Releases: StarCitizenTools/mediawiki-skins-Citizen
Releases · StarCitizenTools/mediawiki-skins-Citizen
2.20.0 (2024-06-30)
- overflow: ✨ use CSS variable for overflow gradient size (f0de4f4)
- pageActions: ✨ add share button to page actions for article pages (327aca0)
- pageActions: ✨ use neutral color for language badge (fce1f77)
- search: ✨ shorten fulltext and media search button label (ba1f77d)
- share: ✨ only share URL (1edc40e)
Bug Fixes
- core: 🐛 force selected view button to be visible on revision pages (3d90051)
- datatable: 🐛 table should not be wider than the wrapper (7e20daa), closes #888
- menu: 🐛 prevent page from scrolling when dropdown menu is open in small viewport (dd53576)
- menu: 🐛 show view button specifically on revision and diff pages (eb58bd6), closes #845
- overflow: 🐛 remove unused mask rules (c34868d)
- skinning: 🐛 incorrect text alignement for mw-halign-center (e4697c4)
- wordmark: 🐛 wordmark should resize responsively (7133648)
2.19.0 (2024-06-24)
- skinning: ✨ remove top and bottom margin from nested lists (08e63e3), closes #886
- wordmark: ✨ implement wordmark in drawer (c47531a)
Bug Fixes
- footer: 🐛 incorrect invert rule for footer wordmark (e0507d4)
- menu: 🐛 avoid double view button on talk page (923dded)
- overflow: 🐛 overflow content should fill parent container (2639b0f)
- overflow: 🐛 prevent overflow button from triggering form action button (7fb35f9)
- pageHeading: 🐛 capture brackets even without whitespace prefix (3e64df8), closes #879
- skinning: 🐛 incorrect margin for right float thumbnails (fae9dad)
- WikiEditor: 🐛 align toolbar buttons (84d58be)
2.17.1 (2024-06-11)
Bug Fixes
- overflow: 🐛 align scroll buttons with content margin (4b457df)
- overflow: 🐛 expand blocklist for nowrap as some tables contain the wikitable class (f5e9891)
- overflow: 🐛 mark oveflow button as not accessible for screen reader (7830faa)
- overflow: 🐛 use more accurate rounding method for overflow detection (cbf6003)
2.17.0 (2024-06-11)
- cssVar: ✨ add --color-inverted-primary for text color above primary color (86ef5ef)
- overflow: ✨ add overflow scroll button when using a pointer device (55d413e)
Bug Fixes
- core: 🐛 do not debounce scroll direction script (ababe58)
- core: 🐛 incorrect opacity and color of icons in button (8541b7e)
- ooui: 🐛 define invert color for progressive buttons (670d214)
- search: 🐛 remove unused param from getRedirectMessage() (d0e6842)
- skinning: 🐛 incorrect margin value for floating thumbnail (0a8c49a)
- tagline: 🐛 always return string from user tagline (fe9c0f8), closes #871
2.16.1 (2024-06-06)
Bug Fixes
2.16.0 (2024-06-01)
- core: ✨ add dismiss affordnance to dropdown menus (d0691a0)
- core: ✨ destructure surface colors into hsl variables (c40c7c7)
- core: ✨ only handle wikitable instead of all tables (83ab221)
- core: ✨ replace checkbox hack with details and summary (a2d3159)
Bug Fixes
- components: 🐛 escape the contents of MediaWiki:Tagline (4a43280)
- core: 🐛 avoid using core mw.util.addPortlet for now (a8daa82)
- core: 🐛 check if page content model and whether the title can exist before formatting (06d10b9)
- core: 🐛 hide Safari details marker (8751345)
- core: 🐛 incorrect classes and styles for page action cards (621adff)
- core: 🐛 incorrect selector to disable search card animation on mobile (87f15dd)
- core: 🐛 incorrect software alignment on Special:Version (a6abc3c)
- core: 🐛 revert max-width rule on installed software (3b90a46)
- dropdown: 🐛 toggle should dismiss the dropdown properly (32d10f8)
- search: 🐛 opening search card should not play animation on mobile (151e51d)
Performance Improvements
- core: ⚡️ check for nowrap classes before constructing class (2bbb1d9)
- core: ⚡️ do not use will-change (d8b3cad)
- core: ⚡️ do not use will-change (part 2) (e9d7cc2)
Miscellaneous Chores
- dev: 🔧 add editconfig file (c17e6a9)