Laravels Collection 'pipe' operation provides a nice interface for extracting out a series of operations into named functions that we pipe the collection through.
Here's a pipeline which is doing the following steps:
1. Grouping products by catefory
2. Grabbing the first catefory with 2+ products
3. Reducing set down to products more expensive than 100
4. sorting products from cheapest to most expensive
$filtered = $products->groupBy('category')
->firstWhere(function ($categoryGroup) {
return count($categoryGroup) > 1;
->where(function ($product) {
return $product['price'] > 100;
function multipleProducts($collection)
return $collection->first(function ($categoryGroup) {
return count($categoryGroup) > 1;
function expensive($collection)
return $collection->filter(function ($product) {
return $product['price'] > 100;
// Using the pipe() method and passing our own custom callables can simplify it
// down to something like this
$filtered = $products->groupBy('category')