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File metadata and controls

140 lines (115 loc) · 4.62 KB

Oak Programming Language Documentation


Oak, like Ink, has automatic comma insertion at end of lines. This means if a comma can be inserted at the end of a line, it will automatically be inserted.

program := expr*

expr := literal | identifier |
    assignment |
    propertyAccess |
    unaryExpr | binaryExpr |
    prefixCall | infixCall |
    ifExpr | withExpr |

literal := nullLiteral |
    numberLiteral | stringLiteral | atomLiteral | boolLiteral |
    listLiteral | objectLiteral |

nullLiteral := '?'
numberLiteral := \d+ | \d* '.' \d+
stringLiteral := // single quoted string with standard escape sequences + \x00 syntax
atomLiteral := ':' + identifier
boolLiteral := 'true' | 'false'
listLiteral := '[' ( expr ',' )* ']' // last comma optional
objectLiteral := '{' ( expr ':' expr ',' )* '}' // last comma optional
fnLiteral := 'fn' '(' ( identifier ',' )* (identifier '...')? ')' expr

identifier := \w_ (\w\d_?!)* | _

assignment := (
    identifier [':=' '<-'] expr |
    listLiteral [':=' '<-'] expr |
    objectLiteral [':=' '<-'] expr

propertyAccess := identifier ('.' identifier)+

unaryExpr := ('!' | '-') expr
binaryExpr := expr (+ - * / % ^ & | > < = >= <= <<) binaryExpr

prefixCall := expr '(' (expr ',')* ')'
infixCall := expr '|>' prefixCall

ifExpr := 'if' expr? '{' ifClause* '}'
ifClause := expr '->' expr ','

withExpr := 'with' prefixCall fnLiteral

block := '{' expr+ '}' | '(' expr* ')'

AST node types


Language Functions

  • import(path): Imports a module located at the specified path.
  • string(x): Converts the argument x to a string.
  • int(x): Converts the argument x to an integer.
  • float(x): Converts the argument x to a floating-point number.
  • atom(c): Creates an atom with the specified character c.
  • codepoint(c): Returns the Unicode code point of the character c.
  • char(n): Converts the Unicode code point n to a character.
  • type(x): Returns the type of the argument x.
  • len(x): Returns the length of the argument x.
  • keys(x): Returns an array of keys of the argument x.

OS Functions

  • args(): Returns command-line arguments as an array of strings.
  • env(): Returns the environment variables as an object.
  • time(): Returns the current time as a float.
  • nanotime(): Returns the current time in nanoseconds as an integer.
  • exit(code): Exits the program with the specified exit code.
  • rand(): Generates a random floating-point number between 0 and 1.
  • srand(length): Seeds the random number generator with the specified length.
  • wait(duration): Pauses the program execution for the specified duration.
  • exec(path, args, stdin): Executes a command specified by path with the given args and optional standard input stdin. Returns stdout, stderr, and end events.

I/O Interfaces

  • input(): Reads input from the standard input.

  • print(): Writes output to the standard output.

  • ls(path): Lists files and directories in the specified path.

  • mkdir(path): Creates a directory at the specified path.

  • rm(path): Removes the file or directory at the specified path.

  • stat(path): Retrieves file or directory information at the specified path.

  • open(path, flags, perm): Opens a file at the specified path with the given flags and permissions.

  • close(fd): Closes the file descriptor fd.

  • read(fd, offset, length): Reads data from the file descriptor fd starting at the specified offset and reading length bytes.

  • write(fd, offset, data): Writes data to the file descriptor fd starting at the specified offset.

  • close := listen(host, handler): Listens for incoming connections on the specified host and handles them with the provided handler function.

  • req(data): Sends an HTTP request with the provided data.

    // Req syntax:
    // ---
      url: ''
      method: 'GET'
      headers: {}
      body: _

Math Functions

  • Trigonometric functions
    • sin(n): Calculates the sine of the angle n.
    • cos(n): Calculates the cosine of the angle n.
    • tan(n): Calculates the tangent of the angle n.
  • Inverse Trigonometric functions
    • asin(n): Calculates the arcsine of the value n.
    • acos(n): Calculates the arccosine of the value n.
    • atan(n): Calculates the arctangent of the value n.
  • Power and logarithmic functions
    • pow(b, n): Raises the base b to the power of n.
    • log(b, n): Calculates the logarithm of n with base b.