rustscan -a --range 0-65535 --ulimit 5000 -- -sV
gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -x txt,php,html,bak -t 50
Open ports & services:
* 80 - http - nginx 1.14.2
We can continue by scanning directories using Gobuster; we get a page /admin.php
It leads to a login page; we can try default creds admin:admin here.
It works and we are able to login; root flag can be found on login.
Directory brute-forcing is a technique used to check a lot of paths on a web server to find hidden pages. Which is another name for this? - dir busting
What switch do we use for nmap's scan to specify that we want to perform version scanning? - -sV
What does Nmap report is the service identified as running on port 80/tcp? - http
What server name and version of service is running on port 80/tcp? - nginx 1.14.2
What switch do we use to specify to Gobuster we want to perform dir busting specifically? - dir
When using gobuster to dir bust, what switch do we add to make sure it finds PHP pages? - -x php
What page is found during our dir busting activities? - admin.php
What is the HTTP status code reported by Gobuster for the discovered page? - 200
Submit root flag - 6483bee07c1c1d57f14e5b0717503c73