function select_tab(id) {
// remove selected class from all buttons
document.querySelectorAll(".route").forEach(item => item.classList.remove('selected'));
// select clicked element (visually)
document.querySelectorAll("#" + id).forEach(item => item.classList.add('selected'));
function load_content(id) {
// Update text "Content loading for {id}..."
// Of course, here you would do you content loading magic
// Perhaps run Fetch API to update resources
document.querySelector("#content").innerHTML = 'Content loading for /' + id + '...';
function push(event) {
// Get id attribute of the box or button or link clicked
let id =;
// Visually select the clicked button/tab/box
// Update Title in Window's Tab
document.title = id;
// Load content for this tab/page
// Finally push state change to the address bar
window.history.pushState({id}, `${id}`, `/page/${id}`);
window.onload = event => {
// Add history push() event when boxes are clicked
window["home"].addEventListener("click", event => push(event))
window["about"].addEventListener("click", event => push(event))
window["gallery"].addEventListener("click", event => push(event))
window["contact"].addEventListener("click", event => push(event))
window["help"].addEventListener("click", event => push(event))
// Listen for PopStateEvent (Back or Forward buttons are clicked)
window.addEventListener("popstate", event => {
// Grab the history state id
let stateId =;
// Visually select the clicked button/tab/box
// Load content for this tab/page