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figset, and its friend figrow, are Hugo shortcodes for adding images to webpages.

The difference from the standard figure shortcode is that figset uses HTML's srcset attribute to provide optimised images for the user's screen.

Hugo's built-in image processing facilities are used to create the srcset images.

figrow helps with organising images into galleries.

figset can use lightboxSSA to create a light box or carousel-type gallery out of some or all of the images on a page.

There is also a figgallery shortcode (and partial), which builds a figrow from all the images found in the pages resources.

More details

Images are sized... adjusted to have the same area

Images are either in the page's resources, or remote or (TODO elsewhere on the site???)

Uses flexbox...

Demo Site

A demonstration site showing examples of the features of figset and lightboxSSA is at:

Sample Sites

These sites use figset extensively:


module or theme...

You need to invoke the figset CSS somehow. Either include

@import "figset.scss";

in your site's SCSS, or put this in HTML's <head>:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/figset.css" type="text/css">

or use the provided figset_loader.html partial template to include the CSS on pages where figset is marked as active. See 'Options' somewhere here.

Using figset

{{<figset name="pic1.png" caption="The first picture" alt="Descriptive text">}}


Whether or not to include the figset stylesheet on this page (if in the frontmatter) or on every page (if in the configuration).

FIXME this is not an option to use in a shortcode or partial, just in the params.


The name of the image. It can be a resource belonging to the page, that will be retrieved via Hugo's .Resources.GetMatch function.

example: name="fred.png"

This parameter is required for the figset shortcode, but can be replaced by the image parameter if the figset partial is called from another template.


The image resource to use. This parameter can only be used when using the figset partial, not the shortcode, when the resource is already known, rather than just its name.

example: {{ $image = .Page.Resources.GetMatch "fred.png" }} {{ partial figset (dict "site" .Site "page" .Page "figrow" true "image" $image) }}


This parameter applies a class to the figure which affects its horizontal position.

  • left, l -- moves the figure to the left
  • start, s -- moves the figure the start side (left for LTR text, right for RTL text)
  • right, r -- moves the figure to the right
  • end, e -- moves the figure to the end side (right for LTR text, left for RTL text)
  • center, centre, c -- moves the figure to the centre

If the position is not specified, the figure takes the next position in the standard HTML flow.

example: position=c default: (none)


Specify one of thumbnail, small, medium, large, full.

Sizes are relative. What? Is there a standard area for each size? Does it depend on screen size?

example: size=med default: ?


The biggest image size, in pixels, to use. This size will not be exceeded even if the size parameter would use a bigger size, and also limits the size of the linked image with url=self.

example: maxwidth=800 default: ??


This or maxwidth -- which is use!?!?


Title text which shows up as the tooltip for the image.

example: title="Puppy" default?


Text that will be displayed below the image using the figcaption HTML element.

example: Bonzo the puppy default: ?


Text that describes the contents of the image, for use when the image can't be loaded or can't be seen by the user.

example: alt="A black labrador pup looks up at the camera"


The URL to link to when the user clicks on the image. If the image has the lightbox or gallery features, the URL will be used on the second click if galleried. The special value 'self' can be used to link to a full-sized version of the image. For a remote image (i.e. the name parameter starts with http[s]://), the link will be to that remote image rather than to a local copy.

If no url is given, the image will not be clickable (unless it uses the lightbox feature).

example: url=""


A short name for the gallery that is used with the lightbox to enable transitions between images. The gallery name is only used internally, and is not seen by the user. Typically, all the images on the page, or perhaps all the images within a figrow should have the same gallery name.

Any value given for gallery switches on the lightbox mechanism, i.e., gallery implies lightbox.

example: gallery=g1 default: no gallery


Set to true to add the lightbox effect to this image without making it part of a gallery.

example: lightbox=true default: false




Set to true to add a mild sharpening effect, using Hugo's unsharpmask function, with values "10 0.5 0.03".

example: sharpen=true default: false


Set to true to output debugging information as warnings when Hugo is run; also overlays resized images with size information.

example: debug=true default: false


Set this to true if the figset is within a figrow. This is set automatically when using shortcodes, but needs to be set explicitly when using partials (see below). example: figset=true default: false

Summary of figset parameters

Note that text parameter values must be quoted if they contain spaces or other special characters. For example, name=pic1.png, name="Picture One.png". True/false values and numbers do not need to be quoted. (true/false --- what will they do if quited?)

TODO keep the table simple -- details above only

Parameter Type Default Description
name text (none) The filename of an image within the page bundle; or the URL of a remote image.
image resource (none) The image to use; this image overrides name.
position left/start, right/end, centre/center ?? horizontal position of the figure
size thumb, small, medium, large, full ? Err...
maxwidth pixels ?? biggest size used for srcset in pixels, or for url=self
selfsize pixels ?? max size in px of url=self image
title text (none) Shows as a tool-tip
caption text (none) Forms the figcaption in the HTML.
alt text (none) Alternative text for the image.
url text (none) The URL to link to when the user clicks on the image.
gallery text (none) The name of the gallery that this image is part of.
lightbox true/false false Use a lightbox for this image.
sameheight true/false false Set to true to make all images with the same size value the same height. Does this work? FIXME
sharpen true/false false True to apply a mild unsharp mask filter.
class1 text (none) Classes from parent figrow to be applied to the figure HTML element.
class2 text (none) Classes specific to this figset to be applied to the figure HTML element.
capclass text (none) Classes for the figcaption HTML element.
id text (none) An HTML id for this figset.
debug true/false false Set to true to output debugging information.
figrow true/false Set this to true if the figset is within a figrow.


The module provides figset.scss and also a pre-compiled figset.css, which can be integrated into you Hugo site.

Use the class1, class2, and id parameters. to override the classes from figset.scss.


To use figset and figrow from another template or partial, rather than via shortcodes from content, you can use the figset and figrow partials.

The parameters are the same, but the way defaults are applied is different because there is no concept of partials being nested as shortcodes can be.

Parameters get passed in as a dict, starting with the current site and page contexts. e.g. {{ partial figset (dict "site simple figset examplt

TODO: more complex example with figrow -- have to do your own iterating, can't put defaults in the figrow DON'T FORGET!!

  • figset needs the site and page context to be passed in,
  • when using figrow_start partial from another template:
    • put 'figrow true' in the figset partial's dict, otherwise the figcaptions get all narrow -- still don't know why exactly.

Other notes

Remote images: don't forget that Hugo sites are static -- the image will be as retrieved when the site is built, and won't change if the source changes until the site is rebuilt.


  • If the captions are wonky when using partials, make sure the figrow parameter is correctly set.

To do

  • Get rid of LightboxSSA -- it's not part of this module, it's a recommendation

  • assets/images and static/images -- why are they not all in the same place? where should they go in the user's structure?

  • overwrite placeholder with name of missing image

  • clear=both for figrow (don't pass it to figset)

  • DONE? either use bootstrap consistently, or not at all -- i.e. remove the dependency. bs is good for sizing etc.(?)

  • lightboxSSA needs images in assets|static/images -- can that be fixed?


  • get the layout and sizing right
    • what if figsets have position left/right within a row?
      • I think float is ignored within a flex-container -- we'll use the .figrow flag to not float within flex.
  • lightbox
  • links to big images or elsewhere, with or without gallery
  • all the srcset stuff
  • make captions fit
  • DONE move CSS to a separate file to get merged into the rest -- to make for easier tuning of CSS aspects.
  • how to module-ise the head stuff e.g. including lightboxssa where needed etc.
    • and maybe only use figset.scss where needed.


  • position default to top -- annoys figrow


  • decide about param names and values e.g. valign=left or align-contents=flex-start ? -- custom ones
  • shortcodes/partials/options -- what about namespacing? parent?
  • but might want some styling options. -- see partials/figset.html for more history
  • add site-wide options e.g. for unsharp


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