diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cde0123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/.goreleaser.yaml b/.goreleaser.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15aaea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.goreleaser.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+project_name: lynxi-smi-pro
+dist: ./bin
+ hooks:
+ - go mod tidy
+ - go mod download
+ - env:
+ id: lynxi-smi-pro
+ main: ./cmd/lynxi-smi-pro/
+ binary: lynxi-smi-pro
+ goos:
+ - linux
+ - darwin
+ - replacements:
+ darwin: Darwin
+ linux: Linux
+ amd64: x86_64
+ name_template: 'checksums.txt'
+ name_template: "{{ incpatch .Version }}"
+ sort: asc
+ filters:
+ exclude:
+ - '^docs:'
+ - '^test:'
diff --git a/.idea/.gitignore b/.idea/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13566b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Default ignored files
+# Editor-based HTTP Client requests
+# Datasource local storage ignored files
diff --git a/.idea/lynxi_smi_pro.iml b/.idea/lynxi_smi_pro.iml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e764c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/lynxi_smi_pro.iml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/modules.xml b/.idea/modules.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac6cdbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/modules.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17dadfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# lynxi-smi-pro
+Get informations about the system's APU(s), through lynxi-smi.
+* Get the number of APUs
+* Get the driver's version
+* Get the number of KA200
+* Get APU or hardware Detail info.
+usage: lynxi-smi-pro []
+Optional flags:
+ -h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
+ -q, --query Display APU or hardware Detail info.
+ --query-apu=name,driver_version,power,...
+ Query Information about APU.
+ -L, --list-apus Display a list of APUs connected to the system.
+ --chip-count Displays the number of KA200.
+ --chip-list Displays a list of KA200.
+ --debug Display Debug Info
+ --help-query-apu Display Help Query Information about APU.
diff --git a/cmd/lynxi-smi-pro/main.go b/cmd/lynxi-smi-pro/main.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2141439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/lynxi-smi-pro/main.go
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+package main
+import (
+ log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
+ "gopkg.in/alecthomas/kingpin.v2"
+ "lynxi_smi_pro/internal/exporter"
+var (
+ query = kingpin.Flag("query", "Display APU or hardware Detail info.").Short('q').Bool()
+ board_id = kingpin.Flag("index", "Target a specific Board index.").Short('i').Default("-1").Hidden().Int()
+ chip_id = kingpin.Flag("chip_id", "Target a specific Chip ID.").Short('c').Default("-1").Hidden().Int()
+ //type_info = kingpin.Flag("type", "Show information for type: board,memory, usages,temp, power, volt, ecc-enable, health, product, ecc.").Short('t').PlaceHolder("board").String()
+ query_apu = kingpin.Flag("query-apu", "Query Information about APU.").PlaceHolder("name,driver_version,power,...").String()
+ list_apus = kingpin.Flag("list-apus", "Display a list of APUs connected to the system.").Short('L').Bool()
+ chip_count = kingpin.Flag("chip-count", "Displays the number of KA200.").Bool()
+ chip_list = kingpin.Flag("chip-list", "Displays a list of KA200.").Bool()
+ debug = kingpin.Flag("debug", "Display Debug Info").Bool()
+ help_query_apu = kingpin.Flag("help-query-apu", "Display Help Query Information about APU.").Bool()
+func main() {
+ log.SetReportCaller(true)
+ log.SetFormatter(&log.JSONFormatter{
+ PrettyPrint: true,
+ })
+ kingpin.HelpFlag.Short('h')
+ kingpin.UsageTemplate(kingpin.SeparateOptionalFlagsUsageTemplate)
+ kingpin.Parse()
+ if *debug {
+ log.SetLevel(log.DebugLevel)
+ }
+ switch {
+ case *query:
+ switch {
+ case *board_id >= 0 && *chip_id >= 0:
+ exporter.QueryLynSmiDetailInfoByChipIDAndBoardId(board_id, chip_id)
+ case *board_id >= 0:
+ exporter.QueryLynSmiDetailInfoByBoardId(board_id)
+ case *chip_id >= 0:
+ kingpin.Errorf("board id is requested")
+ default:
+ exporter.QueryLynSmiDetailInfo()
+ }
+ case *list_apus:
+ exporter.ListAPUs()
+ case len(*query_apu) > 0:
+ switch {
+ case len(*query_apu) < 0:
+ kingpin.Usage()
+ }
+ exporter.QueryLynAPUsInfo(*query_apu)
+ case *chip_count:
+ exporter.QueryLynChipTotalNum()
+ case *chip_list:
+ exporter.QueryLynChipList()
+ case *help_query_apu:
+ exporter.QueryAPUHelpInfo()
+ case *board_id >= 0 || *chip_id >= 0:
+ kingpin.Usage()
+ default:
+ exporter.QueryLynSmiInfo()
+ }
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa16276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+module lynxi_smi_pro
+go 1.17
+require (
+ github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.8.1
+ gopkg.in/alecthomas/kingpin.v2 v2.2.6
+require (
+ github.com/alecthomas/template v0.0.0-20190718012654-fb15b899a751 // indirect
+ github.com/alecthomas/units v0.0.0-20211218093645-b94a6e3cc137 // indirect
+ golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20191026070338-33540a1f6037 // indirect
diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8ade07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go.sum
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+github.com/alecthomas/template v0.0.0-20190718012654-fb15b899a751 h1:JYp7IbQjafoB+tBA3gMyHYHrpOtNuDiK/uB5uXxq5wM=
+github.com/alecthomas/template v0.0.0-20190718012654-fb15b899a751/go.mod h1:LOuyumcjzFXgccqObfd/Ljyb9UuFJ6TxHnclSeseNhc=
+github.com/alecthomas/units v0.0.0-20211218093645-b94a6e3cc137 h1:s6gZFSlWYmbqAuRjVTiNNhvNRfY2Wxp9nhfyel4rklc=
+github.com/alecthomas/units v0.0.0-20211218093645-b94a6e3cc137/go.mod h1:OMCwj8VM1Kc9e19TLln2VL61YJF0x1XFtfdL4JdbSyE=
+github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38=
+github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 h1:vj9j/u1bqnvCEfJOwUhtlOARqs3+rkHYY13jYWTU97c=
+github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38=
+github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 h1:4DBwDE0NGyQoBHbLQYPwSUPoCMWR5BEzIk/f1lZbAQM=
+github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4=
+github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.8.1 h1:dJKuHgqk1NNQlqoA6BTlM1Wf9DOH3NBjQyu0h9+AZZE=
+github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.8.1/go.mod h1:yWOB1SBYBC5VeMP7gHvWumXLIWorT60ONWic61uBYv0=
+github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.0/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME=
+github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2/go.mod h1:a8OnRcib4nhh0OaRAV+Yts87kKdq0PP7pXfy6kDkUVs=
+github.com/stretchr/testify v1.4.0 h1:2E4SXV/wtOkTonXsotYi4li6zVWxYlZuYNCXe9XRJyk=
+github.com/stretchr/testify v1.4.0/go.mod h1:j7eGeouHqKxXV5pUuKE4zz7dFj8WfuZ+81PSLYec5m4=
+golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20191026070338-33540a1f6037 h1:YyJpGZS1sBuBCzLAR1VEpK193GlqGZbnPFnPV/5Rsb4=
+golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20191026070338-33540a1f6037/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs=
+gopkg.in/alecthomas/kingpin.v2 v2.2.6 h1:jMFz6MfLP0/4fUyZle81rXUoxOBFi19VUFKVDOQfozc=
+gopkg.in/alecthomas/kingpin.v2 v2.2.6/go.mod h1:FMv+mEhP44yOT+4EoQTLFTRgOQ1FBLkstjWtayDeSgw=
+gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0=
+gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2 h1:ZCJp+EgiOT7lHqUV2J862kp8Qj64Jo6az82+3Td9dZw=
+gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
diff --git a/internal/exporter/exporter.go b/internal/exporter/exporter.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe9faac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/exporter/exporter.go
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+package exporter
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
+ "io"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+func QueryAPUHelpInfo() {
+ fmt.Print("List of valid properties to query for the switch query-apu:\n\n")
+ for _, v := range fallbackQField {
+ fmt.Println(strconv.Quote(string(v)))
+ fmt.Println(fallbackQFieldComment[v])
+ fmt.Println()
+ }
+func QueryLynSmiInfo() {
+ fn := func(line string) {
+ line = replaceNAInfo(line)
+ line = replaceProductNameToSmiVersionName(line)
+ line = replaceDriverVersionInfo(line)
+ fmt.Print(line)
+ }
+ RunLynSMICmdAndReadStrings(fn)
+func QueryLynAPUsInfo(qFieldsRaw string) {
+ var (
+ boardBaseInfo BoardBaseInfo
+ boardBaseInfoList []BoardBaseInfo
+ )
+ qFields, err := verifyAndCheckQueryFields(qFieldsRaw)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ r, cmd := runLynSMIDetailCommand()
+ line, err := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ ch := make(chan []string)
+ go QueryLynPciInfo(ch)
+ pciInfoStrList := <-ch
+ fn := func(info string) {
+ switch {
+ case strings.Contains(info, __BOARD_STR__):
+ now := time.Now()
+ timestamp := now.Unix()
+ boardBaseInfo.TimeStamp = strconv.FormatInt(timestamp, 10)
+ boardBaseInfo.BoardIndex = getBoardInfoVal(info)
+ case strings.Contains(info, __PRODUCT_NAME_STR__):
+ boardBaseInfo.ProductName = getBoardInfoVal(info)
+ case strings.Contains(info, __PRODUCT_BRAND_STR__):
+ boardBaseInfo.ProductBrand = getBoardInfoVal(info)
+ case strings.Contains(info, __PRODUCT_NUMBER_STR__):
+ boardBaseInfo.ProductNumber = getBoardInfoVal(info)
+ case strings.Contains(info, __DRIVER_STR__):
+ boardBaseInfo.DriverVersion = strings.Split(getVersion(Driver), __V_SEP__)[1]
+ case strings.Contains(info, __FIRMWARE_VERSION_STR__):
+ boardBaseInfo.FirmwareVersion = getBoardInfoVal(info)
+ case strings.Contains(info, __SERIAL_NUMBER_STR__):
+ boardBaseInfo.SerialNumber = getBoardInfoVal(info)
+ case strings.Contains(info, __CHIP_COUNT_STR__):
+ boardBaseInfo.ChipCount = getBoardInfoVal(info)
+ case strings.Contains(info, __CHIP_ID_STR__):
+ boardBaseInfo.ChipIdList, boardBaseInfo.ChipCount = getChipIdListByChipCount(r, &info)
+ boardIndex, _ := strconv.Atoi(boardBaseInfo.BoardIndex)
+ chipIndex, _ := strconv.Atoi(boardBaseInfo.ChipCount)
+ chipStartIndex := computeCurrentChipIndex(boardIndex, chipIndex)
+ boardBaseInfo.ChipIndexList = getChipIndexByChipCountAndBoardIndex(chipStartIndex, boardBaseInfo.ChipCount)
+ if strings.Contains(info, __UUID_STR__) || strings.Contains(info, __ECID_STR__) {
+ count, _ := strconv.Atoi(boardBaseInfo.ChipCount)
+ uuidList := make([]string, count)
+ line, _ := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
+ uuidList[i] = getBoardInfoVal(line)
+ line, _ = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ }
+ boardBaseInfo.UuidList = uuidList
+ }
+ case strings.Contains(info, __APU_STR__):
+ line, _ := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ if strings.Contains(line, __TOTAL_STR__) {
+ boardBaseInfo.ApuTotal = getBoardUtilTotalVal(line)
+ boardBaseInfo.ApuUtilList = getBoardUtilInfo(line, boardBaseInfo.ChipCount, r)
+ }
+ case strings.Contains(info, __CPU_STR__):
+ line, _ := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ if strings.Contains(line, __TOTAL_STR__) {
+ boardBaseInfo.CpuTotal = getBoardUtilTotalVal(line)
+ boardBaseInfo.CpuUtilList = getBoardUtilInfo(line, boardBaseInfo.ChipCount, r)
+ }
+ case strings.Contains(info, __VIC_STR__):
+ line, _ := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ if strings.Contains(line, __TOTAL_STR__) {
+ boardBaseInfo.VicTotal = getBoardUtilTotalVal(line)
+ boardBaseInfo.VicUtilList = getBoardUtilInfo(line, boardBaseInfo.ChipCount, r)
+ }
+ case strings.Contains(info, __MEMORY_STR__):
+ line, _ := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ if strings.Contains(line, __TOTAL_STR__) {
+ boardBaseInfo.MemoryTotal = getBoardUtilTotalVal(line)
+ boardBaseInfo.MemoryUtilList = getBoardUtilInfo(line, boardBaseInfo.ChipCount, r)
+ }
+ case strings.Contains(info, __IPE_FPS_STR__):
+ line, _ := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ if strings.Contains(line, __TOTAL_STR__) {
+ boardBaseInfo.IpeTotal = getBoardInfoVal(line)
+ boardBaseInfo.IpeUtilList = getBoardUtilInfo(line, boardBaseInfo.ChipCount, r)
+ }
+ case !strings.Contains(info, __PCIE_GEN_STR__) && !strings.Contains(info, __PCIE_SWITCH__) && strings.Contains(info, __PCI_STR__) || strings.Contains(info, __PCIE_STR__):
+ _boardIndex, _ := strconv.Atoi(boardBaseInfo.BoardIndex)
+ _chipCount, _ := strconv.Atoi(boardBaseInfo.ChipCount)
+ chipIndex := computeCurrentChipIndex(_boardIndex, _chipCount)
+ boardPciDeviceInfoList := make([]BoardPciDeviceInfo, _chipCount)
+ for i := 0; i < _chipCount; i++ {
+ var boardPciDeviceInfo BoardPciDeviceInfo
+ pciChipIndex := i
+ vendorId, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, VendorId)
+ vendorId = removeLineBreak(vendorId)
+ deviceId, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, DeviceId)
+ deviceId = removeLineBreak(deviceId)
+ subVendorId, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, SubVendorId)
+ subVendorId = removeLineBreak(subVendorId)
+ subDeviceId, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, SubDeviceId)
+ subDeviceId = removeLineBreak(subDeviceId)
+ busNum, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, BusNum)
+ busNum = removeLineBreak(busNum)
+ device, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, Device)
+ device = removeLineBreak(device)
+ function, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, Function)
+ function = removeLineBreak(function)
+ maxSpeed, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, MaxSpeed)
+ maxSpeed = removeLineBreak(maxSpeed)
+ maxWidth, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, MaxWidth)
+ maxWidth = removeLineBreak(maxWidth)
+ currentSpeed, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, CurrentSpeed)
+ currentSpeed = removeLineBreak(currentSpeed)
+ currentWidth, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, CurrentWidth)
+ currentWidth = removeLineBreak(currentWidth)
+ numaNodeId, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, NumaNodeId)
+ numaNodeId = removeLineBreak(numaNodeId)
+ numaCpuList, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, NumaCPUList)
+ numaCpuList = removeLineBreak(numaCpuList)
+ boardPciDeviceInfo.Set(vendorId, deviceId, subVendorId, subDeviceId, busNum,
+ device, function, maxSpeed, maxWidth, currentSpeed,
+ currentWidth, numaNodeId, numaCpuList)
+ boardPciDeviceInfoList[pciChipIndex] = boardPciDeviceInfo
+ }
+ boardBaseInfo.PciInfoList = boardPciDeviceInfoList
+ case strings.Contains(info, __FAN_STR__):
+ boardBaseInfo.FanSpeed = getBoardInfoVal(info)
+ if strings.Contains(boardBaseInfo.FanSpeed, __NA_STR__) {
+ boardBaseInfo.FanSpeed = __N_A_STR__
+ }
+ case strings.Contains(info, __TEMPERATURE_STR__):
+ count, _ := strconv.Atoi(boardBaseInfo.ChipCount)
+ tempList := make([]string, count)
+ for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
+ line, _ := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ line, _ = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ tempList[i] = getBoardInfoVal(line)
+ line, _ = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ line, _ = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ }
+ boardBaseInfo.TempUtilList = tempList
+ case !strings.Contains(info, __BOARD_VOLTAGE_STR__) && strings.Contains(info, __VOLTAGE_STR__):
+ line, _ := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ count, _ := strconv.Atoi(boardBaseInfo.ChipCount)
+ chipVoltageList := make([]string, count)
+ for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
+ line, _ = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ chipVoltageList[i] = getBoardInfoVal(line)
+ }
+ boardBaseInfo.ChipVoltageList = chipVoltageList
+ case strings.Contains(info, __CLOCKS_STR__):
+ var boardClocksInfo BoardClocksInfo
+ count, _ := strconv.Atoi(boardBaseInfo.ChipCount)
+ apuClocksList := make([]string, count)
+ apuClocksMaxList := make([]string, count)
+ cpuClocksList := make([]string, count)
+ cpuClocksMaxList := make([]string, count)
+ memoryClocksList := make([]string, count)
+ memoryClocksMaxList := make([]string, count)
+ for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
+ _, _ = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ getClocksVal(r, apuClocksList, i)
+ getClocksVal(r, apuClocksMaxList, i)
+ getClocksVal(r, cpuClocksList, i)
+ getClocksVal(r, cpuClocksMaxList, i)
+ getClocksVal(r, memoryClocksList, i)
+ getClocksVal(r, memoryClocksMaxList, i)
+ }
+ boardClocksInfo.ApuClocksList = apuClocksList
+ boardClocksInfo.ApuClocksMaxList = apuClocksMaxList
+ boardClocksInfo.CpuClocksList = cpuClocksList
+ boardClocksInfo.CpuClocksMaxList = cpuClocksMaxList
+ boardClocksInfo.MemoryClocksList = memoryClocksList
+ boardClocksInfo.MemoryClocksMaxList = memoryClocksMaxList
+ boardBaseInfo.ClocksInfo = boardClocksInfo
+ case strings.Contains(info, __BOARD_VOLTAGE_STR__):
+ line, _ := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ if strings.Contains(line, __INPUT_STR__) {
+ boardBaseInfo.VoltageInput = getBoardInfoVal(line)
+ }
+ case strings.Contains(info, __POWER_LIMIT_STR__):
+ boardBaseInfo.PowerLimit = getBoardInfoVal(line)
+ case strings.Contains(info, __POWER_DRAW_STR__):
+ boardBaseInfo.PowerDraw = getBoardInfoVal(line)
+ case strings.Contains(info, __ECC_MODE_STR__):
+ count, _ := strconv.Atoi(boardBaseInfo.ChipCount)
+ eccModeList := make([]string, count)
+ for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
+ line, _ = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ eccModeList[i] = getBoardInfoVal(line)
+ }
+ boardBaseInfo.EccModeList = eccModeList
+ case strings.Contains(info, __DDR_ECC_ERR_COUNT_STR__):
+ line, _ := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ if strings.Contains(line, __TOTAL_STR__) {
+ line, _ := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ if strings.Contains(line, __CORRECTED_ERR_STR__) {
+ boardBaseInfo.DdrEccCorrectedTotal = getBoardInfoVal(line)
+ }
+ line, _ = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ if strings.Contains(line, __UNCORRECTED_ERR_STR__) {
+ boardBaseInfo.DdrEccUnCorrectedTotal = getBoardInfoVal(line)
+ }
+ line, _ = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ count, _ := strconv.Atoi(boardBaseInfo.ChipCount)
+ ddrEccErrCorrectedChipCount := make([]string, count)
+ ddrEccErrUnCorrectedChipCount := make([]string, count)
+ if strings.Contains(line, __CHIP_STR__) {
+ for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
+ line, _ = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ ddrEccErrCorrectedChipCount[i] = getBoardInfoVal(line)
+ line, _ = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ ddrEccErrUnCorrectedChipCount[i] = getBoardInfoVal(line)
+ line, _ = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ }
+ boardBaseInfo.DdrEccErrCorrectedChipCount = ddrEccErrCorrectedChipCount
+ boardBaseInfo.DdrEccErrUnCorrectedChipCount = ddrEccErrUnCorrectedChipCount
+ } else {
+ boardBaseInfo.DdrEccErrCorrectedChipCount = ddrEccErrCorrectedChipCount
+ boardBaseInfo.DdrEccErrUnCorrectedChipCount = ddrEccErrUnCorrectedChipCount
+ }
+ boardBaseInfoList = append(boardBaseInfoList, boardBaseInfo)
+ boardBaseInfo = BoardBaseInfo{}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for err == nil {
+ line = removeAndReplaceBaseInfo(line)
+ fn(line)
+ line, err = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ }
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ return
+ }
+ err = cmd.Wait()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Debugln(err)
+ }
+ log.Debugf("Board Info Number: %d", len(boardBaseInfoList))
+ printAPUsInfoTitle(qFields)
+ for _, v := range boardBaseInfoList {
+ mapData := structToMap(v)
+ log.Debugf("MapData: %s\n", mapData)
+ boardBaseInfoStrMap := apusInfoToFlatMap(mapData)
+ log.Debugf("boardBaseInfoStrMap: %s\n", boardBaseInfoStrMap)
+ for i, qField := range qFields {
+ val := getAPUInfoByBoardMapInfo(boardBaseInfoStrMap, qField)
+ if len(qFields)-1 != i {
+ fmt.Print(val + __COMMA_SEP__ + __SPCAE_SEP__)
+ } else {
+ fmt.Print(val)
+ }
+ }
+ fmt.Println()
+ }
+func ListAPUs() {
+ var boardIndex int = 0
+ var chipCount int = 0
+ var boardSN string
+ var boardPN string
+ r, cmd := runLynSMIDetailCommand()
+ line, err := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ removeDebugInfo(&line, r, err)
+ for err == nil {
+ line = removeAndReplaceBaseInfo(line)
+ boardIndexStr, errCode := getBoardIndex(line)
+ if errCode != -1 {
+ boardIndex, _ = strconv.Atoi(boardIndexStr)
+ }
+ pn, errCode := getBoardPN(line)
+ if errCode != -1 {
+ boardPN = pn
+ }
+ if !isStrBlank(line) {
+ if strings.Contains(line, __CHIP_ID_STR__) {
+ chipCount = getChipCountByChipId(r, &line)
+ }
+ sn, errCode := getBoardSN(line)
+ if errCode != -1 {
+ boardSN = sn
+ }
+ if strings.Contains(line, __UTILIZATION_STR__) {
+ fmt.Println(__APU_STR__ + __SPCAE_SEP__ + strconv.Itoa(boardIndex) + __COLON_SEP__ + boardPN + " (" + "SN: " + boardSN + __COMMA_SEP__ + " ChipCount: " + strings.TrimSpace(strconv.Itoa(chipCount)) + ")")
+ }
+ }
+ line, err = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ }
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ return
+ }
+ err = cmd.Wait()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Debugln(err)
+ return
+ }
+func QueryLynSmiDetailInfoByChipIDAndBoardId(boardId *int, chipId *int) {
+ r, cmd := runLynSMICommandByChipIDAndBoardId(boardId, chipId)
+ getLynSmiDetailInfo(r, cmd)
+func QueryLynSmiDetailInfoByBoardId(boardId *int) {
+ r, cmd := runLynSMICommandByBoardId(boardId)
+ getLynSmiDetailInfo(r, cmd)
+func QueryLynSmiDetailInfo() {
+ r, cmd := runLynSMIDetailCommand()
+ getLynSmiDetailInfo(r, cmd)
+func QueryLynPciInfo(ch chan<- []string) {
+ var pciInfoStrList []string
+ fn := func(line string) {
+ pciInfoStrList = append(pciInfoStrList, string(strings.Split(line, " ")[0]))
+ }
+ RunShellCmdAndArgsAndReadString(fn, DefaultPCICommand, LynChipDeviceIDAndVendorIDCmdParam...)
+ ch <- pciInfoStrList
+func QueryLynChipTotalNum() {
+ var chip_count int = 0
+ fn := func(line string) {
+ chip_count++
+ }
+ RunShellCmdAndArgsAndReadString(fn, DefaultPCICommand, LynChipDeviceIDAndVendorIDCmdParam...)
+ fmt.Printf("ChipTotalNumbyPci: %s\n", strconv.Itoa(chip_count))
+func QueryLynChipList() {
+ fn := func(line string) {
+ fmt.Print(line)
+ }
+ RunShellCmdAndArgsAndReadString(fn, DefaultPCICommand, LynChipDeviceIDAndVendorIDCmdParam...)
diff --git a/internal/exporter/fields.go b/internal/exporter/fields.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04b68e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/exporter/fields.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1360 @@
+package exporter
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
+ "io"
+ "os/exec"
+ "regexp"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+// qField stands for query field - the field name before the query
+type qField string
+// rField stands for returned field - the field name as returned by the lynxi-smi
+type rField string
+type Version int64
+type PciInfo int64
+const (
+ __COLON_SEP__ = ":"
+ __LINE_FEED_STR__ = "\n"
+ __LINE_FEED_SEP__ = '\n'
+ __PER_SEP__ = "%"
+ __V_SEP__ = "V"
+ __C_SEP__ = "C"
+ __SPCAE_SEP__ = " "
+ __W_SEP__ = "W"
+ __DOT_SEP__ = "."
+ __COMMA_SEP__ = ","
+const (
+ SDK Version = iota
+ Driver
+const (
+ DefaultLynSmiCommand = "lynxi-smi"
+ DefaultFindLynDriverCommand = "dpkg"
+ DefaultPCICommand = "lspci"
+ LynDriverStr = "lyndriver"
+ LynSdkStr = "lynsdk"
+ VersionShortStr = "V"
+const (
+ VendorId PciInfo = iota
+ DeviceId
+ SubVendorId
+ SubDeviceId
+ BusNum
+ Device
+ Function
+ MaxSpeed
+ MaxWidth
+ CurrentSpeed
+ CurrentWidth
+ NumaNodeId
+ NumaCPUList
+var (
+ fallbackQFieldToRFieldMap = map[qField]rField{
+ __TIMESTAMP_KEY__: "timestamp",
+ __BOARD_INDEX_KEY__: "board_index",
+ __PRODUCT_NAME_KEY__: "name",
+ __PRODUCT_NUMBER_KEY__: "product_number",
+ __DRIVER_VERSION_KEY__: "driver_version",
+ __FIRMWARE_VERSION_KEY__: "firmware_version",
+ __SERIAL_NUMBER_KEY__: "serial_number",
+ __CHIP_COUNT_KEY__: "chip_count",
+ __CHIP_ID_CHIP0_KEY__: "chip_id.chip0",
+ __CHIP_ID_CHIP1_KEY__: "chip_id.chip1",
+ __CHIP_ID_CHIP2_KEY__: "chip_id.chip2",
+ __UUID_CHIP0_KEY__: "uuid.chip0",
+ __UUID_CHIP1_KEY__: "uuid.chip1",
+ __UUID_CHIP2_KEY__: "uuid.chip2",
+ __CHIP_INDEX_CHIP0_KEY__: "chip_index.chip0",
+ __CHIP_INDEX_CHIP1_KEY__: "chip_index.chip1",
+ __CHIP_INDEX_CHIP2_KEY__: "chip_index.chip2",
+ __UTILIZATION_APU_TOTAL_KEY__: "utilization.apu.total",
+ __UTILIZATION_APU_CHIP0_KEY__: "utilization.apu.chip0",
+ __UTILIZATION_APU_CHIP1_KEY__: "utilization.apu.chip1",
+ __UTILIZATION_APU_CHIP2_KEY__: "utilization.apu.chip2",
+ __UTILIZATION_CPU_TOTAL_KEY__: "utilization.cpu.total",
+ __UTILIZATION_CPU_CHIP0_KEY__: "utilization.cpu.chip0",
+ __UTILIZATION_CPU_CHIP1_KEY__: "utilization.cpu.chip1",
+ __UTILIZATION_CPU_CHIP2_KEY__: "utilization.cpu.chip2",
+ __UTILIZATION_VIC_TOTAL_KEY__: "utilization.vic.total",
+ __UTILIZATION_VIC_CHIP0_KEY__: "utilization.vic.chip0",
+ __UTILIZATION_VIC_CHIP1_KEY__: "utilization.vic.chip1",
+ __UTILIZATION_VIC_CHIP2_KEY__: "utilization.vic.chip2",
+ __UTILIZATION_MEMORY_TOTAL_KEY__: "utilization.memory.total",
+ __UTILIZATION_MEMORY_CHIP0_KEY__: "utilization.memory.chip0",
+ __UTILIZATION_MEMORY_CHIP1_KEY__: "utilization.memory.chip1",
+ __UTILIZATION_MEMORY_CHIP2_KEY__: "utilization.memory.chip2",
+ __UTILIZATION_IPE_FPS_TOTAL_KEY__: "utilization.ipeFps.total",
+ __UTILIZATION_IPE_FPS_CHIP0_KEY__: "utilization.ipeFps.chip0",
+ __UTILIZATION_IPE_FPS_CHIP1_KEY__: "utilization.ipeFps.chip1",
+ __UTILIZATION_IPE_FPS_CHIP2_KEY__: "utilization.ipeFps.chip2",
+ __PCI_SUB_VENDOR_ID_CHIP0_KEY__: "pci.sub_vendor_id.chip0",
+ __PCI_SUB_VENDOR_ID_CHIP1_KEY__: "pci.sub_vendor_id.chip1",
+ __PCI_SUB_VENDOR_ID_CHIP2_KEY__: "pci.sub_vendor_id.chip2",
+ __PCI_VENDOR_ID_CHIP0_KEY__: "pci.vendor_id.chip0",
+ __PCI_VENDOR_ID_CHIP1_KEY__: "pci.vendor_id.chip1",
+ __PCI_VENDOR_ID_CHIP2_KEY__: "pci.vendor_id.chip2",
+ __PCI_BUS_CHIP0_KEY__: "pci.bus.chip0",
+ __PCI_BUS_CHIP1_KEY__: "pci.bus.chip1",
+ __PCI_BUS_CHIP2_KEY__: "pci.bus.chip2",
+ __PCI_DEVICE_ID_CHIP0_KEY__: "pci.device_id.chip0",
+ __PCI_DEVICE_ID_CHIP1_KEY__: "pci.device_id.chip1",
+ __PCI_DEVICE_ID_CHIP2_KEY__: "pci.device_id.chip2",
+ __PCI_SUB_DEVICE_ID_CHIP0_KEY__: "pci.sub_device_id.chip0",
+ __PCI_SUB_DEVICE_ID_CHIP1_KEY__: "pci.sub_device_id.chip1",
+ __PCI_SUB_DEVICE_ID_CHIP2_KEY__: "pci.sub_device_id.chip2",
+ __PCI_DEVICE_CHIP0_KEY__: "pci.device.chip0",
+ __PCI_DEVICE_CHIP1_KEY__: "pci.device.chip1",
+ __PCI_DEVICE_CHIP2_KEY__: "pci.device.chip2",
+ __PCI_FUNCTION_CHIP0_KEY__: "pci.function.chip0",
+ __PCI_FUNCTION_CHIP1_KEY__: "pci.function.chip1",
+ __PCI_FUNCTION_CHIP2_KEY__: "pci.function.chip2",
+ __PCI_NUMA_NODE_ID_CHIP0_KEY__: "pci.numa.node_id.chip0",
+ __PCI_NUMA_NODE_ID_CHIP1_KEY__: "pci.numa.node_id.chip1",
+ __PCI_NUMA_NODE_ID_CHIP2_KEY__: "pci.numa.node_id.chip2",
+ __PCI_NUMA_CPU_CHIP0_KEY__: "pci.numa.cpu.chip0",
+ __PCI_NUMA_CPU_CHIP1_KEY__: "pci.numa.cpu.chip1",
+ __PCI_NUMA_CPU_CHIP2_KEY__: "pci.numa.cpu.chip2",
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_MAX_CHIP0_KEY__: "pcie.link.speed.max.chip0",
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_MAX_CHIP1_KEY__: "pcie.link.speed.max.chip1",
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_MAX_CHIP2_KEY__: "pcie.link.speed.max.chip2",
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_CURRENT_CHIP0_KEY__: "pcie.link.speed.current.chip0",
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_CURRENT_CHIP1_KEY__: "pcie.link.speed.current.chip1",
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_CURRENT_CHIP2_KEY__: "pcie.link.speed.current.chip2",
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_MAX_CHIP0_KEY__: "pcie.link.gen.max.chip0",
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_MAX_CHIP1_KEY__: "pcie.link.gen.max.chip1",
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_MAX_CHIP2_KEY__: "pcie.link.gen.max.chip2",
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_CURRENT_CHIP0_KEY__: "pcie.link.gen.current.chip0",
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_CURRENT_CHIP1_KEY__: "pcie.link.gen.current.chip1",
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_CURRENT_CHIP2_KEY__: "pcie.link.gen.current.chip2",
+ __FAN_SPEED_KEY__: "fan.speed",
+ __TEMPERATURE_CURRENT_CHIP0_KEY__: "temperature.current.chip0",
+ __TEMPERATURE_CURRENT_CHIP1_KEY__: "temperature.current.chip1",
+ __TEMPERATURE_CURRENT_CHIP2_KEY__: "temperature.current.chip2",
+ __VOLTAGE_CURRENT_CHIP0_KEY__: "voltage.current.chip0",
+ __VOLTAGE_CURRENT_CHIP1_KEY__: "voltage.current.chip1",
+ __VOLTAGE_CURRENT_CHIP2_KEY__: "voltage.current.chip2",
+ __VOLTAGE_BOARD_INPUT_KEY__: "voltage.board.input",
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_APU_CHIP0_KEY__: "clocks.current.apu.chip0",
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_APU_CHIP1_KEY__: "clocks.current.apu.chip1",
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_APU_CHIP2_KEY__: "clocks.current.apu.chip2",
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_CPU_CHIP0_KEY__: "clocks.current.cpu.chip0",
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_CPU_CHIP1_KEY__: "clocks.current.cpu.chip1",
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_CPU_CHIP2_KEY__: "clocks.current.cpu.chip2",
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_MEMORY_CHIP0_KEY__: "clocks.current.memory.chip0",
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_MEMORY_CHIP1_KEY__: "clocks.current.memory.chip1",
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_MEMORY_CHIP2_KEY__: "clocks.current.memory.chip2",
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_APU_CHIP0_KEY__: "clocks.current.apu.max.chip0",
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_APU_CHIP1_KEY__: "clocks.current.apu.max.chip1",
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_APU_CHIP2_KEY__: "clocks.current.apu.max.chip2",
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_CPU_CHIP0_KEY__: "clocks.current.cpu.max.chip0",
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_CPU_CHIP1_KEY__: "clocks.current.cpu.max.chip1",
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_CPU_CHIP2_KEY__: "clocks.current.cpu.max.chip2",
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_MEMORY_CHIP0_KEY__: "clocks.current.memory.max.chip0",
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_MEMORY_CHIP1_KEY__: "clocks.current.memory.max.chip1",
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_MEMORY_CHIP2_KEY__: "clocks.current.memory.max.chip2",
+ __POWER_DRAW__: "power.draw",
+ __POWER_LIMIT__: "power.limit",
+ __ECC_MODE_CURRENT_CHIP0_KEY__: "ecc.mode.current.chip0",
+ __ECC_MODE_CURRENT_CHIP1_KEY__: "ecc.mode.current.chip1",
+ __ECC_MODE_CURRENT_CHIP2_KEY__: "ecc.mode.current.chip2",
+ __ECC_ERRORS_CORRECTED_TOTAL_KEY__: "ecc.errors.corrected.total",
+ __ECC_ERRORS_CORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP0_KEY__: "ecc.errors.corrected.total.chip0",
+ __ECC_ERRORS_CORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP1_KEY__: "ecc.errors.corrected.total.chip1",
+ __ECC_ERRORS_CORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP2_KEY__: "ecc.errors.corrected.total.chip2",
+ __ECC_ERRORS_UNCORRECTED_TOTAL_KEY__: "ecc.errors.uncorrected.total",
+ __ECC_ERRORS_UNCORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP0_KEY__: "ecc.errors.uncorrected.total.chip0",
+ __ECC_ERRORS_UNCORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP1_KEY__: "ecc.errors.uncorrected.total.chip1",
+ __ECC_ERRORS_UNCORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP2_KEY__: "ecc.errors.uncorrected.total.chip2",
+ }
+ fallbackQField = []qField{
+ }
+ fallbackQFieldComment = map[qField]rField{
+ __TIMESTAMP_KEY__: "The timestamp of when the query was made in format timestamp.",
+ __BOARD_INDEX_KEY__: "Zero based index of the APU board. Can change at each boot.",
+ __PRODUCT_NAME_KEY__: "the product name of the APU board.",
+ __PRODUCT_NUMBER_KEY__: "the product number of the APU board.",
+ __DRIVER_VERSION_KEY__: "The version of the installed LYNXI display driver. This is an alphanumeric string.",
+ __FIRMWARE_VERSION_KEY__: "The version of the installed LYNXI display firmware driver.",
+ __SERIAL_NUMBER_KEY__: "This number matches the serial number physically printed on each board. It is a globally unique immutable alphanumeric value.",
+ __CHIP_COUNT_KEY__: "The number of LYNXI APUs in the system.",
+ __CHIP_ID_CHIP0_KEY__: "This value is the globally unique immutable alphanumeric identifier of the APU0",
+ __CHIP_ID_CHIP1_KEY__: "This value is the globally unique immutable alphanumeric identifier of the APU1",
+ __CHIP_ID_CHIP2_KEY__: "This value is the globally unique immutable alphanumeric identifier of the APU2",
+ __UUID_CHIP0_KEY__: "This value is the globally unique immutable alphanumeric identifier of the APU0. It does not correspond to any physical label on the board.",
+ __UUID_CHIP1_KEY__: "This value is the globally unique immutable alphanumeric identifier of the APU1. It does not correspond to any physical label on the board.",
+ __UUID_CHIP2_KEY__: "This value is the globally unique immutable alphanumeric identifier of the APU2. It does not correspond to any physical label on the board.",
+ __CHIP_INDEX_CHIP0_KEY__: "Zero based index of the APU0. Can change at each boot.",
+ __CHIP_INDEX_CHIP1_KEY__: "Zero based index of the APU1. Can change at each boot.",
+ __CHIP_INDEX_CHIP2_KEY__: "Zero based index of the APU2. Can change at each boot.",
+ __UTILIZATION_APU_TOTAL_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (device) apu was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_APU_CHIP0_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (APU0) apu was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_APU_CHIP1_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (APU1) apu was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_APU_CHIP2_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (APU2) apu was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_CPU_TOTAL_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (device) cpu was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_CPU_CHIP0_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (APU0) cpu was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_CPU_CHIP1_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (APU1) cpu was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_CPU_CHIP2_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (APU2) cpu was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_VIC_TOTAL_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (device) vic was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_VIC_CHIP0_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (APU0) vic was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_VIC_CHIP1_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (APU1) vic was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_VIC_CHIP2_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (APU2) vic was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_MEMORY_TOTAL_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (device) memory was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_MEMORY_CHIP0_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (APU0) memory was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_MEMORY_CHIP1_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (APU1) memory was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_MEMORY_CHIP2_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (APU2) memory was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_IPE_FPS_TOTAL_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (device) ipe was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_IPE_FPS_CHIP0_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (APU0) ipe was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_IPE_FPS_CHIP1_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (APU1) ipe was being read or written.",
+ __UTILIZATION_IPE_FPS_CHIP2_KEY__: "Percent of time over the past sample period during which global (APU2) ipe was being read or written.",
+ __PCI_SUB_VENDOR_ID_CHIP0_KEY__: "pci.sub_vendor_id.chip0, in hex.",
+ __PCI_SUB_VENDOR_ID_CHIP1_KEY__: "pci.sub_vendor_id.chip1, in hex.",
+ __PCI_SUB_VENDOR_ID_CHIP2_KEY__: "pci.sub_vendor_id.chip2, in hex.",
+ __PCI_VENDOR_ID_CHIP0_KEY__: "pci.vendor_id.chip0, in hex.",
+ __PCI_VENDOR_ID_CHIP1_KEY__: "pci.vendor_id.chip1, in hex.",
+ __PCI_VENDOR_ID_CHIP2_KEY__: "pci.vendor_id.chip2, in hex.",
+ __PCI_BUS_CHIP0_KEY__: "pci.bus.chip0 , in hex.",
+ __PCI_BUS_CHIP1_KEY__: "pci.bus.chip1, in hex.",
+ __PCI_BUS_CHIP2_KEY__: "pci.bus.chip2, in hex.",
+ __PCI_DEVICE_ID_CHIP0_KEY__: "pci.device_id.chip0, in hex.",
+ __PCI_DEVICE_ID_CHIP1_KEY__: "pci.device_id.chip1, in hex.",
+ __PCI_DEVICE_ID_CHIP2_KEY__: "pci.device_id.chip2, in hex.",
+ __PCI_SUB_DEVICE_ID_CHIP0_KEY__: "pci.sub_device_id.chip0, in hex.",
+ __PCI_SUB_DEVICE_ID_CHIP1_KEY__: "pci.sub_device_id.chip1, in hex.",
+ __PCI_SUB_DEVICE_ID_CHIP2_KEY__: "pci.sub_device_id.chip2, in hex.",
+ __PCI_DEVICE_CHIP0_KEY__: "pci.device.chip0, in hex.",
+ __PCI_DEVICE_CHIP1_KEY__: "pci.device.chip1, in hex.",
+ __PCI_DEVICE_CHIP2_KEY__: "pci.device.chip2, in hex.",
+ __PCI_FUNCTION_CHIP0_KEY__: "pci.function.chip0, in hex.",
+ __PCI_FUNCTION_CHIP1_KEY__: "pci.function.chip1, in hex.",
+ __PCI_FUNCTION_CHIP2_KEY__: "pci.function.chip2, in hex.",
+ __PCI_NUMA_NODE_ID_CHIP0_KEY__: "pci.numa.node_id.chip0.",
+ __PCI_NUMA_NODE_ID_CHIP1_KEY__: "pci.numa.node_id.chip1.",
+ __PCI_NUMA_NODE_ID_CHIP2_KEY__: "pci.numa.node_id.chip2.",
+ __PCI_NUMA_CPU_CHIP0_KEY__: "pci.numa.cpu.chip0.",
+ __PCI_NUMA_CPU_CHIP1_KEY__: "pci.numa.cpu.chip1.",
+ __PCI_NUMA_CPU_CHIP2_KEY__: "pci.numa.cpu.chip2.",
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_MAX_CHIP0_KEY__: "The maximum PCI-E link width possible with this APU and system configuration. For example, if the APU supports a higher PCIe generation than the system supports then this reports the system PCIe generation.",
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_MAX_CHIP1_KEY__: "The maximum PCI-E link width possible with this APU and system configuration. For example, if the APU supports a higher PCIe generation than the system supports then this reports the system PCIe generation.",
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_MAX_CHIP2_KEY__: "pThe maximum PCI-E link width possible with this APU and system configuration. For example, if the APU supports a higher PCIe generation than the system supports then this reports the system PCIe generation.",
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_CURRENT_CHIP0_KEY__: "The current PCI-E link width. These may be reduced when the APU is not in use.",
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_CURRENT_CHIP1_KEY__: "The current PCI-E link width. These may be reduced when the APU is not in use.",
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_CURRENT_CHIP2_KEY__: "The current PCI-E link width. These may be reduced when the APU is not in use.",
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_MAX_CHIP0_KEY__: "The maximum PCI-E link generation possible with this APU and system configuration. For example, if the APU supports a higher PCIe generation than the system supports then this reports the system PCIe generation.",
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_MAX_CHIP1_KEY__: "The maximum PCI-E link generation possible with this APU and system configuration. For example, if the APU supports a higher PCIe generation than the system supports then this reports the system PCIe generation.",
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_MAX_CHIP2_KEY__: "The maximum PCI-E link generation possible with this APU and system configuration. For example, if the APU supports a higher PCIe generation than the system supports then this reports the system PCIe generation.",
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_CURRENT_CHIP0_KEY__: "The current PCI-E link generation. These may be reduced when the APU is not in use.",
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_CURRENT_CHIP1_KEY__: "The current PCI-E link generation. These may be reduced when the APU is not in use.",
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_CURRENT_CHIP2_KEY__: "The current PCI-E link generation. These may be reduced when the APU is not in use.",
+ __FAN_SPEED_KEY__: "Fan speed, in %.",
+ __TEMPERATURE_CURRENT_CHIP0_KEY__: "Core APU0 temperature. in degrees C.",
+ __TEMPERATURE_CURRENT_CHIP1_KEY__: "Core APU1 temperature. in degrees C.",
+ __TEMPERATURE_CURRENT_CHIP2_KEY__: "Core APU2 temperature. in degrees C.",
+ __VOLTAGE_CURRENT_CHIP0_KEY__: "Current APU0 Voltage. in voltage V.",
+ __VOLTAGE_CURRENT_CHIP1_KEY__: "Current APU1 Voltage. in voltage V.",
+ __VOLTAGE_CURRENT_CHIP2_KEY__: "Current APU2 Voltage. in voltage V.",
+ __VOLTAGE_BOARD_INPUT_KEY__: "Voltage board input.",
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_APU_CHIP0_KEY__: "Current apu frequency of APU0 clock.",
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_APU_CHIP1_KEY__: "Current apu frequency of APU1 clock.",
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_APU_CHIP2_KEY__: "Current apu frequency of APU2 clock.",
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_CPU_CHIP0_KEY__: "Current cpu frequency of APU0 clock.",
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_CPU_CHIP1_KEY__: "Current cpu frequency of APU1 clock.",
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_CPU_CHIP2_KEY__: "Current cpu frequency of APU2 clock.",
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_MEMORY_CHIP0_KEY__: "Current memory frequency of APU0 clock.",
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_MEMORY_CHIP1_KEY__: "Current memory frequency of APU1 clock.",
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_MEMORY_CHIP2_KEY__: "Current memory frequency of APU2 clock.",
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_APU_CHIP0_KEY__: "Current max apu frequency of APU0 clock.",
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_APU_CHIP1_KEY__: "Current max apu frequency of APU1 clock.",
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_APU_CHIP2_KEY__: "Current max apu frequency of APU2 clock.",
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_CPU_CHIP0_KEY__: "Current max cpu frequency of APU0 clock.",
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_CPU_CHIP1_KEY__: "Current max cpu frequency of APU0 clock.",
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_CPU_CHIP2_KEY__: "Current max cpu frequency of APU0 clock.",
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_MEMORY_CHIP0_KEY__: "Current max memory frequency of APU0 clock.",
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_MEMORY_CHIP1_KEY__: "Current max memory frequency of APU1 clock.",
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_MEMORY_CHIP2_KEY__: "Current max memory frequency of APU2 clock.",
+ __POWER_DRAW__: "The last measured power draw for the entire board, in watts. Only available if power management is supported. This reading is accurate to within +/- 5 watts.",
+ __POWER_LIMIT__: "The software power limit in watts. Set by software like nvidia-smi. On Kepler devices Power Limit can be adjusted using [-pl | --power-limit=] switches.",
+ __ECC_MODE_CURRENT_CHIP0_KEY__: "Current Ecc mode APU0.",
+ __ECC_MODE_CURRENT_CHIP1_KEY__: "Current Ecc mode APU1.",
+ __ECC_MODE_CURRENT_CHIP2_KEY__: "Current Ecc mode APU2.",
+ __ECC_ERRORS_CORRECTED_TOTAL_KEY__: "Errors detected in global device memory.",
+ __ECC_ERRORS_CORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP0_KEY__: "Errors detected in the APU0",
+ __ECC_ERRORS_CORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP1_KEY__: "Errors detected in the APU1",
+ __ECC_ERRORS_CORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP2_KEY__: "Errors detected in the APU2",
+ __ECC_ERRORS_UNCORRECTED_TOTAL_KEY__: "Errors detected in global device memory.",
+ __ECC_ERRORS_UNCORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP0_KEY__: "Errors detected in the APU0.",
+ __ECC_ERRORS_UNCORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP1_KEY__: "Errors detected in the APU1.",
+ __ECC_ERRORS_UNCORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP2_KEY__: "Errors detected in the APU2.",
+ }
+const (
+ __TIMESTAMP_KEY__ = "timestamp"
+ __BOARD_INDEX_KEY__ = "board_index"
+ __PRODUCT_NAME_KEY__ = "name"
+ __PRODUCT_NUMBER_KEY__ = "product_number"
+ __DRIVER_VERSION_KEY__ = "driver_version"
+ __FIRMWARE_VERSION_KEY__ = "firmware_version"
+ __SERIAL_NUMBER_KEY__ = "serial_number"
+ __CHIP_COUNT_KEY__ = "chip_count"
+ __CHIP_ID_LIST_KEY__ = "chip_id_list"
+ __CHIP_ID_CHIP_KEY__ = "chip_id.chip"
+ __CHIP_ID_CHIP0_KEY__ = "chip_id.chip0"
+ __CHIP_ID_CHIP1_KEY__ = "chip_id.chip1"
+ __CHIP_ID_CHIP2_KEY__ = "chip_id.chip2"
+ __UUID_LIST_KEY__ = "uuid_list"
+ __UUID_CHIP_KEY__ = "uuid.chip"
+ __UUID_CHIP0_KEY__ = "uuid.chip0"
+ __UUID_CHIP1_KEY__ = "uuid.chip1"
+ __UUID_CHIP2_KEY__ = "uuid.chip2"
+ __CHIP_INDEX_LIST_KEY__ = "chip_index_list"
+ __CHIP_INDEX_CHIP_KEY__ = "chip_index.chip"
+ __CHIP_INDEX_CHIP0_KEY__ = "chip_index.chip0"
+ __CHIP_INDEX_CHIP1_KEY__ = "chip_index.chip1"
+ __CHIP_INDEX_CHIP2_KEY__ = "chip_index.chip2"
+ __UTILIZATION_APU_TOTAL_KEY__ = "utilization.apu.total"
+ __UTILIZATION_APU_CHIPS_KEY__ = "utilization.apu.chips"
+ __UTILIZATION_APU_CHIP_KEY__ = "utilization.apu.chip"
+ __UTILIZATION_APU_CHIP0_KEY__ = "utilization.apu.chip0"
+ __UTILIZATION_APU_CHIP1_KEY__ = "utilization.apu.chip1"
+ __UTILIZATION_APU_CHIP2_KEY__ = "utilization.apu.chip2"
+ __UTILIZATION_CPU_TOTAL_KEY__ = "utilization.cpu.total"
+ __UTILIZATION_CPU_CHIPS_KEY__ = "utilization.cpu.chips"
+ __UTILIZATION_CPU_CHIP_KEY__ = "utilization.cpu.chip"
+ __UTILIZATION_CPU_CHIP0_KEY__ = "utilization.cpu.chip0"
+ __UTILIZATION_CPU_CHIP1_KEY__ = "utilization.cpu.chip1"
+ __UTILIZATION_CPU_CHIP2_KEY__ = "utilization.cpu.chip2"
+ __UTILIZATION_VIC_TOTAL_KEY__ = "utilization.vic.total"
+ __UTILIZATION_VIC_CHIPS_KEY__ = "utilization.vic.chips"
+ __UTILIZATION_VIC_CHIP_KEY__ = "utilization.vic.chip"
+ __UTILIZATION_VIC_CHIP0_KEY__ = "utilization.vic.chip0"
+ __UTILIZATION_VIC_CHIP1_KEY__ = "utilization.vic.chip1"
+ __UTILIZATION_VIC_CHIP2_KEY__ = "utilization.vic.chip2"
+ __UTILIZATION_MEMORY_TOTAL_KEY__ = "utilization.memory.total"
+ __UTILIZATION_MEMORY_CHIPS_KEY__ = "utilization.memory.chips"
+ __UTILIZATION_MEMORY_CHIP_KEY__ = "utilization.memory.chip"
+ __UTILIZATION_MEMORY_CHIP0_KEY__ = "utilization.memory.chip0"
+ __UTILIZATION_MEMORY_CHIP1_KEY__ = "utilization.memory.chip1"
+ __UTILIZATION_MEMORY_CHIP2_KEY__ = "utilization.memory.chip2"
+ __UTILIZATION_IPE_FPS_TOTAL_KEY__ = "utilization.ipeFps.total"
+ __UTILIZATION_IPE_FPS_CHIPS_KEY__ = "utilization.ipeFps.chips"
+ __UTILIZATION_IPE_FPS_CHIP_KEY__ = "utilization.ipeFps.chip"
+ __UTILIZATION_IPE_FPS_CHIP0_KEY__ = "utilization.ipeFps.chip0"
+ __UTILIZATION_IPE_FPS_CHIP1_KEY__ = "utilization.ipeFps.chip1"
+ __UTILIZATION_IPE_FPS_CHIP2_KEY__ = "utilization.ipeFps.chip2"
+ __PCI_CHIPS__KEY__ = "pci.chips"
+ __PCI_VENDOR_ID_KEY__ = "pci.vendor_id"
+ __PCI_VENDOR_ID_CHIP_KEY__ = "pci.vendor_id.chip"
+ __PCI_VENDOR_ID_CHIP0_KEY__ = "pci.vendor_id.chip0"
+ __PCI_VENDOR_ID_CHIP1_KEY__ = "pci.vendor_id.chip1"
+ __PCI_VENDOR_ID_CHIP2_KEY__ = "pci.vendor_id.chip2"
+ __PCI_SUB_VENDOR_ID_KEY__ = "pci.sub_vendor_id"
+ __PCI_SUB_VENDOR_ID_CHIP_KEY__ = "pci.sub_vendor_id.chip"
+ __PCI_SUB_VENDOR_ID_CHIP0_KEY__ = "pci.sub_vendor_id.chip0"
+ __PCI_SUB_VENDOR_ID_CHIP1_KEY__ = "pci.sub_vendor_id.chip1"
+ __PCI_SUB_VENDOR_ID_CHIP2_KEY__ = "pci.sub_vendor_id.chip2"
+ __PCI_BUS_KEY__ = "pci.bus"
+ __PCI_BUS_CHIP_KEY__ = "pci.bus.chip"
+ __PCI_BUS_CHIP0_KEY__ = "pci.bus.chip0"
+ __PCI_BUS_CHIP1_KEY__ = "pci.bus.chip1"
+ __PCI_BUS_CHIP2_KEY__ = "pci.bus.chip2"
+ __PCI_DEVICE_ID_KEY__ = "pci.device_id"
+ __PCI_DEVICE_ID_CHIP_KEY__ = "pci.device_id.chip"
+ __PCI_DEVICE_ID_CHIP0_KEY__ = "pci.device_id.chip0"
+ __PCI_DEVICE_ID_CHIP1_KEY__ = "pci.device_id.chip1"
+ __PCI_DEVICE_ID_CHIP2_KEY__ = "pci.device_id.chip2"
+ __PCI_SUB_DEVICE_ID_KEY__ = "pci.sub_device_id"
+ __PCI_SUB_DEVICE_ID_CHIP_KEY__ = "pci.sub_device_id.chip"
+ __PCI_SUB_DEVICE_ID_CHIP0_KEY__ = "pci.sub_device_id.chip0"
+ __PCI_SUB_DEVICE_ID_CHIP1_KEY__ = "pci.sub_device_id.chip1"
+ __PCI_SUB_DEVICE_ID_CHIP2_KEY__ = "pci.sub_device_id.chip2"
+ __PCI_DEVICE_KEY__ = "pci.device"
+ __PCI_DEVICE_CHIP_KEY__ = "pci.device.chip"
+ __PCI_DEVICE_CHIP0_KEY__ = "pci.device.chip0"
+ __PCI_DEVICE_CHIP1_KEY__ = "pci.device.chip1"
+ __PCI_DEVICE_CHIP2_KEY__ = "pci.device.chip2"
+ __PCI_SUB_FUNCTION_KEY__ = "pci.function"
+ __PCI_SUB_FUNCTION_CHIP_KEY__ = "pci.function.chip"
+ __PCI_FUNCTION_CHIP0_KEY__ = "pci.function.chip0"
+ __PCI_FUNCTION_CHIP1_KEY__ = "pci.function.chip1"
+ __PCI_FUNCTION_CHIP2_KEY__ = "pci.function.chip2"
+ __PCI_NUMA_NODE_ID_KEY__ = "pci.numa.node_id"
+ __PCI_NUMA_NODE_ID_CHIP_KEY__ = "pci.numa.node_id.chip"
+ __PCI_NUMA_NODE_ID_CHIP0_KEY__ = "pci.numa.node_id.chip0"
+ __PCI_NUMA_NODE_ID_CHIP1_KEY__ = "pci.numa.node_id.chip1"
+ __PCI_NUMA_NODE_ID_CHIP2_KEY__ = "pci.numa.node_id.chip2"
+ __PCI_NUMA_CPU_KEY__ = "pci.numa.cpu"
+ __PCI_NUMA_CPU_CHIP_KEY__ = "pci.numa.cpu.chip"
+ __PCI_NUMA_CPU_CHIP0_KEY__ = "pci.numa.cpu.chip0"
+ __PCI_NUMA_CPU_CHIP1_KEY__ = "pci.numa.cpu.chip1"
+ __PCI_NUMA_CPU_CHIP2_KEY__ = "pci.numa.cpu.chip2"
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_MAX_KEY__ = "pcie.link.speed.max"
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_MAX_CHIP_KEY__ = "pcie.link.speed.max.chip"
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_MAX_CHIP0_KEY__ = "pcie.link.speed.max.chip0"
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_MAX_CHIP1_KEY__ = "pcie.link.speed.max.chip1"
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_MAX_CHIP2_KEY__ = "pcie.link.speed.max.chip2"
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_CURRENT_KEY__ = "pcie.link.speed.current"
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_CURRENT_CHIP_KEY__ = "pcie.link.speed.current.chip"
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_CURRENT_CHIP0_KEY__ = "pcie.link.speed.current.chip0"
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_CURRENT_CHIP1_KEY__ = "pcie.link.speed.current.chip1"
+ __PCIE_LINK_SPEED_CURRENT_CHIP2_KEY__ = "pcie.link.speed.current.chip2"
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_MAX_KEY__ = "pcie.link.gen.max"
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_MAX_CHIP_KEY__ = "pcie.link.gen.max.chip"
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_MAX_CHIP0_KEY__ = "pcie.link.gen.max.chip0"
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_MAX_CHIP1_KEY__ = "pcie.link.gen.max.chip1"
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_MAX_CHIP2_KEY__ = "pcie.link.gen.max.chip2"
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_CURRENT_KEY__ = "pcie.link.gen.current"
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_CURRENT_CHIP_KEY__ = "pcie.link.gen.current.chip"
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_CURRENT_CHIP0_KEY__ = "pcie.link.gen.current.chip0"
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_CURRENT_CHIP1_KEY__ = "pcie.link.gen.current.chip1"
+ __PCIE_LINK_GEN_CURRENT_CHIP2_KEY__ = "pcie.link.gen.current.chip2"
+ __FAN_SPEED_KEY__ = "fan.speed"
+ __TEMPERATURE_CURRENT_CHIPS_KEY__ = "temperature.current.chips"
+ __TEMPERATURE_CURRENT_CHIP_KEY__ = "temperature.current.chip"
+ __TEMPERATURE_CURRENT_CHIP0_KEY__ = "temperature.current.chip0"
+ __TEMPERATURE_CURRENT_CHIP1_KEY__ = "temperature.current.chip1"
+ __TEMPERATURE_CURRENT_CHIP2_KEY__ = "temperature.current.chip2"
+ __VOLTAGE_CURRENT_CHIPS_KEY__ = "voltage.current.chips"
+ __VOLTAGE_CURRENT_CHIP_KEY__ = "voltage.current.chip"
+ __VOLTAGE_CURRENT_CHIP0_KEY__ = "voltage.current.chip0"
+ __VOLTAGE_CURRENT_CHIP1_KEY__ = "voltage.current.chip1"
+ __VOLTAGE_CURRENT_CHIP2_KEY__ = "voltage.current.chip2"
+ __VOLTAGE_BOARD_INPUT_KEY__ = "voltage.board.input"
+ __CLOCKS_KEY__ = "clocks"
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_APU_CHIPS_KEY__ = "clocks.current.apu.chips"
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_APU_KEY__ = "clocks.current.apu"
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_APU_CHIP_KEY__ = "clocks.current.apu.chip"
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_APU_CHIP0_KEY__ = "clocks.current.apu.chip0"
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_APU_CHIP1_KEY__ = "clocks.current.apu.chip1"
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_APU_CHIP2_KEY__ = "clocks.current.apu.chip2"
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_CPU_CHIPS_KEY__ = "clocks.current.cpu.chips"
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_CPU_KEY__ = "clocks.current.cpu"
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_CPU_CHIP_KEY__ = "clocks.current.cpu.chip"
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_CPU_CHIP0_KEY__ = "clocks.current.cpu.chip0"
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_CPU_CHIP1_KEY__ = "clocks.current.cpu.chip1"
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_CPU_CHIP2_KEY__ = "clocks.current.cpu.chip2"
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_MEMORY_CHIPS_KEY__ = "clocks.current.memory.chips"
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_MEMORY_KEY__ = "clocks.current.memory"
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_MEMORY_CHIP_KEY__ = "clocks.current.memory.chip"
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_MEMORY_CHIP0_KEY__ = "clocks.current.memory.chip0"
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_MEMORY_CHIP1_KEY__ = "clocks.current.memory.chip1"
+ __CLOCKS_CURRENT_MEMORY_CHIP2_KEY__ = "clocks.current.memory.chip2"
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_APU_CHIPS_KEY__ = "clocks.current.apu.max.chips"
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_APU_CHIP_KEY__ = "clocks.current.apu.max.chip"
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_APU_CHIP0_KEY__ = "clocks.current.apu.max.chip0"
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_APU_CHIP1_KEY__ = "clocks.current.apu.max.chip1"
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_APU_CHIP2_KEY__ = "clocks.current.apu.max.chip2"
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_CPU_CHIPS_KEY__ = "clocks.current.cpu.max.chips"
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_CPU_CHIP_KEY__ = "clocks.current.cpu.max.chip"
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_CPU_CHIP0_KEY__ = "clocks.current.cpu.max.chip0"
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_CPU_CHIP1_KEY__ = "clocks.current.cpu.max.chip1"
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_CPU_CHIP2_KEY__ = "clocks.current.cpu.max.chip2"
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_MEMORY_CHIPS_KEY__ = "clocks.current.memory.max.chips"
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_MEMORY_CHIP_KEY__ = "clocks.current.memory.max.chip"
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_MEMORY_CHIP0_KEY__ = "clocks.current.memory.max.chip0"
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_MEMORY_CHIP1_KEY__ = "clocks.current.memory.max.chip1"
+ __CLOCKS_MAX_MEMORY_CHIP2_KEY__ = "clocks.current.memory.max.chip2"
+ __POWER_DRAW__ = "power.draw"
+ __POWER_LIMIT__ = "power.limit"
+ __ECC_MODE_CURRENT_CHIPS_KEY__ = "ecc.mode.current.chips"
+ __ECC_MODE_CURRENT_CHIP_KEY__ = "ecc.mode.current.chip"
+ __ECC_MODE_CURRENT_CHIP0_KEY__ = "ecc.mode.current.chip0"
+ __ECC_MODE_CURRENT_CHIP1_KEY__ = "ecc.mode.current.chip1"
+ __ECC_MODE_CURRENT_CHIP2_KEY__ = "ecc.mode.current.chip2"
+ __ECC_ERRORS_CORRECTED_TOTAL_KEY__ = "ecc.errors.corrected.total"
+ __ECC_ERRORS_CORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIPS_KEY__ = "ecc.errors.corrected.total.chips"
+ __ECC_ERRORS_CORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP_KEY__ = "ecc.errors.corrected.total.chip"
+ __ECC_ERRORS_CORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP0_KEY__ = "ecc.errors.corrected.total.chip0"
+ __ECC_ERRORS_CORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP1_KEY__ = "ecc.errors.corrected.total.chip1"
+ __ECC_ERRORS_CORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP2_KEY__ = "ecc.errors.corrected.total.chip2"
+ __ECC_ERRORS_UNCORRECTED_TOTAL_KEY__ = "ecc.errors.uncorrected.total"
+ __ECC_ERRORS_UNCORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIPS_KEY__ = "ecc.errors.uncorrected.total.chips"
+ __ECC_ERRORS_UNCORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP_KEY__ = "ecc.errors.uncorrected.total.chip"
+ __ECC_ERRORS_UNCORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP0_KEY__ = "ecc.errors.uncorrected.total.chip0"
+ __ECC_ERRORS_UNCORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP1_KEY__ = "ecc.errors.uncorrected.total.chip1"
+ __ECC_ERRORS_UNCORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP2_KEY__ = "ecc.errors.uncorrected.total.chip2"
+type BoardBaseInfo struct {
+ TimeStamp string `json:"timestamp"`
+ BoardIndex string `json:"board_index"`
+ ProductName string `json:"name"`
+ ProductBrand string `json:"product_brand"`
+ ProductNumber string `json:"product_number"`
+ DriverVersion string `json:"driver_version"`
+ FirmwareVersion string `json:"firmware_version"`
+ SerialNumber string `json:"serial_number"`
+ UuidList []string `json:"uuid_list"`
+ ChipCount string `json:"chip_count"`
+ ChipIdList []string `json:"chip_id_list"`
+ ChipIndexList []string `json:"chip_index_list"`
+ ApuTotal string `json:"utilization.apu.total"`
+ ApuUtilList []string `json:"utilization.apu.chips"`
+ CpuTotal string `json:"utilization.cpu.total"`
+ CpuUtilList []string `json:"utilization.cpu.chips"`
+ VicTotal string `json:"utilization.vic.total"`
+ VicUtilList []string `json:"utilization.vic.chips"`
+ MemoryTotal string `json:"utilization.memory.total"`
+ MemoryUtilList []string `json:"utilization.memory.chips"`
+ IpeTotal string `json:"utilization.ipeFps.total"`
+ IpeUtilList []string `json:"utilization.ipeFps.chips"`
+ TempUtilList []string `json:"temperature.current.chips"`
+ FanSpeed string `json:"fan.speed"`
+ ChipVoltageList []string `json:"voltage.current.chips"`
+ VoltageInput string `json:"voltage.board.input"`
+ PowerDraw string `json:"power.draw"`
+ PowerLimit string `json:"power.limit"`
+ EccModeList []string `json:"ecc.mode.current.chips"`
+ DdrEccCorrectedTotal string `json:"ecc.errors.corrected.total"`
+ DdrEccUnCorrectedTotal string `json:"ecc.errors.uncorrected.total"`
+ DdrEccErrCorrectedChipCount []string `json:"ecc.errors.corrected.total.chips"`
+ DdrEccErrUnCorrectedChipCount []string `json:"ecc.errors.uncorrected.total.chips"`
+ PciInfoList []BoardPciDeviceInfo `json:"pci.chips"`
+ ClocksInfo BoardClocksInfo `json:"clocks"`
+type BoardClocksInfo struct {
+ ApuClocksList []string `json:"clocks.current.apu.chips"`
+ CpuClocksList []string `json:"clocks.current.cpu.chips"`
+ MemoryClocksList []string `json:"clocks.current.memory.chips"`
+ ApuClocksMaxList []string `json:"clocks.current.apu.max.chips"`
+ CpuClocksMaxList []string `json:"clocks.current.cpu.max.chips"`
+ MemoryClocksMaxList []string `json:"clocks.current.memory.max.chips"`
+type BoardPciDeviceInfo struct {
+ VendorId string `json:"pci.vendor_id"`
+ DeviceId string `json:"pci.device_id"`
+ SubVendorId string `json:"pci.sub_vendor_id"`
+ SubDeviceId string `json:"pci.sub_device_id"`
+ BusNum string `json:"pci.bus"`
+ Device string `json:"pci.device"`
+ Function string `json:"pci.function"`
+ MaxSpeed string `json:"pcie.link.speed.max"`
+ MaxWidth string `json:"pcie.link.gen.max"`
+ CurrentSpeed string `json:"pcie.link.speed.current"`
+ CurrentWidth string `json:"pcie.link.gen.current"`
+ NumaNodeId string `json:"pci.numa.node_id"`
+ NumaCPUList string `json:"pci.numa.cpu"`
+func (pdi *BoardPciDeviceInfo) Set(vendorId string, deviceId string, subVendorId string,
+ subDeviceId string, busNum string, device string, function string, maxSpeed string,
+ maxWidth string, currentSpeed string, currentWidth string, numaNodeId string, numCPUList string) {
+ pdi.VendorId = vendorId
+ pdi.DeviceId = deviceId
+ pdi.SubVendorId = subVendorId
+ pdi.SubDeviceId = subDeviceId
+ pdi.BusNum = busNum
+ pdi.Device = device
+ pdi.Function = function
+ pdi.MaxSpeed = maxSpeed
+ pdi.MaxWidth = maxWidth
+ pdi.CurrentSpeed = currentSpeed
+ pdi.CurrentWidth = currentWidth
+ pdi.NumaNodeId = numaNodeId
+ pdi.NumaCPUList = numCPUList
+const (
+ DefaultPciDevicesInfoPath = "/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:" // /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:e5:00.0
+ NumaNode = "numa_node"
+ NumaNodeCPUList = "local_cpulist"
+ CurrentLinkSpeed = "current_link_speed"
+ CurrentLinkWidth = "current_link_width"
+ MaxLinkWidth = "max_link_width"
+ MaxLinkSpeed = "max_link_speed"
+ DeviceID = "device"
+ VendorID = "vendor"
+ SubSystemDevice = "subsystem_device"
+ SubSystemVendor = "subsystem_vendor"
+const (
+ __BOARD_STR__ = "Board:"
+ __PRODUCT_NAME_STR__ = "Product Name"
+ __PRODUCT_BRAND_STR__ = "Product Brand"
+ __PRODUCT_NUMBER_STR__ = "Product Number"
+ __DRIVER_STR__ = "Driver Version"
+ __FIRMWARE_VERSION_STR__ = "Firmware Version"
+ __SERIAL_NUMBER_STR__ = "Serial Number"
+ __CHIP_COUNT_STR__ = "Chip Count"
+ __CHIP_INDEX_STR__ = "Chip Index"
+ __CHIP_ID_STR__ = "Chip ID"
+ __ECID_STR__ = "ECID"
+ __UUID_STR__ = "UUID"
+ __UTILIZATION_STR__ = "Utilization"
+ __APU_STR__ = "APU"
+ __TOTAL_STR__ = "Total"
+ __CPU_STR__ = "CPU"
+ __VIC_STR__ = "VIC"
+ __MEMORY_STR__ = "Memory"
+ __IPE_STR__ = "IPE"
+ __PCIE_STR__ = "PCIE"
+ __PCI_STR__ = "PCI"
+ __VENDOR_ID_STR__ = "Vendor ID"
+ __DEVICE_ID_STR__ = "Device ID"
+ __SUB_DEVICE_ID_STR__ = "Sub Device ID"
+ __SUB_Vendor_ID_STR__ = "Sub Vendor ID"
+ __PCIE_GEN_STR__ = "PCIe Generation"
+ __GENERATION_STR__ = "Generation"
+ __MAX_STR__ = "Max"
+ __CURRENT__ = "Current"
+ __BUS_NUM__ = "Bus num"
+ __DEVICE__ = "Device"
+ __FUNCTION__ = "Function"
+ __PHYSICAL_SLOT__ = "Physical Slot"
+ __NUMA_NODE_ID__ = "NUMA node id"
+ __FAN_STR__ = "Fan"
+ __TEMPERATURE_STR__ = "Temperature"
+ __BIU_CURRENT_TEMP_STR__ = "BIU Current Temp"
+ __BIU_SLOWDOWN_TEMP_STR__ = "BIU Slowdown Temp"
+ __BIU_SHUTDOWN_TEMP_STR__ = "BIU Shutdown Temp"
+ __VOLTAGE_STR__ = "Voltage"
+ __CHIP_VOLTAGE__STR__ = "Chip Voltage"
+ __BOARD_VOLTAGE_STR__ = "Board Voltage"
+ __CLOCKS_STR__ = "Clocks"
+ __INPUT_STR__ = "Input"
+ __PCIE_SWITCH__ = "PCIe Switch"
+ __APU_CLOCK_STR__ = "APU Clock"
+ __APU_MAX_CLOCK_STR__ = "APU Max Clock"
+ __CPU_CLOCK_STR__ = "CPU Clock"
+ __CPU_MAX_CLOCK_STR__ = "CPU Max Clock"
+ __MEMORY_CLOCK_STR__ = "Memory Clock"
+ __MEMORY_MAX_CLOCK_STR__ = "Memory Max Clock"
+ __POWER_STR__ = "Power"
+ __POWER_DRAW_STR__ = "Power Draw"
+ __POWER_LIMIT_STR__ = "Power Limit"
+ __ECC_MODE_STR__ = "ECC Mode"
+ __CORRECTED_ERR_STR__ = "Corrected Err"
+ __UNCORRECTED_ERR_STR__ = "Uncorrected Err"
+ __CHIP0_STR__ = "Chip0"
+ __CHIP1_STR__ = "Chip1"
+ __CHIP2_STR__ = "Chip2"
+ __CHIP0_COLON_STR__ = "Chip0"
+ __CHIP1_COLON_STR__ = "Chip1"
+ __CHIP2_COLON_STR__ = "Chip2"
+ __CHIP_STR__ = "Chip"
+const (
+ __SN_STR__ = "SN"
+ __START_STR__ = "***"
+ __SUB_STR__ = "Sub"
+ __NA_STR__ = "NA"
+ __N_A_STR__ = "N/A"
+ __UNKNOWN_STR__ = "unknown"
+var (
+ VersionCmdParam []string = []string{"-l", "|", "grep", "-i"}
+ LynChipDeviceIDAndVendorIDCmdParam []string = strings.Split("-d 1e9f:27c5", __SPCAE_SEP__)
+ LynSmiDetailInfoCmdParam string = "-q"
+ LynSmiCardIdCmdParam string = "-i"
+ LynSmiChipIdCmdParam string = "-c"
+ LynSmiVersionCmdParam string = "-v"
+func toQFieldSlice(ss []string) []qField {
+ r := make([]qField, len(ss))
+ for i, s := range ss {
+ r[i] = qField(s)
+ }
+ return r
+func getKeys(m map[qField]rField) []qField {
+ r := make([]qField, len(m))
+ i := 0
+ for key := range m {
+ r[i] = key
+ i++
+ }
+ return r
+func parserVersionStr(v string) string {
+ re := regexp.MustCompile(`^ii*\s+\w+\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+?)\s+\w*`)
+ match := re.FindStringSubmatch(v)
+ return VersionShortStr + string(match[1])
+func isStrBlank(str string) bool {
+ return str == __SPCAE_SEP__
+func removeDebugInfo(line *string, r *bufio.Reader, err error) {
+ for err == nil {
+ if strings.Contains(*line, "ERROR") || strings.Contains(*line, "lynSmi.cpp") || strings.Contains(*line, __SN_STR__) || strings.Contains(*line, __START_STR__) {
+ log.Debugln(*line)
+ *line, err = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ *line, err = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ }
+func getVersion(v Version) string {
+ switch v {
+ case SDK:
+ var SDKVersion string
+ fn := func(info string) {
+ SDKVersion = info
+ }
+ RunShellCmdGetVersionInfo(fn, DefaultFindLynDriverCommand, append(VersionCmdParam, LynSdkStr)...)
+ return SDKVersion
+ case Driver:
+ var DriverVersion string
+ fn := func(info string) {
+ if strings.Contains(info, LynDriverStr) {
+ DriverVersion = info
+ }
+ }
+ RunShellCmdGetVersionInfo(fn, DefaultFindLynDriverCommand, append(VersionCmdParam, LynDriverStr)...)
+ DriverVersion = parserVersionStr(DriverVersion)
+ return DriverVersion
+ case SMI:
+ var smiVersion string
+ fn := func(info string) {
+ smiVersion = strings.Split(info, __COLON_SEP__)[1]
+ }
+ RunShellCmdGetVersionInfo(fn, DefaultLynSmiCommand, LynSmiVersionCmdParam)
+ return VersionShortStr + strings.Replace(strings.TrimSpace(smiVersion), string(__LINE_FEED_SEP__), "", -1)
+ }
+ return __UNKNOWN_STR__
+func replaceNAInfo(line string) string {
+ if strings.Contains(line, __NA_STR__) {
+ return strings.Replace(line, __NA_STR__, __N_A_STR__, -1)
+ } else {
+ return line
+ }
+func replaceDriverVersionInfo(line string) string {
+ if strings.Contains(line, __DRIVER_STR__) {
+ driverInfoSlice := strings.Split(line, __SPCAE_SEP__)
+ driverInfoSlice[len(driverInfoSlice)-1] = getVersion(Driver) + "\n"
+ return strings.Join(driverInfoSlice, __SPCAE_SEP__)
+ } else {
+ return line
+ }
+func replaceProductNameToSmiVersionName(line string) string {
+ if strings.Contains(line, __PRODUCT_NAME_STR__) {
+ line = strings.Replace(line, __PRODUCT_NAME_STR__, __APU_SMI_STR__, -1)
+ strSlice := strings.Split(line, __SPCAE_SEP__)
+ return strings.Replace(line, string(strSlice[1]), getVersion(SMI), -1)
+ } else {
+ return line
+ }
+func replaceECIDInfoToChipIndex(line string, chipCount int, r *bufio.Reader, chipIndex int) string {
+ if strings.Contains(line, __ECID_STR__) {
+ line = strings.Replace(line, __ECID_STR__, __CHIP_INDEX_STR__, -1)
+ fmt.Print(line)
+ for i := 0; i < chipCount; i++ {
+ line, _ = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ uuidInfoSlice := strings.Split(line, __SPCAE_SEP__)
+ uuidInfoSlice[len(uuidInfoSlice)-1] = strconv.Itoa(chipIndex) + "\n"
+ line = strings.Join(uuidInfoSlice, __SPCAE_SEP__)
+ chipIndex++
+ fmt.Print(line)
+ }
+ line, _ = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ return line
+ } else {
+ return line
+ }
+func replacePciInfo(line string, deviceInfo string) string {
+ str_slice := strings.Split(line, __SPCAE_SEP__)
+ str_slice[len(str_slice)-1] = deviceInfo
+ return strings.Join(str_slice, __SPCAE_SEP__)
+func updatePciInfo(line string, pciChipIndex int, chipIndex int, pciInfoStrList []string) string {
+ switch {
+ case strings.Contains(line, __PCIE_STR__) && !strings.Contains(line, __GENERATION_STR__):
+ return strings.Replace(line, __PCIE_STR__, __PCI_STR__, -1)
+ case strings.Contains(line, __VENDOR_ID_STR__) && !strings.Contains(line, __SUB_STR__):
+ vendorId, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, VendorId)
+ return replacePciInfo(line, vendorId)
+ case strings.Contains(line, __DEVICE_ID_STR__) && !strings.Contains(line, __SUB_STR__):
+ deviceId, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, DeviceId)
+ return replacePciInfo(line, deviceId)
+ case strings.Contains(line, __SUB_Vendor_ID_STR__) && strings.Contains(line, __SUB_STR__):
+ subVendorId, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, SubVendorId)
+ return replacePciInfo(line, subVendorId)
+ case strings.Contains(line, __SUB_DEVICE_ID_STR__) && strings.Contains(line, __SUB_STR__):
+ subDeviceId, pciDeviceInfo := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, SubDeviceId)
+ maxSpeed, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, MaxSpeed)
+ currentSpeed, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, CurrentSpeed)
+ numaNodeId, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, NumaNodeId)
+ numaCpuList, _ := getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList, NumaCPUList)
+ pciInfoSlice := strings.Split(pciDeviceInfo, __COLON_SEP__)
+ devAndFunc := strings.Split(pciInfoSlice[1], __DOT_SEP__)
+ str_slice := strings.Split(line, __SPCAE_SEP__)[0:8]
+ space := strings.Join(str_slice, __SPCAE_SEP__)
+ pciInfo := space + " Bus Num:" + space + space + pciInfoSlice[0] + "\n" + space + " Device: " + space + space + devAndFunc[0] + "\n" + space + " Function: " + space + devAndFunc[1] + "\n"
+ pcieInfo := space + " Max Speed: " + space + maxSpeed + space + " Current Speed: " + space + currentSpeed + space + " NumaNodeId: " + space + numaNodeId + space + " NumaCpuList: " + space + numaCpuList
+ return replacePciInfo(line, subDeviceId) + pciInfo + pcieInfo
+ }
+ return line
+func queryPciDeviceInfoByDeviceID(devicePciInfo string, info PciInfo) string {
+ const sep = "/"
+ switch info {
+ case VendorId:
+ return ReadPciInfoStr(DefaultPciDevicesInfoPath + devicePciInfo + sep + VendorID)
+ case DeviceId:
+ return ReadPciInfoStr(DefaultPciDevicesInfoPath + devicePciInfo + sep + DeviceID)
+ case SubVendorId:
+ return ReadPciInfoStr(DefaultPciDevicesInfoPath + devicePciInfo + sep + SubSystemVendor)
+ case SubDeviceId:
+ return ReadPciInfoStr(DefaultPciDevicesInfoPath + devicePciInfo + sep + SubSystemDevice)
+ case BusNum:
+ return strings.Split(devicePciInfo, __COLON_SEP__)[0]
+ case Device:
+ pciInfoSlice := strings.Split(devicePciInfo, __COLON_SEP__)
+ return strings.Split(pciInfoSlice[1], __DOT_SEP__)[0]
+ case Function:
+ pciInfoSlice := strings.Split(devicePciInfo, __COLON_SEP__)
+ return strings.Split(pciInfoSlice[1], __DOT_SEP__)[1]
+ case MaxSpeed:
+ return ReadPciInfoStr(DefaultPciDevicesInfoPath + devicePciInfo + sep + MaxLinkSpeed)
+ case MaxWidth:
+ return ReadPciInfoStr(DefaultPciDevicesInfoPath + devicePciInfo + sep + MaxLinkWidth)
+ case CurrentSpeed:
+ return ReadPciInfoStr(DefaultPciDevicesInfoPath + devicePciInfo + sep + CurrentLinkSpeed)
+ case CurrentWidth:
+ return ReadPciInfoStr(DefaultPciDevicesInfoPath + devicePciInfo + sep + CurrentLinkWidth)
+ case NumaNodeId:
+ return ReadPciInfoStr(DefaultPciDevicesInfoPath + devicePciInfo + sep + NumaNode)
+ case NumaCPUList:
+ return ReadPciInfoStr(DefaultPciDevicesInfoPath + devicePciInfo + sep + NumaNodeCPUList)
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s get failed", devicePciInfo)
+func getBoardIndex(line string) (string, int) {
+ if strings.Contains(line, __BOARD_STR__) {
+ boardIndexSlice := strings.Split(line, __COLON_SEP__)
+ return strings.TrimSpace(boardIndexSlice[len(boardIndexSlice)-1]), 1
+ }
+ return line, -1
+func computeCurrentChipIndex(boardIndex int, chipCount int) int {
+ return (boardIndex+1)*chipCount - chipCount
+func getPciDeviceInfo(pciChipIndex int, chipIndex int, pciInfoStrList []string, info PciInfo) (string, string) {
+ switch pciChipIndex {
+ case 0:
+ PciDeviceInfo := pciInfoStrList[chipIndex]
+ return queryPciDeviceInfoByDeviceID(PciDeviceInfo, info), PciDeviceInfo
+ case 1:
+ PciDeviceInfo := pciInfoStrList[chipIndex+1]
+ return queryPciDeviceInfoByDeviceID(PciDeviceInfo, info), PciDeviceInfo
+ case 2:
+ PciDeviceInfo := pciInfoStrList[chipIndex+2]
+ return queryPciDeviceInfoByDeviceID(PciDeviceInfo, info), PciDeviceInfo
+ default:
+ PciDeviceInfo := pciInfoStrList[:]
+ log.Debugln(PciDeviceInfo)
+ return "get info failed", "get info failed"
+ }
+func removeLineBreak(info string) string {
+ return strings.Replace(info, __LINE_FEED_STR__, "", -1)
+func computePciChipIndex(line string, currentBoardIndex *int, boardIndex *int, pciChipIndex *int) {
+ if strings.Contains(line, __VENDOR_ID_STR__) && !strings.Contains(line, __SUB_STR__) {
+ if *currentBoardIndex == *boardIndex {
+ *pciChipIndex++
+ } else {
+ *currentBoardIndex = *boardIndex
+ *pciChipIndex = 0
+ }
+ }
+func getClocksVal(r *bufio.Reader, infoList []string, index int) {
+ line, _ := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ infoList[index] = strings.Split(getBoardInfoVal(line), __SPCAE_SEP__)[0]
+func getBoardUtilTotalVal(utilStr string) string {
+ indexVal := 1
+ if strings.Contains(utilStr, __PER_SEP__) {
+ indexVal = 2
+ }
+ utilStrSlice := strings.Split(utilStr, __SPCAE_SEP__)
+ return strings.TrimSpace(utilStrSlice[len(utilStrSlice)-indexVal])
+func getBoardUtilInfo(line string, chipCount string, r *bufio.Reader) []string {
+ count, _ := strconv.Atoi(chipCount)
+ var utilStrList []string
+ for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
+ line, _ = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ boardUtilInfo := getBoardUtilTotalVal(line)
+ utilStrList = append(utilStrList, boardUtilInfo)
+ }
+ return utilStrList
+func getChipIndexByChipCountAndBoardIndex(chipStartIndex int, chipCount string) []string {
+ count, _ := strconv.Atoi(chipCount)
+ var chipIndexList []string
+ for i := chipStartIndex; i < chipStartIndex+count; i++ {
+ chipIndex := strconv.Itoa(i)
+ chipIndexList = append(chipIndexList, chipIndex)
+ }
+ return chipIndexList
+func getChipCount(r *bufio.Reader, line *string, fn func(line *string)) int {
+ var chipIdList []string
+ fn(line)
+ for {
+ *line, _ = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ if strings.Contains(*line, __CHIP_STR__) {
+ fn(line)
+ chipIdList = append(chipIdList, getBoardInfoVal(*line))
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return len(chipIdList)
+func getChipCountByChipId(r *bufio.Reader, line *string) int {
+ fn := func(line *string) {
+ }
+ return getChipCount(r, line, fn)
+func getChipCountByChipIdAndPrint(r *bufio.Reader, line *string) int {
+ fn := func(line *string) {
+ fmt.Print(*line)
+ }
+ return getChipCount(r, line, fn)
+func getChipIdListByChipCount(r *bufio.Reader, line *string) ([]string, string) {
+ var chipIdList []string
+ for {
+ *line, _ = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ if strings.Contains(*line, __CHIP_STR__) {
+ chipIdList = append(chipIdList, getBoardInfoVal(*line))
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ _chipCount := strconv.Itoa(len(chipIdList))
+ return chipIdList, _chipCount
+func getBoardInfoVal(infoStr string) string {
+ var (
+ infoStrSlice []string
+ val string
+ )
+ if strings.Contains(infoStr, __COLON_SEP__) {
+ infoStrSlice = strings.Split(infoStr, __COLON_SEP__)
+ val = strings.TrimSpace(infoStrSlice[len(infoStrSlice)-1])
+ } else {
+ infoStrSlice = strings.Split(infoStr, __SPCAE_SEP__)
+ _index := len(infoStrSlice) - 2
+ if strings.Contains(infoStr, __UNCORRECTED_ERR_STR__) && !strings.Contains(infoStr, __COLON_SEP__) {
+ _index = len(infoStrSlice) - 1
+ }
+ val = strings.TrimSpace(infoStrSlice[_index])
+ }
+ if strings.Contains(val, __V_SEP__) || strings.Contains(val, __C_SEP__) || strings.Contains(val, __W_SEP__) {
+ return strings.Split(val, __SPCAE_SEP__)[0]
+ }
+ return val
+func removeDuplicateQFields(qFields []qField) []qField {
+ m := make(map[qField]struct{})
+ var r []qField
+ for _, f := range qFields {
+ _, exists := m[f]
+ if !exists {
+ r = append(r, f)
+ m[f] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ }
+ return r
+func getBoardSN(line string) (string, int) {
+ if strings.Contains(line, __SERIAL_NUMBER_STR__) {
+ boardSnSlice := strings.Split(line, __COLON_SEP__)
+ return strings.TrimSpace(boardSnSlice[len(boardSnSlice)-1]), 1
+ }
+ return line, -1
+func getBoardPN(line string) (string, int) {
+ if strings.Contains(line, __PRODUCT_NAME_STR__) {
+ boardSnSlice := strings.Split(line, __COLON_SEP__)
+ return strings.TrimSpace(boardSnSlice[len(boardSnSlice)-1]), 1
+ }
+ return line, -1
+func removeAndReplaceBaseInfo(line string) string {
+ line = replaceNAInfo(line)
+ line = replaceDriverVersionInfo(line)
+ return line
+func printAPUsInfoTitle(q []qField) {
+ for i, v := range q {
+ if len(q)-1 != i {
+ fmt.Print(v + __COMMA_SEP__ + __SPCAE_SEP__)
+ } else {
+ fmt.Println(v)
+ }
+ }
+func verifyAndCheckQueryFields(qFieldsRaw string) ([]qField, error) {
+ qFieldsSeparated := strings.Split(qFieldsRaw, __COMMA_SEP__)
+ qFields := toQFieldSlice(qFieldsSeparated)
+ qFields = removeDuplicateQFields(qFields)
+ fieldMap := fallbackQFieldToRFieldMap
+ for _, f := range qFields {
+ _, exists := fieldMap[f]
+ if !exists {
+ fmt.Printf("Field %s is not a valid field to query.\n", strconv.Quote(string(f)))
+ return qFields, errors.New(string("field " + f + " verify Failed"))
+ }
+ }
+ return qFields, nil
+func getAPUInfoByBoardMapInfo(mapData map[string]string, q qField) rField {
+ return rField(mapData[string(q)])
+func flatMapDataToFlatDataStringMapData(flatMapData map[string]interface{}) map[string]string {
+ m := make(map[string]string, len(flatMapData))
+ for k, v := range flatMapData {
+ switch v.(type) {
+ case string:
+ m[k] = v.(string)
+ }
+ }
+ return m
+func getLynSmiDetailInfo(r *bufio.Reader, cmd *exec.Cmd) {
+ var chipCount int = 0
+ var boardIndex int = 0
+ var pciChipIndex int = -1
+ var currentBoardIndex int = 0
+ ch := make(chan []string)
+ line, err := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ go QueryLynPciInfo(ch)
+ pciInfoStrList := <-ch
+ removeDebugInfo(&line, r, err)
+ for {
+ if err != nil || io.EOF == err {
+ break
+ }
+ line = removeAndReplaceBaseInfo(line)
+ boardIndexStr, errCode := getBoardIndex(line)
+ if errCode != -1 {
+ boardIndex, _ = strconv.Atoi(boardIndexStr)
+ }
+ if !isStrBlank(line) {
+ line = replaceDriverVersionInfo(line)
+ if strings.Contains(line, __CHIP_ID_STR__) {
+ chipCount = getChipCountByChipIdAndPrint(r, &line)
+ }
+ chipIndex := computeCurrentChipIndex(boardIndex, chipCount)
+ line = replaceECIDInfoToChipIndex(line, chipCount, r, chipIndex)
+ computePciChipIndex(line, ¤tBoardIndex, &boardIndex, &pciChipIndex)
+ line = updatePciInfo(line, pciChipIndex, chipIndex, pciInfoStrList)
+ fmt.Print(line)
+ }
+ line, err = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ }
+ err = cmd.Wait()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Debugln(err)
+ }
+func apusInfoToFlatMap(mapData map[string]interface{}) map[string]string {
+ chip_count, _ := strconv.Atoi(mapData[__CHIP_COUNT_KEY__].(string))
+ uuid_list := getMapDataSliceValByKeyName(__UUID_LIST_KEY__, mapData)
+ chip_id_list := getMapDataSliceValByKeyName(__CHIP_ID_LIST_KEY__, mapData)
+ chip_index_list := getMapDataSliceValByKeyName(__CHIP_INDEX_LIST_KEY__, mapData)
+ util_apu_chips := getMapDataSliceValByKeyName(__UTILIZATION_APU_CHIPS_KEY__, mapData)
+ util_cpu_chips := getMapDataSliceValByKeyName(__UTILIZATION_CPU_CHIPS_KEY__, mapData)
+ util_memory_chips := getMapDataSliceValByKeyName(__UTILIZATION_MEMORY_CHIPS_KEY__, mapData)
+ util_vic_chips := getMapDataSliceValByKeyName(__UTILIZATION_VIC_CHIPS_KEY__, mapData)
+ util_ipe_chips := getMapDataSliceValByKeyName(__UTILIZATION_IPE_FPS_CHIPS_KEY__, mapData)
+ temp_current_chips := getMapDataSliceValByKeyName(__TEMPERATURE_CURRENT_CHIPS_KEY__, mapData)
+ voltage_current_chips := getMapDataSliceValByKeyName(__VOLTAGE_CURRENT_CHIPS_KEY__, mapData)
+ ecc_mode_current_chips := getMapDataSliceValByKeyName(__ECC_MODE_CURRENT_CHIPS_KEY__, mapData)
+ ecc_errors_corrected_chips := getMapDataSliceValByKeyName(__ECC_ERRORS_CORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIPS_KEY__, mapData)
+ ecc_errors_uncorrected_chips := getMapDataSliceValByKeyName(__ECC_ERRORS_UNCORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIPS_KEY__, mapData)
+ pci_chips := getMapDataSliceValByKeyName(__PCI_CHIPS__KEY__, mapData)
+ clocks := getMapDataMapValByKeyName(__CLOCKS_KEY__, mapData)
+ for i := 0; i < chip_count; i++ {
+ keyName := getMapDataKeyIndex(__UUID_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = uuid_list[i]
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__CHIP_ID_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = chip_id_list[i]
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__CHIP_INDEX_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = chip_index_list[i]
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__UTILIZATION_APU_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = util_apu_chips[i]
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__UTILIZATION_CPU_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = util_cpu_chips[i]
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__UTILIZATION_MEMORY_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = util_memory_chips[i]
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__UTILIZATION_VIC_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = util_vic_chips[i]
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__UTILIZATION_IPE_FPS_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = util_ipe_chips[i]
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__TEMPERATURE_CURRENT_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = temp_current_chips[i]
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__VOLTAGE_CURRENT_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = voltage_current_chips[i]
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__ECC_MODE_CURRENT_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = ecc_mode_current_chips[i]
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__ECC_ERRORS_CORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = ecc_errors_corrected_chips[i]
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__ECC_ERRORS_UNCORRECTED_TOTAL_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = ecc_errors_uncorrected_chips[i]
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__PCI_VENDOR_ID_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataDeepMapValByKeyName(__PCI_VENDOR_ID_KEY__, i, pci_chips)
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__PCI_DEVICE_ID_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataDeepMapValByKeyName(__PCI_DEVICE_ID_CHIP_KEY__, i, pci_chips)
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__PCI_SUB_VENDOR_ID_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataDeepMapValByKeyName(__PCI_SUB_VENDOR_ID_CHIP_KEY__, i, pci_chips)
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__PCI_SUB_DEVICE_ID_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataDeepMapValByKeyName(__PCI_SUB_DEVICE_ID_CHIP_KEY__, i, pci_chips)
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__PCI_BUS_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataDeepMapValByKeyName(__PCI_BUS_KEY__, i, pci_chips)
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__PCI_DEVICE_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataDeepMapValByKeyName(__PCI_DEVICE_ID_KEY__, i, pci_chips)
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__PCI_SUB_FUNCTION_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataDeepMapValByKeyName(__PCI_SUB_FUNCTION_KEY__, i, pci_chips)
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__PCIE_LINK_SPEED_CURRENT_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataDeepMapValByKeyName(__PCIE_LINK_SPEED_CURRENT_KEY__, i, pci_chips)
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__PCIE_LINK_GEN_CURRENT_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataDeepMapValByKeyName(__PCIE_LINK_GEN_CURRENT_KEY__, i, pci_chips)
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__PCIE_LINK_SPEED_MAX_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataDeepMapValByKeyName(__PCIE_LINK_SPEED_MAX_KEY__, i, pci_chips)
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__PCIE_LINK_GEN_MAX_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataDeepMapValByKeyName(__PCIE_LINK_GEN_MAX_KEY__, i, pci_chips)
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__PCI_NUMA_NODE_ID_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataDeepMapValByKeyName(__PCI_NUMA_NODE_ID_KEY__, i, pci_chips)
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__PCI_NUMA_CPU_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataDeepMapValByKeyName(__PCI_NUMA_CPU_KEY__, i, pci_chips)
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__CLOCKS_CURRENT_APU_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataMapSliceValByKeyName(__CLOCKS_CURRENT_APU_CHIPS_KEY__, i, clocks)
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__CLOCKS_CURRENT_CPU_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataMapSliceValByKeyName(__CLOCKS_CURRENT_CPU_CHIPS_KEY__, i, clocks)
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__CLOCKS_CURRENT_MEMORY_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataMapSliceValByKeyName(__CLOCKS_CURRENT_MEMORY_CHIPS_KEY__, i, clocks)
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__CLOCKS_MAX_APU_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataMapSliceValByKeyName(__CLOCKS_MAX_APU_CHIPS_KEY__, i, clocks)
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__CLOCKS_MAX_CPU_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataMapSliceValByKeyName(__CLOCKS_MAX_CPU_CHIPS_KEY__, i, clocks)
+ keyName = getMapDataKeyIndex(__CLOCKS_MAX_MEMORY_CHIP_KEY__, i)
+ mapData[keyName] = getMapDataMapSliceValByKeyName(__CLOCKS_MAX_MEMORY_CHIPS_KEY__, i, clocks)
+ }
+ delete(mapData, __UUID_LIST_KEY__)
+ delete(mapData, __CHIP_ID_LIST_KEY__)
+ delete(mapData, __CHIP_INDEX_LIST_KEY__)
+ delete(mapData, __UTILIZATION_APU_CHIPS_KEY__)
+ delete(mapData, __UTILIZATION_CPU_CHIPS_KEY__)
+ delete(mapData, __UTILIZATION_VIC_CHIPS_KEY__)
+ delete(mapData, __UTILIZATION_IPE_FPS_CHIPS_KEY__)
+ delete(mapData, __VOLTAGE_CURRENT_CHIPS_KEY__)
+ delete(mapData, __ECC_MODE_CURRENT_CHIPS_KEY__)
+ delete(mapData, __PCI_CHIPS__KEY__)
+ delete(mapData, __CLOCKS_KEY__)
+ log.Debug("mapData", mapData)
+ return flatMapDataToFlatDataStringMapData(mapData)
+func getMapDataKeyIndex(keyName string, index int) string {
+ return keyName + strconv.Itoa(index)
+func getMapDataSliceValByKeyName(keyName string, mapData map[string]interface{}) []interface{} {
+ return mapData[keyName].([]interface{})
+func getMapDataMapValByKeyName(keyName string, mapData map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
+ return mapData[keyName].(map[string]interface{})
+func getMapDataDeepMapValByKeyName(keyName string, index int, sliceData []interface{}) interface{} {
+ return sliceData[index].(map[string]interface{})[keyName]
+func getMapDataMapSliceValByKeyName(keyName string, index int, mapData map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
+ return mapData[keyName].([]interface{})[index]
diff --git a/internal/exporter/util.go b/internal/exporter/util.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05dd7f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/exporter/util.go
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+package exporter
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "fmt"
+ log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "os/exec"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+func RunShellCmdGetVersionInfo(fn func(string), command string, arg ...string) {
+ r, cmd := runFindVersionInfoCommand(command, arg...)
+ line, err := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ for err == nil {
+ if strings.Contains(line, "ERROR") || strings.Contains(line, "lynSmi.cpp") || strings.Contains(line, __SN_STR__) || strings.Contains(line, __START_STR__) {
+ line, err = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ line, err = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ }
+ for {
+ if err != nil || io.EOF == err {
+ break
+ }
+ fn(line)
+ line, err = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ }
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ return
+ }
+ err = cmd.Wait()
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+func RunShellCmdAndArgsAndReadString(fn func(string), command string, arg ...string) {
+ cmd := exec.Command(command, arg...)
+ stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
+ if err != nil {
+ _, err := fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error=>", err.Error())
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ err = cmd.Start()
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ reader := bufio.NewReader(stdout)
+ for {
+ line, err2 := reader.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ if err2 != nil || io.EOF == err2 {
+ break
+ }
+ fn(line)
+ }
+ err = cmd.Wait()
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+func RunLynSMICmdAndReadStrings(fn func(string)) {
+ r, cmd := runLynSMICommand()
+ line, err := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ removeDebugInfo(&line, r, err)
+ for {
+ if err != nil || io.EOF == err {
+ break
+ }
+ fn(line)
+ line, err = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ }
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ }
+ err = cmd.Wait()
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+func RunShellCmdAndReadStringByRef(command string, arg ...string) (*bufio.Reader, *exec.Cmd) {
+ cmd := exec.Command(command, arg...)
+ stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
+ if err != nil {
+ _, err := fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error=>", err.Error())
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, nil
+ }
+ }
+ err = cmd.Start()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, nil
+ }
+ r := bufio.NewReader(stdout)
+ return r, cmd
+func ReadLine(filename string) {
+ f, err := os.Open(filename)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ return
+ }
+ defer func(f *os.File) {
+ err := f.Close()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Infoln(err)
+ }
+ }(f)
+ r := bufio.NewReaderSize(f, 4*1024)
+ line, isPrefix, err := r.ReadLine()
+ for err == nil && !isPrefix {
+ s := string(line)
+ fmt.Println(s)
+ line, isPrefix, err = r.ReadLine()
+ }
+ if isPrefix {
+ log.Infoln("buffer size to small")
+ return
+ }
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ return
+ }
+func ReadString(filename string) {
+ f, err := os.Open(filename)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ return
+ }
+ defer func(f *os.File) {
+ err := f.Close()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Infoln(err)
+ }
+ }(f)
+ r := bufio.NewReader(f)
+ line, err := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ for err == nil {
+ fmt.Print(line)
+ line, err = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ }
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ return
+ }
+func ReadStringByFN(filename string, fn func(string)) {
+ f, err := os.Open(filename)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ return
+ }
+ defer func(f *os.File) {
+ err := f.Close()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Infoln(err)
+ }
+ }(f)
+ r := bufio.NewReader(f)
+ line, err := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ for err == nil {
+ fn(line)
+ line, err = r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ }
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ return
+ }
+func ReadPciInfoStr(filename string) string {
+ f, err := os.Open(filename)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ }
+ defer func(f *os.File) {
+ err := f.Close()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Infoln(err)
+ }
+ }(f)
+ r := bufio.NewReader(f)
+ line, err := r.ReadString(__LINE_FEED_SEP__)
+ return line
+func toJson(v interface{}) []byte {
+ data, err := json.Marshal(v)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Infof("to json failed, err:%v\n", err)
+ }
+ return data
+func jsonToMap(data []byte) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
+ m := make(map[string]interface{})
+ err := json.Unmarshal(data, &m)
+ return m, err
+func structToMap(v interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
+ json_str := toJson(v)
+ mapData, err := jsonToMap(json_str)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Infof("jsonToMap failed, err:%v\n", err)
+ }
+ return mapData
+func runLynSMICommandByBoardId(boardId *int) (*bufio.Reader, *exec.Cmd) {
+ return RunShellCmdAndReadStringByRef(DefaultLynSmiCommand, LynSmiDetailInfoCmdParam, LynSmiCardIdCmdParam, strconv.Itoa(*boardId))
+func runLynSMICommandByChipIDAndBoardId(boardId *int, chipId *int) (*bufio.Reader, *exec.Cmd) {
+ return RunShellCmdAndReadStringByRef(DefaultLynSmiCommand, LynSmiDetailInfoCmdParam, LynSmiCardIdCmdParam, strconv.Itoa(*boardId),
+ LynSmiChipIdCmdParam, strconv.Itoa(*chipId))
+func runLynSMICommand() (*bufio.Reader, *exec.Cmd) {
+ return RunShellCmdAndReadStringByRef(DefaultLynSmiCommand)
+func runLynSMIDetailCommand() (*bufio.Reader, *exec.Cmd) {
+ return RunShellCmdAndReadStringByRef(DefaultLynSmiCommand, LynSmiDetailInfoCmdParam)
+func runFindVersionInfoCommand(cmd string, arg ...string) (*bufio.Reader, *exec.Cmd) {
+ return RunShellCmdAndReadStringByRef(cmd, arg...)
diff --git a/internal/exporter/util_test.go b/internal/exporter/util_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02bde8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/exporter/util_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+package exporter
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "bytes"
+ _ "embed"
+ "fmt"
+ log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "os/exec"
+var (
+ queryTest string
+func RunShellCmd(command string, arg ...string) (string, error) {
+ cmd := exec.Command(command, arg...)
+ var stdout bytes.Buffer
+ cmd.Stdout = &stdout
+ _, err := cmd.Stdout.Write([]byte(queryTest))
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ out := stdout.String()
+ return out, nil
+func RunShellCmdAndReadLines(fn func(string), command string, arg ...string) {
+ f, err := os.Open("/home/lynxi_smi_pro/cmd/lynxi-smi-pro/_" + command)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ r := bufio.NewReaderSize(f, 4*1024)
+ line, isPrefix, err := r.ReadLine()
+ for err == nil && !isPrefix {
+ s := string(line)
+ fn(s)
+ line, isPrefix, err = r.ReadLine()
+ }
+ if isPrefix {
+ log.Infoln("buffer size to small")
+ return
+ }
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ return
+ }
+func RunShellCmdAndReadStringsbyRef(command string, arg ...string) (*bufio.Reader, *os.File) {
+ f, err := os.Open("./lynxi-smi-pro/_" + command)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ r := bufio.NewReader(f)
+ return r, f
+func RunShellCmdAndArgsAndReadStrings(fn func(string), command string, arg ...string) {
+ f, err := os.Open("./lynxi-smi-pro/_" + command)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ defer f.Close()
+ r := bufio.NewReader(f)
+ line, err := r.ReadString('\n')
+ for err == nil {
+ fn(line)
+ line, err = r.ReadString('\n')
+ }
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ return
+ }