#Collaborator Commitment Covenant
#Our Pledge In pursuit of fostering an inclusive and inviting atmosphere, we, as collaborators and stewards, commit to ensuring that engagement within our project and community remains free from any form of harassment. We extend this commitment to all individuals, irrespective of age, physique, ability, cultural background, gender identity and expression, level of expertise, educational attainment, socioeconomic status, nationality, personal presentation, race, faith, or sexual orientation.
#Our Principles
Examples of conduct that contribute to cultivating a constructive environment comprise:
Utilizing embracing and encompassing language Demonstrating respect for diverse perspectives and backgrounds Graciously embracing constructive feedback Prioritizing the collective welfare of the community Displaying empathy toward fellow community members
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
Utilizing sexually suggestive language or visuals and engaging in unwelcome sexual advances Engaging in trolling, employing insulting or derogatory remarks, and launching personal or political assaults Engaging in public or private harassment Disclosing private details about others, such as physical or digital addresses, without explicit consent Other behaviors that could be reasonably perceived as unsuitable in a professional context
#Our Duties
The maintainers of this project bear the responsibility of elucidating the standards of acceptable conduct and are obligated to take suitable and equitable corrective measures in response to any instances of inappropriate behavior.
Project maintainers possess the right and obligation to eliminate, amend, or decline comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that do not align with this Covenant, or to temporarily or permanently prohibit any contributor for behaviors they consider inappropriate, menacing, offensive, or harmful.
This Covenant is pertinent to both project-specific spaces and public domains, particularly when an individual represents the project or its community. Instances of representing a project or community involve using an official project email, posting via an authorized social media account, or serving as an appointed representative during online or offline events. The roles and responsibilities of project maintainers in terms of project representation may be further defined and clarified.
Occurrences of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team at [email protected]. All complaints will be subject to review and investigation, and will elicit a response deemed suitable and necessary under the circumstances. The project team is obliged to uphold the confidentiality of the individual reporting an incident. Specific details regarding enforcement policies may be communicated separately.
Project maintainers who fail to adhere to or enforce this Covenant in good faith may be subject to temporary or permanent consequences as determined by other members of the project's leadership.