The __call()
magic function is to class functions what __get()
is to class variables - if you call meow()
on an object of class dog, PHP will fail to find the function and check whether you have defined a __call()
function. If so, your __call()
is used, with the name of the function you tried to call and the parameters you passed being passed in as parameters one and two respectively
Laravel very much depends on this
class Dog {
public function bark() {
print "Woof!\n";
public function __call($function, $args) {
$args = implode(', ', $args);
print "Call to $function() with args '$args' failed!\n";
$poppy = new Dog;
$poppy->meow("foo", "bar", "baz");
behaves in exactly the same way but responds to undefined static method calls instead
Laravel very much depends on this
class Dog {
public function bark() {
print "Woof!\n";
public static function __callStaic($function, $args) {
$args = implode(', ', $args);
print "Call to $function() with args '$args' failed!\n";
Dog::meow("foo", "bar", "baz");