If you want to make it possible to loop through a class in PHP, you just need to make it implement the IteratorAggregate interface and define a single "getIterator" method which describes what to iterate over
class CustomCollection implements IteratorAggregate
public $dontInclude;
public $theseProperties;
public $whenLooping;
public $items;
public function __construct($items)
$this->items = $items;
public function getIterator()
return new ArrayIterator($this->items);
// By default when you loop over a class instance, it will iterate over
// the public props. But since we're implementing the ItteratorAggregate interface,
// it'll only loop over what we tell it to inside the getIterator() method
foreach (new CustomCollection(['foo', 'bar']) as $key => $value) {
dump("Loop item $key: $value");
// Result:
// Loop item 0: foo
// Loop item 1: bar
If you need fine control over iteration through your object, we can use Iterator
A class that implements Iterator needs the following functions:
- reset to the beginning of the collectionkey()
- get the current keycurrent()
- get the value of current keynext()
- move to the next item in the collectionvalid()
- returns whether there are more values to be read in the collection
class Factor implements Iterator {
private $currpos = 0;
private $max;
private function doFactor($val) {
if ($val <= 1) return 1;
return $val * $this->doFactor($val - 1);
public function key() {
return $this->currpos;
public function current() {
if ($this->currpos == 0) return 0;
return $this->dofactor($this->currpos);
public function next() {
public function rewind() {
$this->currpos = 0;
public function valid() {
if ($this->currpos <= $this->max) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function __construct($maxval) {
$this->max = $maxval;
// caling the object as iterator
$myfactor = new Factor(6);
foreach($myfactor as $key => $val) {
echo "$key = $val\n";