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Regent-FFT Tests

This is a fast fourier transform (FFT) library built in Regent.


Regent-FFT takes the input matrix for the discrete fourier transform (DFT) in a region, and saves the output in an output region.

The library currently supports transforms up to 3 dimensions, and can be configured to run on either CPUs or GPUs.

The CPU mode is powered by FFTW, and the GPU mode by cuFFT.

Both Complex-to-Complex and Real-To-Complex transformations are supported.

Both single-precision and double-precision modes are supported (i.e., both float / complex32 and double / complex64 types).

Batched transforms are also supported.

Getting Started


First, make sure you have Regent installed. (If you are using Sapling, please refer to the Sapling guide.) Be sure to install with MAX_DIM=4 (for Make) or -DLegion_MAX_DIM=4 (for CMake).

Note that on Sapling you will want to load the following modules:

module load slurm mpi cmake cuda llvm

Then, clone the repo:

git clone

Next, run the install script and add environment variables:


Then, run your .rg script, which can be set up using the instructions in the 'Executing Program' section:

../legion/language/ test/fft_test.rg


Execute Program

Regent-FFT supports four distinct axes of usage:

  1. GPU vs. CPU
  2. Complex-to-Complex vs. Real-to-Complex
  3. Float vs. Double
  4. Single vs. Batched

API usage generally follows the following steps.

First, an FFT interface has to be generated depending on the type of transform you want to do. Then, we:

  • Create a plan,
  • Execute the said plan, and then
  • Destroy the plan once we are done.

There are several sample code snippets in the fft_test.rg file for reference as well.

1. Import fft.rg and Create the FFT Interface

To generate a specific instance of the library, use fft.generate_fft_interface(...).

  • The first argument is the index type of the input and output region: int1d, int2d, or int3d. This also tells the FFT interface what dimensionality to expect.
  • The second argument is the data type of the input: complex64, complex32, float, or double.
  • The third argument is the data type of the output: complex64 or complex32.
  • The fourth argument is a flag for batched transforms: false in regular mode, and true in batched mode.
local fft = require("fft")
local fft1d = fft.generate_fft_interface(int1d, complex64, complex64, false)

2. Make Plan

Like many FFT libraries, Regent FFT requires the use of plans. Plans are specific to the sizes of the input and output regions being used, as well as the machine node the plan is initialized on. Currently the enforcement of these assumptions is the responsibility of the user.

The first step is to call make_plan, which takes three arguments:

  1. r: input region
  2. s: output region
  3. p: plan region
fft1d.make_plan(r, s, p)

The input region should be initialized with index space of the form ispace(<type>, N), where N is the size of the array, and <type> is either int1d, int2d, or int3d depending on the dimension of the transform. The fieldspace of the region is the type supported by the transform - e.g, in a Real-to-Complex transform with double precision, the input array will have fieldspace double and output array will have fieldspace complex64. Larger fieldspaces that contain the appropriate types can also be passed in via field polymorphism - here is an example.

For example, in a 1D double-to-complex64 transform of size 3, the input and output regions may be initialized as follows:

var r = region(ispace(int1d, 3), double)
var s = region(ispace(int1d, 3), complex64)

The way that a plan is initialized depends on the usage mode. In general, plans are stored in a region which is managed by the user. The plan region may be a subregion and need not start at zero, but it must contain at least a number of elements depending on the mode: 1 in non-distributed mode, and N in distributed mode - where N is the number of nodes.

In non-distributed mode, the plan region can be initialized as follows:

var p = region(ispace(int1d, 1), fft1d.plan)

Every task in the Regent-FFT interface provides two versions: one which is __demand(__inline) and one which is just a regular task. Here, these are called make_plan (for inline) and make_plan_task (for a task). Users should pick the appropriate version depending on whether they want to launch a new task or not.


make_plan overwrites the input and output regions r and s. This is mandated by FFTW, which Regent FFT uses on CPUs. In order to avoid overwriting data, the user must either initialize the plan prior to loading the regions with data, or else must create a temporary region (of the same size and layout as the real one) for use in initialization.

3. Execute Plan

Next, we execute the plan. This takes the same 3 regions as mentioned above.

fft1d.execute_plan(r, s, p)


Because execute_plan is a __demand(__inline) task, it will never execute on the GPU (unless the parent task is running on the GPU). Therefore, in most cases, it is necessary to use execute_plan_task if one wants to use the GPU.


While execute_plan_task may be executed on the GPU, the contents of the p region must still be available on the CPU, because the plans must be used by the host-side code to launch the FFT kernels. Therefore, when execute_plan_task is mapped onto the GPU, it is very important to map the p region into zero-copy memory.

4. Destroy Plan

When a plan is no longer needed, it can be destroyed:


5. Batched Transforms

Batched transforms allow users to perform multiple transforms of the same size simultaneously, in a 'batch'.

To illustrate how to perform a batched transform, let us use the example where you want to perform 7 batches of a 256 x 256 transform.

Since the transform is a 2D one, the user creates a interface with itype of the same dimension: in this case, an int2d. Be sure to pass in true as the fourth argument to indicate we are performing a batched transform.

local fft2d_batch_complex64_complex64 = fft.generate_fft_interface(int2d, complex64, complex64, true)

The input and output regions should be of dimension 'N+1', in this case 256 x 256 x 7. The size of the last dimension is the number of batches. The plan region remains the same as before:

var r = region(ispace(int3d, {256, 256, 7}), complex64)
var s = region(ispace(int3d, {256, 256, 7}), complex64)
var p = region(ispace(int1d, 1), fft2d_batch_double_complex64.plan)

The key difference is that we call make_plan_batch instead of make_plan.

fft2d_batch_complex64_complex64.make_plan_batch(r, s, p)

Then, we execute and destroy as in the regular case.

fft2d_batch_complex64_complex64.execute_plan(r, s, p)

Please also refer to the test_2d_complex64_to_complex64_batch_transform and test_2d_double_to_complex64_batch_transform examples in fft_test.rg for further examples.

6. Distributed Mode

The API also supports a distributed mode, where every machine in a distributed job executes an independent FFT.

To initialize in distributed mode, we might do the following (where we have n 1-D complex64 to complex64 transforms of size m, and partitions r_part and s_part that are distributed around the machine):

var n = fft1d.get_num_nodes()
var p = region(ispace(int1d, n), fft1d.plan)
var p_part = partition(equal, p, ispace(int1d, n))
var r = region(ispace(int1d, m*n), complex64)
var r_part = partition(equal, r, ispace(int1d, n))
var s = region(ispace(int1d, m*n), complex64)
var s_part = partition(equal, s, ispace(int1d, n))
fft1d_complex64_complex64.make_plan_distrib(r, r_part, s, s_part, p, p_part)

Note the use of get_num_nodes to determine the size of the p region and partition. The task make_plan_distrib is a __demand(__inline) task that internally performs an index launch over the machine to initialize p (i.e., it will launch one make_plan_task per subregion of the inputs).


Like make_plan, make_plan_distrib overwrites the input and output regions r and s.


In order for the distributed API to work correctly, it is essential that each task in the index launch inside of make_plan_distrib is mapped onto a separate node. This ensures that when the region p is used later, there is a plan for every node in the machine.

Then, we execute the plan:

fft1d_complex64_complex64.execute_plan_distrib(r, r_part, s, s_part, p, p_part)

Lastly, to destroy the plan:

fft1d_complex64_complex64.destroy_plan_distrib(p, p_part)


Be sure to be consistent in using either make_plan, execute_plan and destroy_plan; or make_plan_distrib, execute_plan_distrib and destroy_plan_distrib depending on which version of the API you are using, as the processor that runs make_plan should be the same processor used for execute_plan and destroy_plan.


As with make_plan_distrib, execute_plan_distrib and destroy_plan_distrib will internally perform an index launch to destroy the plans on each node.


Like make_plan_distrib, the index launches issued by execute_plan_distrib and destroy_plan_distrib must be mapped so that each point task runs on the node where the plan was originally created.


  • FFTW's planner is not thread-safe, but this isn't currently protected by a lock in the Regent wrapper.

  • Optimization: Currently we take the approach of "always measure" with FFTW. This isn't even an option with cuFFT. Should this be exposed?

  • Missing features:

    • Strides
    • Backwards
    • Split


Additional Resources

  • For information on the FFT transform, please refer to these set of notes or this course.
