diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7637a54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..262f0f4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Azure AD Application Configuration for WinGet-Wrapper
+## Background
+The WinGet-Wrapper tool uses Microsoft Graph API to interact with Intune. By default, it uses a built-in application ID, but due to recent Microsoft infrastructure changes and security policies, it's recommended to create your own Azure AD application registration. This ensures:
+1. Better security control over the application
+2. Avoidance of potential throttling issues
+3. Clear audit trails in your Azure environment
+4. Prevention of authentication issues related to Microsoft's first-party app verification changes
+## Creating Your Azure AD Application
+### Step 1: Create the Application Registration
+1. Log in to the Azure Portal (portal.azure.com)
+2. Navigate to Azure Active Directory → App registrations
+3. Click "New registration"
+4. Configure the following:
+ - Name: "WinGet-Wrapper-App" (or your preferred name)
+ - Supported account types: "Accounts in this organizational directory only"
+ - Click "Register"
+5. After creation, note down the "Application (client) ID" - you'll need this later
+### Step 2: Configure Authentication
+1. In your app registration, go to "Authentication" in the left menu
+2. Click "Add a platform"
+3. Select "Mobile and desktop applications"
+4. Check the box for "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient"
+5. Click "Configure"
+This configuration is crucial because the PowerShell scripts use interactive authentication, which requires a proper redirect URI.
+### Step 3: Configure API Permissions
+1. Go to "API permissions" in the left menu
+2. Click "Add a permission"
+3. Select "Microsoft Graph"
+4. Choose "Application permissions"
+5. Search for and select "DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All"
+6. Click "Add permissions"
+7. Click "Grant admin consent" and confirm
+## Updating the Scripts
+You need to update the ClientID in the following files:
+### Option 1: Modify the Script Directly
+Update `WinGet-WrapperImportFromCSV.ps1`:
+#ClientID to connect to MSGraph/InTune with Connect-MSIntuneGraph
+[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
+[string]$ClientID = "your-application-id-here"
+### Option 2: Pass ClientID as Parameter
+Run the script with your ClientID:
+.\WinGet-WrapperImportFromCSV.ps1 -TenantID "yourtenant.onmicrosoft.com" -ClientID "your-application-id" -csvFile "your-csv-file.csv"
+## Troubleshooting
+### Common Issues
+1. "No reply address is registered for the application"
+ - **Cause**: Missing redirect URI configuration
+ - **Solution**: Follow Step 2 in the configuration process
+2. "Application is not authorized to perform this operation"
+ - **Cause**: Missing or unauthorized API permissions
+ - **Solution**: Ensure Step 3 is completed and admin consent is granted
+3. "AADSTS700016" or "AADSTS90099"
+ - **Cause**: Application not properly authorized in tenant
+ - **Solution**: Ensure admin consent is granted and the account has proper roles (Global Admin or Intune Administrator)
+## Best Practices
+1. **Security**:
+ - Regularly review and audit application permissions
+ - Use separate applications for development and production
+ - Follow the principle of least privilege when assigning permissions
+2. **Maintenance**:
+ - Document your application ID and configuration
+ - Regularly review and update permissions as needed
+ - Monitor application usage through Azure AD audit logs
+## Required Azure AD Roles
+The user account running the scripts needs one of these roles:
+- Intune Administrator
+- Global Administrator
+## Additional Resources
+- [Microsoft Graph Permissions Reference](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/permissions-reference)
+- [Azure AD Application Registration](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-register-app)
+- [Microsoft Graph PowerShell Authentication](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/microsoftgraph/authentication-commands)
+see https://github.com/SorenLundt/WinGet-Wrapper/issues/21
+see https://github.com/SorenLundt/WinGet-Wrapper/pull/23
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/WinGet-WrapperImportFromCSV.ps1 b/WinGet-WrapperImportFromCSV.ps1
index 0d0bfbe..41e62a1 100644
--- a/WinGet-WrapperImportFromCSV.ps1
+++ b/WinGet-WrapperImportFromCSV.ps1
@@ -48,8 +48,12 @@ Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
[string]$ClientID = "14d82eec-204b-4c2f-b7e8-296a70dab67e",
+ #Redirect URI of Enterprise application
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
+ [string]$RedirectURL = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient",
#TenantID to connect to MSGraph/InTune
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
#LogFile (Manually define logfile path. If not defined, default will be used)
@@ -66,11 +70,11 @@ Param (
-$TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"
+$TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss'
# Default Log File
if (-not $LogFile) {
- $LogFolder = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "Logs"
+ $LogFolder = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'Logs'
# Create logs folder if it doesn't exist
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $LogFolder)) {
@@ -86,7 +90,7 @@ function Write-Log {
[string]$LogFile = "$LogFile"
- $LogMsgTimeStamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
+ $LogMsgTimeStamp = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
$LogEntry = "[$LogMsgTimeStamp] $Message"
# Output to the console
@@ -101,63 +105,68 @@ Write-log "Parameters: csvFile: $csvFile, TenantID: $TenantID, SkipConfirmation:
# Install and load required modules
# https://github.com/MSEndpointMgr/IntuneWin32App
-if (-not $SkipModuleCheck){
-$intuneWin32AppModule = "IntuneWin32App"
-$microsoftGraphIntuneModule = "Microsoft.Graph.Intune"
-# Check if update is required for IntuneWin32App module
-$moduleInstalled = Get-InstalledModule -Name $intuneWin32AppModule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
-if (-not $moduleInstalled) {
- Install-Module -Name $intuneWin32AppModule -Force
-} else {
- $latestVersion = (Find-Module -Name $intuneWin32AppModule).Version
- if ($moduleInstalled.Version -lt $latestVersion) {
- Update-Module -Name $intuneWin32AppModule -Force
- } else {
- Write-Host "Module $intuneWin32AppModule is already up-to-date."
+if (-not $SkipModuleCheck) {
+ $intuneWin32AppModule = 'IntuneWin32App'
+ $microsoftGraphIntuneModule = 'Microsoft.Graph.Intune'
+ # Check if update is required for IntuneWin32App module
+ $moduleInstalled = Get-InstalledModule -Name $intuneWin32AppModule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ if (-not $moduleInstalled) {
+ Install-Module -Name $intuneWin32AppModule -Force
+ }
+ else {
+ $latestVersion = (Find-Module -Name $intuneWin32AppModule).Version
+ if ($moduleInstalled.Version -lt $latestVersion) {
+ Update-Module -Name $intuneWin32AppModule -Force
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Host "Module $intuneWin32AppModule is already up-to-date."
+ }
-# Check if update is required for Microsoft.Graph.Intune module
-$moduleInstalled = Get-InstalledModule -Name $microsoftGraphIntuneModule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
-if (-not $moduleInstalled) {
- Install-Module -Name $microsoftGraphIntuneModule -Force
-} else {
- $latestVersion = (Find-Module -Name $microsoftGraphIntuneModule).Version
- if ($moduleInstalled.Version -lt $latestVersion) {
- Update-Module -Name $microsoftGraphIntuneModule -Force
- } else {
- Write-Host "Module $microsoftGraphIntuneModule is already up-to-date."
+ # Check if update is required for Microsoft.Graph.Intune module
+ $moduleInstalled = Get-InstalledModule -Name $microsoftGraphIntuneModule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ if (-not $moduleInstalled) {
+ Install-Module -Name $microsoftGraphIntuneModule -Force
+ }
+ else {
+ $latestVersion = (Find-Module -Name $microsoftGraphIntuneModule).Version
+ if ($moduleInstalled.Version -lt $latestVersion) {
+ Update-Module -Name $microsoftGraphIntuneModule -Force
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Host "Module $microsoftGraphIntuneModule is already up-to-date."
+ }
#Import modules
-Import-Module -Name "IntuneWin32App"
-Import-Module -Name "Microsoft.Graph.Intune"
+Import-Module -Name 'IntuneWin32App'
+Import-Module -Name 'Microsoft.Graph.Intune'
# Welcome greeting
-Write-Log " "
-Write-Log " "
-Write-Log "-----------------------------"
-Write-Log "---- WinGet-WrapperCreate----"
-Write-Log "-----------------------------"
-Write-Log " "
-Write-Log " "
-Write-Log "https://github.com/SorenLundt/WinGet-Wrapper"
-Write-Log " GNU General Public License v3"
+Write-Log ' '
+Write-Log ' '
+Write-Log '-----------------------------'
+Write-Log '---- WinGet-WrapperCreate----'
+Write-Log '-----------------------------'
+Write-Log ' '
+Write-Log ' '
+Write-Log 'https://github.com/SorenLundt/WinGet-Wrapper'
+Write-Log ' GNU General Public License v3'
# Test CSV path
if (Test-Path -Path "$csvFile" -PathType Leaf) {
Write-Log "File: $csvFile"
-} else {
- Write-Log "File not found: $csvFile" -ForegroundColor "Red"
+else {
+ Write-Log "File not found: $csvFile" -ForegroundColor 'Red'
# Import the CSV file with custom headers
-$data = Import-Csv -Path "$csvFile" -Header "PackageID", "Context", "AcceptNewerVersion", "UpdateOnly", "TargetVersion", "StopProcessInstall", "StopProcessUninstall", "PreScriptInstall", "PostScriptInstall", "PreScriptUninstall", "PostScriptUninstall", "CustomArgumentListInstall", "CustomArgumentListUninstall", "InstallIntent", "Notification", "GroupID" | Select-Object -Skip 1
+$data = Import-Csv -Path "$csvFile" -Header 'PackageID', 'Context', 'AcceptNewerVersion', 'UpdateOnly', 'TargetVersion', 'StopProcessInstall', 'StopProcessUninstall', 'PreScriptInstall', 'PostScriptInstall', 'PreScriptUninstall', 'PostScriptUninstall', 'CustomArgumentListInstall', 'CustomArgumentListUninstall', 'InstallIntent', 'Notification', 'GroupID' | Select-Object -Skip 1
# Convert "AcceptNewerVersion" and "UpdateOnly" columns to Boolean values
$data = $data | ForEach-Object {
@@ -165,27 +174,26 @@ $data = $data | ForEach-Object {
$_.UpdateOnly = [bool]($_.UpdateOnly -as [int])
-Write-Log "-- IMPORT LIST --"
-foreach ($row in $data){
+Write-Log '-- IMPORT LIST --'
+foreach ($row in $data) {
Write-Log "IMPORT PackageID:$($row.PackageID) - Context:$($row.Context) - UpdateOnly:$($row.UpdateOnly) - TargetVersion:$($row.TargetVersion)" -ForegroundColor Gray
-Write-Log ""
+Write-Log ''
-Write-Log "-- DEPLOY LIST --"
-foreach ($row in $data){
- if ($null = $row.GroupID -or $row.GroupID -ne "")
- {
+Write-Log '-- DEPLOY LIST --'
+foreach ($row in $data) {
+ if ($null = $row.GroupID -or $row.GroupID -ne '') {
Write-Log "DEPLOY PackageID:$($row.PackageID) GroupID:$($row.GroupID) InstallIntent:$($row.InstallIntent) Notification:$($row.Notification)" -ForegroundColor Gray
#Connect to Intune
#if (-not $SkipInTuneConnection){
-Connect-MSIntuneGraph -TenantID "$TenantID" -ClientID $ClientID -Interactive
+try {
+ Connect-MSIntuneGraph -TenantID "$TenantID" -ClientID $ClientID -RedirectUri $RedirectURL -Interactive
catch {
- Write-Log "ERROR: Connect-MSIntuneGraph Failed. Exiting" -ForegroundColor "Red"
+ Write-Log 'ERROR: Connect-MSIntuneGraph Failed. Exiting' -ForegroundColor 'Red'
@@ -193,92 +201,89 @@ catch {
#Import each application to InTune
foreach ($row in $data) {
-& {
- try{
-#Write-Log "--- Package Details ---"
-#Write-Log "PackageID: $($row.PackageID)"
-#Write-Log "Context: $($row.Context)"
-#Write-Log "AcceptNewerVersion: $($row.AcceptNewerVersion)"
-#Write-Log "UpdateOnly: $($row.UpdateOnly)"
-#Write-Log "TargetVersion: $($row.TargetVersion)"
-#Write-Log "StopProcessInstall: $($row.StopProcessInstall)"
-#Write-Log "StopProcessUninstall: $($row.StopProcessUninstall)"
-#Write-Log "PreScriptInstall: $($row.PreScriptInstall)"
-#Write-Log "PostScriptInstall: $($row.PostScriptInstall)"
-#Write-Log "PreScriptUninstall: $($row.PreScriptUninstall)"
-#Write-Log "PostScriptUninstall: $($row.PostScriptUninstall)"
-#Write-Log "CustomArgumentListInstall: $($row.CustomArgumentListInstall)"
-#Write-Log "CustomArgumentListInstall: $($row.CustomArgumentListUninstall)"
-$Timestamp = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")
-#Get User
-$currentUser = $env:USERNAME
-Write-Log "--- Validation Start ---"
-Write-Log "Validating Package $($row.PackageID)"
-#Check context is valid
-if ($row.Context -notin @("Machine", "machine", "User", "user")) {
- Write-Log "Invalid context setting $($row.Context) for package $($row.PackageID) found in CSV. Please review the CSV. Exiting.." -ForegroundColor "Red"
- break
-#Check AcceptNewerVersion is true or false
-if ($row.AcceptNewerVersion -ne $True -and $row.AcceptNewerVersion -ne $False)
- Write-Log "Invalid AcceptNewerVersion setting $($row.AcceptNewerVersion) for package $($row.PackageID) found in CSV. Please review the CSV. Exiting.." -ForegroundColor "Red"
- break
-#Check InstallIntent is valid
-if ($null -ne $row.InstallIntent -and $row.InstallIntent -ne "") {
- if ($row.InstallIntent -notcontains "Required" -and $row.InstallIntent -notcontains "required" -and $row.InstallIntent -notcontains "Available" -and $row.InstallIntent -notcontains "available")
- {
- Write-Log "Invalid InstallIntent setting $($row.InstallIntent) for package $($row.PackageID) found in CSV. Please review CSV (Use Available or Required) Exiting.." -ForegroundColor "Red"
- break
- }
-#Check Notification is valid
-if ($null -ne $row.Notification -and $row.Notification -ne "") {
- $validNotificationValues = "showAll", "showReboot", "hideAll"
- if ($validNotificationValues -notcontains $row.Notification.ToLower()) {
- Write-Log "Invalid Notification setting $($row.Notification) for package $($row.PackageID) found in CSV. Please review CSV (Use showAll, showReboot, or hideAll) Exiting.." -ForegroundColor "Red"
- break
- }
-#Check GroupID is set if InstallIntent is specified
-if ($null -ne $row.InstallIntent -and $row.InstallIntent -ne "") {
- if ($row.GroupID -eq $null -or $row.GroupID -eq "") {
- Write-Log "Invalid GroupID setting $($row.GroupID) for package $($row.PackageID) found in CSV. Please review CSV. If InstallIntent is set, GroupID must be set too!"
- break
- }
-#Check UpdateOnly is true or false
-Write-Log "Checking UpdateOnly Value for $($row.PackageID)"
-if ($row.UpdateOnly -ne $True -and $row.UpdateOnly -ne $False)
- Write-Log "Invalid UpdateOnly setting $($row.UpdateOnly) for package $($row.PackageID) found in CSV. Please review the CSV. Exiting.." -ForegroundColor "Red"
- break
-#Check StopProcessInstall and StopProcessUninstall does not contain "exe" (inform should not contain .exe)
-Write-Log "Checking StopProcessInstall Value for $($row.PackageID)"
-if ($row.StopProcessInstall -contains ".") {
- Write-Log "Invalid StopProcessInstall setting $($row.StopProcessInstall) for package $($row.PackageID) found in CSV. Please review the CSV. Exiting.." -ForegroundColor "Red"
- break
-Write-Log "Checking StopProcessUninstall Value for $($row.PackageID)"
-if ($row.StopProcessUninstall -contains ".") {
- Write-Log "Invalid StopProcessUninstall setting $($row.StopProcessUninstall) for package $($row.PackageID) found in CSV. Please review the CSV. Exiting.." -ForegroundColor "Red"
- break
-#Check PreScriptInstall, PostScriptInstall, PreScriptUninstall, PostScriptUninstall contains .ps1 (inform must be .ps1)
+ & {
+ try {
+ #Write-Log "--- Package Details ---"
+ #Write-Log "PackageID: $($row.PackageID)"
+ #Write-Log "Context: $($row.Context)"
+ #Write-Log "AcceptNewerVersion: $($row.AcceptNewerVersion)"
+ #Write-Log "UpdateOnly: $($row.UpdateOnly)"
+ #Write-Log "TargetVersion: $($row.TargetVersion)"
+ #Write-Log "StopProcessInstall: $($row.StopProcessInstall)"
+ #Write-Log "StopProcessUninstall: $($row.StopProcessUninstall)"
+ #Write-Log "PreScriptInstall: $($row.PreScriptInstall)"
+ #Write-Log "PostScriptInstall: $($row.PostScriptInstall)"
+ #Write-Log "PreScriptUninstall: $($row.PreScriptUninstall)"
+ #Write-Log "PostScriptUninstall: $($row.PostScriptUninstall)"
+ #Write-Log "CustomArgumentListInstall: $($row.CustomArgumentListInstall)"
+ #Write-Log "CustomArgumentListInstall: $($row.CustomArgumentListUninstall)"
+ #TimeStamp
+ $Timestamp = (Get-Date).ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss')
+ #Get User
+ $currentUser = $env:USERNAME
+ Write-Log '--- Validation Start ---'
+ Write-Log "Validating Package $($row.PackageID)"
+ #Check context is valid
+ if ($row.Context -notin @('Machine', 'machine', 'User', 'user')) {
+ Write-Log "Invalid context setting $($row.Context) for package $($row.PackageID) found in CSV. Please review the CSV. Exiting.." -ForegroundColor 'Red'
+ break
+ }
+ #Check AcceptNewerVersion is true or false
+ if ($row.AcceptNewerVersion -ne $True -and $row.AcceptNewerVersion -ne $False) {
+ Write-Log "Invalid AcceptNewerVersion setting $($row.AcceptNewerVersion) for package $($row.PackageID) found in CSV. Please review the CSV. Exiting.." -ForegroundColor 'Red'
+ break
+ }
+ #Check InstallIntent is valid
+ if ($null -ne $row.InstallIntent -and $row.InstallIntent -ne '') {
+ if ($row.InstallIntent -notcontains 'Required' -and $row.InstallIntent -notcontains 'required' -and $row.InstallIntent -notcontains 'Available' -and $row.InstallIntent -notcontains 'available') {
+ Write-Log "Invalid InstallIntent setting $($row.InstallIntent) for package $($row.PackageID) found in CSV. Please review CSV (Use Available or Required) Exiting.." -ForegroundColor 'Red'
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ #Check Notification is valid
+ if ($null -ne $row.Notification -and $row.Notification -ne '') {
+ $validNotificationValues = 'showAll', 'showReboot', 'hideAll'
+ if ($validNotificationValues -notcontains $row.Notification.ToLower()) {
+ Write-Log "Invalid Notification setting $($row.Notification) for package $($row.PackageID) found in CSV. Please review CSV (Use showAll, showReboot, or hideAll) Exiting.." -ForegroundColor 'Red'
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ #Check GroupID is set if InstallIntent is specified
+ if ($null -ne $row.InstallIntent -and $row.InstallIntent -ne '') {
+ if ($row.GroupID -eq $null -or $row.GroupID -eq '') {
+ Write-Log "Invalid GroupID setting $($row.GroupID) for package $($row.PackageID) found in CSV. Please review CSV. If InstallIntent is set, GroupID must be set too!"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ #Check UpdateOnly is true or false
+ Write-Log "Checking UpdateOnly Value for $($row.PackageID)"
+ if ($row.UpdateOnly -ne $True -and $row.UpdateOnly -ne $False) {
+ Write-Log "Invalid UpdateOnly setting $($row.UpdateOnly) for package $($row.PackageID) found in CSV. Please review the CSV. Exiting.." -ForegroundColor 'Red'
+ break
+ }
+ #Check StopProcessInstall and StopProcessUninstall does not contain "exe" (inform should not contain .exe)
+ Write-Log "Checking StopProcessInstall Value for $($row.PackageID)"
+ if ($row.StopProcessInstall -contains '.') {
+ Write-Log "Invalid StopProcessInstall setting $($row.StopProcessInstall) for package $($row.PackageID) found in CSV. Please review the CSV. Exiting.." -ForegroundColor 'Red'
+ break
+ }
+ Write-Log "Checking StopProcessUninstall Value for $($row.PackageID)"
+ if ($row.StopProcessUninstall -contains '.') {
+ Write-Log "Invalid StopProcessUninstall setting $($row.StopProcessUninstall) for package $($row.PackageID) found in CSV. Please review the CSV. Exiting.." -ForegroundColor 'Red'
+ break
+ }
+ #Check PreScriptInstall, PostScriptInstall, PreScriptUninstall, PostScriptUninstall contains .ps1 (inform must be .ps1)
+ <#
if (
($null -ne $row.PreScriptInstall -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($row.PreScriptInstall)) -or
($null -ne $row.PostScriptInstall -and -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($row.PostScriptInstall)) -or
@@ -297,452 +302,458 @@ if (
-#Print CustomArgumentListInstall if set and wait confirm
-Write-Log "Checking CustomArgumentListInstall Value for $($row.PackageID)"
-if ($row.CustomArgumentListInstall -ne "" -or $null)
- Write-Log "-- CustomArgumentListInstall --"
- Write-Log "$($row.CustomArgumentListInstall)"
- if (!$SkipConfirmation) {
- $confirmation = Read-Host "Please confirm CustomArgumentListInstall ($PackageID)? (Y/N)"
- if ($confirmation -eq "Y" -or $confirmation -eq "y") {
- Write-Log "Confirmed"
- } else {
- Write-Log "CustomArgumentListInstall not confirmed. Exiting.."
- return
- }
-#Print CustomArgumentListUninstall if set and wait confirm
-Write-Log "Checking CustomArgumentListUninstall Value for $($row.PackageID)"
-if ($row.CustomArgumentListUninstall -ne "" -or $null)
- Write-Log "-- CustomArgumentListUninstall --"
- Write-Log "$($row.CustomArgumentListUninstall)"
- if (!$SkipConfirmation) {
- $confirmation = Read-Host "Please confirm CustomArgumentListUninstall ($PackageID)? (Y/N)"
- if ($confirmation -eq "Y" -or $confirmation -eq "y") {
- Write-Log "Confirmed"
- } else {
- Write-Log "CustomArgumentListUninstall not confirmed. Exiting.."
- return
- }
-Write-Log "Finished Validation for $($row.PackageID)"
-Write-Log "--- Validation End ---"
-Write-Log ""
-#Print Package details and wait for confirmation. If package not found break.
-$PackageIDOutLines = @(winget show --exact --id $($row.PackageID) --scope $($row.Context) --accept-source-agreements)
-#Check if targetversion specified
-if ($null -ne $row.TargetVersion -and $row.TargetVersion -ne "")
- $PackageIDOutLines = @(winget show --exact --id $($row.PackageID) --scope $($row.Context) --version $($row.TargetVersion) --accept-source-agreements)
-$PackageIDout = $PackageIDOutLines -join "`r`n"
-if ($PackageIDOutLines -notcontains "No package found matching input criteria.") {
- if ($PackageIDOutLines -notcontains " No applicable installer found; see logs for more details.") {
- if (!$SkipConfirmation) {
- Write-Log $PackageIDOut
- Write-Log "--------------------------"
- $confirmation = Read-Host "Confirm the package details above (Y/N)"
- if ($confirmation -eq "N" -or $confirmation -eq "N") {
- break
- }
- }
- } else {
- # Second condition not met
- Write-Log "Applicable installer not found for $($row.Context) context" -ForegroundColor "Red"
- $imported = $False
- $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Imported" -Value $imported #Write imported status to $row
- $errortext = "Applicable installer not found for $($row.Context) context"
- $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ErrorText" -Value $errortext #Write errortext to $row
- continue
- }
-} else {
- Write-Log "Package $($row.PackageID) not found using winget" -ForegroundColor "Red"
- return
-#Scrape Winget package details to use in InTune from $PackageIDOut
-#Scrape "Found " Scrape all line from after this
-#Scrape "Description" Regex.. Find "Description: " Scrape all line from after this
-#Clear variables
-$variables = "PackageName", "Version", "Publisher", "PublisherURL", "PublisherSupportURL", "Author", "Description", "Homepage", "License", "LicenseURL", "Copyright", "CopyrightURL", "InstallerType", "InstallerLocale", "InstallerURL", "InstallerSHA256"
-Remove-Variable -Name $variables -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
-# Use regular expressions to extract details
-$PackageName = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern "Found (.+)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
-$PackageName = $PackageName -replace "\[", "(" -replace "\]", ")" #Clean Packagename replace [] with ()
-$Version = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern "Version: (.+)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
-$Publisher = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern "Publisher: (.+)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
-$PublisherURL = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern "Publisher Url: (.+)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
-$PublisherSupportURL = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern "Publisher Support Url: (.+)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
-$Author = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern "Author: (.+)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
-$Description = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern "Description: (.+)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
-$Homepage = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern "Homepage: (.+)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
-$License = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern "License: (.+)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
-$LicenseURL = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern "License Url: (.+)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
-$Copyright = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern "Copyright: (.+)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
-$CopyrightURL = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern "Copyright Url: (.+)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
-# Extract Installer details
-$InstallerType = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern "Installer Type: (.+)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
-$InstallerLocale = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern "Installer Locale: (.+)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
-$InstallerURL = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern "Installer Url: (.+)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
-$InstallerSHA256 = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern "Installer SHA256: (.+)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
-# Loop through the variable names and assign "None" if empty or null (Avoid script issues)
-foreach ($variable in $variables) {
- if ($null -eq (Get-Variable -Name $variable -ValueOnly)) {
- Set-Variable -Name $variable -Value "None"
- }
-# Display the extracted variables
-Write-Log ""
-Write-Log "--- WinGet Scraped Metadata $($row.PackageID) ---"
-Write-Log "PackageName: $PackageName"
-Write-Log "Version: $Version"
-Write-Log "Publisher: $Publisher"
-Write-Log "PublisherURL: $PublisherURL"
-Write-Log "PublisherSupportURL: $PublisherSupportURL"
-Write-Log "Author: $Author"
-Write-Log "Description: $Description"
-Write-Log "Homepage: $Homepage"
-Write-Log "License: $License"
-Write-Log "LicenseURL: $LicenseURL"
-Write-Log "Copyright: $Copyright"
-Write-Log "CopyrightURL: $CopyrightURL"
-Write-Log "InstallerType: $InstallerType"
-Write-Log "InstallerLocale: $InstallerLocale"
-Write-Log "InstallerURL: $InstallerURL"
-Write-Log "InstallerSHA256: $InstallerSHA256"
-Write-Log ""
-Write-Log "--------------------------"
-# Build package details to prepare InTune import
-$PackageName += " ($($row.Context))"
-if ($Row.TargetVersion -ne $null){
- $PackageName += " $($row.TargetVersion)"
-$PackageName += " (WinGet)"
-if ($Row.UpdateOnly -eq $true){
- $PackageName = "Update for " + $PackageName
-#Clear ArgumentList and CommandLine parameters.
-Remove-Variable -Name ArgumentListInstall, ArgumentListUninstall, InstallCommandLine, UninstallCommandLine -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
-#Build ArgumentListInstall (if no custom argumentlist set)
-if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($row.CustomArgumentListInstall)) {
-$ArgumentListInstall = "install --exact --id $($row.PackageID) --silent --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements --scope $($row.Context)"
-if ($Row.TargetVersion -ne $null -and $Row.TargetVersion -ne "") {
-$ArgumentListInstall += " --version $($Row.TargetVersion)"
-else {
- $ArgumentListInstall = $row.CustomArgumentListInstall
-#Replace first 7 characters of ArgumentListInstall with "update" if package is UpdateOnly
-if ($Row.UpdateOnly -eq $true)
- $ArgumentListInstall = "update" + $ArgumentListInstall.Substring(7)
-#Build ArgumentListUninstall (if no custom argumentlist set)
-if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($row.CustomArgumentListUninstall)) {
-$ArgumentListUninstall = "uninstall --exact --id $($row.PackageID) --silent --accept-source-agreements --scope $($row.Context)"
-if ($Row.TargetVersion -ne $null -and $Row.TargetVersion -ne "") {
-$ArgumentListUninstall += " --version $($Row.TargetVersion)"
-else {
- $ArgumentListUninstall = $row.CustomArgumentListUninstall
-# Build install commandline
-$InstallCommandLine = "Powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File WinGet-Wrapper.ps1 -PackageName $($row.PackageID) -ArgumentList "+[char]34+"$ArgumentListInstall"+[char]34
-if ($row.StopProcessInstall -ne $null -and $row.StopProcessInstall -ne ""){
- $InstallCommandLine += " -StopProcess '$($row.StopProcessInstall)'"
-if ($row.PreScriptInstall -ne $null -and $row.PreScriptInstall -ne ""){
- $InstallCommandLine += " -Prescript '$($row.PreScriptInstall)'"
-if ($row.PostScriptInstall -ne $null -and $row.PostScriptInstall -ne "") {
- $InstallCommandLine += " -Postscript '$($row.PostScriptInstall)'"
-# Build uninstall commandline
-$UninstallCommandLine = "Powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File WinGet-Wrapper.ps1 -PackageName $($row.PackageID) -ArgumentList "+[char]34+"$ArgumentListUninstall"+[char]34
-if ($row.StopProcessUninstall -ne $null -and $row.StopProcessUninstall -ne ""){
- $UninstallCommandLine += " -StopProcess '$($row.StopProcessUninstall)'"
-if ($row.PreScriptUninstall -ne $null -and $row.PreScriptUninstall -ne "") {
- $InstallCommandLine += " -PreUninstall '$($row.PreScriptUninstall)'"
-if ($row.PostScriptUninstall -ne $null -and $row.PostScriptUninstall -ne "") {
- $InstallCommandLine += " -PostUninstall '$($row.PostScriptUninstall)'"
-Write-Log " "
-Write-Log "--InstallCommandLine--"
-Write-Log "$InstallCommandLine"
-Write-Log " "
-Write-Log "--UninstallCommandLine--"
-Write-Log "$UninstallCommandLine"
-Write-Log " "
-#Make folder to store script files
-#Find script root - set $currentDirectory
-if ($scriptRoot){
- $currentDirectory = $scriptRoot }
-else {
- $currentDirectory = $PSScriptRoot}
-write-log "currentDirectory: $currentDirectory"
-write-log "scriptRoot: $scriptRoot"
-write-log "PSScriptRoot: $PSScriptRoot"
-write-log "csvFile: $csvFile"
-write-log "LogFile: $LogFile"
-write-log "TenantID: $TenantID"
-write-log "SkipConfirmation: $SkipConfirmation"
-write-log "SkipInTuneConnection: $SkipInTuneConnection"
-write-log "SkipModuleCheck: $SkipModuleCheck"
-# Log the retrieval of variables using Get-Variable
-$variables = Get-Variable
-foreach ($variable in $variables) {
- Write-Output "Retrieving variable: $($variable.Name) = $($variable.Value)"
-# Generate foldername
-$folderName = "$($Row.PackageID)"
-$folderName += "-$($Row.Context)"
-if ($Row.UpdateOnly -eq $True) {
- $folderName += "-UpdateOnly"
-if ($Row.TargetVersion -ne $null -and $Row.TargetVersion -ne "") {
- $folderName += "-V$($Row.TargetVersion)"
-$folderName += "-$currentUser-$Timestamp"
-# Combine the current directory and "packages" to create the full "Packages" directory path
-$packagesDirectory = Join-Path -Path $currentDirectory -ChildPath "Packages"
-# Check if the "packages" directory exists, and if not, create it
-if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $packagesDirectory)) {
- New-Item -Path $packagesDirectory -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
-# Combine the "Packages" directory path with the folder name to create the full path
-$PackageFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $packagesDirectory -ChildPath $folderName
-# Create the subfolder with the desired name
-New-Item -Path $PackageFolderPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
-Write-Log "Local Package Data Location: $PackageFolderPath"
-#Build DetectionScript
-$WingetDetectionScriptSource = "$currentDirectory\WinGet-WrapperDetection.ps1"
-$WingetDetectionScriptDestination = "$PackageFolderPath\WinGet-WrapperDetection-$($Row.PackageID).ps1"
-# Copy the source script to the destination
-Copy-Item -Path $WingetDetectionScriptSource -Destination $WingetDetectionScriptDestination
-# Read the destination script
-$scriptContent = Get-Content -Path $WingetDetectionScriptDestination
-# Identify the start and end of the # Settings section
-$startPattern = "# Settings"
-$endPattern = "# EndSettings"
-# Join the script content into a single string
-$scriptText = [string]::Join([Environment]::NewLine, $scriptContent)
-# Check if the # Settings section is present
-if ($scriptText -match "(?s)$startPattern.*?$endPattern") {
- $settingsSection = $Matches[0] # Extract the # Settings section
-# If $Row.AcceptNewerVersion is $True, replace "$True" with "$True"
-if ($Row.AcceptNewerVersion -eq $True) {
- $settingsSection = $settingsSection -replace '"\$True"','$True'
-# If $Row.AcceptNewerVersion is $False, replace "$True" with "$False"
-elseif ($Row.AcceptNewerVersion -eq $False) {
- $settingsSection = $settingsSection -replace '"\$True"','$False'
- # Replace "Exact WinGet Package ID" with the actual value of $PackageID within the # Settings section
- $settingsSection = $settingsSection -replace "Exact WinGet Package ID", $Row.PackageID
- # If $TargetVersion is not null or not empty, replace "TargetVersion = ''" with "TargetVersion = '$TargetVersion'" within the # Settings section
- if ($row.TargetVersion -ne $null -and $row.TargetVersion -ne "") {
- $settingsSection = $settingsSection -replace 'TargetVersion = ""', "TargetVersion = ""$($Row.TargetVersion)"""
- }
- # Replace the updated # Settings section in the script content
- $scriptText = $scriptText -replace "(?s)$startPattern.*?$endPattern", $settingsSection
- # Save the updated script content
- Set-Content -Path $WingetDetectionScriptDestination -Value $scriptText
- Write-Log "Detection Script complete. $WingetDetectionScriptDestination"
-} else {
- Write-Log "The # Settings section was not found in the script." -ForegroundColor "Red"
-#Build RequirementScript
-if ($Row.UpdateOnly -eq $True){
- $WingetRequirementScriptSource = "$currentDirectory\Winget-WrapperRequirements.ps1"
- $WingetRequirementScriptDestination = "$PackageFolderPath\WinGet-WrapperRequirements-$($Row.PackageID).ps1"
+ #Print CustomArgumentListInstall if set and wait confirm
+ Write-Log "Checking CustomArgumentListInstall Value for $($row.PackageID)"
+ if ($row.CustomArgumentListInstall -ne '' -or $null) {
+ Write-Log '-- CustomArgumentListInstall --'
+ Write-Log "$($row.CustomArgumentListInstall)"
+ if (!$SkipConfirmation) {
+ $confirmation = Read-Host "Please confirm CustomArgumentListInstall ($PackageID)? (Y/N)"
+ if ($confirmation -eq 'Y' -or $confirmation -eq 'y') {
+ Write-Log 'Confirmed'
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Log 'CustomArgumentListInstall not confirmed. Exiting..'
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #Print CustomArgumentListUninstall if set and wait confirm
+ Write-Log "Checking CustomArgumentListUninstall Value for $($row.PackageID)"
+ if ($row.CustomArgumentListUninstall -ne '' -or $null) {
+ Write-Log '-- CustomArgumentListUninstall --'
+ Write-Log "$($row.CustomArgumentListUninstall)"
+ if (!$SkipConfirmation) {
+ $confirmation = Read-Host "Please confirm CustomArgumentListUninstall ($PackageID)? (Y/N)"
+ if ($confirmation -eq 'Y' -or $confirmation -eq 'y') {
+ Write-Log 'Confirmed'
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Log 'CustomArgumentListUninstall not confirmed. Exiting..'
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Write-Log "Finished Validation for $($row.PackageID)"
+ Write-Log '--- Validation End ---'
+ Write-Log ''
+ #Print Package details and wait for confirmation. If package not found break.
+ $PackageIDOutLines = @(winget show --exact --id $($row.PackageID) --scope $($row.Context) --accept-source-agreements)
+ #Check if targetversion specified
+ if ($null -ne $row.TargetVersion -and $row.TargetVersion -ne '') {
+ $PackageIDOutLines = @(winget show --exact --id $($row.PackageID) --scope $($row.Context) --version $($row.TargetVersion) --accept-source-agreements)
+ }
+ $PackageIDout = $PackageIDOutLines -join "`r`n"
+ if ($PackageIDOutLines -notcontains 'No package found matching input criteria.') {
+ if ($PackageIDOutLines -notcontains ' No applicable installer found; see logs for more details.') {
+ if (!$SkipConfirmation) {
+ Write-Log $PackageIDOut
+ Write-Log '--------------------------'
+ $confirmation = Read-Host 'Confirm the package details above (Y/N)'
+ if ($confirmation -eq 'N' -or $confirmation -eq 'N') {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # Second condition not met
+ Write-Log "Applicable installer not found for $($row.Context) context" -ForegroundColor 'Red'
+ $imported = $False
+ $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Imported' -Value $imported #Write imported status to $row
+ $errortext = "Applicable installer not found for $($row.Context) context"
+ $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ErrorText' -Value $errortext #Write errortext to $row
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Log "Package $($row.PackageID) not found using winget" -ForegroundColor 'Red'
+ return
+ }
+ #Scrape Winget package details to use in InTune from $PackageIDOut
+ #Scrape "Found " Scrape all line from after this
+ #Scrape "Description" Regex.. Find "Description: " Scrape all line from after this
+ #Clear variables
+ $variables = 'PackageName', 'Version', 'Publisher', 'PublisherURL', 'PublisherSupportURL', 'Author', 'Description', 'Homepage', 'License', 'LicenseURL', 'Copyright', 'CopyrightURL', 'InstallerType', 'InstallerLocale', 'InstallerURL', 'InstallerSHA256'
+ Remove-Variable -Name $variables -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ # Use regular expressions to extract details
+ $PackageName = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern 'Found (.+)' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
+ $PackageName = $PackageName -replace '\[', '(' -replace '\]', ')' #Clean Packagename replace [] with ()
+ $Version = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern 'Version: (.+)' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
+ $Publisher = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern 'Publisher: (.+)' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
+ $PublisherURL = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern 'Publisher Url: (.+)' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
+ $PublisherSupportURL = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern 'Publisher Support Url: (.+)' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
+ $Author = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern 'Author: (.+)' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
+ $Description = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern 'Description: (.+)' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
+ $Homepage = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern 'Homepage: (.+)' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
+ $License = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern 'License: (.+)' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
+ $LicenseURL = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern 'License Url: (.+)' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
+ $Copyright = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern 'Copyright: (.+)' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
+ $CopyrightURL = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern 'Copyright Url: (.+)' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
+ # Extract Installer details
+ $InstallerType = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern 'Installer Type: (.+)' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
+ $InstallerLocale = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern 'Installer Locale: (.+)' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
+ $InstallerURL = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern 'Installer Url: (.+)' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
+ $InstallerSHA256 = $PackageIDOut | Select-String -Pattern 'Installer SHA256: (.+)' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
+ # Loop through the variable names and assign "None" if empty or null (Avoid script issues)
+ foreach ($variable in $variables) {
+ if ($null -eq (Get-Variable -Name $variable -ValueOnly)) {
+ Set-Variable -Name $variable -Value 'None'
+ }
+ }
+ # Display the extracted variables
+ Write-Log ''
+ Write-Log "--- WinGet Scraped Metadata $($row.PackageID) ---"
+ Write-Log "PackageName: $PackageName"
+ Write-Log "Version: $Version"
+ Write-Log "Publisher: $Publisher"
+ Write-Log "PublisherURL: $PublisherURL"
+ Write-Log "PublisherSupportURL: $PublisherSupportURL"
+ Write-Log "Author: $Author"
+ Write-Log "Description: $Description"
+ Write-Log "Homepage: $Homepage"
+ Write-Log "License: $License"
+ Write-Log "LicenseURL: $LicenseURL"
+ Write-Log "Copyright: $Copyright"
+ Write-Log "CopyrightURL: $CopyrightURL"
+ Write-Log "InstallerType: $InstallerType"
+ Write-Log "InstallerLocale: $InstallerLocale"
+ Write-Log "InstallerURL: $InstallerURL"
+ Write-Log "InstallerSHA256: $InstallerSHA256"
+ Write-Log ''
+ Write-Log '--------------------------'
+ # Build package details to prepare InTune import
+ $PackageName += " ($($row.Context))"
+ if ($Row.TargetVersion -ne $null) {
+ $PackageName += " $($row.TargetVersion)"
+ }
+ $PackageName += ' (WinGet)'
+ if ($Row.UpdateOnly -eq $true) {
+ $PackageName = 'Update for ' + $PackageName
+ }
+ #Clear ArgumentList and CommandLine parameters.
+ Remove-Variable -Name ArgumentListInstall, ArgumentListUninstall, InstallCommandLine, UninstallCommandLine -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ #Build ArgumentListInstall (if no custom argumentlist set)
+ if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($row.CustomArgumentListInstall)) {
+ $ArgumentListInstall = "install --exact --id $($row.PackageID) --silent --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements --scope $($row.Context)"
+ if ($Row.TargetVersion -ne $null -and $Row.TargetVersion -ne '') {
+ $ArgumentListInstall += " --version $($Row.TargetVersion)"
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $ArgumentListInstall = $row.CustomArgumentListInstall
+ }
+ #Replace first 7 characters of ArgumentListInstall with "update" if package is UpdateOnly
+ if ($Row.UpdateOnly -eq $true) {
+ $ArgumentListInstall = 'update' + $ArgumentListInstall.Substring(7)
+ }
+ #Build ArgumentListUninstall (if no custom argumentlist set)
+ if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($row.CustomArgumentListUninstall)) {
+ $ArgumentListUninstall = "uninstall --exact --id $($row.PackageID) --silent --accept-source-agreements --scope $($row.Context)"
+ if ($Row.TargetVersion -ne $null -and $Row.TargetVersion -ne '') {
+ $ArgumentListUninstall += " --version $($Row.TargetVersion)"
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $ArgumentListUninstall = $row.CustomArgumentListUninstall
+ }
+ # Build install commandline
+ $InstallCommandLine = "Powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File WinGet-Wrapper.ps1 -PackageName $($row.PackageID) -ArgumentList " + [char]34 + "$ArgumentListInstall" + [char]34
+ if ($row.StopProcessInstall -ne $null -and $row.StopProcessInstall -ne '') {
+ $InstallCommandLine += " -StopProcess '$($row.StopProcessInstall)'"
+ }
+ if ($row.PreScriptInstall -ne $null -and $row.PreScriptInstall -ne '') {
+ $InstallCommandLine += " -Prescript '$($row.PreScriptInstall)'"
+ }
+ if ($row.PostScriptInstall -ne $null -and $row.PostScriptInstall -ne '') {
+ $InstallCommandLine += " -Postscript '$($row.PostScriptInstall)'"
+ }
+ # Build uninstall commandline
+ $UninstallCommandLine = "Powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File WinGet-Wrapper.ps1 -PackageName $($row.PackageID) -ArgumentList " + [char]34 + "$ArgumentListUninstall" + [char]34
+ if ($row.StopProcessUninstall -ne $null -and $row.StopProcessUninstall -ne '') {
+ $UninstallCommandLine += " -StopProcess '$($row.StopProcessUninstall)'"
+ }
+ if ($row.PreScriptUninstall -ne $null -and $row.PreScriptUninstall -ne '') {
+ $InstallCommandLine += " -PreUninstall '$($row.PreScriptUninstall)'"
+ }
+ if ($row.PostScriptUninstall -ne $null -and $row.PostScriptUninstall -ne '') {
+ $InstallCommandLine += " -PostUninstall '$($row.PostScriptUninstall)'"
+ }
+ Write-Log ' '
+ Write-Log '--InstallCommandLine--'
+ Write-Log "$InstallCommandLine"
+ Write-Log ' '
+ Write-Log '--UninstallCommandLine--'
+ Write-Log "$UninstallCommandLine"
+ Write-Log ' '
+ #Make folder to store script files
+ #Find script root - set $currentDirectory
+ if ($scriptRoot) {
+ $currentDirectory = $scriptRoot
+ }
+ else {
+ $currentDirectory = $PSScriptRoot
+ }
+ write-log "currentDirectory: $currentDirectory"
+ write-log "scriptRoot: $scriptRoot"
+ write-log "PSScriptRoot: $PSScriptRoot"
+ write-log "csvFile: $csvFile"
+ write-log "LogFile: $LogFile"
+ write-log "TenantID: $TenantID"
+ write-log "SkipConfirmation: $SkipConfirmation"
+ write-log "SkipInTuneConnection: $SkipInTuneConnection"
+ write-log "SkipModuleCheck: $SkipModuleCheck"
+ # Log the retrieval of variables using Get-Variable
+ $variables = Get-Variable
+ foreach ($variable in $variables) {
+ Write-Output "Retrieving variable: $($variable.Name) = $($variable.Value)"
+ }
+ # Generate foldername
+ $folderName = "$($Row.PackageID)"
+ $folderName += "-$($Row.Context)"
+ if ($Row.UpdateOnly -eq $True) {
+ $folderName += '-UpdateOnly'
+ }
+ if ($Row.TargetVersion -ne $null -and $Row.TargetVersion -ne '') {
+ $folderName += "-V$($Row.TargetVersion)"
+ }
+ $folderName += "-$currentUser-$Timestamp"
+ # Combine the current directory and "packages" to create the full "Packages" directory path
+ $packagesDirectory = Join-Path -Path $currentDirectory -ChildPath 'Packages'
+ # Check if the "packages" directory exists, and if not, create it
+ if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $packagesDirectory)) {
+ New-Item -Path $packagesDirectory -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
+ }
+ # Combine the "Packages" directory path with the folder name to create the full path
+ $PackageFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $packagesDirectory -ChildPath $folderName
+ # Create the subfolder with the desired name
+ New-Item -Path $PackageFolderPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
+ Write-Log "Local Package Data Location: $PackageFolderPath"
+ #Build DetectionScript
+ $WingetDetectionScriptSource = "$currentDirectory\WinGet-WrapperDetection.ps1"
+ $WingetDetectionScriptDestination = "$PackageFolderPath\WinGet-WrapperDetection-$($Row.PackageID).ps1"
+ # Copy the source script to the destination
+ Copy-Item -Path $WingetDetectionScriptSource -Destination $WingetDetectionScriptDestination
+ # Read the destination script
+ $scriptContent = Get-Content -Path $WingetDetectionScriptDestination
+ # Identify the start and end of the # Settings section
+ $startPattern = '# Settings'
+ $endPattern = '# EndSettings'
+ # Join the script content into a single string
+ $scriptText = [string]::Join([Environment]::NewLine, $scriptContent)
+ # Check if the # Settings section is present
+ if ($scriptText -match "(?s)$startPattern.*?$endPattern") {
+ $settingsSection = $Matches[0] # Extract the # Settings section
+ # If $Row.AcceptNewerVersion is $True, replace "$True" with "$True"
+ if ($Row.AcceptNewerVersion -eq $True) {
+ $settingsSection = $settingsSection -replace '"\$True"', '$True'
+ }
+ # If $Row.AcceptNewerVersion is $False, replace "$True" with "$False"
+ elseif ($Row.AcceptNewerVersion -eq $False) {
+ $settingsSection = $settingsSection -replace '"\$True"', '$False'
+ }
+ # Replace "Exact WinGet Package ID" with the actual value of $PackageID within the # Settings section
+ $settingsSection = $settingsSection -replace 'Exact WinGet Package ID', $Row.PackageID
+ # If $TargetVersion is not null or not empty, replace "TargetVersion = ''" with "TargetVersion = '$TargetVersion'" within the # Settings section
+ if ($row.TargetVersion -ne $null -and $row.TargetVersion -ne '') {
+ $settingsSection = $settingsSection -replace 'TargetVersion = ""', "TargetVersion = ""$($Row.TargetVersion)"""
+ }
+ # Replace the updated # Settings section in the script content
+ $scriptText = $scriptText -replace "(?s)$startPattern.*?$endPattern", $settingsSection
+ # Save the updated script content
+ Set-Content -Path $WingetDetectionScriptDestination -Value $scriptText
+ Write-Log "Detection Script complete. $WingetDetectionScriptDestination"
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Log 'The # Settings section was not found in the script.' -ForegroundColor 'Red'
+ }
+ #Build RequirementScript
+ if ($Row.UpdateOnly -eq $True) {
+ $WingetRequirementScriptSource = "$currentDirectory\Winget-WrapperRequirements.ps1"
+ $WingetRequirementScriptDestination = "$PackageFolderPath\WinGet-WrapperRequirements-$($Row.PackageID).ps1"
- # Copy the source script to the destination
- Copy-Item -Path $WingetRequirementScriptSource -Destination $WingetRequirementScriptDestination
+ # Copy the source script to the destination
+ Copy-Item -Path $WingetRequirementScriptSource -Destination $WingetRequirementScriptDestination
- # Read the destination script
- $scriptContent = Get-Content -Path $WingetRequirementScriptDestination
+ # Read the destination script
+ $scriptContent = Get-Content -Path $WingetRequirementScriptDestination
- # Check if "Exact WinGet Package ID" is present in the script content
- if ($scriptContent -match "Exact WinGet Package ID") {
- # Replace "Exact WinGet Package ID" with the actual value of $PackageID
- $scriptContent = $scriptContent -replace "Exact WinGet Package ID", $Row.PackageID
+ # Check if "Exact WinGet Package ID" is present in the script content
+ if ($scriptContent -match 'Exact WinGet Package ID') {
+ # Replace "Exact WinGet Package ID" with the actual value of $PackageID
+ $scriptContent = $scriptContent -replace 'Exact WinGet Package ID', $Row.PackageID
- # Save the updated script content
- Set-Content -Path $WingetRequirementScriptDestination -Value $scriptContent
+ # Save the updated script content
+ Set-Content -Path $WingetRequirementScriptDestination -Value $scriptContent
- Write-Log "Requirement Script complete. $WingetRequirementScriptDestination"
- } else {
- Write-Log "The text 'Exact WinGet Package ID' was not found in the script." -ForegroundColor "Red"
- }
- }
-#Build Targetversion to use with intune package
-if ($row.TargetVersion -ne $null -and $row.TargetVersion -ne "") {
- $VersionInfo = $row.TargetVersion
- }
-else {
- $VersionInfo = "Latest"
-#Convert Context
-if ($row.Context -in @("Machine", "machine")) {
- $ContextConverted = "System"
-elseif ($row.Context -in @("User", "user")) {
- $ContextConverted = "User"
-#Build IntuneWin Folder (including pre/postscripts if specified in CSV)
-# Create a folder named "InTuneWin" if it doesn't exist
-try {
-$intuneWinFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $PackageFolderPath -ChildPath "InTuneWin"
-if (-not (Test-Path -Path $intuneWinFolderPath -PathType Container)) {
- New-Item -Path $intuneWinFolderPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
-# Copy WinGet-Wrapper.ps1
-Copy-Item -Path "$currentDirectory\WinGet-Wrapper.ps1" -Destination $intuneWinFolderPath -ErrorAction Stop
-# Copy pre or post script if specified
-if ($row.PreScriptInstall -ne $null -and $row.PreScriptInstall -ne "") {
- Copy-Item -Path $row.PreScriptInstall -Destination $intuneWinFolderPath -ErrorAction Stop
- Write-Log "Copied $($row.PreScriptInstall) to $($intuneWinFolderPath)"
-if ($row.PostScriptInstall -ne $null -and $row.PostScriptInstall -ne "") {
- Copy-Item -Path $row.PostScriptInstall -Destination $intuneWinFolderPath -ErrorAction Stop
- Write-Log "Copied $($row.PostScriptInstall) to $($intuneWinFolderPath)"
-if ($row.PreScriptUninstall -ne $null -and $row.PreScriptUninstall -ne "") {
- Copy-Item -Path $row.PreScriptUninstall -Destination $intuneWinFolderPath -ErrorAction Stop
- Write-Log "Copied $($row.PreScriptUninstall) to $($intuneWinFolderPath)"
-if ($row.PostScriptUninstall -ne $null -and $row.PostScriptUninstall -ne "") {
- Copy-Item -Path $row.PostScriptUninstall -Destination $intuneWinFolderPath -ErrorAction Stop
- Write-Log "Copied $($row.PostScriptUninstall) to $($intuneWinFolderPath)"
-catch {
- Write-Log "Failed to copy files to build InTuneWin package. Please check pre/post script is found"
- return
-# Build WinGet-Wrapper.intunewin
-Write-Log "Building WinGet-Wrapper.InTuneWin file"
-try {
-[string]$toolargs = "-c ""$($intuneWinFolderPath)"" -s ""WinGet-Wrapper.ps1"" -o ""$($PackageFolderPath)"" -q"
+ Write-Log "Requirement Script complete. $WingetRequirementScriptDestination"
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Log "The text 'Exact WinGet Package ID' was not found in the script." -ForegroundColor 'Red'
+ }
+ }
+ #Build Targetversion to use with intune package
+ if ($row.TargetVersion -ne $null -and $row.TargetVersion -ne '') {
+ $VersionInfo = $row.TargetVersion
+ }
+ else {
+ $VersionInfo = 'Latest'
+ }
+ #Convert Context
+ if ($row.Context -in @('Machine', 'machine')) {
+ $ContextConverted = 'System'
+ }
+ elseif ($row.Context -in @('User', 'user')) {
+ $ContextConverted = 'User'
+ }
+ #Build IntuneWin Folder (including pre/postscripts if specified in CSV)
+ # Create a folder named "InTuneWin" if it doesn't exist
+ try {
+ $intuneWinFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $PackageFolderPath -ChildPath 'InTuneWin'
+ if (-not (Test-Path -Path $intuneWinFolderPath -PathType Container)) {
+ New-Item -Path $intuneWinFolderPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
+ }
+ # Copy WinGet-Wrapper.ps1
+ Copy-Item -Path "$currentDirectory\WinGet-Wrapper.ps1" -Destination $intuneWinFolderPath -ErrorAction Stop
+ # Copy pre or post script if specified
+ if ($row.PreScriptInstall -ne $null -and $row.PreScriptInstall -ne '') {
+ Copy-Item -Path $row.PreScriptInstall -Destination $intuneWinFolderPath -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-Log "Copied $($row.PreScriptInstall) to $($intuneWinFolderPath)"
+ }
+ if ($row.PostScriptInstall -ne $null -and $row.PostScriptInstall -ne '') {
+ Copy-Item -Path $row.PostScriptInstall -Destination $intuneWinFolderPath -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-Log "Copied $($row.PostScriptInstall) to $($intuneWinFolderPath)"
+ }
+ if ($row.PreScriptUninstall -ne $null -and $row.PreScriptUninstall -ne '') {
+ Copy-Item -Path $row.PreScriptUninstall -Destination $intuneWinFolderPath -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-Log "Copied $($row.PreScriptUninstall) to $($intuneWinFolderPath)"
+ }
+ if ($row.PostScriptUninstall -ne $null -and $row.PostScriptUninstall -ne '') {
+ Copy-Item -Path $row.PostScriptUninstall -Destination $intuneWinFolderPath -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-Log "Copied $($row.PostScriptUninstall) to $($intuneWinFolderPath)"
+ }
+ }
+ catch {
+ Write-Log 'Failed to copy files to build InTuneWin package. Please check pre/post script is found'
+ return
+ }
+ # Build WinGet-Wrapper.intunewin
+ Write-Log 'Building WinGet-Wrapper.InTuneWin file'
+ try {
+ [string]$toolargs = "-c ""$($intuneWinFolderPath)"" -s ""WinGet-Wrapper.ps1"" -o ""$($PackageFolderPath)"" -q"
(Start-Process -FilePath "$currentDirectory\IntuneWinAppUtil.exe" -ArgumentList $toolargs -PassThru:$true -ErrorAction Stop -NoNewWindow).WaitForExit()
- # Check that IntuneWin was created
- if (Test-Path -Path "$PackageFolderPath\WinGet-Wrapper.intunewin" -PathType Leaf) {
- Write-Log "IntuneWinAppUtil.exe built WinGet-Wrapper.intunewin for $PackageName"
- }
- else {
- Write-Log "IntuneWinAppUtil.exe could not build WinGet-Wrapper.intunewin"
- return
- }
+ # Check that IntuneWin was created
+ if (Test-Path -Path "$PackageFolderPath\WinGet-Wrapper.intunewin" -PathType Leaf) {
+ Write-Log "IntuneWinAppUtil.exe built WinGet-Wrapper.intunewin for $PackageName"
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Log 'IntuneWinAppUtil.exe could not build WinGet-Wrapper.intunewin'
+ return
+ }
-catch {
- Write-Log "Error running IntuneWinAppUtil.exe"
- return
-#Set WinGet-Wrapper.intunewin path
-$WinGetWrapperInTuneWinFilePath = Join-Path -Path $PackageFolderPath -ChildPath 'WinGet-Wrapper.intunewin'
-$DetectionRuleScript = New-IntuneWin32AppDetectionRuleScript -ScriptFile $WingetDetectionScriptDestination
-#RequirementRule Base
-$RequirementRule = New-IntuneWin32AppRequirementRule -Architecture "All" -MinimumSupportedWindowsRelease "W10_20H2"
-# Build base Add-InTuneWin32App Arguments
-$AddInTuneWin32AppArguments = @{
- FilePath = "$WinGetWrapperInTuneWinFilePath"
- DisplayName = "$PackageName"
- Description = "$Description"
- Publisher = "$Publisher"
- AppVersion = "$VersionInfo"
- Developer = "$Author"
- InstallCommandLine = "$InstallCommandLine"
- UninstallCommandLine = "$UninstallCommandLine"
- InstallExperience = "$ContextConverted"
- RestartBehavior = "suppress"
- Owner = "$currentUser"
- Notes = "Created by $currentUser at $Timestamp using WinGet-WrapperCreateFromCSV (https://github.com/SorenLundt/WinGet-Wrapper)"
- DetectionRule = $DetectionRuleScript
- RequirementRule = $RequirementRule
-# Build AdditionalRequirementRule (if UpdateOnly True)
-if ($Row.UpdateOnly -eq $True) {
- $AdditionalRequirementRule = New-IntuneWin32AppRequirementRuleScript -ScriptFile $WingetRequirementScriptDestination -ScriptContext "$ContextConverted" -StringComparisonOperator "equal" -StringOutputDataType -StringValue "Installed"
- $AddInTuneWin32AppArguments.AdditionalRequirementRule = $AdditionalRequirementRule
-} else {
-# If overwrite enabled , remove win32app from intune before importing
-# Disabled section. Needs more work.
+ }
+ catch {
+ Write-Log 'Error running IntuneWinAppUtil.exe'
+ return
+ }
+ #Set WinGet-Wrapper.intunewin path
+ $WinGetWrapperInTuneWinFilePath = Join-Path -Path $PackageFolderPath -ChildPath 'WinGet-Wrapper.intunewin'
+ #Detection
+ $DetectionRuleScript = New-IntuneWin32AppDetectionRuleScript -ScriptFile $WingetDetectionScriptDestination
+ #RequirementRule Base
+ $RequirementRule = New-IntuneWin32AppRequirementRule -Architecture 'All' -MinimumSupportedWindowsRelease 'W10_20H2'
+ # Build base Add-InTuneWin32App Arguments
+ $AddInTuneWin32AppArguments = @{
+ FilePath = "$WinGetWrapperInTuneWinFilePath"
+ DisplayName = "$PackageName"
+ Description = "$Description"
+ Publisher = "$Publisher"
+ AppVersion = "$VersionInfo"
+ Developer = "$Author"
+ InstallCommandLine = "$InstallCommandLine"
+ UninstallCommandLine = "$UninstallCommandLine"
+ InstallExperience = "$ContextConverted"
+ RestartBehavior = 'suppress'
+ Owner = "$currentUser"
+ Notes = "Created by $currentUser at $Timestamp using WinGet-WrapperCreateFromCSV (https://github.com/SorenLundt/WinGet-Wrapper)"
+ DetectionRule = $DetectionRuleScript
+ RequirementRule = $RequirementRule
+ }
+ # Build AdditionalRequirementRule (if UpdateOnly True)
+ if ($Row.UpdateOnly -eq $True) {
+ $AdditionalRequirementRule = New-IntuneWin32AppRequirementRuleScript -ScriptFile $WingetRequirementScriptDestination -ScriptContext "$ContextConverted" -StringComparisonOperator 'equal' -StringOutputDataType -StringValue 'Installed'
+ $AddInTuneWin32AppArguments.AdditionalRequirementRule = $AdditionalRequirementRule
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ # If overwrite enabled , remove win32app from intune before importing
+ # Disabled section. Needs more work.
+ <#
if ($Overwrite -eq $True) {
Write-Log "Overwrite enabled - Attempting to remove Win32App if it already exists in InTune - $PackageName "
@@ -775,8 +786,8 @@ if ($Overwrite -eq $True) {
-# Disabled section. Needs more work.
+ # Disabled section. Needs more work.
+ <#
Write-Log "Checking if application already exists in Intune - $PackageName"
# Get the Intune Win32 apps with the specified display name
$CheckIntuneAppExists = Get-IntuneWin32App -DisplayName "$PackageName" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
@@ -796,85 +807,109 @@ Write-Log "Checking if application already exists in Intune - $PackageName"
-#Import application to InTune
-try {
- Write-Log "Importing application '$PackageName' to InTune"
- $AppImport = Add-IntuneWin32App @AddInTuneWin32AppArguments -WarningAction Continue -ErrorAction Continue
- $AppID = $AppImport.ID
- $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AppID" -Value $AppID #Write AppID to $row
- Write-Log "Imported application '$PackageName' to InTune" -ForeGroundColor "Green"
- $imported = $True
-catch {
- Write-Log "An error occurred: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForeGroundColor "Red"
- $imported = $False
- $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Imported" -Value $imported #Write imported status to $row
- $errortext = "Error Importing: $($_.Exception.Message)"
- $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ErrorText" -Value $errortext #Write errortext to $row
- continue
-# Deploy Application if set - Install Intent "Required"
-try {
- if ($Row.InstallIntent -contains "Required" -and ($null -ne $Row.GroupID -and $Row.GroupID -ne "")) {
- Add-IntuneWin32AppAssignmentGroup -Include -ID $Row.AppID -GroupID $Row.GroupID -Intent $row.InstallIntent -Notification $row.Notification -ErrorAction continue
- Write-Log "Deployed AppID:$($Row.AppID) to $($Row.GroupID)" -ForeGroundColor "Green"
- }
+ #Import application to InTune
+ try {
+ Write-Log "Importing application '$PackageName' to InTune"
+ $AppImport = Add-IntuneWin32App @AddInTuneWin32AppArguments -WarningAction Stop
+ $AppID = $AppImport.ID
+ $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'AppID' -Value $AppID #Write AppID to $row
+ Write-Log "Imported application '$PackageName' to InTune" -ForeGroundColor 'Green'
+ $imported = $True
+ }
+ catch {
+ # Check if permission is missing and fix it
+ if ($($_.Exception.Message) -match "DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All") {
+ Connect-MgGraph -ClientId $ClientID -Scope 'DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All' -TenantId $TenantID -ErrorAction Stop
+ Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
+ # Try again to upload after permission grant
+ try {
+ Write-Log "Importing application '$PackageName' to InTune"
+ $AppImport = Add-IntuneWin32App @AddInTuneWin32AppArguments -WarningAction Stop
+ $AppID = $AppImport.ID
+ $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'AppID' -Value $AppID #Write AppID to $row
+ Write-Log "Imported application '$PackageName' to InTune" -ForeGroundColor 'Green'
+ $imported = $True
+ }
+ catch {
+ Write-Log "An error occurred: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForeGroundColor 'Red'
+ $imported = $False
+ $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Imported' -Value $imported #Write imported status to $row
+ $errortext = "Error Importing: $($_.Exception.Message)"
+ $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ErrorText' -Value $errortext #Write errortext to $row
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Log "An error occurred: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForeGroundColor 'Red'
+ $imported = $False
+ $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Imported' -Value $imported #Write imported status to $row
+ $errortext = "Error Importing: $($_.Exception.Message)"
+ $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ErrorText' -Value $errortext #Write errortext to $row
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ # Deploy Application if set - Install Intent "Required"
+ try {
+ if ($Row.InstallIntent -contains 'Required' -and ($null -ne $Row.GroupID -and $Row.GroupID -ne '')) {
+ Add-IntuneWin32AppAssignmentGroup -Include -ID $Row.AppID -GroupID $Row.GroupID -Intent $row.InstallIntent -Notification $row.Notification -ErrorAction continue
+ Write-Log "Deployed AppID:$($Row.AppID) to $($Row.GroupID)" -ForeGroundColor 'Green'
+ }
- # Deploy Application if set - Install Intent "Available"
- if ($Row.InstallIntent -contains "Available" -and ($null -ne $Row.GroupID -and $Row.GroupID -ne "")) {
- Add-IntuneWin32AppAssignmentGroup -Include -ID $Row.AppID -GroupID $Row.GroupID -Intent $row.InstallIntent -Notification $row.Notification -ErrorAction continue
- Write-Log "Deployed AppID:$($Row.AppID) to $($Row.GroupID)" -ForeGroundColor "Green"
- }
- catch {
- Write-Log "Error deploying $($Row.PackageID) : $_"
+ # Deploy Application if set - Install Intent "Available"
+ if ($Row.InstallIntent -contains 'Available' -and ($null -ne $Row.GroupID -and $Row.GroupID -ne '')) {
+ Add-IntuneWin32AppAssignmentGroup -Include -ID $Row.AppID -GroupID $Row.GroupID -Intent $row.InstallIntent -Notification $row.Notification -ErrorAction continue
+ Write-Log "Deployed AppID:$($Row.AppID) to $($Row.GroupID)" -ForeGroundColor 'Green'
+ }
+ }
+ catch {
+ Write-Log "Error deploying $($Row.PackageID) : $_"
+ }
+ #Success
+ $imported = $True
+ $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Imported' -Value $imported #Write imported status to $row
-$imported = $True
-$row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Imported" -Value $imported #Write imported status to $row
+ }
+ catch {
+ #Failed
+ $imported = $False
+ $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Imported' -Value $imported #Write imported status to $row
+ $errortext = "Unknown Error: $_.Exception.Message"
+ $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ErrorText' -Value $errortext #Write errortext to $row
- }
- catch {
- #Failed
- $imported = $False
- $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Imported" -Value $imported #Write imported status to $row
- $errortext = "Unknown Error: $_.Exception.Message"
- $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ErrorText" -Value $errortext #Write errortext to $row
+ }
- }
+ #If more packages to import, wait 15 seconds to avoid throttling. Microsoft Graph throttling ?
+ # Check if there are more than 2 rows in $data
+ if ($data.Count -gt 2) {
+ Write-Log 'Waiting 15s before importing next package.. (Throttle)'
+ Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
+ }
-#If more packages to import, wait 15 seconds to avoid throttling. Microsoft Graph throttling ?
- # Check if there are more than 2 rows in $data
- if ($data.Count -gt 2) {
- Write-Log "Waiting 15s before importing next package.. (Throttle)"
- Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
###### END FOREACH ######
#Write Results
-Write-Log "---- RESULTS Package Creation ----"
+Write-Log '---- RESULTS Package Creation ----'
foreach ($row in $data) {
$importedStatus = $row.Imported
- $textColor = "Green" # Default to green
- $importedtext = "Success" #Default to success
+ $textColor = 'Green' # Default to green
+ $importedtext = 'Success' #Default to success
if (-not $importedStatus) {
- $textColor = "Red" # Change to red if Imported is False
- $importedtext = "Failed"
+ $textColor = 'Red' # Change to red if Imported is False
+ $importedtext = 'Failed'
- Write-Log ""
+ Write-Log ''
$formattedText = "IMPORTED:$ImportedText PackageID:$($row.PackageID) AppID:$($row.AppID) TargetVersion:$($row.TargetVersion) Context:$($row.Context) UpdateOnly: $($row.UpdateOnly) AcceptNewerVersion: $($row.AcceptNewerVersion) ErrorText: $($row.ErrorText)"
Write-Log $formattedText -ForegroundColor $textColor
# If deployed also show these results
- if ($null = $row.GroupID -or $row.GroupID -ne ""){
- if ($importedStatus -eq $True)
- {
- Write-Log "> DEPLOYED:$($row.PackageID) AppID:$($row.AppID) ----> GroupID:$($row.GroupID) InstallIntent:$($row.InstallIntent) Notification:$($row.Notification)" -ForegroundColor $textColor
+ if ($null = $row.GroupID -or $row.GroupID -ne '') {
+ if ($importedStatus -eq $True) {
+ Write-Log "> DEPLOYED:$($row.PackageID) AppID:$($row.AppID) ----> GroupID:$($row.GroupID) InstallIntent:$($row.InstallIntent) Notification:$($row.Notification)" -ForegroundColor $textColor
Write-Host "Log File: $LogFile"
diff --git a/WinGet-WrapperImportGUI.ps1 b/WinGet-WrapperImportGUI.ps1
index 9e80549..f6a7c81 100644
--- a/WinGet-WrapperImportGUI.ps1
+++ b/WinGet-WrapperImportGUI.ps1
@@ -20,21 +20,21 @@ Param (
# Greeting
-write-host ""
-Write-Host "****************************************************"
-Write-Host " WinGet-Wrapper)"
-Write-Host " https://github.com/SorenLundt/WinGet-Wrapper"
-Write-Host ""
-Write-Host " GNU General Public License v3"
-Write-Host "****************************************************"
-write-host " WinGet-WrapperImportGUI Starting up.."
-write-host ""
+Write-Host ''
+Write-Host '****************************************************'
+Write-Host ' WinGet-Wrapper)'
+Write-Host ' https://github.com/SorenLundt/WinGet-Wrapper'
+Write-Host ''
+Write-Host ' GNU General Public License v3'
+Write-Host '****************************************************'
+Write-Host ' WinGet-WrapperImportGUI Starting up..'
+Write-Host ''
# Function to show loading progress bar in console.
function Show-ConsoleProgress {
param (
- [string]$Activity = "Loading Winget-Wrapper Import GUI",
- [string]$Status = "",
+ [string]$Activity = 'Loading Winget-Wrapper Import GUI',
+ [string]$Status = '',
[int]$PercentComplete = 0
Write-Host "$Status - [$PercentComplete%]"
@@ -42,90 +42,116 @@ function Show-ConsoleProgress {
# Update ConsoleProgress
-Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 0 -Status "Initializing..."
+Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 0 -Status 'Initializing...'
# Add required assemblies
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
# Set the timestamp for log file
-$timestamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmmss"
+$timestamp = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmss'
#Find Script root path
if (-not $PSScriptRoot) {
$scriptRoot = (Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem).ProviderPath
-} else {
+else {
$scriptRoot = $PSScriptRoot
# Create logs folder if it doesn't exist
-$LogFolder = Join-Path -Path $scriptRoot -ChildPath "Logs"
- # Create logs folder if it doesn't exist
- if (-not (Test-Path -Path $LogFolder)) {
- New-Item -Path $LogFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
- }
+$LogFolder = Join-Path -Path $scriptRoot -ChildPath 'Logs'
+# Create logs folder if it doesn't exist
+if (-not (Test-Path -Path $LogFolder)) {
+ New-Item -Path $LogFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
# Install and load required modules
-$intuneWin32AppModule = "IntuneWin32App"
-$microsoftGraphIntuneModule = "Microsoft.Graph.Intune"
+$intuneWin32AppModule = 'IntuneWin32App'
+$microsoftGraphIntuneModule = 'Microsoft.Graph.Intune'
+$microsoftGraphAuthenticationModule = 'Microsoft.Graph.Authentication'
#DEBUG (Skip ModuleCheck)
-# Check IntuneWin32App module
-# Update ConsoleProgress
-Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 10 -Status "Checking and updating $intuneWin32AppModule.."
-$moduleInstalled = Get-InstalledModule -Name $intuneWin32AppModule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
-if (-not $moduleInstalled) {
- Install-Module -Name $intuneWin32AppModule -Force
-} else {
- $latestVersion = (Find-Module -Name $intuneWin32AppModule).Version
- if ($moduleInstalled.Version -lt $latestVersion) {
- Update-Module -Name $intuneWin32AppModule -Force
- } else {
- Write-Host "Module $intuneWin32AppModule is already up-to-date." -ForegroundColor Green
+ # Check IntuneWin32App module
+ # Update ConsoleProgress
+ Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 10 -Status "Checking and updating $intuneWin32AppModule.."
+ $moduleInstalled = Get-InstalledModule -Name $intuneWin32AppModule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ if (-not $moduleInstalled) {
+ Install-Module -Name $intuneWin32AppModule -Force
+ else {
+ $latestVersion = (Find-Module -Name $intuneWin32AppModule).Version
+ if ($moduleInstalled.Version -lt $latestVersion) {
+ Update-Module -Name $intuneWin32AppModule -Force
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Host "Module $intuneWin32AppModule is already up-to-date." -ForegroundColor Green
+ }
+ }
+ # Check Microsoft.Graph.Intune module
+ # Update ConsoleProgress
+ Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 40 -Status "Checking and updating $microsoftGraphIntuneModule.."
+ $moduleInstalled = Get-InstalledModule -Name $microsoftGraphIntuneModule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
-# Check Microsoft.Graph.Intune module
-# Update ConsoleProgress
-Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 40 -Status "Checking and updating $microsoftGraphIntuneModule.."
-$moduleInstalled = Get-InstalledModule -Name $microsoftGraphIntuneModule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
-if (-not $moduleInstalled) {
- Install-Module -Name $microsoftGraphIntuneModule -Force
-} else {
- $latestVersion = (Find-Module -Name $microsoftGraphIntuneModule).Version
- if ($moduleInstalled.Version -lt $latestVersion) {
- Update-Module -Name $microsoftGraphIntuneModule -Force
- } else {
- Write-Host "Module $microsoftGraphIntuneModule is already up-to-date." -ForegroundColor Green
+ if (-not $moduleInstalled) {
+ Install-Module -Name $microsoftGraphIntuneModule -Force
+ }
+ else {
+ $latestVersion = (Find-Module -Name $microsoftGraphIntuneModule).Version
+ if ($moduleInstalled.Version -lt $latestVersion) {
+ Update-Module -Name $microsoftGraphIntuneModule -Force
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Host "Module $microsoftGraphIntuneModule is already up-to-date." -ForegroundColor Green
+ }
+ }
+ # Check Microsoft.Graph.Authentication module
+ # Update ConsoleProgress
+ Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 40 -Status "Checking and updating $microsoftGraphAuthenticationModule.."
+ $moduleInstalled = Get-InstalledModule -Name $microsoftGraphAuthenticationModule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ if (-not $moduleInstalled) {
+ Install-Module -Name $microsoftGraphAuthenticationModule -Force
+ }
+ else {
+ $latestVersion = (Find-Module -Name $microsoftGraphAuthenticationModule).Version
+ if ($moduleInstalled.Version -lt $latestVersion) {
+ Update-Module -Name $microsoftGraphAuthenticationModule -Force
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Host "Module $microsoftGraphAuthenticationModule is already up-to-date." -ForegroundColor Green
+ }
#Import modules
-Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 60 -Status "Importing module $intuneWin32AppModule.."
-Import-Module -Name "IntuneWin32App"
+Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 60 -Status "Importing module $intuneWin32AppModule.."
+Import-Module -Name 'IntuneWin32App'
-Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 80 -Status "Importing module $microsoftGraphIntuneModule.."
-Import-Module -Name "Microsoft.Graph.Intune"
+Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 80 -Status "Importing module $microsoftGraphIntuneModule.."
+Import-Module -Name 'Microsoft.Graph.Intune'
-Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 90 -Status "Unblocking script files (Unblock-File)"
+Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 90 -Status 'Unblocking script files (Unblock-File)'
# Unblock all files in the current directory
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path . -File
foreach ($file in $files) {
try {
Unblock-File -Path $file.FullName
- } catch {
+ }
+ catch {
Write-Host "Failed to unblock: $($file.FullName) - $_"
# Update ConsoleProgress
-Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 80 -Status "Loading functions.."
+Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 80 -Status 'Loading functions..'
function Write-ConsoleTextBox {
@@ -135,7 +161,7 @@ function Write-ConsoleTextBox {
if (-not $NoTimeStamp) {
- $TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
+ $TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
$Message = "[$TimeStamp] $Message"
@@ -162,12 +188,12 @@ function Update-GUIFromLogFile {
# Update ConsoleProgress
-Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 90 -Status "Loading GUI elements.."
+Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 90 -Status 'Loading GUI elements..'
# Create form
$form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
-$form.Text = "Winget-Wrapper Import GUI - https://github.com/SorenLundt/WinGet-Wrapper"
+$form.Text = 'Winget-Wrapper Import GUI - https://github.com/SorenLundt/WinGet-Wrapper'
$form.Width = 1475
$form.Height = 980
$form.BackColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::WhiteSmoke
@@ -176,12 +202,13 @@ $form.Topmost = $false
$form.MaximizeBox = $False
# Set the icon for the form
-write-host "$scriptRoot"
-$iconPath = Join-Path -Path $scriptRoot -ChildPath "Winget-Wrapper.ico"
+Write-Host "$scriptRoot"
+$iconPath = Join-Path -Path $scriptRoot -ChildPath 'Winget-Wrapper.ico'
if (Test-Path $iconPath) {
$icon = New-Object System.Drawing.Icon($iconPath)
$form.Icon = $icon
-} else {
+else {
Write-Host "Icon file not found at $iconPath"
@@ -219,13 +246,13 @@ $form.Controls.Add($ColumnHelpLabel)
# Add click event to the LinkLabel
- Start-Process "https://github.com/SorenLundt/WinGet-Wrapper" # Change to your desired URL
+ Start-Process 'https://github.com/SorenLundt/WinGet-Wrapper' # Change to your desired URL
+ })
# Click event for Column Help Button
- GetColumnDefinitions
+ GetColumnDefinitions
+ })
# Create TextBox for search string
$searchBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
@@ -239,7 +266,7 @@ $searchBoxtooltip.SetToolTip($searchBox, 'Enter software name, ex. VLC, 7-zip, e
$searchButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$searchButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(420, 8)
$searchButton.Width = 50
-$searchButton.Text = "Search"
+$searchButton.Text = 'Search'
# Create Label to display search error
@@ -253,7 +280,7 @@ $form.Controls.Add($searchErrorLabel)
$resultsLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$resultsLabel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(10, 37)
$resultsLabel.Width = 200
-$resultsLabel.Text = "WinGet Packages"
+$resultsLabel.Text = 'WinGet Packages'
# Create DataGridView for results
@@ -265,9 +292,9 @@ $dataGridView.SelectionMode = [System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewSelectionMode]::
# Add columns to DataGridView
-$dataGridView.Columns.Add("Name", "Name")
-$dataGridView.Columns.Add("ID", "ID")
-$dataGridView.Columns.Add("Version", "Version")
+$dataGridView.Columns.Add('Name', 'Name')
+$dataGridView.Columns.Add('ID', 'ID')
+$dataGridView.Columns.Add('Version', 'Version')
# Set initial widths for columns in the DataGridView
$dataGridView.Columns['Name'].Width = 200 # Adjust the width as needed
@@ -278,7 +305,7 @@ $dataGridView.Columns['Version'].Width = 100 # Adjust the width as needed
$resultsLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$resultsLabel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(650, 37)
$resultsLabel.Width = 200
-$resultsLabel.Text = "InTune Import List"
+$resultsLabel.Text = 'InTune Import List'
# Create a second DataGridView
@@ -289,33 +316,33 @@ $dataGridViewSelected.Height = 500
# Add columns to the second DataGridView
-$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add("PackageID", "PackageID")
-$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add("Context", "Context")
-$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add("AcceptNewerVersion", "AcceptNewerVersion")
-$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add("UpdateOnly", "UpdateOnly")
-$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add("TargetVersion", "TargetVersion")
-$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add("StopProcessInstall", "StopProcessInstall")
-$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add("StopProcessUninstall", "StopProcessUninstall")
-$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add("PreScriptInstall", "PreScriptInstall")
-$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add("PostScriptInstall", "PostScriptInstall")
-$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add("PreScriptUninstall", "PreScriptUninstall")
-$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add("PostScriptUninstall", "PostScriptUninstall")
-$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add("CustomArgumentListInstall", "CustomArgumentListInstall")
-$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add("CustomArgumentListUninstall", "CustomArgumentListUninstall")
-$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add("InstallIntent", "InstallIntent")
-$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add("Notification", "Notification")
-$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add("GroupID", "GroupID")
+$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add('PackageID', 'PackageID')
+$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add('Context', 'Context')
+$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add('AcceptNewerVersion', 'AcceptNewerVersion')
+$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add('UpdateOnly', 'UpdateOnly')
+$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add('TargetVersion', 'TargetVersion')
+$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add('StopProcessInstall', 'StopProcessInstall')
+$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add('StopProcessUninstall', 'StopProcessUninstall')
+$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add('PreScriptInstall', 'PreScriptInstall')
+$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add('PostScriptInstall', 'PostScriptInstall')
+$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add('PreScriptUninstall', 'PreScriptUninstall')
+$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add('PostScriptUninstall', 'PostScriptUninstall')
+$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add('CustomArgumentListInstall', 'CustomArgumentListInstall')
+$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add('CustomArgumentListUninstall', 'CustomArgumentListUninstall')
+$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add('InstallIntent', 'InstallIntent')
+$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add('Notification', 'Notification')
+$dataGridViewSelected.Columns.Add('GroupID', 'GroupID')
# Set initial widths for columns in the DataGridViewSelected
-foreach ($column in $dataGridViewSelected.Columns){
- $column.Width = "80"
+foreach ($column in $dataGridViewSelected.Columns) {
+ $column.Width = '80'
# Create Button for exporting CSV from dataGridViewSelected
$exportButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$exportButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(760, 565)
$exportButton.Width = 100
-$exportButton.Text = "Export CSV"
+$exportButton.Text = 'Export CSV'
# Create Button for moving selected rows with a right-arrow icon
@@ -333,10 +360,10 @@ $arrowIcon = New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap 50, 50
$arrowGraphics = [System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($arrowIcon)
$arrowBrush = [System.Drawing.Brushes]::Black
$arrowGraphics.FillPolygon($arrowBrush, @(
- [System.Drawing.Point]::new(10, 10),
- [System.Drawing.Point]::new(30, 25),
- [System.Drawing.Point]::new(10, 40)
+ [System.Drawing.Point]::new(10, 10),
+ [System.Drawing.Point]::new(30, 25),
+ [System.Drawing.Point]::new(10, 40)
+ ))
# Set the button's appearance and icon
@@ -344,56 +371,110 @@ $moveButton.FlatStyle = 'Flat'
$moveButton.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0
$moveButton.BackgroundImage = $arrowIcon
$moveButton.BackgroundImageLayout = 'Stretch'
-$moveButton.Text = ""
+$moveButton.Text = ''
# Create Button for deleting selected rows
$deleteButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$deleteButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(1350, 565)
$deleteButton.Width = 100
-$deleteButton.Text = "Delete Selected"
+$deleteButton.Text = 'Delete Selected'
# Create Button for importing CSV to dataGridViewSelected
$importCSVButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$importCSVButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(650, 565)
$importCSVButton.Width = 100
-$importCSVButton.Text = "Import CSV"
+$importCSVButton.Text = 'Import CSV'
# Create a TextBox for console output
$consoleTextBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
-$consoleTextBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(10, 650)
+$consoleTextBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(10, 680)
$consoleTextBox.Width = 1420
$consoleTextBox.Height = 280
$consoleTextBox.Multiline = $true
-$consoleTextBox.ScrollBars = "Vertical"
+$consoleTextBox.ScrollBars = 'Vertical'
# Create Button for importing data into InTune
$InTuneimportButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
-$InTuneimportButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(650, 615)
+$InTuneimportButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(650, 640)
$InTuneimportButton.Width = 120
-$InTuneimportButton.Text = "Import to InTune"
+$InTuneimportButton.Text = 'Import to InTune'
$IntuneImportButton.Visible = $True
+# Create Label for $tenantId
+$tenantIdLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
+$tenantIdLabel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(650, 600)
+$tenantIdLabel.Width = 200
+$tenantIdLabel.Height = 15
+$tenantIdLabel.Text = 'Tenant ID'
# Create TextBox for Tenant ID
$tenantIDTextBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
-$tenantIDTextBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(650, 590)
-$tenantIDTextBox.Width = 300
+$tenantIDTextBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(650, 615)
+$tenantIDTextBox.Width = 250
# Help text for Tenant ID textbox
-$tenantIDTextBoxDefaultText = "Enter Tenant ID (e.g., company.onmicrosoft.com)"
+$tenantIDTextBoxDefaultText = 'Enter Tenant ID (e.g., company.onmicrosoft.com)'
$tenantIDTextBox.Text = "$tenantIDTextBoxDefaultText"
$tenantIDTextBox.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Gray
+# Create Label for $clientId
+$clientIdLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
+$clientIdLabel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(920, 600)
+$clientIdLabel.Width = 50
+$clientIdLabel.Height = 15
+$clientIdLabel.Text = 'Client ID'
+$clientIdDefaultLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
+$clientIdDefaultLabel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(970, 600)
+$clientIdDefaultLabel.Width = 230
+$clientIdDefaultLabel.Height = 15
+$clientIdDefaultLabel.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Arial', 8)
+$clientIdDefaultLabel.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Gray
+$clientIdDefaultLabel.Text = 'Default: Microsoft Graph Command Line Tools'
+# Create TextBox for Client ID
+$clientIDTextBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
+$clientIDTextBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(920, 615)
+$clientIDTextBox.Width = 280
+# Help text for Client textbox
+$clientIDTextBox.Text = '14d82eec-204b-4c2f-b7e8-296a70dab67e'
+#$clientIDTextBox.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Gray
+# Create Label for $redirectURI
+$redirectLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
+$redirectLabel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(1210, 600)
+$redirectLabel.Width = 190
+$redirectLabel.Height = 15
+$redirectLabel.Text = 'Redirect URI'
+# Create TextBox for Redirect URL
+$redirectURLTextBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
+$redirectURLTextBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(1210, 615)
+$redirectURLTextBox.Width = 200
+# Help text for Redirect url textbox
+$redirectURLTextBox.Text = 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient'
+#$redirectURLTextBox.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Gray
# Create Button for Getting Package Details
$GetPackageDetails = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$GetPackageDetails.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(10, 565)
$GetPackageDetails.Width = 240
-$GetPackageDetails.Text = "Get detailed info for selected package(s)"
+$GetPackageDetails.Text = 'Get detailed info for selected package(s)'
$GetPackageDetails.Visible = $True
@@ -401,187 +482,223 @@ $form.Controls.Add($GetPackageDetails)
$GetPackageVersions = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$GetPackageVersions.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(260, 565)
$GetPackageVersions.Width = 240
-$GetPackageVersions.Text = "Get available versions for selected package(s)"
+$GetPackageVersions.Text = 'Get available versions for selected package(s)'
$GetPackageVersions.Visible = $True
# Update ConsoleProgress
-Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 95 -Status "Loading Event handlers.."
+Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 95 -Status 'Loading Event handlers..'
# Event handler for when the textbox gains focus (Enter event)
- if ($tenantIDTextBox.Text -eq "$tenantIDTextBoxDefaultText") {
- $tenantIDTextBox.Text = ""
- $tenantIDTextBox.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Black
- }
+ if ($tenantIDTextBox.Text -eq "$tenantIDTextBoxDefaultText") {
+ $tenantIDTextBox.Text = ''
+ $tenantIDTextBox.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Black
+ }
+ })
# Event handler for when the textbox loses focus (Leave event)
- if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($tenantIDTextBox.Text)) {
- $tenantIDTextBox.Text = "$tenantIDTextBoxDefaultText"
- $tenantIDTextBox.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Gray
- }
+ if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($tenantIDTextBox.Text)) {
+ $tenantIDTextBox.Text = "$tenantIDTextBoxDefaultText"
+ $tenantIDTextBox.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Gray
+ }
+ })
+# Event handler for when the textbox gains focus (Enter event)
+ if ($clientIDTextBox.Text -eq "$clientIDTextBoxDefaultText") {
+ $clientIDTextBox.Text = ''
+ $clientIDTextBox.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Black
+ }
+ })
+# Event handler for when the textbox loses focus (Leave event)
+ if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($clientIDTextBox.Text)) {
+ $clientIDTextBox.Text = "$clientIDTextBoxDefaultText"
+ $clientIDTextBox.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Gray
+ }
+ })
+# Event handler for when the textbox gains focus (Enter event)
+ if ($redirectURLTextBox.Text -eq "$redirectURLTextBoxDefaultText") {
+ $redirectURLTextBox.Text = ''
+ $redirectURLTextBox.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Black
+ }
+ })
+# Event handler for when the textbox loses focus (Leave event)
+ if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($redirectURLTextBox.Text)) {
+ $redirectURLTextBox.Text = "$redirectURLTextBoxDefaultText"
+ $redirectURLTextBox.ForeColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::Gray
+ }
+ })
# Event handler for deleting selected rows
- foreach ($row in $dataGridViewSelected.SelectedRows) {
- $packageID = $row.Cells['PackageID'].Value
- $dataGridViewSelected.Rows.Remove($row)
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "Removed '$PackageID' from import list"
+ foreach ($row in $dataGridViewSelected.SelectedRows) {
+ $packageID = $row.Cells['PackageID'].Value
+ $dataGridViewSelected.Rows.Remove($row)
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox "Removed '$PackageID' from import list"
- }
+ }
- # Autosize columns after deleting rows
- $dataGridViewSelected.AutoResizeColumns([System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode]::AllCells)
+ # Autosize columns after deleting rows
+ $dataGridViewSelected.AutoResizeColumns([System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode]::AllCells)
+ })
# Event handler for importing CSV
- $openFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
- $openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = (Get-Location).Path
- $openFileDialog.Filter = "CSV files (*.csv)|*.csv"
+ $openFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
+ $openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = (Get-Location).Path
+ $openFileDialog.Filter = 'CSV files (*.csv)|*.csv'
- $result = $openFileDialog.ShowDialog()
- if ($result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) {
- $csvFilePath = $openFileDialog.FileName
+ $result = $openFileDialog.ShowDialog()
+ if ($result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) {
+ $csvFilePath = $openFileDialog.FileName
- # Load CSV data into a PowerShell object
- $importedData = Import-Csv -Path $csvFilePath
+ # Load CSV data into a PowerShell object
+ $importedData = Import-Csv -Path $csvFilePath
- # Clear existing rows in $dataGridViewSelected
- $dataGridViewSelected.Rows.Clear()
+ # Clear existing rows in $dataGridViewSelected
+ $dataGridViewSelected.Rows.Clear()
- # Add rows to $dataGridViewSelected from imported data
- foreach ($row in $importedData) {
- $dataGridViewSelected.Rows.Add(
- $row.PackageID,
- $row.Context,
- $row.AcceptNewerVersion,
- $row.UpdateOnly,
- $row.TargetVersion,
- $row.StopProcessInstall,
- $row.StopProcessUninstall,
- $row.PreScriptInstall,
- $row.PostScriptInstall,
- $row.PreScriptUninstall,
- $row.PostScriptUninstall,
- $row.CustomArgumentListInstall,
- $row.CustomArgumentListUninstall,
- $row.InstallIntent,
- $row.Notification,
- $row.GroupID
- )
- }
- } else {
- $dataGridViewSelected.Rows.Clear()
- }
+ # Add rows to $dataGridViewSelected from imported data
+ foreach ($row in $importedData) {
+ $dataGridViewSelected.Rows.Add(
+ $row.PackageID,
+ $row.Context,
+ $row.AcceptNewerVersion,
+ $row.UpdateOnly,
+ $row.TargetVersion,
+ $row.StopProcessInstall,
+ $row.StopProcessUninstall,
+ $row.PreScriptInstall,
+ $row.PostScriptInstall,
+ $row.PreScriptUninstall,
+ $row.PostScriptUninstall,
+ $row.CustomArgumentListInstall,
+ $row.CustomArgumentListUninstall,
+ $row.InstallIntent,
+ $row.Notification,
+ $row.GroupID
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $dataGridViewSelected.Rows.Clear()
+ }
- # Autosize columns in $dataGridViewSelected after import
- $dataGridViewSelected.AutoResizeColumns([System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode]::AllCells)
+ # Autosize columns in $dataGridViewSelected after import
+ $dataGridViewSelected.AutoResizeColumns([System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode]::AllCells)
+ })
# Event handler for exporting CSV
- $exportButton.Add_Click({
- # Check if DataGridView is not empty
- if ($dataGridViewSelected.Rows.Count -gt 0) {
- # Create an empty array to store the selected data
- $selectedData = @()
- # Iterate through DataGridView rows
- foreach ($row in $dataGridViewSelected.Rows) {
- $packageID = $row.Cells['PackageID'].Value
- $context = $row.Cells['Context'].Value
- $acceptNewerVersion = $row.Cells['AcceptNewerVersion'].Value
- $updateOnly = $row.Cells['UpdateOnly'].Value
- # Check if all required values are not null or empty
- if ($packageID -ne $null -and $packageID -ne '' -and
- $context -ne $null -and $context -ne '' -and
- $acceptNewerVersion -ne $null -and $acceptNewerVersion -ne '' -and
- $updateOnly -ne $null -and $updateOnly -ne '') {
- # Create a hashtable representing the row data and add it to the selected data array
- $rowData = [ordered]@{
- 'PackageID' = $packageID
- 'Context' = $context
- 'AcceptNewerVersion' = $acceptNewerVersion
- 'UpdateOnly' = $updateOnly
- 'TargetVersion' = $row.Cells['TargetVersion'].Value
- 'StopProcessInstall' = $row.Cells['StopProcessInstall'].Value
- 'StopProcessUninstall' = $row.Cells['StopProcessUninstall'].Value
- 'PreScriptInstall' = $row.Cells['PreScriptInstall'].Value
- 'PostScriptInstall' = $row.Cells['PostScriptInstall'].Value
- 'PreScriptUninstall' = $row.Cells['PreScriptUninstall'].Value
- 'PostScriptUninstall' = $row.Cells['PostScriptUninstall'].Value
- 'CustomArgumentListInstall' = $row.Cells['CustomArgumentListInstall'].Value
- 'CustomArgumentListUninstall' = $row.Cells['CustomArgumentListUninstall'].Value
- 'InstallIntent' = $row.Cells['InstallIntent'].Value
- 'Notification' = $row.Cells['Notification'].Value
- 'GroupID' = $row.Cells['GroupID'].Value
+ # Check if DataGridView is not empty
+ if ($dataGridViewSelected.Rows.Count -gt 0) {
+ # Create an empty array to store the selected data
+ $selectedData = @()
+ # Iterate through DataGridView rows
+ foreach ($row in $dataGridViewSelected.Rows) {
+ $packageID = $row.Cells['PackageID'].Value
+ $context = $row.Cells['Context'].Value
+ $acceptNewerVersion = $row.Cells['AcceptNewerVersion'].Value
+ $updateOnly = $row.Cells['UpdateOnly'].Value
+ # Check if all required values are not null or empty
+ if ($packageID -ne $null -and $packageID -ne '' -and
+ $context -ne $null -and $context -ne '' -and
+ $acceptNewerVersion -ne $null -and $acceptNewerVersion -ne '' -and
+ $updateOnly -ne $null -and $updateOnly -ne '') {
+ # Create a hashtable representing the row data and add it to the selected data array
+ $rowData = [ordered]@{
+ 'PackageID' = $packageID
+ 'Context' = $context
+ 'AcceptNewerVersion' = $acceptNewerVersion
+ 'UpdateOnly' = $updateOnly
+ 'TargetVersion' = $row.Cells['TargetVersion'].Value
+ 'StopProcessInstall' = $row.Cells['StopProcessInstall'].Value
+ 'StopProcessUninstall' = $row.Cells['StopProcessUninstall'].Value
+ 'PreScriptInstall' = $row.Cells['PreScriptInstall'].Value
+ 'PostScriptInstall' = $row.Cells['PostScriptInstall'].Value
+ 'PreScriptUninstall' = $row.Cells['PreScriptUninstall'].Value
+ 'PostScriptUninstall' = $row.Cells['PostScriptUninstall'].Value
+ 'CustomArgumentListInstall' = $row.Cells['CustomArgumentListInstall'].Value
+ 'CustomArgumentListUninstall' = $row.Cells['CustomArgumentListUninstall'].Value
+ 'InstallIntent' = $row.Cells['InstallIntent'].Value
+ 'Notification' = $row.Cells['Notification'].Value
+ 'GroupID' = $row.Cells['GroupID'].Value
+ }
+ $selectedData += New-Object PSObject -Property $rowData
- $selectedData += New-Object PSObject -Property $rowData
- }
- # Check if any valid data was extracted
- if ($selectedData.Count -gt 0) {
- $defaultFileName = "WinGet-WrapperImportGUI-$timestamp.csv"
- $saveFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog
- $saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory = (Get-Location).Path
- $saveFileDialog.FileName = $defaultFileName
- $saveFileDialog.Filter = "CSV files (*.csv)|*.csv"
+ # Check if any valid data was extracted
+ if ($selectedData.Count -gt 0) {
+ $defaultFileName = "WinGet-WrapperImportGUI-$timestamp.csv"
+ $saveFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog
+ $saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory = (Get-Location).Path
+ $saveFileDialog.FileName = $defaultFileName
+ $saveFileDialog.Filter = 'CSV files (*.csv)|*.csv'
- $result = $saveFileDialog.ShowDialog()
- if ($result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) {
- $csvFilePath = $saveFileDialog.FileName
- $selectedData | Export-Csv -Path $csvFilePath -NoTypeInformation
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "Exported: $csvFilePath"
- } else {
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "No data exported."
+ $result = $saveFileDialog.ShowDialog()
+ if ($result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) {
+ $csvFilePath = $saveFileDialog.FileName
+ $selectedData | Export-Csv -Path $csvFilePath -NoTypeInformation
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox "Exported: $csvFilePath"
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox 'No data exported.'
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox 'No valid data to export.'
- } else {
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "No valid data to export."
- } else {
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "No data to export."
- }
+ else {
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox 'No data to export.'
+ }
+ })
# Event handler for moving selected rows
- $selectedRows = $dataGridView.SelectedRows
- foreach ($row in $selectedRows) {
- $name = $row.Cells['Name'].Value
- $id = $row.Cells['ID'].Value
- $version = $row.Cells['Version'].Value
+ $selectedRows = $dataGridView.SelectedRows
+ foreach ($row in $selectedRows) {
+ $name = $row.Cells['Name'].Value
+ $id = $row.Cells['ID'].Value
+ $version = $row.Cells['Version'].Value
- # Add a new row to $dataGridViewSelected
- $rowIndex = $dataGridViewSelected.Rows.Add()
+ # Add a new row to $dataGridViewSelected
+ $rowIndex = $dataGridViewSelected.Rows.Add()
- # Set the "PackageID" column with the value from the selected row's "Name" column
- $dataGridViewSelected.Rows[$rowIndex].Cells['PackageID'].Value = $id
+ # Set the "PackageID" column with the value from the selected row's "Name" column
+ $dataGridViewSelected.Rows[$rowIndex].Cells['PackageID'].Value = $id
- # Set default values for other columns
- $dataGridViewSelected.Rows[$rowIndex].Cells['Context'].Value = "Machine"
- $dataGridViewSelected.Rows[$rowIndex].Cells['AcceptNewerVersion'].Value = "1"
- $dataGridViewSelected.Rows[$rowIndex].Cells['UpdateOnly'].Value = "0"
+ # Set default values for other columns
+ $dataGridViewSelected.Rows[$rowIndex].Cells['Context'].Value = 'Machine'
+ $dataGridViewSelected.Rows[$rowIndex].Cells['AcceptNewerVersion'].Value = '1'
+ $dataGridViewSelected.Rows[$rowIndex].Cells['UpdateOnly'].Value = '0'
- # Autosize columns in $dataGridViewSelected after adding rows and setting values
- $dataGridViewSelected.AutoResizeColumns([System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode]::AllCells)
+ # Autosize columns in $dataGridViewSelected after adding rows and setting values
+ $dataGridViewSelected.AutoResizeColumns([System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode]::AllCells)
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "Added '$id' to import list"
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox "Added '$id' to import list"
- # Optionally remove the row from the original DataGridView
- #$dataGridView.Rows.Remove($row) # Do not remove row after copy to selected datagridview
- }
+ # Optionally remove the row from the original DataGridView
+ #$dataGridView.Rows.Remove($row) # Do not remove row after copy to selected datagridview
+ }
+ })
# Function to write Column Definitions to ConsoleWriteBox
Function GetColumnDefinitions {
# Fetch the content of the README.md file
- $url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SorenLundt/WinGet-Wrapper/main/README.md"
+ $url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SorenLundt/WinGet-Wrapper/main/README.md'
Write-ConsoleTextBox "$url"
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url
@@ -594,20 +711,22 @@ Function GetColumnDefinitions {
foreach ($column in $dataGridViewSelected.Columns) {
$columnNames += $column.Name # Collect column names into an array
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "Column Name --> Description"
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "****************************"
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox 'Column Name --> Description'
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox '****************************'
# Loop through each column name
foreach ($columnName in $columnNames) {
# Use regex to find the line corresponding to the column name
if ($content -match "\* $columnName\s*=\s*(.*?)
") {
- $description = $matches[1] -replace "
", "`n" -replace "\* ", "" # Clean up the description
+ $description = $matches[1] -replace '
', "`n" -replace '\* ', '' # Clean up the description
Write-ConsoleTextBox "$columnName --> $description"
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
Write-ConsoleTextBox "$columnName --> No description found."
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "****************************"
- } else {
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox '****************************'
+ }
+ else {
Write-ConsoleTextBox "Failed to retrieve the README file. Status code: $($response.StatusCode)"
@@ -629,7 +748,7 @@ function WinGetPackageDetails {
# Output package details line by line to maintain formatting
Write-ConsoleTextBox "$PackageID - Details:"
$WingetPackageDetails -split "`r?`n" | ForEach-Object { Write-ConsoleTextBox $_ }
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "_" # Separator for readability
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox '_' # Separator for readability
# Optionally return the available versions array for further processing
@@ -658,7 +777,8 @@ function WinGetPackageVersions {
# Skip the first three lines and process the remaining lines
foreach ($line in $versionLines[3..($versionLines.Length - 1)]) {
$trimmedLine = $line.Trim() # Trim whitespace
- if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($trimmedLine) -and $trimmedLine -notmatch '^-+$') { # Check it's not empty or dashes
+ if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($trimmedLine) -and $trimmedLine -notmatch '^-+$') {
+ # Check it's not empty or dashes
$WinGetPackageVersions += $trimmedLine # Add to available versions array
Write-ConsoleTextBox $trimmedLine # Display each version line
@@ -671,9 +791,9 @@ function WinGetPackageVersions {
# Define a function to parse the search results
function ParseSearchResults($searchResult) {
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "Parsing data..."
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox 'Parsing data...'
$parsedData = @()
- $pattern = "^(.+?)\s+((?:[\w.-]+(?:\.[\w.-]+)+))\s+(\S.*?)\s*$"
+ $pattern = '^(.+?)\s+((?:[\w.-]+(?:\.[\w.-]+)+))\s+(\S.*?)\s*$'
$searchResult -split "`n" | Where-Object { $_ -match $pattern } | ForEach-Object {
$parsedName = $Matches[1].Trim()
$parsedID = $Matches[2].Trim()
@@ -682,12 +802,12 @@ function ParseSearchResults($searchResult) {
# Add parsed and cleaned data to the result
$parsedData += [PSCustomObject]@{
- 'Name' = $parsedName
- 'ID' = $parsedID
+ 'Name' = $parsedName
+ 'ID' = $parsedID
'Version' = $parsedVersion
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "Finished"
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox 'Finished'
return $parsedData
@@ -703,34 +823,35 @@ function PerformSearch {
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($searchString)) {
Write-ConsoleTextBox "winget search --query $searchString --source WinGet --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity"
$searchResult = @(winget search --query $searchString --source WinGet --accept-source-agreements --disable-interactivity)
- # Splitting the search result into lines for logging purposes
- $lines = $searchResult -split "`r`n"
+ # Splitting the search result into lines for logging purposes
+ $lines = $searchResult -split "`r`n"
- # Writing each line to the consoleTextBox
- foreach ($line in $lines) {
- Write-ConsoleTextBox $line
- }
- if ($searchResult -contains "No package found matching input criteria.") {
+ # Writing each line to the consoleTextBox
+ foreach ($line in $lines) {
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox $line
+ }
+ if ($searchResult -contains 'No package found matching input criteria.') {
$searchErrorLabel.Text = "No WinGet package found for search query '$searchString'"
else {
- # Clear existing rows from DataGridView
- $dataGridView.Rows.Clear()
+ # Clear existing rows from DataGridView
+ $dataGridView.Rows.Clear()
- # Parse the search result using the ParseSearchResults function
- $parsedSearchResult = ParseSearchResults -searchResult $searchResult |
- Where-Object { $null -ne $_.Name -and $_.Name -ne '' -and $_.Name.Trim() -ne '' }
+ # Parse the search result using the ParseSearchResults function
+ $parsedSearchResult = ParseSearchResults -searchResult $searchResult |
+ Where-Object { $null -ne $_.Name -and $_.Name -ne '' -and $_.Name.Trim() -ne '' }
- # Add parsed data to DataGridView
- $parsedSearchResult | ForEach-Object {
- $row = $dataGridView.Rows.Add($_.Name, $_.ID, $_.Version)
- }
- $searchErrorLabel.Text = "Found $($dataGridView.RowCount) packages for '$searchString'"
+ # Add parsed data to DataGridView
+ $parsedSearchResult | ForEach-Object {
+ $row = $dataGridView.Rows.Add($_.Name, $_.ID, $_.Version)
+ }
+ $searchErrorLabel.Text = "Found $($dataGridView.RowCount) packages for '$searchString'"
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
- $searchErrorLabel.Text = "Please enter a search query."
+ $searchErrorLabel.Text = 'Please enter a search query.'
@@ -741,167 +862,170 @@ $searchButton.Add_Click({ PerformSearch })
# Allow pressing Enter to trigger search
$form.KeyPreview = $true
- param($keySender, $keyEvent)
- if ($keyEvent.KeyCode -eq "Enter") {
- PerformSearch
- }
+ param($keySender, $keyEvent)
+ if ($keyEvent.KeyCode -eq 'Enter') {
+ PerformSearch
+ }
+ })
# Event Handler for Get package details button
- $selectedRows = $dataGridView.SelectedRows
- foreach ($row in $selectedRows) {
- $id = $row.Cells['ID'].Value
- WinGetPackageDetails -PackageID "$id"
- }
+ $selectedRows = $dataGridView.SelectedRows
+ foreach ($row in $selectedRows) {
+ $id = $row.Cells['ID'].Value
+ WinGetPackageDetails -PackageID "$id"
+ }
+ })
# Event Handler for Get package versions button
- $selectedRows = $dataGridView.SelectedRows
- foreach ($row in $selectedRows) {
- $id = $row.Cells['ID'].Value
- WinGetPackageVersions -PackageID "$id"
- }
+ $selectedRows = $dataGridView.SelectedRows
+ foreach ($row in $selectedRows) {
+ $id = $row.Cells['ID'].Value
+ WinGetPackageVersions -PackageID "$id"
+ }
+ })
# Event handler for the "Import to InTune" button
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "Started import to InTune.."
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox 'Started import to InTune..'
- # Check if $tenantIDTextBox.Text is empty, matches $tenantIDTextBoxDefaultText, or does not contain a dot
- if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($tenantIDTextBox.Text) -or $tenantIDTextBox.Text -eq $tenantIDTextBoxDefaultText -or -not ($tenantIDTextBox.Text -like '*.*')) {
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "Please enter a valid Tenant ID before importing to InTune."
- return # Stop further execution
- }
+ # Check if $tenantIDTextBox.Text is empty, matches $tenantIDTextBoxDefaultText, or does not contain a dot
+ if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($tenantIDTextBox.Text) -or $tenantIDTextBox.Text -eq $tenantIDTextBoxDefaultText -or -not ($tenantIDTextBox.Text -like '*.*')) {
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox 'Please enter a valid Tenant ID before importing to InTune.'
+ return # Stop further execution
+ }
- # List of files to check
- $filesToCheck = @(
- "WinGet-Wrapper.ps1",
- "WinGet-WrapperDetection.ps1",
- "WinGet-WrapperRequirements.ps1",
- "WinGet-WrapperImportFromCSV.ps1",
- "IntuneWinAppUtil.exe"
- )
+ # List of files to check
+ $filesToCheck = @(
+ 'WinGet-Wrapper.ps1',
+ 'WinGet-WrapperDetection.ps1',
+ 'WinGet-WrapperRequirements.ps1',
+ 'WinGet-WrapperImportFromCSV.ps1',
+ 'IntuneWinAppUtil.exe'
+ )
+ $foundAllFiles = $true
+ foreach ($file in $filesToCheck) {
+ $fileFullPath = Join-Path -Path $scriptRoot -ChildPath $file
+ if (-not (Test-Path -Path $fileFullPath -PathType Leaf)) {
+ # File not found, write a message to the console text box
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox "File '$file' was not found."
+ $foundAllFiles = $false
+ }
+ else {
+ # File found, write a message to the console text box
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox "File '$file' was found."
+ }
+ }
+ if ($foundAllFiles) {
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox 'All required files found. Continue import to InTune...'
+ # Export DataGridViewSelected to CSV - Save CSV Temporary
+ $selectedData = @()
+ # Check if DataGridView is not empty
+ if ($dataGridViewSelected.Rows.Count -gt 0) {
+ # Create an empty array to store the selected data
+ $selectedData = @()
+ # Iterate through DataGridView rows
+ foreach ($row in $dataGridViewSelected.Rows) {
+ $packageID = $row.Cells['PackageID'].Value
+ $context = $row.Cells['Context'].Value
+ $acceptNewerVersion = $row.Cells['AcceptNewerVersion'].Value
+ $updateOnly = $row.Cells['UpdateOnly'].Value
+ # Check if all required values are not null or empty
+ if ($packageID -ne $null -and $packageID -ne '' -and
+ $context -ne $null -and $context -ne '' -and
+ $acceptNewerVersion -ne $null -and $acceptNewerVersion -ne '' -and
+ $updateOnly -ne $null -and $updateOnly -ne '') {
+ # Create a hashtable representing the row data and add it to the selected data array
+ $rowData = [ordered]@{
+ 'PackageID' = $packageID
+ 'Context' = $context
+ 'AcceptNewerVersion' = $acceptNewerVersion
+ 'UpdateOnly' = $updateOnly
+ 'TargetVersion' = $row.Cells['TargetVersion'].Value
+ 'StopProcessInstall' = $row.Cells['StopProcessInstall'].Value
+ 'StopProcessUninstall' = $row.Cells['StopProcessUninstall'].Value
+ 'PreScriptInstall' = $row.Cells['PreScriptInstall'].Value
+ 'PostScriptInstall' = $row.Cells['PostScriptInstall'].Value
+ 'PreScriptUninstall' = $row.Cells['PreScriptUninstall'].Value
+ 'PostScriptUninstall' = $row.Cells['PostScriptUninstall'].Value
+ 'CustomArgumentListInstall' = $row.Cells['CustomArgumentListInstall'].Value
+ 'CustomArgumentListUninstall' = $row.Cells['CustomArgumentListUninstall'].Value
+ 'InstallIntent' = $row.Cells['InstallIntent'].Value
+ 'Notification' = $row.Cells['Notification'].Value
+ 'GroupID' = $row.Cells['GroupID'].Value
+ }
+ $selectedData += New-Object PSObject -Property $rowData
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($selectedData -ne $null -and $selectedData.Count -gt 0) {
+ $fileName = "TempExport-$timestamp.csv" # Construct the filename with timestamp
+ $csvFilePath = Join-Path -Path $scriptRoot -ChildPath $fileName # Save to script root directory
+ $selectedData | Export-Csv -Path $csvFilePath -NoTypeInformation
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox "Exported: $csvFilePath"
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox 'No data to export.'
+ return # Stop further execution
+ }
- $foundAllFiles = $true
- foreach ($file in $filesToCheck) {
- $fileFullPath = Join-Path -Path $scriptRoot -ChildPath $file
+ # Prepare the Import script.
+ $logFile = "$scriptRoot\Logs\WinGet_WrapperImportFromCSV_$($TimeStamp).log"
+ $importScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $scriptRoot -ChildPath 'Winget-WrapperImportFromCSV.ps1'
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox "ImportScriptPath: $importScriptPath"
+ #Inform user log file location:
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox '****************************************************'
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox "See log file for progress: $logFile"
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox '****************************************************'
+ #Run The Import Script
+ # Define the arguments to be passed to the script
+ $arguments = "-csvFile `"$csvFilePath`" -TenantID $($tenantIDTextBox.Text) -ClientID $($clientIDTextBox.Text) -RedirectURL `"$($redirectURLTextBox.Text)`" -ScriptRoot `"$scriptRoot`" -SkipConfirmation -SkipModuleCheck"
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox "Arguments to be passed: $arguments"
+ #Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force
+ Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList '-NoProfile', '-ExecutionPolicy Bypass', "-File `"$importScriptPath`"", $arguments -Wait -NoNewWindow
+ # Run Update-GUIFromLogFile in the main thread
+ Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 # wait log file creation before reading it
+ Update-GUIFromLogFile -logFilePath "$logFile"
+ # Remove TempExport-$timestamp.csv
+ if (Test-Path $csvFilePath) {
+ Remove-Item $csvFilePath -Force
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox "File $csvFilePath deleted successfully."
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox "File $csvFilePath not found."
+ }
- if (-not (Test-Path -Path $fileFullPath -PathType Leaf)) {
- # File not found, write a message to the console text box
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "File '$file' was not found."
- $foundAllFiles = $false
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox '****************************************************'
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox "Import Log File: $logFile"
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox '****************************************************'
else {
- # File found, write a message to the console text box
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "File '$file' was found."
+ Write-ConsoleTextBox 'Not all required files were found. Code will not run.'
- }
- if ($foundAllFiles) {
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "All required files found. Continue import to InTune..."
-# Export DataGridViewSelected to CSV - Save CSV Temporary
-$selectedData = @()
-# Check if DataGridView is not empty
-if ($dataGridViewSelected.Rows.Count -gt 0) {
- # Create an empty array to store the selected data
- $selectedData = @()
- # Iterate through DataGridView rows
- foreach ($row in $dataGridViewSelected.Rows) {
- $packageID = $row.Cells['PackageID'].Value
- $context = $row.Cells['Context'].Value
- $acceptNewerVersion = $row.Cells['AcceptNewerVersion'].Value
- $updateOnly = $row.Cells['UpdateOnly'].Value
- # Check if all required values are not null or empty
- if ($packageID -ne $null -and $packageID -ne '' -and
- $context -ne $null -and $context -ne '' -and
- $acceptNewerVersion -ne $null -and $acceptNewerVersion -ne '' -and
- $updateOnly -ne $null -and $updateOnly -ne '') {
- # Create a hashtable representing the row data and add it to the selected data array
- $rowData = [ordered]@{
- 'PackageID' = $packageID
- 'Context' = $context
- 'AcceptNewerVersion' = $acceptNewerVersion
- 'UpdateOnly' = $updateOnly
- 'TargetVersion' = $row.Cells['TargetVersion'].Value
- 'StopProcessInstall' = $row.Cells['StopProcessInstall'].Value
- 'StopProcessUninstall' = $row.Cells['StopProcessUninstall'].Value
- 'PreScriptInstall' = $row.Cells['PreScriptInstall'].Value
- 'PostScriptInstall' = $row.Cells['PostScriptInstall'].Value
- 'PreScriptUninstall' = $row.Cells['PreScriptUninstall'].Value
- 'PostScriptUninstall' = $row.Cells['PostScriptUninstall'].Value
- 'CustomArgumentListInstall' = $row.Cells['CustomArgumentListInstall'].Value
- 'CustomArgumentListUninstall' = $row.Cells['CustomArgumentListUninstall'].Value
- 'InstallIntent' = $row.Cells['InstallIntent'].Value
- 'Notification' = $row.Cells['Notification'].Value
- 'GroupID' = $row.Cells['GroupID'].Value
- }
- $selectedData += New-Object PSObject -Property $rowData
- }
- }
- if ($selectedData -ne $null -and $selectedData.Count -gt 0) {
- $fileName = "TempExport-$timestamp.csv" # Construct the filename with timestamp
- $csvFilePath = Join-Path -Path $scriptRoot -ChildPath $fileName # Save to script root directory
- $selectedData | Export-Csv -Path $csvFilePath -NoTypeInformation
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "Exported: $csvFilePath"
- } else {
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "No data to export."
- return # Stop further execution
- }
- # Prepare the Import script.
- $logFile = "$scriptRoot\Logs\WinGet_WrapperImportFromCSV_$($TimeStamp).log"
- $importScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $scriptRoot -ChildPath "Winget-WrapperImportFromCSV.ps1"
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "ImportScriptPath: $importScriptPath"
- #Inform user log file location:
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "****************************************************"
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "See log file for progress: $logFile"
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "****************************************************"
- #Run The Import Script
- # Define the arguments to be passed to the script
- $arguments = "-csvFile `"$csvFilePath`" -TenantID $($tenantIDTextBox.Text) -LogFile `"$logFile`" -ScriptRoot `"$scriptRoot`" -SkipConfirmation -SkipModuleCheck"
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "Arguments to be passed: $arguments"
- #Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force
- Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "-NoProfile", "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass", "-File `"$importScriptPath`"", $arguments -Wait -NoNewWindow
- # Run Update-GUIFromLogFile in the main thread
- Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 # wait log file creation before reading it
- Update-GUIFromLogFile -logFilePath "$logFile"
- # Remove TempExport-$timestamp.csv
- if (Test-Path $csvFilePath) {
- Remove-Item $csvFilePath -Force
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "File $csvFilePath deleted successfully."
- } else {
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "File $csvFilePath not found."
- }
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "****************************************************"
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "Import Log File: $logFile"
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "****************************************************"
- } else {
- Write-ConsoleTextBox "Not all required files were found. Code will not run."
- }
+ })
# Update ConsoleProgress
-Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 100 -Status "Sucessfully loaded Winget-Wrapper Import GUI"
+Show-ConsoleProgress -PercentComplete 100 -Status 'Sucessfully loaded Winget-Wrapper Import GUI'
# Greeting
-Write-ConsoleTextBox "****************************************************"
-Write-ConsoleTextBox " WinGet-Wrapper"
-Write-ConsoleTextBox " https://github.com/SorenLundt/WinGet-Wrapper"
-Write-ConsoleTextBox ""
-Write-ConsoleTextBox " GNU General Public License v3"
-Write-ConsoleTextBox "****************************************************"
+Write-ConsoleTextBox '****************************************************'
+Write-ConsoleTextBox ' WinGet-Wrapper'
+Write-ConsoleTextBox ' https://github.com/SorenLundt/WinGet-Wrapper'
+Write-ConsoleTextBox ''
+Write-ConsoleTextBox ' GNU General Public License v3'
+Write-ConsoleTextBox '****************************************************'
# Show form
$form.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
\ No newline at end of file