- pisaucer.github.io/boredhtml/
- boredhtml.web.app
- boredhtml.firebaseapp.com
- boredhtml.ml
- boredht.ml
- boredinschoolrightnow.ml
Just anyway to host the website
What things you need to run the software:
- Web Browser
- Either Node.js or Python3 for local hosting
What I am Using:
- Chrome (web browser of choice)
- Node.js (for local testing)
- Firebase (for hosting)
- GitHub (for hosting)
- vscode (text editor of choice)
Step 1: Go to Clone or download
Step 2: Unzip the file
Step 3: Keep note where you unzipped at (the directory)
Step 4: Open your Command Prompt or Terminal
Step 5: Go to your directory (where you unzip the files)
Step 6: Type these commands in the Command Prompt or Terminal
$ npm install http-server -g
Step 7: Go to localhost:8080
Step 8: You're Done!!!
Step 1: Go to Clone or download
Step 2: Unzip the file
Step 3: Keep note where you unzipped at (the directory)
Step 4: Open your Command Prompt or Terminal
Step 5: Go to your directory (where you unzip the files)
Step 6: Type this in the Command Prompt or Terminal
python -m http.server
Step 7: Go to localhost:8000
Step 8: You're Done!!!
- VER 0.18.0-PRE-ALPHA
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- PiSaucer - Initial work
- yeetedmeme - Minecraft bypass creator and adder of some other sites
See also the list of other contributors who participated in this project.