770232, + 0.006242050851900307 + ], + [ + 0.022685648372504686, + 0.0062431338626097255 + ], + [ + 0.022684314536310732, + 0.010190056596115485 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.02246161646315764, + 0.018377509983361892 + ], + [ + 0.02246427232320573, + 0.014432732779277415 + ], + [ + 0.01858979801723113, + 0.01443481917378867 + ], + [ + 0.018587612820146697, + 0.018380179093430416 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.02246435945386179, + 0.014284486765255492 + ], + [ + 0.022466344138638492, + 0.010338434597798565 + ], + [ + 0.01859150263319731, + 0.01033992363282485 + ], + [ + 0.018589869705924383, + 0.014286551410941156 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.022466406197475777, + 0.010190147650494709 + ], + [ + 0.02246772674903508, + 0.0062431895177677745 + ], + [ + 0.018592640176577992, + 0.006244086500686393 + ], + [ + 0.018591553692467122, + 0.01019161516558273 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.030647381248504267, + 0.00606823187814247 + ], + [ + 0.030648291923237782, + 0.00212229682261085 + ], + [ + 0.026777404458888557, + 0.002122729159667196 + ], + [ + 0.02677661514524258, + 0.0060694694866976415 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.030648309026149016, + 0.001974027872202161 + ], + [ + 0.030648309241516163, + -0.0019720897143643014 + ], + [ + 0.026777419469178613, + -0.001972491443559635 + ], + [ + 0.026777419282513225, + 0.0019744299963251805 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.03064829215479411, + -0.00212035866801649 + ], + [ + 0.030647381911551506, + -0.006066293896360982 + ], + [ + 0.026776615719931344, + -0.0060675311086212345 + ], + [ + 0.026777404659585644, + -0.0021207906101199376 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.026558814700644785, + 0.006069533873049804 + ], + [ + 0.026559597265486793, + 0.0021227516518162143 + ], + [ + 0.02268635584639868, + 0.0021231194950477802 + ], + [ + 0.02268569200915486, + 0.0060705868707032935 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.026559611962362735, + 0.0019744509166575272 + ], + [ + 0.026559612147432052, + -0.0019725123433460175 + ], + [ + 0.022686368470465408, + -0.001972854144583441 + ], + [ + 0.022686368313474696, + 0.001974793053910002 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.026559597464467826, + -0.0021208130817216746 + ], + [ + 0.026558815270419967, + -0.00606759547435601 + ], + [ + 0.0226856924924879, + -0.0060686481348222 + ], + [ + 0.02268635601519045, + -0.0021211805889165725 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.022467769951058623, + 0.006070640983497113 + ], + [ + 0.02246842717625845, + 0.002123138398170781 + ], + [ + 0.018593216447504356, + 0.0021234430548620438 + ], + [ + 0.018592675720814588, + 0.006071513108246817 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.022468439519155656, + 0.0019748106360252013 + ], + [ + 0.02246843967458265, + -0.0019728717094311225 + ], + [ + 0.018593226730364922, + -0.0019731547974704117 + ], + [ + 0.01859322660248905, + 0.0019750940023607736 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.022468427343368975, + -0.0021211994747709407 + ], + [ + 0.022467770429577594, + -0.006068702230288045 + ], + [ + 0.01859267611451346, + -0.006069574075764198 + ], + [ + 0.018593216584992734, + -0.0021215038531478985 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.030647322068738457, + -0.006238773777225642 + ], + [ + 0.03064549274888928, + -0.010184156352078236 + ], + [ + 0.02677497829440919, + -0.010186238394057794 + ], + [ + 0.026776563851828358, + -0.006240046263594837 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.03064540677821031, + -0.010332383876432571 + ], + [ + 0.03064265736400101, + -0.014276846779818974 + ], + [ + 0.026772520678120054, + -0.014279776015061862 + ], + [ + 0.02677490377889677, + -0.010334496452413532 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.030642536661146937, + -0.014425032751886285 + ], + [ + 0.030638857544494608, + -0.018368201449554724 + ], + [ + 0.026769227018463904, + -0.01837198813690276 + ], + [ + 0.026772416055467912, + -0.014427992841301899 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.026558763845787866, + -0.006240112464478751 + ], + [ + 0.026557191844086194, + -0.010186346712942808 + ], + [ + 0.0226843153496563, + -0.010188118213960417 + ], + [ + 0.02268564886961623, + -0.006241195137925272 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.02655711796560796, + -0.01033460635988751 + ], + [ + 0.026554755236303844, + -0.014279928411625018 + ], + [ + 0.022682248349040552, + -0.014282420812064121 + ], + [ + 0.02268425267846654, + -0.010336403842164383 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.026554651507923202, + -0.01442814684317947 + ], + [ + 0.026551489726502623, + -0.0183721851470563 + ], + [ + 0.022679478105864428, + -0.01837540724273277 + ], + [ + 0.022682160354057308, + -0.014430665499389136 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.022467727241195338, + -0.006241250775751449 + ], + [ + 0.022466407002720967, + -0.010188209250888737 + ], + [ + 0.018591554354987088, + -0.010189676484716014 + ], + [ + 0.018592640581500324, + -0.006242147479333494 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.02246634495569282, + -0.010336496214297226 + ], + [ + 0.022464360586779863, + -0.01428254889740254 + ], + [ + 0.018589870638057625, + -0.01428461325885373 + ], + [ + 0.018591503305433722, + -0.010337984967972454 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.022464273468058182, + -0.014430794934089154 + ], + [ + 0.02246161792776154, + -0.018375572830098323 + ], + [ + 0.018587614025213563, + -0.018378241651963348 + ], + [ + 0.018589798959184445, + -0.01443288104423957 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.018335246837711813, + 0.03067370735367386 + ], + [ + 0.01833909462960039, + 0.02673441936123189 + ], + [ + 0.0144648293852087, + 0.026737548086420215 + ], + [ + 0.01446180819662856, + 0.03067732621744965 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.01833922835060963, + 0.026586357828155792 + ], + [ + 0.018342502439266096, + 0.022644645962879233 + ], + [ + 0.014467505022236753, + 0.022647276888956302 + ], + [ + 0.01446493437765643, + 0.02658946834515339 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.018342614831965764, + 0.022496500870738106 + ], + [ + 0.01834532671831066, + 0.018552760931441727 + ], + [ + 0.014469722436555916, + 0.018554903352249786 + ], + [ + 0.01446759326576829, + 0.02249911395450982 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.01424388812250003, + 0.030677503961267668 + ], + [ + 0.014246863120077518, + 0.026737701753822108 + ], + [ + 0.010371336234152125, + 0.02674003987480209 + ], + [ + 0.010369177899870564, + 0.030680208453948397 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.014246966507201598, + 0.026589621118161367 + ], + [ + 0.014249497844927848, + 0.022647406104805062 + ], + [ + 0.010373247655671368, + 0.02264937215912172 + ], + [ + 0.010371411239566062, + 0.026591945629378014 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.014249584739089974, + 0.022499242293977043 + ], + [ + 0.01425168135044448, + 0.018555008574077093 + ], + [ + 0.010374831694949025, + 0.018556609535681185 + ], + [ + 0.0103733106942539, + 0.022501195013084903 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.010151196705096106, + 0.03068033505887294 + ], + [ + 0.010153309327765812, + 0.0267401493273252 + ], + [ + 0.00627688590403686, + 0.02674170507911937 + ], + [ + 0.0062755828396695, + 0.03068213463088569 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.010153382744584183, + 0.02659205444474573 + ], + [ + 0.010155180264859709, + 0.022649464193246194 + ], + [ + 0.0062780398774663695, + 0.0226507723497532 + ], + [ + 0.006276931187070007, + 0.026593601139536724 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.010155241968232129, + 0.022501286422928996 + ], + [ + 0.010156730752151913, + 0.01855668447844479 + ], + [ + 0.0062789961868628995, + 0.018557749693723893 + ], + [ + 0.006278077935112515, + 0.022502585705656535 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.0060333363116887185, + 0.03068221880833412 + ], + [ + 0.006034588941627878, + 0.026741777850869446 + ], + [ + 0.0021576267151363015, + 0.026742552143131437 + ], + [ + 0.002157179356695969, + 0.030683114461683644 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.006034632471986048, + 0.02659367348761343 + ], + [ + 0.006035698250239919, + 0.022650833539488553 + ], + [ + 0.00215802288512689, + 0.022651484596131987 + ], + [ + 0.0021576422612949423, + 0.026594443271855055 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.006035734834841532, + 0.022502646480299014 + ], + [ + 0.006036617544815552, + 0.018557799519397636 + ], + [ + 0.0021583511925329793, + 0.01855832966086309 + ], + [ + 0.0021580359506173995, + 0.022503293120274524 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.001939137212643717, + 0.030683139643540913 + ], + [ + 0.001939539340319162, + 0.026742573912746478 + ], + [ + -0.0019376007835310988, + 0.026742574095859437 + ], + [ + -0.0019371990578881918, + 0.03068313985535564 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.0019395533146611321, + 0.02659446491472138 + ], + [ + 0.0019398954549360936, + 0.022651502900840493 + ], + [ + -0.001937956542116954, + 0.022651503054808717 + ], + [ + -0.001937614743902017, + 0.026594465096768206 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.0019399071994188023, + 0.02250331130080422 + ], + [ + 0.0019401905682576665, + 0.0185583445659429 + ], + [ + -0.0019382513603939206, + 0.018558344691315475 + ], + [ + -0.0019379682748579237, + 0.02250331145372793 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.002155241206710655, + 0.030683114697334868 + ], + [ + -0.0021556881630807045, + 0.02674255234685101 + ], + [ + -0.0060326505579988265, + 0.02674177842146331 + ], + [ + -0.006031398331471972, + 0.030682219468358862 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.0021557036952669774, + 0.026594443474388513 + ], + [ + -0.0021560839770065387, + 0.022651484767427055 + ], + [ + -0.006033759509348653, + 0.02265083401926916 + ], + [ + -0.006032694074337801, + 0.02659367405488532 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.002156097030754195, + 0.02250329329040754 + ], + [ + -0.002156411989339928, + 0.018558329800344525 + ], + [ + -0.0060346785078527, + 0.018557799910074016 + ], + [ + -0.006033796082167774, + 0.022502646956824926 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.018585675405727257, + 0.018380180298497976 + ], + [ + -0.01858786036934203, + 0.014434820115755859 + ], + [ + -0.02246233552440618, + 0.01443273392415673 + ], + [ + -0.02245967990167046, + 0.018377511447979427 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.018587932050375528, + 0.014286552343088775 + ], + [ + -0.018589564803166786, + 0.010339924305088859 + ], + [ + -0.02246440715468765, + 0.010338435414893578 + ], + [ + -0.022462422647276128, + 0.014284487898200927 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.018589615856980574, + 0.01019161582813079 + ], + [ + -0.01859070222499006, + 0.006244086905650151 + ], + [ + -0.022465789641512204, + 0.006243190009982679 + ], + [ + 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+ -0.018590738159085102, + -0.006069574469378988 + ], + [ + -0.022465833318150562, + -0.006068702708709006 + ], + [ + -0.022466490173225946, + -0.0021211996417976335 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.022683754950240522, + 0.0060705873540923185 + ], + [ + -0.022684418728681148, + 0.002123119663909215 + ], + [ + -0.026557661169989148, + 0.0021227518508805518 + ], + [ + -0.02655687866510118, + 0.006069534442894399 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.022684431194652802, + 0.001974793210970886 + ], + [ + -0.02268443135162961, + -0.0019728543014900742 + ], + [ + -0.02655767605079424, + -0.0019725125283173205 + ], + [ + -0.026557675865739105, + 0.0019744511018106705 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.022684418897457977, + -0.002121180757623747 + ], + [ + -0.022683755433530742, + -0.006068648618056432 + ], + [ + -0.026556879234832718, + -0.0060675960440181335 + ], + [ + -0.026557661368954936, + -0.00212081328060416 + ] + ], + [ + [ + -0.026774679172417208, + 0.006069470061456581 + ], + [ + -0.026775468426039024, + 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-0.008727109303737032 + ], + [ + 0.0009205916463615034, + -0.008727118553424076 + ], + [ + 0.0009254961566984564, + -0.0045889184436298455 + ], + [ + -0.0009327533681902978, + -0.004588910661111313 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.0009828564843896634, + -0.008727928036997465 + ], + [ + 0.002829680499238894, + -0.00872311930758359 + ], + [ + 0.002843906150175978, + -0.004585877991923871 + ], + [ + 0.0009880873476008462, + -0.004589751926390155 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.002892756355567136, + -0.008719310667630096 + ], + [ + 0.004735070344515502, + -0.008710096571885654 + ], + [ + 0.004756812701420816, + -0.004575320608816653 + ], + [ + 0.0029072575548883084, + -0.004582080857868086 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.004796131944391878, + -0.008710615362090644 + ], + [ + 0.0066315145362562, + -0.008697621324007166 + ], + [ + 0.006659119227516023, + -0.004567246948135566 + ], + [ + 0.004818087610268901, + -0.004575961283808835 + ] + ], + [ + [ + 0.006686881300598558, + -0.008706080154250308 + ], + [ + 0.008513476585283663, + -0.008689924022158279 + ], + [ + 0.008545770525209837, + -0.004565826452425949 + ], + [ + 0.006714662967201557, + -0.004575961961571302 + ] + ] + ], + "color": { + "comment": "Yellow", + "value": [ + 1.0, + 1.0, + 0.0, + 1.0 + ] + } + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plugins/MosaicCamera/resources/MosaicCamera.qrc b/plugins/MosaicCamera/resources/MosaicCamera.qrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..93583df6d4906 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/MosaicCamera/resources/MosaicCamera.qrc @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ + + + + camera_order.json + LSSTCam.json + HSC.json + DECam.json + MegaPrime.json + LATISS.json + bt_MosaicCamera_Off.png + bt_MosaicCamera_On.png + + diff --git a/plugins/MosaicCamera/resources/bt_MosaicCamera_Off.png b/plugins/MosaicCamera/resources/bt_MosaicCamera_Off.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..09983afa65ff2 Binary files /dev/null and b/plugins/MosaicCamera/resources/bt_MosaicCamera_Off.png differ diff --git a/plugins/MosaicCamera/resources/bt_MosaicCamera_On.png b/plugins/MosaicCamera/resources/bt_MosaicCamera_On.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..7d82f4a4d9c6c Binary files /dev/null and b/plugins/MosaicCamera/resources/bt_MosaicCamera_On.png differ diff --git a/plugins/MosaicCamera/resources/camera_order.json b/plugins/MosaicCamera/resources/camera_order.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5de7023807eac --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/MosaicCamera/resources/camera_order.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "order": [ + "LSSTCam", + "DECam", + "HSC", + "MegaPrime", + "LATISS" + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plugins/MosaicCamera/resources/icons.svg b/plugins/MosaicCamera/resources/icons.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..d547d544e253d --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/MosaicCamera/resources/icons.svg @@ -0,0 +1,4580 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + Made with Inkscape, Export with 480dpi + Notes: + Following guidelines explained on Stellarium/data/gui/icons.svg + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/plugins/MosaicCamera/src/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/MosaicCamera/src/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..4b6479042bde5 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/MosaicCamera/src/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(. gui) +LINK_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src) + +SET(MosaicCamera_SRCS + MosaicCamera.hpp + MosaicCamera.cpp + gui/MosaicCameraDialog.hpp + gui/MosaicCameraDialog.cpp +) + +SET(MosaicCameraDialog_UIS + gui/mosaicCameraDialog.ui +) + +################# compiles resources files ############ +SET(MosaicCamera_RES ../resources/MosaicCamera.qrc) +IF (${QT_VERSION_MAJOR} EQUAL "5") + QT5_WRAP_UI(MosaicCamera_UIS_H ${MosaicCamera_UIS}) + QT5_ADD_RESOURCES(MosaicCamera_RES_CXX ${MosaicCamera_RES}) +ELSE() + QT_WRAP_UI(MosaicCamera_UIS_H ${MosaicCamera_UIS}) + QT_ADD_RESOURCES(MosaicCamera_RES_CXX ${MosaicCamera_RES}) +ENDIF() + +SET(MosaicCamera_Qt_Libraries + Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Core + Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Gui + Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Widgets +) + +ADD_LIBRARY(MosaicCamera-static STATIC ${MosaicCamera_SRCS} ${MosaicCamera_RES_CXX} ${MosaicCamera_UIS_H}) +TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(MosaicCamera-static ${MosaicCamera_Qt_Libraries}) +# The library target "MosaicCamera-static" has a default OUTPUT_NAME of "MosaicCamera-static", so change it. +SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(MosaicCamera-static PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "MosaicCamera") +SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(MosaicCamera-static PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-DQT_STATICPLUGIN") +ADD_DEPENDENCIES(AllStaticPlugins MosaicCamera-static) + +SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(MosaicCamera-static PROPERTIES FOLDER "plugins/MosaicCamera") diff --git a/plugins/MosaicCamera/src/MosaicCamera.cpp b/plugins/MosaicCamera/src/MosaicCamera.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..37d913e4f4fdd --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/MosaicCamera/src/MosaicCamera.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,643 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2024 Josh Meyers + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA. + */ + +#include "StelProjector.hpp" +#include "StelApp.hpp" +#include "StelCore.hpp" +#include "StelFileMgr.hpp" +#include "StelGui.hpp" +#include "StelGuiItems.hpp" +#include "StelLocaleMgr.hpp" +#include "StelModuleMgr.hpp" +#include "StelMovementMgr.hpp" +#include "StelObject.hpp" +#include "StelObjectMgr.hpp" +#include "MosaicCamera.hpp" +#include "MosaicCameraDialog.hpp" +#include "StelUtils.hpp" +#include "StelPainter.hpp" +#include "CustomObject.hpp" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/************************************************************************* + This method is the one called automatically by the StelModuleMgr just + after loading the dynamic library +*************************************************************************/ +StelModule* MosaicCameraStelPluginInterface::getStelModule() const +{ + return new MosaicCamera(); +} + +StelPluginInfo MosaicCameraStelPluginInterface::getPluginInfo() const +{ + StelPluginInfo info; + info.id = "MosaicCamera"; + info.displayedName = "Mosaic Camera"; + info.authors = "Josh Meyers"; + info.contact = "jmeyers314@gmail.com"; + info.description = "Mosaic Camera Overlay"; + info.version = MOSAICCAMERA_PLUGIN_VERSION; + info.license = MOSAICCAMERA_PLUGIN_LICENSE; + return info; +} + +/************************************************************************* + Constructor +*************************************************************************/ +MosaicCamera::MosaicCamera() + : toolbarButton(Q_NULLPTR) +{ + setObjectName("MosaicCamera"); + configDialog = new MosaicCameraDialog(); + StelApp &app = StelApp::getInstance(); + conf = app.getSettings(); + core = app.getCore(); + gui = dynamic_cast(app.getGui()); +} + +/************************************************************************* + Destructor +*************************************************************************/ +MosaicCamera::~MosaicCamera() +{ + delete configDialog; +} + +void MosaicCamera::loadSettings() +{ + conf->beginGroup("MosaicCamera"); + currentCamera = conf->value("currentCamera").toString(); + setFlagShowButton(conf->value("showButton", true).toBool()); + enableMosaicCamera(conf->value("enabled").toBool()); + int size = conf->beginReadArray("cameraVisibility"); + for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { + conf->setArrayIndex(i); + QString name = conf->value("name").toString(); + bool visible = conf->value("visible").toBool(); + if (cameras.contains(name)) { + cameras[name].visible = visible; + cameras[name].ra = conf->value("ra").toDouble(); + cameras[name].dec = conf->value("dec").toDouble(); + cameras[name].rotation = conf->value("rotation").toDouble(); + } + } + conf->endArray(); + conf->endGroup(); +} + +void MosaicCamera::saveSettings() const +{ + conf->beginGroup("MosaicCamera"); + conf->setValue("currentCamera", currentCamera); + conf->setValue("showButton", getFlagShowButton()); + conf->setValue("enabled", flagShowMosaicCamera); + conf->beginWriteArray("cameraVisibility"); + int i = 0; + for (auto it = cameras.constBegin(); it != cameras.constEnd(); ++it) { + conf->setArrayIndex(i++); + conf->setValue("name", it.key()); + conf->setValue("visible", it.value().visible); + conf->setValue("ra", it.value().ra); + conf->setValue("dec", it.value().dec); + conf->setValue("rotation", it.value().rotation); + } + conf->endArray(); + conf->endGroup(); +} + +/************************************************************************* + Reimplementation of the getCallOrder method +*************************************************************************/ +double MosaicCamera::getCallOrder(StelModuleActionName actionName) const +{ + if (actionName==StelModule::ActionDraw) + return StelApp::getInstance().getModuleMgr().getModule("NebulaMgr")->getCallOrder(actionName)+10.; + return 0; +} + + +/************************************************************************* + Init our module +*************************************************************************/ +void MosaicCamera::init() +{ + Q_INIT_RESOURCE(MosaicCamera); + + initializeUserData(); + loadBuiltInCameras(); + + addAction("actionShow_MosaicCamera", N_("Mosaic Camera"), N_("Show Mosaic Camera"), "enabled", ""); + addAction("actionShow_MosaicCamera_dialog", N_("Mosaic Camera"), N_("Show settings dialog"), configDialog, "visible"); + addAction("actionSetRADecToView", N_("Mosaic Camera"), N_("Set RA/Dec to current view"), "setRADecToView()", ""); + addAction("actionSetRADecToObject", N_("Mosaic Camera"), N_("Set RA/Dec to current object"), "setRADecToObject()", ""); + addAction("actionSetViewToCamera", N_("Mosaic Camera"), N_("Set view to current camera"), "setViewToCamera()", ""); + addAction("actionIncrementRotation", N_("Mosaic Camera"), N_("Increment rotation"), "incrementRotation()", ""); + addAction("actionDecrementRotation", N_("Mosaic Camera"), N_("Decrement rotation"), "decrementRotation()", ""); + addAction("actionNextCamera", N_("Mosaic Camera"), N_("Next camera"), "nextCamera()", ""); + addAction("actionPreviousCamera", N_("Mosaic Camera"), N_("Previous camera"), "previousCamera()", ""); + + loadSettings(); + + if (currentCamera == "") + { + setCurrentCamera(cameraOrder[0]); + } +} + +void MosaicCamera::enableMosaicCamera(bool b) +{ + if (b!=flagShowMosaicCamera) + { + flagShowMosaicCamera = b; + emit flagMosaicCameraVisibilityChanged(b); + } +} + +void MosaicCamera::initializeUserData() +{ + userDirectory = StelFileMgr::getUserDir()+"/modules/MosaicCamera/"; + QDir dir(userDirectory); + if (!dir.exists() || dir.isEmpty()) + { + StelFileMgr::makeSureDirExistsAndIsWritable(userDirectory); + copyResourcesToUserDirectory(); + } +} + +void MosaicCamera::setFlagShowButton(bool b) +{ + if (gui != Q_NULLPTR) + { + if (b == true) { + if (toolbarButton == Q_NULLPTR) { + // Create the button + toolbarButton = new StelButton(Q_NULLPTR, + QPixmap(":/MosaicCamera/bt_MosaicCamera_On.png"), + QPixmap(":/MosaicCamera/bt_MosaicCamera_Off.png"), + QPixmap(":/graphicGui/miscGlow32x32.png"), + "actionShow_MosaicCamera", + false, + "actionShow_MosaicCamera_dialog"); + } + gui->getButtonBar()->addButton(toolbarButton, "065-pluginsGroup"); + } + else { + gui->getButtonBar()->hideButton("actionShow_MosaicCamera"); + } + } + flagShowButton = b; +} + +void MosaicCamera::copyResourcesToUserDirectory() +{ + // Get list of files in the resource directory + QDir resourceDir(":/MosaicCamera"); + QStringList resourceFiles = resourceDir.entryList(QDir::Files); + + for (const QString& fileName : resourceFiles) + { + QString resourcePath = ":/MosaicCamera/" + fileName; + QString destPath = userDirectory + fileName; + + if (QFile::copy(resourcePath, destPath)) + { + qDebug() << "[MosaicCamera] Copied" << resourcePath << "to" << destPath; + + // Ensure the copied file is writable + QFile destFile(destPath); + destFile.setPermissions(destFile.permissions() | QFile::WriteOwner); + } + else + { + qWarning() << "[MosaicCamera] Failed to copy" << resourcePath << "to" << destPath; + } + } +} + +void MosaicCamera::loadCameraOrder() +{ + cameraOrder.clear(); + QFile file(userDirectory + "camera_order.json"); + if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { + QByteArray data = file.readAll(); + QJsonDocument doc(QJsonDocument::fromJson(data)); + QJsonObject json = doc.object(); + QJsonArray orderArray = json["order"].toArray(); + for (const auto& value : orderArray) { + cameraOrder << value.toString(); + } + } +} + +void MosaicCamera::loadBuiltInCameras() +{ + loadCameraOrder(); + cameras.clear(); + for (int i = 0; i < cameraOrder.size(); ++i) + { + Camera camera; + camera.name = cameraOrder[i]; + camera.ra = 0.0; + camera.dec = 0.0; + camera.rotation = 0.0; + camera.visible = false; + cameras.insert(camera.name, camera); + readPolygonSetsFromJson(camera.name, userDirectory + camera.name + ".json"); + setCameraFieldDiameter(cameras[camera.name]); + } + qDebug() << "[MosaicCamera] Loaded" << cameras.size() << "cameras"; + qDebug() << "[MosaicCamera] Camera names:" << cameras.keys(); +} + +void MosaicCamera::readPolygonSetsFromJson(const QString& cameraName, const QString& filename) +{ + QVector polygonSets; + + QFile file(filename); + if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { + qWarning() << "Couldn't open file:" << file.errorString(); + } + + QByteArray saveData = file.readAll(); + QJsonDocument loadDoc(QJsonDocument::fromJson(saveData)); + QJsonArray jsonArray = loadDoc.array(); + + for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); ++i) { + QJsonObject setObject = jsonArray[i].toObject(); + PolygonSet set; + + // Read name + set.name = setObject["name"].toString(); + + // Read corners + QJsonArray cornersArray = setObject["corners"].toArray(); + for (int j = 0; j < cornersArray.size(); ++j) { + QVector polygon; + QJsonArray polygonArray = cornersArray[j].toArray(); + for (int k = 0; k < polygonArray.size(); ++k) { + QJsonArray pointArray = polygonArray[k].toArray(); + if (pointArray.size() == 2) { + QPointF point(pointArray[0].toDouble(), pointArray[1].toDouble()); + polygon.append(point); + } + } + set.corners.append(polygon); + } + + // Read color + QJsonObject colorObject = setObject["color"].toObject(); + QJsonArray colorArray = colorObject["value"].toArray(); + if (colorArray.size() == 4) { + set.color = QColor::fromRgbF( + colorArray[0].toDouble(), + colorArray[1].toDouble(), + colorArray[2].toDouble(), + colorArray[3].toDouble() + ); + } + + polygonSets.append(set); + } + + if (cameras.contains(cameraName)) + { + cameras[cameraName].polygon_sets = polygonSets; + } +} + +void MosaicCamera::setCameraFieldDiameter(Camera& camera) +{ + // First get all corners of all polygons + QVector allCorners; + for (const auto& polygonSet : camera.polygon_sets) + { + for (const auto& polygon : polygonSet.corners) + { + allCorners.append(polygon); + } + } + + // Now calculate the maximum distance between any two corners + double maxChordSq = 0.0; + for (int i = 0; i < allCorners.size(); ++i) + { + for (int j = i + 1; j < allCorners.size(); ++j) + { + double chordSq = gnomonicChordSeparationSquared(allCorners[i], allCorners[j]); + if (chordSq > maxChordSq) + { + maxChordSq = chordSq; + } + } + } + camera.fieldDiameter = 2.0 * asin(0.5 * sqrt(maxChordSq)) * M_180_PI; +} + +double MosaicCamera::gnomonicChordSeparationSquared(const QPointF& p1, const QPointF& p2) +{ + // Compute unit circle coordinates + Vec3d v1(p1.x(), p1.y(), 1.0); + Vec3d v2(p2.x(), p2.y(), 1.0); + v1.normalize(); + v2.normalize(); + + // Compute the chordal distance + return (v1-v2).normSquared(); +} + +void MosaicCamera::setRA(const QString& cameraName, double ra) +{ + if (cameras.contains(cameraName)) + { + cameras[cameraName].ra = ra; + if(configDialog->visible()) { + if (configDialog->getCurrentCameraName() == cameraName) { + configDialog->setRA(ra); + } + } + } +} + +void MosaicCamera::setDec(const QString& cameraName, double dec) +{ + if (cameras.contains(cameraName)) + { + cameras[cameraName].dec = dec; + if(configDialog->visible()) { + if (configDialog->getCurrentCameraName() == cameraName) { + configDialog->setDec(dec); + } + } + } +} + +void MosaicCamera::setRotation(const QString& cameraName, double rotation) +{ + if (cameras.contains(cameraName)) + { + cameras[cameraName].rotation = rotation; + if(configDialog->visible()) { + if (configDialog->getCurrentCameraName() == cameraName) { + configDialog->setRotation(rotation); + } + } + } +} + +void MosaicCamera::setVisibility(const QString& cameraName, bool visible) +{ + if (cameras.contains(cameraName)) + { + cameras[cameraName].visible = visible; + if(configDialog->visible()) { + if (configDialog->getCurrentCameraName() == cameraName) { + configDialog->setVisibility(visible); + } + } + } +} + +void MosaicCamera::setPosition(const QString& cameraName, double ra, double dec, double rotation) +{ + setRA(cameraName, ra); + setDec(cameraName, dec); + setRotation(cameraName, rotation); +} + +void MosaicCamera::setRADecToView() +{ + Vec3d current = GETSTELMODULE(StelMovementMgr)->getViewDirectionJ2000(); + double ra, dec; + StelUtils::rectToSphe(&ra, &dec, current); + // convert to degrees from radians + ra = std::fmod((ra*M_180_PI)+360., 360.); + dec = dec*M_180_PI; + setCurrentRA(ra); + setCurrentDec(dec); +} + +void MosaicCamera::setRADecToObject() +{ + const QList selection = GETSTELMODULE(StelObjectMgr)->getSelectedObject(); + if (selection.isEmpty()) + { + return; + } + StelObjectP obj = selection[0]; + double ra, dec; + Vec3d pos = obj->getJ2000EquatorialPos(core); + StelUtils::rectToSphe(&ra, &dec, pos); + ra = std::fmod((ra*M_180_PI)+360., 360.); + dec = dec*M_180_PI; + setCurrentRA(ra); + setCurrentDec(dec); +} + +void MosaicCamera::setViewToCamera() +{ + double ra = getRA(currentCamera); + double dec = getDec(currentCamera); + + Vec3d aim; + StelUtils::spheToRect(ra/M_180_PI, dec/M_180_PI, 1.0, aim); + const Vec3d aimUp(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); + GETSTELMODULE(StelMovementMgr)->moveToJ2000(aim, aimUp); + GETSTELMODULE(StelMovementMgr)->zoomTo(5 * cameras[currentCamera].fieldDiameter); +} + +void MosaicCamera::incrementRotation() +{ + double rotation = getRotation(currentCamera); + rotation += 5.0; + setRotation(currentCamera, rotation); +} + +void MosaicCamera::decrementRotation() +{ + double rotation = getRotation(currentCamera); + rotation -= 5.0; + setRotation(currentCamera, rotation); +} + +void MosaicCamera::nextCamera() +{ + int index = cameraOrder.indexOf(currentCamera); + index = (index + 1) % cameraOrder.size(); + setCurrentCamera(cameraOrder[index]); +} + +void MosaicCamera::previousCamera() +{ + int index = cameraOrder.indexOf(currentCamera); + index = (index - 1 + cameraOrder.size()) % cameraOrder.size(); + setCurrentCamera(cameraOrder[index]); +} + +double MosaicCamera::getRA(const QString& cameraName) const +{ + return cameras.value(cameraName).ra; +} + +double MosaicCamera::getDec(const QString& cameraName) const +{ + return cameras.value(cameraName).dec; +} + +double MosaicCamera::getRotation(const QString& cameraName) const +{ + return cameras.value(cameraName).rotation; +} + +bool MosaicCamera::getVisibility(const QString& cameraName) const +{ + return cameras.value(cameraName).visible; +} + +void MosaicCamera::setCurrentCamera(const QString& cameraName) +{ + if (cameras.contains(cameraName)) + { + currentCamera = cameraName; + emit currentCameraChanged(cameraName); + if(configDialog->visible()) { + configDialog->setCurrentCameraName(cameraName); + } + } +} + +void MosaicCamera::setCurrentRA(double ra) +{ + setRA(currentCamera, ra); + emit currentRAChanged(ra); +} + +void MosaicCamera::setCurrentDec(double dec) +{ + setDec(currentCamera, dec); + emit currentDecChanged(dec); +} + +void MosaicCamera::setCurrentRotation(double rotation) +{ + setRotation(currentCamera, rotation); + emit currentRotationChanged(rotation); +} + +void MosaicCamera::setCurrentVisibility(bool visible) +{ + setVisibility(currentCamera, visible); + emit currentVisibilityChanged(visible); +} + +void MosaicCamera::draw(StelCore* core) +{ + if (!isEnabled()) + return; + + const StelProjectorP prj = core->getProjection(StelCore::FrameJ2000); + StelPainter painter(prj); + + Vec3d startPoint, endPoint; + + for (const auto& camera : cameras) + { + if (!camera.visible) + continue; + + double alpha = camera.ra / M_180_PI + M_PI_2; + double beta = M_PI_2 - camera.dec / M_180_PI; + double rot = camera.rotation / M_180_PI; + + double cosBeta = cos(beta); + double sinBeta = sin(beta); + + double cosAlpha = cos(alpha); + double sinAlpha = sin(alpha); + + for (const auto& polygonSet : camera.polygon_sets) { + // Set color for this polygon set + painter.setColor( + polygonSet.color.redF(), + polygonSet.color.greenF(), + polygonSet.color.blueF(), + polygonSet.color.alphaF() + ); + + for (const auto& polygon : polygonSet.corners) { + // Loop through points in the polygon + for (int i = 0; i < polygon.size(); ++i) { + const QPointF& p1 = polygon[i]; + const QPointF& p2 = polygon[(i + 1) % polygon.size()]; + + // Apply camera rotator + double r1x = cos(rot) * p1.x() + sin(rot) * p1.y(); + double r1y = -sin(rot) * p1.x() + cos(rot) * p1.y(); + double r2x = cos(rot) * p2.x() + sin(rot) * p2.y(); + double r2y = -sin(rot) * p2.x() + cos(rot) * p2.y(); + + double r1z = 1.0; + double r2z = 1.0; + + double den1 = sqrt(r1x*r1x + r1y*r1y + r1z*r1z); + double den2 = sqrt(r2x*r2x + r2y*r2y + r2z*r2z); + + // Apply declination + double s1x = r1x; + double s1y = r1y * cosBeta - r1z * sinBeta; + double s1z = r1y * sinBeta + r1z * cosBeta; + double s2x = r2x; + double s2y = r2y * cosBeta - r2z * sinBeta; + double s2z = r2y * sinBeta + r2z * cosBeta; + + // Apply right ascension + startPoint.set( + (s1x*cosAlpha - s1y*sinAlpha)/den1, + (s1x*sinAlpha + s1y*cosAlpha)/den1, + s1z/den1 + ); + endPoint.set( + (s2x*cosAlpha - s2y*sinAlpha)/den2, + (s2x*sinAlpha + s2y*cosAlpha)/den2, + s2z/den2 + ); + + painter.drawGreatCircleArc(startPoint, endPoint); + } + } + } + } +} + +QStringList MosaicCamera::getCameraNames() const +{ + return cameraOrder; +} + +bool MosaicCamera::configureGui(bool show) +{ + if (show) + configDialog->setVisible(true); + return true; +} diff --git a/plugins/MosaicCamera/src/MosaicCamera.hpp b/plugins/MosaicCamera/src/MosaicCamera.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..dca97d382ce4a --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/MosaicCamera/src/MosaicCamera.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2024 Josh Meyers + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA. + */ + +#ifndef MOSAICCAMERA_HPP +#define MOSAICCAMERA_HPP + +#include "StelGui.hpp" +#include "StelModule.hpp" +#include "StelPluginInterface.hpp" + +class StelButton; +class MosaicCameraDialog; + +/*! @defgroup mosaicCamera Mosaic Camera plug-in +@{ +The Mosaic Camera plugin overlays camera sensor boundaries on the sky. +@} +*/ + +/// @brief Represents a set of polygons with associated properties. +struct PolygonSet +{ + QString name; ///< The name of the polygon set. + QVector> corners; ///< Polygons as vectors of corner points. + QColor color; ///< Color associated with the polygon set. +}; + + +/// @brief Represents a camera with its properties and associated polygon sets. +struct Camera +{ + QString name; ///< The name of the camera. + double ra; ///< Right Ascension of camera pointing [deg] + double dec; ///< Declination of camera pointing [deg] + double rotation; ///< Rotation angle of the camera [deg] + bool visible; ///< Visibility status of the camera. + QVector polygon_sets; ///< Collection of polygon sets associated with the camera. + double fieldDiameter; ///< Estimated field diameter of the camera [deg] +}; + +//! @class MosaicCamera +//! @ingroup mosaicCamera +//! Main class of the Mosaic Camera plug-in. +//! @author Josh Meyers +class MosaicCamera : public StelModule +{ + Q_OBJECT + /** + * @name Camera properties + * @{ + * We maintain the concept of a "current" camera primarily for the convenience of + * setting and getting properties through the Stellarium Remove Control HTTP API. + */ + + /// @property enabled + /// @brief Are mosaic camera overlays enabled? + Q_PROPERTY(bool enabled READ isEnabled WRITE enableMosaicCamera NOTIFY flagMosaicCameraVisibilityChanged) + + Q_PROPERTY(bool showButton READ getFlagShowButton WRITE setFlagShowButton NOTIFY flagShowButtonChanged) + + /// @property currentCamera + /// @brief The name of the current camera + Q_PROPERTY(QString currentCamera READ getCurrentCamera WRITE setCurrentCamera NOTIFY currentCameraChanged) + + /// @property ra + /// @brief Set or get the current camera's right ascension [deg] + Q_PROPERTY(double ra READ getCurrentRA WRITE setCurrentRA NOTIFY currentRAChanged) + + /// @property dec + /// @brief Set or get the current camera's declination [deg] + Q_PROPERTY(double dec READ getCurrentDec WRITE setCurrentDec NOTIFY currentDecChanged) + + /// @property rotation + /// @brief Set or get the current camera's rotation [deg] + Q_PROPERTY(double rotation READ getCurrentRotation WRITE setCurrentRotation NOTIFY currentRotationChanged) + + /// @property visible + /// @brief Set or get the current camera's visibility + Q_PROPERTY(bool visible READ getCurrentVisibility WRITE setCurrentVisibility NOTIFY currentVisibilityChanged) + + /** @} */ + +public: + MosaicCamera(); + ~MosaicCamera() override; + + void init() override; + void draw(StelCore* core) override; + double getCallOrder(StelModuleActionName actionName) const override; + + bool configureGui(bool show=true) override; + + Q_INVOKABLE double getRA(const QString& cameraName) const; + Q_INVOKABLE double getDec(const QString& cameraName) const; + Q_INVOKABLE double getRotation(const QString& cameraName) const; + Q_INVOKABLE bool getVisibility(const QString& cameraName) const; + + QString getCurrentCamera() const { return currentCamera; } + double getCurrentRA() const { return getRA(currentCamera); } + double getCurrentDec() const { return getDec(currentCamera); } + double getCurrentRotation() const { return getRotation(currentCamera); } + double getCurrentVisibility() const { return getVisibility(currentCamera); } + + bool isEnabled() const { return flagShowMosaicCamera; } + bool getFlagShowButton() const { return flagShowButton; } + + void loadSettings(); + + QStringList getCameraNames() const; + void readPolygonSetsFromJson(const QString& cameraName, const QString& filename); + +signals: + void flagMosaicCameraVisibilityChanged(bool b); + void flagShowButtonChanged(bool b); + void currentCameraChanged(const QString& cameraName); + void currentRAChanged(double ra); + void currentDecChanged(double dec); + void currentRotationChanged(double rotation); + void currentVisibilityChanged(bool visible); + +public slots: + void setRA(const QString& cameraName, double ra); + void setDec(const QString& cameraName, double dec); + void setRotation(const QString& cameraName, double rotation); + void setVisibility(const QString& cameraName, bool visible); + void setPosition(const QString& cameraName, double ra, double dec, double rotation); + void setRADecToView(); + void setRADecToObject(); + void setViewToCamera(); + void incrementRotation(); + void decrementRotation(); + void nextCamera(); + void previousCamera(); + + void enableMosaicCamera(bool b); + void setFlagShowButton(bool b); + void setCurrentCamera(const QString& cameraName); + void setCurrentRA(double ra); + void setCurrentDec(double dec); + void setCurrentRotation(double rotation); + void setCurrentVisibility(bool visible); + + void saveSettings() const; + +private: + QHash cameras; + QStringList cameraOrder; + QString userDirectory; + QSettings* conf; + + QString currentCamera; + bool flagShowMosaicCamera; + bool flagShowButton; + + void loadBuiltInCameras(); + void loadCameraOrder(); + void initializeUserData(); + void copyResourcesToUserDirectory(); + void setCameraFieldDiameter(Camera& camera); + static double gnomonicChordSeparationSquared(const QPointF& p1, const QPointF& p2); + + StelGui* gui; + MosaicCameraDialog* configDialog; + StelButton* toolbarButton; + StelCore* core; + +}; + +class MosaicCameraStelPluginInterface : public QObject, public StelPluginInterface +{ + Q_OBJECT + Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID StelPluginInterface_iid) + Q_INTERFACES(StelPluginInterface) +public: + StelModule* getStelModule() const override; + StelPluginInfo getPluginInfo() const override; +}; + +#endif /* MOSAICCAMERA_HPP */ diff --git a/plugins/MosaicCamera/src/gui/MosaicCameraDialog.cpp b/plugins/MosaicCamera/src/gui/MosaicCameraDialog.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9cc0176506c8d --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/MosaicCamera/src/gui/MosaicCameraDialog.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +/* + * Mosaic Camera Plug-in GUI + * + * Copyright (C) 2024 Josh Meyers + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA. +*/ + +#include "MosaicCamera.hpp" +#include "MosaicCameraDialog.hpp" +#include "ui_mosaicCameraDialog.h" + +#include "StelGui.hpp" +#include "StelTranslator.hpp" +#include "StelApp.hpp" +#include "StelModule.hpp" +#include "StelModuleMgr.hpp" + +MosaicCameraDialog::MosaicCameraDialog() + : StelDialog("MosaicCamera") + , mc(nullptr) +{ + ui = new Ui_mosaicCameraDialog; +} + +MosaicCameraDialog::~MosaicCameraDialog() +{ + delete ui; +} + +QString MosaicCameraDialog::getCurrentCameraName() const +{ + return currentCameraName; +} + +void MosaicCameraDialog::updateRA() +{ + mc->setRA(currentCameraName, ui->RASpinBox->valueDegrees()); +} + +void MosaicCameraDialog::updateDec() +{ + mc->setDec(currentCameraName, ui->DecSpinBox->valueDegrees()); +} + +void MosaicCameraDialog::updateRotation() +{ + mc->setRotation(currentCameraName, ui->RotationSpinBox->valueDegrees()); +} + +void MosaicCameraDialog::updateVisibility(bool visible) +{ + mc->setVisibility(currentCameraName, visible); +} + +void MosaicCameraDialog::updateDialogFields() +{ + // Temporarily disconnect the signals to avoid triggering updates while setting values + ui->RASpinBox->blockSignals(true); + ui->DecSpinBox->blockSignals(true); + ui->RotationSpinBox->blockSignals(true); + ui->visibleCheckBox->blockSignals(true); + ui->cameraListWidget->blockSignals(true); + + ui->RASpinBox->setDegrees(mc->getRA(currentCameraName)); + ui->DecSpinBox->setDegrees(mc->getDec(currentCameraName)); + ui->RotationSpinBox->setDegrees(mc->getRotation(currentCameraName)); + ui->visibleCheckBox->setChecked(mc->getVisibility(currentCameraName)); + QListWidgetItem* item = ui->cameraListWidget->findItems(currentCameraName, Qt::MatchExactly).first(); + int row = ui->cameraListWidget->row(item); + ui->cameraListWidget->setCurrentRow(row); + + // Reconnect the signals + ui->RASpinBox->blockSignals(false); + ui->DecSpinBox->blockSignals(false); + ui->RotationSpinBox->blockSignals(false); + ui->visibleCheckBox->blockSignals(false); + ui->cameraListWidget->blockSignals(false); +} + +void MosaicCameraDialog::setRA(double ra) +{ + ui->RASpinBox->setDegrees(ra); +} + +void MosaicCameraDialog::setDec(double dec) +{ + ui->DecSpinBox->setDegrees(dec); +} + +void MosaicCameraDialog::setRotation(double rot) +{ + ui->RotationSpinBox->setDegrees(rot); +} + +void MosaicCameraDialog::setVisibility(bool visible) +{ + ui->visibleCheckBox->setChecked(visible); +} + +void MosaicCameraDialog::setCurrentCameraName(const QString& cameraName) +{ + currentCameraName = cameraName; + updateDialogFields(); +} + +void MosaicCameraDialog::retranslate() +{ + if (dialog) + { + ui->retranslateUi(dialog); + setAboutHtml(); + } +} + +void MosaicCameraDialog::onCameraSelectionChanged(const QString& cameraName) +{ + currentCameraName = cameraName; + mc->setCurrentCamera(cameraName); + updateDialogFields(); +} + +// Initialize the dialog widgets and connect the signals/slots +void MosaicCameraDialog::createDialogContent() +{ + mc = GETSTELMODULE(MosaicCamera); + ui->setupUi(dialog); + ui->tabs->setCurrentIndex(1); + + QStringList cameraNames = mc->getCameraNames(); + ui->cameraListWidget->addItems(cameraNames); + if (!cameraNames.isEmpty()) + { + ui->cameraListWidget->setCurrentRow(0); + currentCameraName = cameraNames[0]; + updateDialogFields(); + } + + connect(&StelApp::getInstance(), SIGNAL(languageChanged()), + this, SLOT(retranslate())); + + // Kinetic scrolling + kineticScrollingList << ui->aboutTextBrowser; + StelGui* gui= dynamic_cast(StelApp::getInstance().getGui()); + if (gui) + { + enableKineticScrolling(gui->getFlagUseKineticScrolling()); + connect(gui, SIGNAL(flagUseKineticScrollingChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(enableKineticScrolling(bool))); + } + + connect(ui->titleBar, &TitleBar::closeClicked, this, &StelDialog::close); + connect(ui->titleBar, SIGNAL(movedTo(QPoint)), this, SLOT(handleMovedTo(QPoint))); + + // About tab + setAboutHtml(); + if(gui!=nullptr) + ui->aboutTextBrowser->document()->setDefaultStyleSheet(QString(gui->getStelStyle().htmlStyleSheet)); + + // Cameras tab + ui->RASpinBox->setDisplayFormat(AngleSpinBox::HMSSymbols); + ui->RotationSpinBox->setDisplayFormat(AngleSpinBox::DecimalDeg); + ui->DecSpinBox->setDisplayFormat(AngleSpinBox::DMSSymbols); + ui->DecSpinBox->setPrefixType(AngleSpinBox::NormalPlus); + ui->DecSpinBox->setMinimum(-90.0, true); + ui->DecSpinBox->setMaximum(90.0, true); + connect(ui->cameraListWidget, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(const QString&)), + this, SLOT(onCameraSelectionChanged(const QString&))); + connect(ui->RASpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged()), this, SLOT(updateRA())); + connect(ui->DecSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged()), this, SLOT(updateDec())); + connect(ui->RotationSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged()), this, SLOT(updateRotation())); + connect(ui->visibleCheckBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(updateVisibility(bool))); + connect(ui->setMosaicToObjectButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), mc, SLOT(setRADecToObject())); + connect(ui->setViewToCameraButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), mc, SLOT(setViewToCamera())); + connect(ui->setMosaicToViewButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), mc, SLOT(setRADecToView())); + + // General tab + connectBoolProperty(ui->checkBoxShowButton, "MosaicCamera.showButton"); + connect(ui->pushButtonSaveSettings, SIGNAL(clicked()), mc, SLOT(saveSettings())); +} + +void MosaicCameraDialog::setAboutHtml(void) +{ + QString html = ""; + html += "

" + q_("Mosaic Camera Plug-in") + "

"; + html += ""; + html += ""; + html += "
" + q_("Version") + ":" + MOSAICCAMERA_PLUGIN_VERSION + "
" + q_("License") + ":" + MOSAICCAMERA_PLUGIN_LICENSE + "
" + q_("Author") + ":Josh Meyers <jmeyers314@gmail.com>
"; + html += "

" + q_("The Mosaic Camera plugin overlays camera sensor boundaries on the sky. The position of an overlay is defined by its J2000 RA/Dec coordinates, and a camera rotation angle.") + "

"; + html += "

" + q_("Default Cameras") + "

"; + html += "

" + q_("A number of cameras are available to Stellarium by default. See the User Guide for information about adding user-defined camera mosaics.") + "

"; + html += "

" + q_("LSSTCam") + "

"; + html += "

" + q_("The largest (as of 2025) digital camera ever assembled at 3.2 gigapixels. Now mounted on the Simonyi Survey Telescope at the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, this camera will be used to execute the Legacy Survey of Space and Time, creating a 10-year multicolor 'movie' of the southern sky. See more at: ") + "https://noirlab.edu/public/programs/vera-c-rubin-observatory/" + "

"; + html += "

" + q_("HSC") + "

"; + html += "

" + q_("Hyper Suprime-Cam. A 900 megapixel camera mounted on the Subaru telescope at the Mauna Kea Observatory. See more at: ") + "https://www.naoj.org/Projects/HSC/" + "

"; + html += "

" + q_("DECam") + "

"; + html += "

" + q_("The Dark Energy Camera. A 570 megapixel camera mounted on the Blanco telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory. See more at: ") + "https://www.darkenergysurvey.org/the-des-project/instrument/" + "

"; + html += "

" + q_("MegaPrime") + "

"; + html += "

" + q_("A 378 megapixel camera mounted on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope at Mauna Kea Observatory. See more at: ") + "https://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/Instruments/Imaging/MegaPrime/" + "

"; + html += "

" + q_("LATISS") + "

"; + html += "

" + q_("The LSST Atmospheric Transmission Imager and Slitless Spectrograph. A 16 megapixel camera mounted on the Rubin Observatory Auxiliary telescope. See more at: ") + "https://noirlab.edu/public/programs/vera-c-rubin-observatory/rubin-auxtel/" + "

"; + html += ""; + + StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast(StelApp::getInstance().getGui()); + if(gui!=nullptr) + { + QString htmlStyleSheet(gui->getStelStyle().htmlStyleSheet); + ui->aboutTextBrowser->document()->setDefaultStyleSheet(htmlStyleSheet); + } + + ui->aboutTextBrowser->setHtml(html); +} diff --git a/plugins/MosaicCamera/src/gui/MosaicCameraDialog.hpp b/plugins/MosaicCamera/src/gui/MosaicCameraDialog.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..6704f586bc340 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/MosaicCamera/src/gui/MosaicCameraDialog.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +/* + * Mosaic Camera Plug-in GUI + * + * Copyright (C) 2024 Josh Meyers + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA. +*/ + +#ifndef MOSAICCAMERADIALOG_HPP +#define MOSAICCAMERADIALOG_HPP + +#include +#include "StelDialog.hpp" +#include "MosaicCamera.hpp" + +class Ui_mosaicCameraDialog; +class MosaicCamera; + +class MosaicCameraDialog : public StelDialog +{ + Q_OBJECT + +public: + MosaicCameraDialog(); + ~MosaicCameraDialog() override; + void setRA(double ra); + void setDec(double dec); + void setRotation(double rot); + void setVisibility(bool visible); + QString getCurrentCameraName() const; + void setCurrentCameraName(const QString& cameraName); + +protected: + void createDialogContent() override; + +public slots: + void retranslate() override; + void updateRA(); + void updateDec(); + void updateRotation(); + void updateVisibility(bool visible); + void onCameraSelectionChanged(const QString& cameraName); + +private: + QString currentCameraName; + + MosaicCamera* mc; + Ui_mosaicCameraDialog* ui; + void setAboutHtml(void); + void updateDialogFields(); +}; + +#endif // MOSAICCAMERADIALOG_HPP diff --git a/plugins/MosaicCamera/src/gui/mosaicCameraDialog.ui b/plugins/MosaicCamera/src/gui/mosaicCameraDialog.ui new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..7eafa1cdc0a63 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/MosaicCamera/src/gui/mosaicCameraDialog.ui @@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ + + + mosaicCameraDialog + + + + 0 + 0 + 530 + 400 + + + + Mosaic Camera Configuration + + + + 0 + + + 0 + + + 0 + + + 0 + + + 0 + + + + + Mosaic Camera + + + + + + + 0 + + + false + + + + Mosaic Camera + + + + + + Mosaic Camera + + + + + + Show plug-in button on toolbar + + + + + + + + + + Qt::Vertical + + + + 20 + 40 + + + + + + + + + + Qt::Horizontal + + + + 40 + 20 + + + + + + + + Save Settings + + + + + + + + + + Cameras + + + + + + + 1 + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Right Ascension: + + + + + + + -360.000000000000000 + + + 360.000000000000000 + + + + + + + Declination: + + + + + + + -90.000000000000000 + + + 90.000000000000000 + + + + + + + Rotation: + + + + + + + -90.000000000000000 + + + 90.000000000000000 + + + + + + + Visible: + + + + + + + + + + + + Qt::Vertical + + + + 20 + 40 + + + + + + + + Center view on camera + + + + + + + Center camera on current view + + + + + + + Center camera on current object + + + + + + + + + + About + + + + 9 + + + + + true + + + true + + + + + + + + + + + + TitleBar + QFrame +
+ 1 +
+ + AngleSpinBox + QSpinBox +
+ + +
diff --git a/src/core/StelApp.cpp b/src/core/StelApp.cpp index c5b911f4a1221..c9af4d5451d54 100644 --- a/src/core/StelApp.cpp +++ b/src/core/StelApp.cpp @@ -216,6 +216,10 @@ Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(VtsStelPluginInterface) Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(OnlineQueriesPluginInterface) #endif +#ifdef USE_STATIC_PLUGIN_MOSAICCAMERA +Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(MosaicCameraStelPluginInterface) +#endif + // Initialize static variables StelApp* StelApp::singleton = Q_NULLPTR; qint64 StelApp::startMSecs = 0;