So instead of this:
class User extends Authenticatable
public function favoritesCount()
return 15;
public function completionsCount()
return 20;
public function experience()
return 1234;
We can see that these are all stats, so we can add method stats()
class User extends Authenticatable
protected function stats()
return new Stats($this);
class Stats
protected $user;
public function __construct(User $user)
$this->user = $user;
public function favorites()
return $this->user->favorites()->count();
public function completions()
return $this->user->completions()->count();
public function expirience()
return $this->user->expirience()->count();
Instead of adding many methods in some class like this:
class User extends Authenticatable
public function completions()
// fetch completions
protected function complete()
// reference relationship to complete item
protected function uncomplete()
// reference relationship to uncomplete item
protected function completed()
// check if item is completed
protected function startConversation(Conversation $conversation)
// create a new thread for the current user
protected function replyTo(Conversation $conversation, Reply $reply)
// have the user reply to a conversation with the given reply
We can use traits:
class User extends Model
use Completable;
use ParticipatesInForum;
trait Completable
public function completions()
// fetch completions
protected function complete()
// reference relationship to complete item
protected function uncomplete()
// reference relationship to uncomplete item
protected function completed()
// check if item is completed
trait ParticipatesInForum
protected function startConversation(Conversation $conversation)
// create a new thread for the current user
protected function replyTo(Conversation $conversation, Reply $reply)
// have the user reply to a conversation with the given reply
If you find multiple pieces of behavior that surround a single primitive or value, consider a value object here we have a hint, the prefix "revenue" is repeating
class Performace extends Model
public function revenue()
return $this->revenue; // in cents 9000 (90 dollars)
public function revenueInDollars()
return $this->revenue() / 100; // 90
public function revenueAsCurrency()
return money_format('$%i', $this->revenueInDollars()); // $90.00
So we can extract a value object
class Performance extends Model
// custom accessor that eloquent uses
// when you access revenue field, laravel will
// pipe the value through there
// that means that when we are accessing the revenue property
// we are getting an instance of the Revenue class
// check
public function getRevenueAttribute($revenue)
return new Revenue($revenue);
// value object
class Revenue
private $revenue;
public function __construct($revenue)
$this->revenue = $revenue;
public function inDollars()
return $this->revenue / 100; // 90
public function asCurrency()
return money_format('$%i', $this->inDollars()); // $90.00
// function that handles
// if we try to refference this object as a string
// what should happen
public function __toString()
// when we try to echo $performance->revenue
return (string) $this->revenue;