- Python 3.12
- pipx
Install poetry with pipx install poetry
Run python src/pysonar_scanner
Run poetry install
to install the dependencies. By default, the dependencies are installed from the Jfrog private repository.
To configure your credentials for Jfrog, go to your Jfrog user profile, and generate an identity token. Then set the following two environment variables:
poetry config http-basic.jfrog-server <username> <password>
Where <username>
is your Jfrog username and <password>
is the identity token you generated.
If you wish to install the dependencies from the public PyPI repository, remove the following source from pyproject.toml
name = 'jfrog-server'
url = 'https://repox.jfrog.io/artifactory/api/pypi/sonarsource-pypi/simple'
Run poetry run pytest test/
Run poetry run pytest --cov-report=term-missing --cov-config=pyproject.toml --cov=src --cov-branch tests
Run poetry run pytest --cov-report=xml:coverage.xml --cov-config=pyproject.toml --cov=src --cov-branch tests
Run poetry build
to create the package.
The binaries will be located in the dist
directory at the root level of the project.
Create a GitHub release.
To update the version use the Poetry command:
poetry version "X.Y.Z"
poetry version patch
For more options on the version update see the Poetry documentation
Run poetry run black src/ tests/ --check
to run the check the formatting on all files.
To automatically apply formatting, run poetry run black src/ tests/
Run poetry run mypy src/ tests/ --ignore-missing-imports
to execute the type checking on all files.
Before pushing, please check if all files have a license header. If not all files have a license header please execute:
poetry run licenseheaders -t license_header.tmpl -o "SonarSource SA" -y 2011-2024 -n "Sonar Scanner Python" -E .py -d src/
poetry run licenseheaders -t license_header.tmpl -o "SonarSource SA" -y 2011-2024 -n "Sonar Scanner Python" -E .py -d tests/