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Releases: SplitScreen-Me/splitscreenme-nucleus

Nucleus Co-op v2.2.1

06 Jan 11:06
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This is a new and improved official version of the Nucleus Co-op application and is part of the SplitScreen.Me github organization. This new version is based off of the Nucleus Co-op Alpha 8 Mod build and features a ton of enhancements.

Installation Guide


Note: Some Nucleus Co-op hook dlls and Goldberg emulator, used by Nucleus, can sometimes be detected by Microsoft Defender and other anti-viruses and web browsers: this is 100% a false positive see here and here. You may have to allow Nucleus as an exception before extracting.


.NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher.

Microsoft direct download link :

Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (both x86 and x64).

Microsoft direct download links :

Changelog for this hotfix release:

-Fixed a bug affecting handlers using Devreorder (e.g. Star Wars: Battlefront II Classic).
-Fixed a bug deleting a player if his attached controller has been unplugged. Fixes Nucleus Co-op crashing when disconnecting a controller during a handler launch.
-Fixed typos.
-Fixed the updater.

Password of the release zip : nucleus

Nucleus Co-op v2.2.0

01 Jan 20:40
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This is a new and improved official version of the Nucleus Co-op application and is part of the SplitScreen.Me github organization. This new version is based off of the Nucleus Co-op Alpha 8 Mod build and features a ton of enhancements.

Installation Guide


Note: Some Nucleus Co-op hook dlls and Goldberg emulator, used by Nucleus, can sometimes be detected by Microsoft Defender and other anti-viruses and web browsers: this is 100% a false positive see here and here. You may have to allow Nucleus as an exception before extracting.


.NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher.

Microsoft direct download link :

Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (both x86 and x64).

Microsoft direct download links :

  • Huge code clean up and refactoring.
  • New per game profile system (20 max per game) and new settings. The new profile system allows specific configurations per game, can be disabled in Nucleus Co-op settings.
  • New UI changes and QOL improvements (crash windows, credits, prompt windows, handler downloader and more).
  • New shortcuts: switch player layout (2 players only), toggle cutscene mode, reset windows. If using 2 or more monitors in cutscene mode all screens will have one instance unmuted.
  • Added basic gamepad UI navigation, can be enabled/disabled in settings.
  • Added gamepad support to all Nucleus shortcuts.
  • Fixed UI highlighting the wrong controller in the UI when polling and controller sometimes being wrongly assigned in-game.
  • Instances launch order changed from left to right/top to bottom to the order that input devices icons are dropped on each screen (same for single monitor). P1,P2,P3 etc. on the setup screen represent the launch order now.
  • Removed the splashscreen.
  • Better sorting of the game list.
  • Better userprofile.json indentation.
  • Added Goldberg emulator updater.
  • Now Nucleus will try to unlock all the original game files (read only files) before symlinking, hard copying etc.
  • Added new information messages that give feedback on Nucleus actions and shortcuts calls (keyboard and controller).
  • Added Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable version check and redirection to Microsoft website.
  • Fixed "Download or update game covers" crash if no game handler has been selected/downloaded.
  • Fixed game options menu at higher scaling factors.
  • Fixed a long standing bug where it was possible to drop an input device in an expanded player area.
  • Fixed a long standing bug (and not documented) where it was not possible to expand player bounds on negative monitors.
  • Nucleus will now save its windows size and position.
  • Fixed infinite loop when cleaning game content containing read only file(s) on session end or errors.
  • Added debug log size check (max size 150kb) if max size is reached the log is deleted and logging is disabled.
  • Fixed an issue with Steamless not applying when the game executable is inside a bin folder.
  • Nucleus Co-op will not get stuck if the hub is down now (will still take ~ 4 seconds waiting for hub response).
  • Added placeholder text for Game.Options: Game.AddOption("Title", "Description", "Option Name" , [leave empty]); // var option = Context.Options["Option Name"]; to retrieve the typed text. It works like the regular one but with an empty string array.
  • Added Context.StartProcess(Context.GetFolder(Nucleus.Folder.InstancedGameFolder) + "\an-executable.exe");
  • Added per-game KeepSymlink option in game menu.
  • Added Context.EditTextFile(string filePath, string[] refLines, string[] newLines, string encoder); //refLines are partial or full strings to look for. newLines are new strings (full strings) that will replace refLines. Adding "Delete" as newLine will delete the corresponding reflLine from the file. Should work with any type of text files (xml, ini, txt).
  • Added Game.GoldbergNoWarning = true; so Nucleus will not prompt if the Goldberg dlls are missing if the handler supports different platforms.
  • Added Context.PlayerSteamID so we can get players steam ids from Game.Play.
  • Added Context.FindFilePartialName (string sourceFolder, string[] partialNames);
  • Added Context.GetFileName(string fullFilePath); //get the name of a file from its full path;
  • Added hide taskbar parameter to Context.HideDesktop(); function, Context.HideDesktop(bool hideTaskbar) so no need to add the hide taskbar line.
  • Added Game.BackupFiles = ["file1.txt", "file2.txt"]; and Context.BackupFiles = ["file1.txt", "file2.txt"]; both can be used in the same handler.
  • Added Game.BackupFolders = ["folder1", "folder2"]; and Context.BackupFolders = ["folder1", "folder2"];
  • Added Context.ToUpperCase to convert string to uppercase.
  • Added Context.ToLowerCase to convert string to lowercase.
  • Added a prompt on error so user can enable logging from it.
  • Added debug log button when enabled in settings (opens debug-log.txt and a Nucleus install folder explorer window).
  • Added Context.CopyFolder(string sourcePath,string destinationPath) example => Context.CopyFolder(Context.GetFolder(Nucleus.Folder.InstancedGameFolder) +"\Engine", Context.GetFolder(Nucleus.Folder.InstancedGameFolder) + "\Citadel\Engine");
  • Added Context.DeleteRegKeyValues(string baseKey, string sKey, string[] values); //where values is a string array of the value(s) you want to delete;
  • Added Context.ExtractZip(string sourceZip, string contentDestination,string password);
  • Added Context.EditZipFile(string sourceZip, string password, string savePath, string[] itemsToAdd, string[] entriesToRemove); //itemsToAdd => ["path where to copy in the zip|path of file/folder to add"]; Always add "\" at the end off the path if the content to remove is a folder;
  • New Nucleus updater /!\ EXPERIMENTAL /!\ .

Password of the release zip : nucleus

Nucleus Co-op v2.1.2

26 Sep 12:38
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This is a new and improved official version of the Nucleus Co-op application and is part of the SplitScreen.Me github organization. This new version is based off of the Nucleus Co-op Alpha 8 Mod build and features a ton of enhancements.

Installation Guide


Note: Some Nucleus Co-op hook dlls and Goldberg emulator, used by Nucleus, can sometimes be detected by Microsoft Defender and other anti-viruses and web browsers: this is 100% a false positive see here and here. You may have to allow Nucleus as an exception before extracting.


.NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher.

Microsoft direct download link :

Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (both x86 and x64).

Microsoft direct download links :


  • Fixed (for good) goldberg user_steam_id.txt and account_name.txt being edited when goldberg is not used.
  • Fixed the process picker list, it was not fully visible/scrollable.
  • New patching methods using patterns, see MasterHandler.js inside Nucleus Co-op handlers folder.
  • Reworked the arrows and play button highlighting (buttons will be highlighted now accordingly to the current config step).
  • Sizable/movable main Nucleus/downloader windows.
  • Set the settings window a little bit bigger, it was a bit cluttered after the last additions.
  • Added "Game.ForceBindIPNoDummy" => default false. ForceBindIP will start without the "dummy" launch argument.
  • Added player steam id format check in settings, can now only type numbers and a message pop up shows if the player steam id length is too short.
  • Delete cover/screenshots/description/icon path (icons.ini) when a game is deleted from the game list.
  • Cover and background images will now be updated (on screen) when a game has been selected before downloading the assets instead of keeping the default cover and background until another game is selected.
  • New "Unfocus" hotkey combo "Ctrl+H".
  • Added shortcut on the setup screen to access the player settings faster (player steam ids & nicknames).
  • Added a message when each instance starts showing game name, player nickname, and player number (id+1). Will show for a few seconds and automatically close.
  • The nickname tab in settings will now be populated with the default nicknames (player1, players2 etc).
  • Added app version in the crash report window + error report enhancements.
  • Added new line "Game.ToggleUnfocusOnInputsLock = true;" to automatically unfocus the game windows (gives focus to the Nucleus window), works with "Game.LockInputAtStart = true;" too.
  • Merged "split division" background window and the "Hide desktop" window will now be minimized/restored when using the CTRL+T shortcut (Toggle top most hotkey) accordingly to the game windows.
  • Added new line "Context.HideDesktop();" same as "Game.HideDesktop = true;" but usable in "Game.Play = function() {}". The PlayerID is checked in the function so no need to worry about it in the handler.
  • Added Context.HideTaskBar(); same as the regular one but usable in "Game.Play = function() {}".
  • Nucleus will now delete the game content folder on game selection (if Game.KeepSymLinkOnExit is false or not present in the handler) to avoid crashing after a previous crash, it will also check if any file has been locked (set to read only) and try to unlock it, if it fails a prompt will show and explain what to do to fix it.
  • New handler update method. Handlers can now be updated from the game options menu without having to re-select the game exe path.
  • Moved the connection state check (hub) earlier so the app will take fewer seconds to appear on screen.
  • Some UI changes.
  • Added Favorite Games feature.
  • Added classic and macstyle themes, select between them in Nucleus Co-op settings theme option and click save, macstyle theme by V and classic theme by Vortex and Talos91 with cover by Altissimo.
  • Unfocus the Nucleus Co-op "Stop" button when a handler starts to avoid stopping the session accidentally.
  • Disabled lock key until a game instance starts.
  • Changed input dropping order to reflect the instances (players) launch order.
  • Changed the input icons sorting in the setup screen (now dynamic & by input type).
  • Fixed the screen "priority" issue when starting a handler using multiple screens setup. There's a number at top right of each screen to show the startup order. The index on the screen will only show if there is more than one connected screen.
  • Some scaling improvements (auto search game window, settings).
  • Added Context.Wait(int milliseconds); time to wait between two functions inside "Game.Play = function() {}".
  • Fixed Nucleus Co-op not closing correctly with Ctrl+Q in some cases.
  • Added Context.UserName, gets the current Windows username.
  • Added a list of the default Player Steam IDs used by Nucleus to the settings "Players" tab.
  • New customizable cursors.
  • New unsafe path warning for handlers that use Game.LaunchAsDifferentUsers = true; will show in the setup screen, same for the admin rights warning now.

Password of the release zip : nucleus

Nucleus Co-op v2.1.1

24 May 01:17
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This is a new and improved official version of the Nucleus Co-op application and is part of the SplitScreen.Me github organization. This new version is based off of the Nucleus Co-op Alpha 8 Mod build and features a ton of enhancements.

Installation Guide


Note: Some Nucleus Co-op hook dlls and Goldberg emulator, used by Nucleus, can sometimes be detected by Microsoft Defender and other anti-viruses and web browsers: this is 100% a false positive see here and here. You may have to allow Nucleus as an exception before extracting.


.NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (both x86 and x64)


  • Added Steamless command line version support: "Game.UseSteamless = true;", "Game.SteamlessArgs = "";", "Game.SteamlessTiming = 2500;". Credit to the developer of the app atom0s.
  • Fixed nicknames not working when using "Game.GoldbergExperimentalSteamClient = true;".
  • Fixed Player Steam IDs setting to 0 when using "Game.PlayerSteamIDs = [];".
  • Added game descriptions, they get downloaded to gui\descriptions.
  • Added new line Context.EditRegKeyNoBackup, will not create a backup of the registry when editing.
  • Fixed an unknown bug breaking the Nucleus window shape in some cases (maximizing without using the app maximizing button).
  • Fixed changing the default text editor in Settings.ini not working.
  • Added blur to background images, the blur can be disabled by setting Blur = 0 in Settings.ini.
  • Other minor UI improvements and changes.

Password of the release zip : nucleus

Nucleus Co-op v2.1

25 Apr 02:12
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This is a new and improved official version of the Nucleus Co-op application and is part of the SplitScreen.Me github organization. This new version is based off of the Nucleus Co-op Alpha 8 Mod build and features a ton of enhancements.

Installation Guide


Note: Some Nucleus Co-op hook dlls and Goldberg emulator, used by Nucleus, can sometimes be detected by Microsoft Defender and other anti-viruses and web browsers: this is 100% a false positive see here and here. You may have to allow Nucleus as an exception before extracting.


  • .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (both x86 and x64)


  • Added Context.HandlersFolder (path to the root of Nucleus Co-op handlers folder: NucleusCo-op\handlers).
  • Fixed app crash when a handler throws an error (sometimes on app close).
  • Fixed random crashes while clicking on the game list.
  • All monitors in use should be correctly scaled to 100% when a game starts now.
  • Added UI option to enable/disable the auto setting of the desktop scale to 100% (enabled by default).
  • All UI elements (pictures) can be customized now (see the default theme folder).
  • Splashscreen fixes, you can skip it now by clicking on it if it shows for too long.
  • Added UI options in settings to disable/enable the splashscreen and click sound in the settings tab and moved the "mouse click" setting to the setting.ini instead of theme.ini.
  • Other UI related details.
  • Some UI code optimizations.
  • New and improved Nucleus Co-op themes.
  • Added theme switch option in settings.
  • Links can be clicked in handler notes now.
  • Added option to use custom text in Context.RunAdditionalFiles prompt(s) + a boolean to show or not the file path. See readme.txt.
  • New Documents path registry key backup/restoration handling, should fully fix Nucleus changing the location of the Documents folder sometimes after a crash.
  • Added custom virtual devices icons.
  • First attempt to fix Turkish "ı" bug, requires to be tested in real conditions.
  • Fixed account_name.txt being edited while UseGoldberg is not used.
  • Added new input device detection in setup screen, keyboards and mice icons will only show in the UI if a key is pressed or a mouse moved now.
  • Added an option in theme.ini to round the Nucleus Co-op window corners (enabled by default).
  • Added multiple Nucleus Co-op instances check (can be disabled in settings.ini).
  • Added the possibility to choose the app font in theme.ini (size can be adjusted).
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when custom icon pictures were deleted.
  • Added new "icons" folder inside the Nucleus Co-op "gui" folder, custom icon paths are now saved in the "icons.ini" inside that folder instead of being saved in settings.ini.
  • Fixed crash that occurred when an user had a custom Documents folder in the root of his drive and clicked game options in the UI.
  • Fixed "Game.SymlinkFiles = [""];" and updated so that it can work under "Game.Play = function() {" using "Context.ProceedSymlink();".
  • Help gif updated.
  • Fixed Nucleus Co-op reporting the incorrect line number when a handler has an error, can still show the number with an offset of +1 if the line number returned is a float.
  • Fixed a Nucleus Co-op silent crash that happened when controllers got disconnected and reconnected multiple times.
  • Added Game.SetTopMostAtEnd = true; Sets the game windows to top most at the very end.
  • Added .ini option to hide the Nucleus Co-op offline icon.
  • Added handler notes magnifier option.
  • Added new supported inputs UI icons, display what input devices a handler supports.
  • Added Player Steam IDs fields to the Nucleus Nicknames settings tab (now named Players), you can change the instances Player Steam IDs when a handler uses goldberg or SSE via the UI now.
  • Added new Nicknames/Player Steam IDs switcher, you can quickly switch the order of the nicknames and Player Steam IDs you set up.

[Hotfix] 05/02/2022

  • Fixed minor UI glitch.
  • Last hooks prompt will show now when only using Game.PromptBetweenInstances=true; with Game.SetTopMostAtEnd = true;
  • Added option in Settings.ini to change the default text editor.
  • Selection not working and scaling issues fixed for Nucleus UI options that use images.

View the full list of features/changes and changelog in the Readme.txt inside Nucleus.

Password of the release zip : nucleus

Nucleus Co-op v2.0

25 Feb 15:16
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This is a new and improved official version of the Nucleus Co-op application and is part of the SplitScreen.Me github organization. This new version is based off of the Nucleus Co-op Alpha 8 Mod build and features a ton of enhancements.

Installation Guide


Note: Some Nucleus Co-op hook dlls and Goldberg emulator, used by Nucleus, can sometimes be detected by Microsoft Defender and other anti-viruses and web browsers: this is 100% a false positive see here and here. You may have to allow Nucleus as an exception before extracting.


  • .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (both x86 and x64)


  • New overhauled and customizable user interface with support for themes, game covers and screenshots.
  • Full support for different monitor scales, UI scaling issues at more than 100% desktop scale are finally fixed (and all other issues/bugs related to it).
  • New player and input order processing (left to right).
  • New player nickname assignation.
  • New optional splitscreen divisions setting (visually similar to native splitscreen games).
  • Massive increase to the amount of compatible games, 400+ as of now.
  • Much more game handlers customization.
  • Many quality of life improvements and ton of bug fixes.
    And so much more!

View the full list of features/changes and changelog in the Readme.txt inside Nucleus.

This release would also have not been possible without all the work, knowledge, support, ideas and extensive testing of the users: r-mach, Talos91, Maxine, PoundlandBacon, Snailed-it and other members of the SplitScreenDreams discord server.

Password of the release zip : nucleus