Adapter allows us to translate or wrap one interface for use with another
It's used when the interfaces don't match (most likely when we are using a package)
interface BookInterface
public function open();
public function turnPage();
class Book implements BookInterface
public function open()
var_dump('opening the paper book');
public function turnPage()
var_dump('turning the page of the paper book');
interface eReaderInterface
public function turnOn();
public function pressNextButton();
class Kindle implements eReaderInterface
public function turnOn()
var_dump('turn the kindle on');
public function pressNextButton()
var_dump('press the next button on the kindle');
class Nook implements eReaderInterface
public function turnOn()
var_dump('turn the Nook on');
public function pressNextButton()
var_dump('press the next button on the Nook');
class eReaderAdapter implements BookInterface
protected $reader;
public function __construct(eReaderInterface $reader)
$this->reader = $reader;
public function open()
return $this->reader->turnOn();
public function turnPage()
return $this->reader->pressNextButton();
class Person
public function read(BookInterface $book)
(new Person)->read(new Book);
(new Person)->read(new eReaderAdapter(new Kindle));
(new Person)->read(new eReaderAdapter(new Nook));